NY Times Hits New Low

red states rule

Senior Member
May 30, 2006
This is as low as the liberal media can get..............

Outrage! New York Times Posts Video and Pictures of Dying US Soldier!!

The New York Times publishes photos and posts video of a dying US soldier!

** Now, the suffering Texas family is outraged! They were not contacted by the Times before the report was published!

And... The Times reporters lost their embedded status after violating a signed agreement!

The video is still posted on the NYT website even after the family complained about this report on their son on Tuesday. (4:40 PM CST, Wednesday)

(I got through 5 minutes of the propaganda video before I had to turn it off and I have pretty high tolerance for media bias. Staff Sgt. Hector Leija is talking to the cameraman at the beginning of the clip. At the end of the clip he is down...
This was just over the top.)

Who needs a "Tokyo Rose" when you have the NYT, CNN, AP, CBS?

From: ‘Man Down’: When One Bullet Alters Everything

After Staff Sgt. Hector Leija was shot in the kitchen of a Baghdad apartment last Wednesday, Pfc. Aaron Barnum retrieved the sergeant’s helmet. (NYT)

The Houston Chronicle reported this horrible news this morning of the outraged family who just heard that The New York Times has photos and video of their dying soldier son posted on their website.

WASHINGTON — A photograph and videotape of a Texas soldier dying in Iraq published by the New York Times have triggered anger from his relatives and Army colleagues and revived a long-standing debate about which images of war are proper to show.

The journalists involved, Times reporter Damien Cave and Getty Images photographer Robert Nickelsberg, working for the Times, had their status as so-called embedded journalists suspended Tuesday by the Army corps in Baghdad, military officials said, because they violated a signed agreement not to publish photos or video of any wounded soldiers without official consent.

New York Times foreign editor Susan Chira said Tuesday night that the newspaper initially did not contact the family of Army Staff Sgt. Hector Leija about the images because of a specific request from the Army to avoid such a direct contact.

"The Times is extremely sensitive to the loss suffered by families when loved ones are killed in Iraq," Chira said. "We have tried to write about the inevitable loss with extreme compassion."

She said that after the newspaper account, with a photograph of the soldier, was published Monday, a Times reporter in Baghdad made indirect efforts to tell the family of the video release later that day. The video was still available for viewing on the Times' Web site Tuesday night, (It is still available, Wednesday 4:40 PM CST) when the newspaper notified clients of its photo service that the photograph at issue was no longer available and should be eliminated from any archives.

...Chief Warrant Officer 4 Robert Lobeck, serving as the Army's casualty assistance officer with Leija's family in Texas, said seeing the images of Leija on the Internet was very upsetting to the relatives.

"Oh God, they shouldn't have published a picture like that," Leija's cousin Tina Guerrero, who had not seen the images but was aghast about them anyway, told the Houston Chronicle on Tuesday in Raymondville. She said the images would be especially hurtful to the soldier's parents, Domingo and Manuela Leija, who have remained in the family's home on the edge of town. ''It's going to devastate them," Guerrero said. ''They're having enough pain dealing with the death of their son."
This was released last Friday in The Brownsville Herald:

Hector Leija, a 1997 graduate of Raymondville High School and an Army staff sergeant, was killed in Iraq over the weekend.

The 27-year-old was serving his second tour in Operation Iraqi Freedom. The Defense Department has not yet released details on his death.
But, the New York Times has!
Hat Tip Sean Hannity Show

Stryker Brigade News has a roundup on Staff Sgt. Hector Leija.
Rest in Peace.

More outrage... The Washington Post talks about our "mercenary force."
Dan Riehl says the "media has gone to war."
It's just too bad they're siding with the enemy.

I guess they would argue that they are portraying the awfullness of war - that one moment you can have a living breathing speaking human being and the next: death. Ofcourse we all know why they really do it- because outraged or not, everyone still seems to want to have a look.
and when I saw the title I thought it would be on this:


New York Times Reports 4Q Loss of $648M

Jan 31 9:26 AM US/Eastern NEW YORK (AP) -- The New York Times Co. posted a $648 million loss for the fourth quarter on Wednesday as it absorbed an $814.4 million charge to write down the value of its struggling New England properties, The Boston Globe and the Worcester Telegram & Gazette.

