NY Times Reporter: Obama Administration Misled on al Qaeda

No shit. And the press was willing to play along, so that Obama could declare “victory” in Iraq — and make way for the rise of ISIS.

“The overall narrative that I think was being pushed to the press, and if you look back at the editorials that were done when that trove came out, was an image of bin Laden isolated, he had lost control of this group,” Rukmini Callimachi said during an event at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, referring to the 17 hand-picked documents released by the Obama administration in May of 2012.

Her remarks triggered the following question from Kim Dozier, a former top correspondent for the Associated Press and CBS, and current executive editor of the Cipher Brief: “Do you think that was something that was kept from the public’s view because it revealed that there had to be reams of communication going back and forth, which means U.S. intelligence, Western intelligence, was missing this?”

“Think back to when bin Laden was killed. It was 2011, it was right before a major campaign season. I don’t want to underplay the role that the killing of Osama bin Laden had,” said Callimachi. “But I think that that was theorized into something much bigger.”

New York Times Reporter: Obama Administration Misled on al Qaeda
Of course, Obama would not have had to deal with Iraq at all if Bush had not started a war there.

Democrats demanded a 2nd vote on authorizing war with Iraq so that more Dem's could vote FOR war, suck it.
LMAO Now the story is that the Democrats forced Bush to invade Iraq? Amazing, you folks are so amusing. Unbelievable

So you're saying that the majority of Democrats were originally against going to Iraq? Show me some proof.
No shit. And the press was willing to play along, so that Obama could declare “victory” in Iraq — and make way for the rise of ISIS.

“The overall narrative that I think was being pushed to the press, and if you look back at the editorials that were done when that trove came out, was an image of bin Laden isolated, he had lost control of this group,” Rukmini Callimachi said during an event at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, referring to the 17 hand-picked documents released by the Obama administration in May of 2012.

Her remarks triggered the following question from Kim Dozier, a former top correspondent for the Associated Press and CBS, and current executive editor of the Cipher Brief: “Do you think that was something that was kept from the public’s view because it revealed that there had to be reams of communication going back and forth, which means U.S. intelligence, Western intelligence, was missing this?”

“Think back to when bin Laden was killed. It was 2011, it was right before a major campaign season. I don’t want to underplay the role that the killing of Osama bin Laden had,” said Callimachi. “But I think that that was theorized into something much bigger.”

New York Times Reporter: Obama Administration Misled on al Qaeda
Of course, Obama would not have had to deal with Iraq at all if Bush had not started a war there.

Democrats demanded a 2nd vote on authorizing war with Iraq so that more Dem's could vote FOR war, suck it.
LMAO Now the story is that the Democrats forced Bush to invade Iraq? Amazing, you folks are so amusing. Unbelievable

Which one of those Dems quotes about Iraq having WMDs is your favorite?

Pelosi’s is pretty good.

Which one do you think is most compelling? I listed like 30 of them.
Of course, Obama would not have had to deal with Iraq at all if Bush had not started a war there.
Shame Hillary insisted al queda was in Iraq and we should invade. Left Bush little room to maneuver.
All that fake intel Cheney cooked up must have gotten to her
Yeah, not like Hillary had a husband who was the outgoing President who said when he left office Iraq had WMD's or something.
Yeah that’s why Bill invaded Iraq and kept sending soldiers to die for nothing when it was clear they were all dying for nothing. Oh wait, oops that was Dubya.

Do you realize just how sickening you really are? You actually think American troops serve their country "for nothing"? Do you actually think those soldiers who protect your sorry ass serve for "nothing"?

That really shows how little regard you have for the concepts of "Duty, Honor, and Country".
Our politicians sent our soldiers to die in Iraq for what turned out to be nothing. Then they continued to send them there to die for nothing to save face. Were you one of those people calling Americans traitors for wanting to bring the troops home? If it were up to you, they’d still be there dying for nothing.
Of course, Obama would not have had to deal with Iraq at all if Bush had not started a war there.
Shame Hillary insisted al queda was in Iraq and we should invade. Left Bush little room to maneuver.
All that fake intel Cheney cooked up must have gotten to her
Yeah, not like Hillary had a husband who was the outgoing President who said when he left office Iraq had WMD's or something.
Yeah that’s why Bill invaded Iraq and kept sending soldiers to die for nothing when it was clear they were all dying for nothing. Oh wait, oops that was Dubya.

Do you realize just how sickening you really are? You actually think American troops serve their country "for nothing"? Do you actually think those soldiers who protect your sorry ass serve for "nothing"?

That really shows how little regard you have for the concepts of "Duty, Honor, and Country".

You are off topic. Donald Trump, immigration, and the wall has nothing to do with al queda, GW, or Iraq.
No shit. And the press was willing to play along, so that Obama could declare “victory” in Iraq — and make way for the rise of ISIS.

“The overall narrative that I think was being pushed to the press, and if you look back at the editorials that were done when that trove came out, was an image of bin Laden isolated, he had lost control of this group,” Rukmini Callimachi said during an event at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, referring to the 17 hand-picked documents released by the Obama administration in May of 2012.

