NY Times: Abolish The Constitution

Kevin Bleyer has rewritten the constitution in “Me the People.” Why? He holds its flaws to be self-evident: Our Constitution was hardly a blueprint at all. It was an Etch-A-Sketch, a series of blunders, shaken clean and redrawn countless times during a summer of petty debates, drunken ramblings, wild improvisations, and desperate compromise. No wonder George Washington, shortly after signing it, wished it “had been made more perfect.”

More: We the People: Is the United States Constitution Obsolete? - Politics - Utne Reader

You can debate all you want to so long as I am carrying an AK47.

Lakhota can try and piss away the truth but no one is fooled by what's going on. The power grab taking place right now isn't a surprise to many who have over the last 4 years saw through Obama and the left for what they truly are and have tried to sound warning alarms. Unfortunately, most didn't care or felt he and Romney were one in the same, blah blah blah.. Now we have a run away power hungry narcissist with no electorate to face.. We all warned about this also.. TOO LATE.. The die has been cast and we're heading down a long road of Fascism. You all earned it in spades. Welcome to the new Amerika.

PS- Just wait until he stacks the SCOTUS assuring everything he does is approved by the high court in the land! Good times~!
Let’s Give Up on the Constitution


Published: December 30, 2012

AS the nation teeters at the edge of fiscal chaos, observers are reaching the conclusion that the American system of government is broken. But almost no one blames the culprit: our insistence on obedience to the Constitution, with all its archaic, idiosyncratic and downright evil provisions."

* * * *
The massively retarded son-of-bitch blames the Constitution even though the continuing criminal enterprise known as the US of A has ignored the Constitution since at least the 1860's.

The mother fucker somehow totally ignored the fact that the criminals in DC nationalized credit and banking in 1913.

Now you see the real reason the bastards want to disarms us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



you not know how to link?

i suppose given your limited thinking skills that makes sense.
Kevin Bleyer has rewritten the constitution in “Me the People.” Why? He holds its flaws to be self-evident: Our Constitution was hardly a blueprint at all. It was an Etch-A-Sketch, a series of blunders, shaken clean and redrawn countless times during a summer of petty debates, drunken ramblings, wild improvisations, and desperate compromise. No wonder George Washington, shortly after signing it, wished it “had been made more perfect.”

More: We the People: Is the United States Constitution Obsolete? - Politics - Utne Reader

MORE obselete horsesshhiite coming from the 3rd grade writings of Laputa.
Laputa continues to be a troll in this area of discussing and so it should be noted that respond should have that right since Lahoto has deminstrated his bias conundrum in the past.
Let’s Give Up on the Constitution


Published: December 30, 2012

AS the nation teeters at the edge of fiscal chaos, observers are reaching the conclusion that the American system of government is broken. But almost no one blames the culprit: our insistence on obedience to the Constitution, with all its archaic, idiosyncratic and downright evil provisions."

* * * *
The massively retarded son-of-bitch blames the Constitution even though the continuing criminal enterprise known as the US of A has ignored the Constitution since at least the 1860's.

The mother fucker somehow totally ignored the fact that the criminals in DC nationalized credit and banking in 1913.

Now you see the real reason the bastards want to disarms us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



you not know how to link?

i suppose given your limited thinking skills that makes sense.

what is stopping you, old age and bad habits?:eusa_boohoo:
Let’s Give Up on the Constitution


Published: December 30, 2012

AS the nation teeters at the edge of fiscal chaos, observers are reaching the conclusion that the American system of government is broken. But almost no one blames the culprit: our insistence on obedience to the Constitution, with all its archaic, idiosyncratic and downright evil provisions."

* * * *
The massively retarded son-of-bitch blames the Constitution even though the continuing criminal enterprise known as the US of A has ignored the Constitution since at least the 1860's.

The mother fucker somehow totally ignored the fact that the criminals in DC nationalized credit and banking in 1913.

Now you see the real reason the bastards want to disarms us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


you not know how to link?

i suppose given your limited thinking skills that makes sense.

what is stopping you, old age and bad habits?:eusa_boohoo:

from what? looking up his link? why would i? tos requires links because of copyright laws.

i know that's beyond your intellect to understand.

and i'm neither old nor stupid...

i don't know your age, though i'd guess very young or very immature. but your lack of intelligence is apparent.

now troll elsewhere, little boy.
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Those who say our Constitution is out of date do not believe in our form of government. They believe in Socialism, Communism and Anarchy which have been complete failures.

Actually, the first low life motherfucker to say that was one Ape Lincoln.


"Ape" Lincoln? Holy shit...

I watched the movie Lincoln and it was interesting to me where they picked up in the film. Essentially, they skipped the bit about Lincoln offering the states that had seceded the option of having a Constitutional amendment added that would ensure slavery in the slave states if only they would return to the Republic. The Southern states rejected the offer even though it would have gauranteed slavery in the Constitution.

Then the rest of the movie was Liconln violating law after law, supposidly all in the name of ending slavery. What a crock. The gist of the movie was, if you want to get things done then the end justifies the means. That is the mindset of the modern day liberal. In fact, for Lincoln the goal was to keep the Republic intact, even if it meant keeping slavery intact. Then Licoln provoked a war at Fort Sumter as some idiot fired off his gun at a union soldier. The South in no way invaded the North, it was the other way round.
I said what I did to prove why Lakhota acts and behaves the way she does.. She's angry over her birthright being stolen.. It's not hard to see thru her crap. Instead of doing something constructive, she'd much rather this nation destroy itself from within.

What "birth right?" The Indians didn't believe you could own the land. We proved them wrong.
Native Americans were doing just fine before whitey and his Constitution came along...

Under emperiors and chiefs. The common indian had no rights.

In central America they were hunted down like dogs and killed at the emperors pleasing.

Well, sounds like you've been brainwashed with whitey's version of Native American history.

It looks like you've been brainwashed with the communist version of Native Americans.
The constitution supported slavery and no votes for women. Such a perfect document.

The constitution was a document of compromise, kind of like the fiscal cliff.

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