The company said the non-cash charge reflected declines in current and projected results at the newspapers, which have been hit hard by the consolidations of key advertisers in the New England area as well as greater competition from online media.

The company originally paid $1.1 billion for the Globe in 1993 and $296 million for the Worcester paper in 2000.

The Times reported a loss amounting to $4.50 a share for the October- December period. It earned $63.1 million, or 43 cents a share, a year ago.

Results at the Times' Boston-area properties have been slumping badly in the past year, amid a tough economic climate there and the consolidation of key advertisers including the retailers Macy's, part of Federated Department Stores Inc., and Retail Ventures Inc.'s Filene's.

Advertising revenues at the New England properties declined again in the fourth quarter, falling 6.1 percent in the period and 9 percent for all of 2006.
Funny, Kathianne, I think your post & the first one echo a certain cause & effect relationship, don't you?

This is why the fairness doctrine is going to be pushed very hard & very quietly by the left.
Funny, Kathianne, I think your post & the first one echo a certain cause & effect relationship, don't you?

This is why the fairness doctrine is going to be pushed very hard & very quietly by the left.

One would think the family would get it, but ah no.
The guy who said that the media has gone to war and are siding with the enemy hit it right on the head. When are a majority of the American people going to come to that same conclusion and realize that their security is in danger--not only from the terrorists but from within? Mata Hari could have taken lessons from the NYT.

They are good at protecting themselves by mouthing the empty words that they "support" the troops. Oh, yeah, indeed. :eusa_whistle:
I think if I was over there with a fire-team, I think I would be tempted to make some NYT reporters disappear. I mean who is doing more harm to our troops then the very news outlets who are reporting distorted views of the war against our troops. Lets face it, if the so called "Bush War" is successful in any way the Democrats loose their power. For the Democrats to win, our armed forces have to loose. Well in military contents that is not going to happen, but I am sure the left will think of something and say it was their plan or something to get the credit.
yes it is clearly the medias responsibility to censor reality from the masses only information that is pro war should be presented , i mean what next pictures of wounded ,soldiers dead dieing and wounded baby's .no one wants or needs to see that reality ,give them pictures of troops on patrol talking with children
or disarming i.e.d.s, gives us talking heads and situation rooms or the people will soon lose there will to spill the blood of there children
yes it is clearly the medias responsibility to censor reality from the masses only information that is pro war should be presented , i mean what next pictures of wounded ,soldiers dead dieing and wounded baby's .no one wants or needs to see that reality ,give them pictures of troops on patrol talking with children
or disarming i.e.d.s, gives us talking heads and situation rooms or the people will soon lose there will to spill the blood of there children

Meanwhile, the liberal media and anti war kooks were outraged over the hanging of Saddam

We all know what your priortites are
Meanwhile, the liberal media and anti war kooks were outraged over the hanging of Saddam

We all know what your priortites are

Oh ya that lib media was all over that must of been tens of thousand protesting in the streets of America over death of Saddam .they must of talked about it for at least several days. and those kooky anti war people
anyone in there right mind is pro-war no matter how false the Intel was or how unsuccessfully it is ,it should never be questioned and the reality of war should be censored ,but those dam libs are to blame because as we all know ever Republican fully supports war and media censorship .as ever lib secretly wants to be Muslim and have terrorist rule the world
Oh ya that lib media was all over that must of been tens of thousand protesting in the streets of America over death of Saddam .they must of talked about it for at least several days. and those kooky anti war people
anyone in there right mind is pro-war no matter how false the Intel was or how unsuccessfully it is ,it should never be questioned and the reality of war should be censored ,but those dam libs are to blame because as we all know ever Republican fully supports war and media censorship .as ever lib secretly wants to be Muslim and have terrorist rule the world

Look stupid, all the liberal media was screaming about was how poor Saddam was insulted, the gash around his neck, how could he be hanged during a Muslim holiday, and how the Iraq government could not do the hanging correctly

The libs and liberal media did not give a damn about the people murdered by Saddam, but they do care about bashing Pres Bush and trying to slant the news to their view of the war

Libs do not want failure in Iraq. They are to stupid (like you) to see past their hate for Pres Bush to see it would empower the terrorists even more. They see it only as a failure for Pres Bush and a chance to bash the US military
Look stupid, all the liberal media was screaming about was how poor Saddam was insulted, the gash around his neck, how could he be hanged during a Muslim holiday, and how the Iraq government could not do the hanging correctly