Her remarks triggered the following question from Kim Dozier, a former top correspondent for the Associated Press and CBS, and current executive editor of the Cipher Brief: “Do you think that was something that was kept from the public’s view because it revealed that there had to be reams of communication going back and forth, which means U.S. intelligence, Western intelligence, was missing this?”

“Think back to when bin Laden was killed. It was 2011, it was right before a major campaign season. I don’t want to underplay the role that the killing of Osama bin Laden had,” said Callimachi. “But I think that that was theorized into something much bigger.”

New York Times Reporter: Obama Administration Misled on al Qaeda
Of course, Obama would not have had to deal with Iraq at all if Bush had not started a war there.

Democrats demanded a 2nd vote on authorizing war with Iraq so that more Dem's could vote FOR war, suck it.
LMAO Now the story is that the Democrats forced Bush to invade Iraq? Amazing, you folks are so amusing. Unbelievable

Which one of those Dems quotes about Iraq having WMDs is your favorite?

Pelosi’s is pretty good.

Which one do you think is most compelling? I listed like 30 of them.

Out of the quotes, which one is your favorite? Specifically?
No shit. And the press was willing to play along, so that Obama could declare “victory” in Iraq — and make way for the rise of ISIS.

“The overall narrative that I think was being pushed to the press, and if you look back at the editorials that were done when that trove came out, was an image of bin Laden isolated, he had lost control of this group,” Rukmini Callimachi said during an event at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, referring to the 17 hand-picked documents released by the Obama administration in May of 2012.

Her remarks triggered the following question from Kim Dozier, a former top correspondent for the Associated Press and CBS, and current executive editor of the Cipher Brief: “Do you think that was something that was kept from the public’s view because it revealed that there had to be reams of communication going back and forth, which means U.S. intelligence, Western intelligence, was missing this?”

“Think back to when bin Laden was killed. It was 2011, it was right before a major campaign season. I don’t want to underplay the role that the killing of Osama bin Laden had,” said Callimachi. “But I think that that was theorized into something much bigger.”

New York Times Reporter: Obama Administration Misled on al Qaeda
Of course, Obama would not have had to deal with Iraq at all if Bush had not started a war there.

Democrats demanded a 2nd vote on authorizing war with Iraq so that more Dem's could vote FOR war, suck it.
LMAO Now the story is that the Democrats forced Bush to invade Iraq? Amazing, you folks are so amusing. Unbelievable

Which one of those Dems quotes about Iraq having WMDs is your favorite?

Pelosi’s is pretty good.

Which one do you think is most compelling? I listed like 30 of them.
Yeah, it was the Dems who forced Bush to invade Iraq. He didn't want to. He didn't want to.
Breaking News: Hillary tricked Dubya into starting Iraq war!!! :eek:



Esmeralda, comment on Hillary’s speech, specifically.

Go fuck yourself you idiot. We are not rewriting history to suit you. Invading Iraq was Bush's deal. Though Dems may have believed his reasoning, they were not the ones who made it happen. We know that, the whole world knows that, it's just you nut cases who want to blame absolutely everything imaginable on someone else. Because you are fools and idiots.
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No shit. And the press was willing to play along, so that Obama could declare “victory” in Iraq — and make way for the rise of ISIS.

“The overall narrative that I think was being pushed to the press, and if you look back at the editorials that were done when that trove came out, was an image of bin Laden isolated, he had lost control of this group,” Rukmini Callimachi said during an event at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, referring to the 17 hand-picked documents released by the Obama administration in May of 2012.

Her remarks triggered the following question from Kim Dozier, a former top correspondent for the Associated Press and CBS, and current executive editor of the Cipher Brief: “Do you think that was something that was kept from the public’s view because it revealed that there had to be reams of communication going back and forth, which means U.S. intelligence, Western intelligence, was missing this?”

“Think back to when bin Laden was killed. It was 2011, it was right before a major campaign season. I don’t want to underplay the role that the killing of Osama bin Laden had,” said Callimachi. “But I think that that was theorized into something much bigger.”

New York Times Reporter: Obama Administration Misled on al Qaeda
Of course, Obama would not have had to deal with Iraq at all if Bush had not started a war there.

Democrats demanded a 2nd vote on authorizing war with Iraq so that more Dem's could vote FOR war, suck it.
LMAO Now the story is that the Democrats forced Bush to invade Iraq? Amazing, you folks are so amusing. Unbelievable

Which one of those Dems quotes about Iraq having WMDs is your favorite?

Pelosi’s is pretty good.

Which one do you think is most compelling? I listed like 30 of them.
Yeah, it was the Dems who forced Bush to invade Iraq. He didn't want to. He didn't want to.

Which quote is the best one from Dems about Iraq?

Lots to choose from, I know. There are many Dem quotes about Iraq having WMDs.
No shit. And the press was willing to play along, so that Obama could declare “victory” in Iraq — and make way for the rise of ISIS.

