NY Times Admits the Hunter Biden Emails from his Laptop are Real

After running interference for the Big Guy in 2020, after so many lies by the left regarding the Hunter Biden laptop, after the phony excuses, that it was Russian disinformation, here we are.

Of course, those with a brain read about it and knew it was real. But leftoids, boy do you have egg all over your faces over this, a not unusual situation for you.

Wait...so the laptop thing was Russian disinformation?
I read the entire article and it does not say what Tom Fitton claims it says. So far they've found nothing, and Hunter continues to cooperate.

How about NBC News from today?

Key Points
  • The Arkansas woman who had a child by Hunter Biden out of wedlock recently testified to a federal grand jury in Delaware as part of a criminal tax probe of the son of President Joe Biden.
  • Clint Lancaster, the attorney representing Lunden Alexis Roberts, said he previously gave “a significant amount of Hunter’s financial records” to federal investigators under subpoena.
  • Lancaster said that he and Roberts were interviewed by an assistant U.S. attorney, an FBI agent and an IRS agent more than a year ago about Biden.
  • “I expect him to be indicted,” the lawyer said about Biden.
Mother of Hunter Biden's child testified in tax probe, lawyer gave financial records

Hunter Biden criminal investigation gets testimony, records - Jnews
Did you notice that the MIA Fauci popped his head out today with more scary stuff about new variants? Coincidence?

No, just the Democrat's way of playing people and trying to take their eyes off the Hunter Biden story with compromised Joe.
It is that time in the election cycle. Fauci and the democrats want your attention on covid and Russia and not on the southern border, out-of-control inflation, record high fuel prices, ineffective government, high interest rates, high homeless rates. They are trying to make hay out of climate change and printing money that we don't have.
It is that time in the election cycle. Fauci and the democrats want your attention on covid and Russia and not on the southern border, out-of-control inflation, record high fuel prices, ineffective government, high interest rates, high homeless rates. They are trying to make hay out of climate change and printing money that we don't have.

They want more voting by mail or drop boxes. It worked for them in 2020.
Wait...so the laptop thing was Russian disinformation?

Uh, no. Read the OP.

The Tweet said:

Reposting w correct date - Via
colleagues, a deep dive into the Hunter Biden investigation, including that the emails released in late 2020, and characterized as possible Russian disinformation by some, were authentic
@nytimes colleagues, a deep dive into the Hunter Biden investigation, including that the emails released in late 2020, and characterized as possible Russian disinformation by some, were authentic
Yes, the laptop is confirmed to be real.

That bit of additional information is what is provoking the duplicitous left.


The laptop is confirmed to be a Russian fake, that was planted with Rudy Guiliani.

"Mere hours before the debate Thursday, one inadvertently revealing text-message surfaced via a Fox News contributor: a picture of a phone displaying a text, allegedly sent by Hunter Biden to an associate, taken while that phone was logged into a Russian cellphone network, MTS RUS. That photo was extremely unlikely to have come from Biden’s allegedly water-damaged laptop in Delaware."

The laptop is confirmed to be a Russian fake, that was planted with Rudy Guiliani.

"Mere hours before the debate Thursday, one inadvertently revealing text-message surfaced via a Fox News contributor: a picture of a phone displaying a text, allegedly sent by Hunter Biden to an associate, taken while that phone was logged into a Russian cellphone network, MTS RUS. That photo was extremely unlikely to have come from Biden’s allegedly water-damaged laptop in Delaware."


The pain of the democrats fury at being found out is more appetizing than their tears of consternation.

A grand jury continues to investigate the international business dealings of President Biden's son, Hunter Biden, even after he paid off a tax liability following a federal investigation into his taxes in late 2020, according to sources who spoke to The New York Times.

Let them find something to charge, then talk.
The NYT has never confirmed the laptop to be real, and neither has any other legitimate news source. Only outlets owned by Rupert Murdoch are promoting the story.

You've made a claim that you cannot back up. Which is typical of you lying Cultists.


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