The libs and liberal media did not give a damn about the people murdered by Saddam, but they do care about bashing Pres Bush and trying to slant the news to their view of the war

Libs do not want failure in Iraq. They are to stupid (like you) to see past their hate for Pres Bush to see it would empower the terrorists even more. They see it only as a failure for Pres Bush and a chance to bash the US military

NO ,you look stupid the majority of troops are not Republican so your the one bashing the military and if you ever read pnac you will realize bush never wanted success in Iraq but civil war and to divide it into 3 States and build permeate bases to invade Syria and Iran from and check out what your NAFTA ,illegal immigrant loving border patrol hating lib in wolfs clothing leader had to say about Saddam's hanging . idiot

Dec. 29, 2006
Down on the war
Poll: More troops unhappy with Bush’s course in Iraq

By Robert Hodierne
Senior managing editor

The American military — once a staunch supporter of President Bush and the Iraq war — has grown in creasingly pessimistic about chances for victory.

For the first time, more troops disapprove of the president’s han dling of the war than approve of it. Barely one-third of service members approve of the way the president is handling the war, ac cording to the 2006 Military Times Poll.

When the military was feeling most optimistic about the war — in 2004 — 83 percent of poll re spondents thought success in Iraq was likely. This year, that number has shrunk to 50 percent.

Only 35 percent of the military members polled this year said they approve of the way President Bush is handling the war, while 42 percent said they disapproved. The president’s approval rating among the military is only slight ly higher than for the population as a whole. In 2004, when his popularity peaked, 63 percent of the military approved of Bush’s handling of the war. While ap proval of the president’s war lead ership has slumped, his overall approval remains high among the military.

Just as telling, in this year’s poll only 41 percent of the military said the U.S. should have gone to war in Iraq in the first place, down from 65 percent in 2003. That closely reflects the beliefs of the general population today — 45 percent agreed in a recent USA Today/Gallup poll.

Professor David Segal, director of the Center for Research on Mil itary Organization at the Univer sity of Maryland, was not sur prised by the changing attitude within the military.

“They’re seeing more casualties and fatalities and less progress,” Segal said.

He added, “Part of what we’re seeing is a recognition that the in telligence that led to the war was wrong.”

Whatever war plan the presi dent comes up with later this month, it likely will have the re placement of American troops with Iraqis as its ultimate goal. The military is not optimistic that will happen soon. Only about one in five service members said that large numbers of American troops can be replaced within the next two years. More than one-third think it will take more than five years. And more than half think the U.S. will have to stay in Iraq more than five years to achieve its goals.

Almost half of those responding think we need more troops in Iraq than we have there now. A surpris ing 13 percent said we should have no troops there. As for Afghanistan force levels, 39 per cent think we need more troops there. But while they want more troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, nearly three-quarters of the re spondents think today’s military is stretched too thin to be effective.

The mail survey, conducted Nov. 13 through Dec. 22, is the fourth annual gauge of active-duty mili tary subscribers to the Military Times newspapers. The results should not be read as representa tive of the military as a whole; the survey’s respondents are on aver age older, more experienced, more likely to be officers and more ca reer-oriented than the overall mil itary population.

Among the respondents, 66 per cent have deployed at least once to Iraq or Afghanistan. In the overall active-duty force, according to the Department of Defense, that number is 72 percent.

The poll has come to be viewed by some as a barometer of the pro fessional career military. It is the only independent poll done on an annual basis. The margin of error on this year’s poll is plus or minus 3 percentage points.

While approval of Bush’s han dling of the war has plunged, ap proval for his overall performance as president remains high at 52 percent. While that is down from his high of 71 percent in 2004, it is still far above the approval rat ings of the general population, where that number has fallen into the 30s.

While Bush fared well overall, his political party didn’t. In the three previous polls, nearly 60 percent of the respondents identi fied themselves as Republicans, which is about double the popula tion as a whole. But in this year’s poll, only 46 percent of the mili tary respondents said they were Republicans

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush said on Tuesday the Iraqi government had "fumbled" the execution of Saddam Hussein by making it look like a revenge killing.