“The overall narrative that I think was being pushed to the press, and if you look back at the editorials that were done when that trove came out, was an image of bin Laden isolated, he had lost control of this group,” Rukmini Callimachi said during an event at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, referring to the 17 hand-picked documents released by the Obama administration in May of 2012.

Her remarks triggered the following question from Kim Dozier, a former top correspondent for the Associated Press and CBS, and current executive editor of the Cipher Brief: “Do you think that was something that was kept from the public’s view because it revealed that there had to be reams of communication going back and forth, which means U.S. intelligence, Western intelligence, was missing this?”

“Think back to when bin Laden was killed. It was 2011, it was right before a major campaign season. I don’t want to underplay the role that the killing of Osama bin Laden had,” said Callimachi. “But I think that that was theorized into something much bigger.”

New York Times Reporter: Obama Administration Misled on al Qaeda
Of course, Obama would not have had to deal with Iraq at all if Bush had not started a war there.
Shame Hillary insisted al queda was in Iraq and we should invade. Left Bush little room to maneuver.
All that fake intel Cheney cooked up must have gotten to her
the fake intel her husband saw, before Cheney did?
Shame Hillary insisted al queda was in Iraq and we should invade. Left Bush little room to maneuver.
All that fake intel Cheney cooked up must have gotten to her
Yeah, not like Hillary had a husband who was the outgoing President who said when he left office Iraq had WMD's or something.
Yeah that’s why Bill invaded Iraq and kept sending soldiers to die for nothing when it was clear they were all dying for nothing. Oh wait, oops that was Dubya.

Do you realize just how sickening you really are? You actually think American troops serve their country "for nothing"? Do you actually think those soldiers who protect your sorry ass serve for "nothing"?

That really shows how little regard you have for the concepts of "Duty, Honor, and Country".
Our politicians sent our soldiers to die in Iraq for what turned out to be nothing. Then they continued to send them there to die for nothing to save face. Were you one of those people calling Americans traitors for wanting to bring the troops home? If it were up to you, they’d still be there dying for nothing.

First off, they're not "your" soldiers, since you don't support them and have nothing but disdain for the American military. Obama's dismal performance as a Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces more than proves how little you leftists care for the military.

Second, I think it disingenuous and ungrateful that you feel your fellow Americans lost their lives in battle "for nothing". Do you really care that little about those who are protecting you, that you feel their great sacrifice amounts to so little?
Breaking News: Hillary tricked Dubya into starting Iraq war!!! :eek:



Esmeralda, comment on Hillary’s speech, specifically.

Go fuck yourself you idiot. We are not rewriting history to suit you. Invading Iraq was Bush's deal. Though Dems may have believed his reasoning, they were not the ones who made it happen. We know that, the whole world knows that, it's just you nut cases who want to blame absolutely everything imaginable on someone else who don't know it. Because you are fools and idiots.

You are correct. The President is in charge and responsible.

Now Obama is responsible for the lives lost because we had to go back into combat to fight an enemy Obama let grow strong.
Es see that unless they are President, no one should listen to anyone in Washington.

Thanks Es....we will ignore all Democrats during the Trump administration, just like Bush should have ignored all Democrats that said Iraq has WMDs and must be stopped.

Here is my personal favorite.

"I come to this debate, Mr. Speaker, as one at the end of 10 years in office on the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, where stopping the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction was one of my top priorities. I applaud the President on focusing on this issue and on taking the lead to disarm Saddam Hussein. ... Others have talked about this threat that is posed by Saddam Hussein. Yes, he has chemical weapons, he has biological weapons, he is trying to get nuclear weapons."
-- Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D. CA) Oct. 10, 2002

I just love that quote from Pelosi.
Breaking News: Hillary tricked Dubya into starting Iraq war!!! :eek:



Esmeralda, comment on Hillary’s speech, specifically.

Go fuck yourself you idiot. We are not rewriting history to suit you. Invading Iraq was Bush's deal. Though Dems may have believed his reasoning, they were not the ones who made it happen. We know that, the whole world knows that, it's just you nut cases who want to blame absolutely everything imaginable on someone else who don't know it. Because you are fools and idiots.

You are correct. The President is in charge and responsible.

Now Obama is responsible for the lives lost because we had to go back into combat to fight an enemy Obama let grow strong.

Obama quit and took our team to the locker room after the 3rd quarter, the opposing team couldn't believe it.
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Breaking News: Hillary tricked Dubya into starting Iraq war!!! :eek:



Esmeralda, comment on Hillary’s speech, specifically.

Go fuck yourself you idiot. We are not rewriting history to suit you. Invading Iraq was Bush's deal. Though Dems may have believed his reasoning, they were not the ones who made it happen. We know that, the whole world knows that, it's just you nut cases who want to blame absolutely everything imaginable on someone else who don't know it. Because you are fools and idiots.

Dem's voted to authorize AND fund the war, repeatedly fund the war. Congress holds the purse strings for funding wars and Dem's voted to fund it over and over again. OH SNAP that's gonna leave a mark.

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