Bush, in an interview with Public Broadcasting System's "Newshour with Jim Lehrer," said Saddam had received justice unlike his victims, but he was disappointed in the way Iraq had carried out the hanging of the former dictator last month.

An illicit video of Shi'ite officials taunting Saddam on the gallows further inflamed sectarian passions among Iraqis and drew international criticism. Controversy flared anew over the execution on Monday of Saddam's half-brother, Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti, who was decapitated by the noose.

"I was pleased with the trials they got," Bush said. "I was disappointed and felt like they (Iraqi officials) fumbled the - particularly the Saddam Hussein - execution."

Reuters Pictures

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He said the way Saddam's hanging was carried out reinforced doubts about the government of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and made it harder for him to make the case to the American people to continue supporting it.

"I expressed my disappointment to Prime Minister Maliki when I talked to him the other day," Bush added.
Reuters? Is that the same "news" outlet that refuses to use the word 'terrorist' to describe the bombers, and beheaders?


Here is one letter from a member of the military

Things that I am tired of in this war:

I am tired of Democrats saying they are patriotic and then insulting my commander in chief and the way he goes about his job.

I am tired of Democrats who tell me they support me, the soldier on the ground, and then tell me the best plan to win this war is with a “phased redeployment” (liberal-speak for retreat) out of the combat zone to someplace like Okinawa.

I am tired of the Democrats whining for months on T.V., in the New York Times, and in the House and Senate that we need more troops to win the war in Iraq, and then when my Commander in Chief plans to do just that, they say that is the wrong plan, it won’t work, and we need a “new direction.”

I am tired of every Battalion Sergeant Major and Command Sergeant Major I see over here being more concerned about whether or not I am wearing my uniform in the “spot on,” most garrison-like manner; instead of asking me whether or not I am getting the equipment I need to win the fight, the support I need from my chain of command, or if the chow tastes good.

I am tired of junior and senior officers continually doubting the technical expertise of junior enlisted soldiers who are trained far better to do the jobs they are trained for than these officers believe.

I am tired of senior officers and commanders who fight this war with more of an eye on the media than on the enemy, who desperately needs killing.

I am tired of the decisions of Sergeants and Privates made in the heat of battle being scrutinized by lawyers who were not there and will never really know the state of mind of the young soldiers who were there and what is asked of them in order to survive.

I am tired of CNN claiming that they are showing “news,” with videotape sent to them by terrorists, of my comrades being shot at by snipers, but refusing to show what happens when we build a school, pave a road, hand out food and water to children, or open a water treatment plant.

I am tired of following the enemy with drones that have cameras, and then dropping bombs that sometimes kill civilians; because we could do a better job of killing the right people by sending a man with a high powered rifle instead.

I am tired of the thousands of people in the rear who claim that they are working hard to support me when I see them with their mochas and their PX Bags walking down the street, in the middle of the day, nowhere near their workspaces.

I am tired of Code Pink, Daily Kos, Al-Jazzera, CNN, Reuters, the Associated Press, ABC, NBC, CBS, the ACLU, and CAIR thinking that they somehow get to have a vote in how we blast, shoot and kill these animals who would seek to subdue us and destroy us.

I am tired of people like Meredith Vieria from NBC asking oxygen thieves like Senator Chuck Hagel questions like “Senator, at this point, do you think we are fighting and dying for nothing?” Meredith might not get it, but soldiers do know the difference between fighting and dying for something and fighting and dying for nothing.

I am tired of hearing multiple stories from both combat theaters about snipers begging to do their jobs while commanders worry about how the media might portray the possible casualties and what might happen to their career.

I am tired of hearing that the Battalion Tactical Operations Center got a new plasma screen monitor for daily briefings, but rifle scope rings for sniper rifles, extra magazines, and necessary field gear were disapproved by the unit supply system.

I am tired of out of touch general officers, senators, congressmen and defense officials who think that giving me some more heavy body armor to wear is helping me stay alive. Speed is life in combat and wearing 55 to 90 pounds of gear for 12 to 20 hours a day puts me at a great tactical disadvantage to the idiot, mindless terrorist who is wearing no armor at all and carrying an AK-47 and a pistol.

I am tired of soldiers who are stationed in places like Kuwait and who are well away from any actual combat getting Hostile Fire/Imminent Danger Pay and the Combat Zone Tax Exclusion when they live on a base that has a McDonald’s, a Pizza Hut, a Subway, a Baskin Robbins, an internet café, 2 coffee shops and street lights.

I am tired of senior officers and commanders who take it out and "measure" every time they want to have a piece of the action with their helicopters or their artillery; instead of putting their egos aside and using their equipment to support the grunt on the ground.

I am tired of senior officers and commanders who are too afraid for their careers to tell the truth about what they need to win this war to their bosses so that the soldiers can get on with kicking the ass of these animals.

I am tired of Rules of Engagement being made by JAG lawyers and not Combat Commanders. We are not playing Hopscotch over here. There is no 2nd place trophy either. I think that if the enemy knew some rough treatment and some deprivation was at hand for them, instead of prayer rugs, special diets and free Korans; this might help get their terrorist minds “right.”

I am tired of seeing Active Duty Army and Marine units being extended past their original redeployment dates, when there are National Guard Units that have yet to deploy to a combat zone in the last 40 years.

I am tired of hearing soldiers who are stationed in safe places talk about how hard their life is.

I am tired of seeing Infantry Soldiers conducting what amounts to “SWAT” raids and performing the US Army’s version of “CSI Iraq” and doing things like filling out forms for evidence when they could be better used to hunt and kill the enemy.

I am tired of senior officers and commanders who look first in their planning for how many casualties we might take, instead of how many enemy casualties we might inflict.

I am tired of begging to be turned loose so that this war can be over.

Those of us who fight this war want to win it and go home to their families. Prolonging it with attempts to do things like collect “evidence” or present whiz bang briefings on a new plasma screen TV is wasteful and ultimately, dulls the edge of our Infantry soldiers who are trained to kill people and break things, not necessarily in that order.

We are not in Iraq and Afghanistan to build nations. We are there to kill our enemies. We make the work of the State Department easier by the results we achieve.

It is only possible to defeat an enemy who kills indiscriminately by utterly destroying him. He cannot be made to yield or surrender. He will fight to the death by the hundreds to kill only one or two of us.

And so far, all of our “games” have been “away games,” and I don’t know about the ignorant, treasonous Democrats and the completely insane radical leftists and their thoughts on the matter, but I would like to keep our road game schedule.

So let’s get it done. Until the fight is won and there is no more fight left.
When I die I'm sure to go to heaven, cause I spent my time in hell.

You get more with a kind word and a two by four, than you do with just a kind word.
I guess they would argue that they are portraying the awfullness of war - that one moment you can have a living breathing speaking human being and the next: death. Ofcourse we all know why they really do it- because outraged or not, everyone still seems to want to have a look.

if it bleeds, it leads..... is this really surprising to anyone?
if it bleeds, it leads..... is this really surprising to anyone?

Iraq War/Iraqi Deaths/Photos Of Iraq Casualties/Civilian Death ...Iraq War Photos of civilian casualties. Images from Iraq showing the carnage left by US ... Small Iraqi Boy dead ....... Iraqi Child Killed By US Marines ...
www.willthomas.net/Convergence/Weekly/Iraq_War.htm - 52k -

if thats true why dont they lead with this
Iraq War/Iraqi Deaths/Photos Of Iraq Casualties/Civilian Death ...Iraq War Photos of civilian casualties. Images from Iraq showing the carnage left by US ... Small Iraqi Boy dead ....... Iraqi Child Killed By US Marines ...
www.willthomas.net/Convergence/Weekly/Iraq_War.htm - 52k -

if thats true why dont they lead with this

is is beyond your pea brain to understand the people of Iraq are being murdered by the terrorists who believe the virgins are waiting for them if they kill enough people?
is is beyond your pea brain to understand the people of Iraq are being murdered by the terrorists who believe the virgins are waiting for them if they kill enough people?

is it beyond you thousands upon thousands Iraqis children and women have died in this war supported by certain religious extremist that believe if the die blowing up Iraqi children for god and country they will go to heaven and have wings in a land of milk and honey and dwell forever in the house of the lord or that majority of the public and military do not support the war
is is beyond your pea brain to understand the people of Iraq are being murdered by the terrorists who believe the virgins are waiting for them if they kill enough people?

don't buy the hype.... it's a civil war. sunnis are killing shi'ites and vice versa.

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