NY Post Story on Hunter Biden quickly unraveling.

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The Hunter Biden thing is just not sticking other than with the demented members of the Trump cult.

You are running out of time.

Don't need time.

Biden is already fucked.

The story just seals the deal.

Except it is not, it is just not getting any real traction in the polls.

The only people obsessed with it are already in the Trump cult.

That is the problem with cults, you do not understand how people not in the cult are thinking.
The polls are rake news. The fake news outlets don't publish the news. They publish Democrat propaganda. You would never know what the truth is by watching fake news outlets. We are now in the fully Stalinist era of America.

Everything is fake news which means no news is true which means what ever I say is true and what ever you say is true.

Let rip.
You're pretty much right that no news is true. Journalists are no nothing more than leftwing propagandists.
But your moron says we turned the corner And only morons believe that
This is what he actually said, douchebag:
“We’re starting to see light at the end of the tunnel,” Trump said. Pence added, “We are beginning to see glimmers of progress.”

calling that a lie is a lie.
YOU FN moron You and Cecillie 500,000 new virus cases LAST WEEK
BTW, what is "FN moron?"

It's that idiot you see staring at you in the mirror.
I know you meant me, moron. What I wanted to know is what the letters "FN" stand for."
All of Joe Biden’s tax records are public. None of Donald Trump’s are. Mic drop.

"Hunter Biden's ex-business partner implicates Joe Biden in secret China deals"

"Former Hunter Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski speaks out ahead of debate: 'Everything I’m saying is corroborated'"

"Former Hunter Biden Partner Tony Bobulinski Meeting with Senate Investigators to Turn Over Information"
Repeat posting of the same post is a violation of TOS and an example of your lack of intellect. Joe’s finances are ALL ONLINE. Every tax return for 22 years. The reason you and your filthy right wing nuts are trading in innuendo and not facts is that it’s bullshit. If Joe got money show it to me on his return. You are full of crap.
You believe people don't cheat on their taxes? LOL
Capone cheated and it was the only thing that put the murderer in jail Why not put Trump ,the filth, the stinking example of humanity in jail too?
Weird how the IRS has been auditing Trump for years and he is still a free man, huh?

I wonder why.
If he showed his taxes he could go to jail The man is a stone crook but money talks ,,,,loudly
You’re still alive? Dammit. Didn’t see you post for a while so I thought you went to traitor Hell
I was banned for a week Found another place that needed some help with their Trump problem You still loving Israel more than America??
Only a week? That’s like asking which of your children you love more. You knew that and decided to troll anyway. Oh well maybe next time the ban will be permanent? One can hope.
Well it was a kindly mod that banned me One that I respect

It was for your own good.
Have to admit I have rather strong anti trump ,repub feelings that sometimes get away from me in the wrong place at the wrong time

Yes, we've seen you transition from a partisan hack to a Biden Zombie.

It's too bad Eddie. Life is good when you don't have a ring through your nose and a bitch like Camel-A Harris holding the rope.
Eddie is a traitor. Don't waste your time.

Traitor ?

Not sure.

Kool aid drinker...... ?

By the gallons
The Hunter Biden thing is just not sticking other than with the demented members of the Trump cult.

You are running out of time.

Don't need time.

Biden is already fucked.

The story just seals the deal.

Except it is not, it is just not getting any real traction in the polls.

The only people obsessed with it are already in the Trump cult.

That is the problem with cults, you do not understand how people not in the cult are thinking.
The polls are rake news. The fake news outlets don't publish the news. They publish Democrat propaganda. You would never know what the truth is by watching fake news outlets. We are now in the fully Stalinist era of America.

Everything is fake news which means no news is true which means what ever I say is true and what ever you say is true.

Let rip.
You're pretty much right that no news is true. Journalists are no nothing more than leftwing propagandists.
But your moron says we turned the corner And only morons believe that
This is what he actually said, douchebag:
“We’re starting to see light at the end of the tunnel,” Trump said. Pence added, “We are beginning to see glimmers of progress.”

calling that a lie is a lie.
YOU FN moron You and Cecillie 500,000 new virus cases LAST WEEK

So what? I'm not sure if you're too stupid to notice how the Panic Porn has shifted from "New deaths!! People dying!!" to "New cases!! People infected!!" or if you just think we're too stupid to notice it. As much as you like to pretend Covid-positive=automatic death sentence, it doesn't. And whether you realize it or not, your masters have switched this focus because talking about the actual deaths shows exactly the picture Trump gave us.

The light at the end of the tunnel is not and never has been "no one ever gets infected with Covid-19 ever, ever again!" Because that's not how viruses work. Once they exist and they're out there, they are. The genie can never be put back into the bottle. The goal with a virus always has to be "how can we live with this and make sure that the vast majority of people survive it?" As much as I know you leftists hate any mention of influenza, this does bear a lot of resemblance to influenza. Influenza was once a genuine plague, wiping out huge swaths of population simply because they knew very little about how it operated and how to treat it and mitigate its effects. Now, influenza is viewed by the vast majority of the population as nothing more than a seasonal nuisance. It's not because the virus got any gentler or more harmless; it's because we learned how to fight it.

For 98-99% of the "new virus cases LAST WEEK" that you're shitting your frillies over, it's nothing more than a nuisance. In fact, for many of them, it's only a nuisance because of the necessity of quarantining for two weeks, because they won't actually have noticeable symptoms. Like it or not - and you're a disgusting piece of filth because we both know you DON'T like this fact - that is a huge improvement over the beginning of this pandemic, when a Covid diagnosis really did mean your life was endangered.
The Hunter Biden thing is just not sticking other than with the demented members of the Trump cult.

You are running out of time.

Don't need time.

Biden is already fucked.

The story just seals the deal.

Except it is not, it is just not getting any real traction in the polls.

The only people obsessed with it are already in the Trump cult.

That is the problem with cults, you do not understand how people not in the cult are thinking.
The polls are rake news. The fake news outlets don't publish the news. They publish Democrat propaganda. You would never know what the truth is by watching fake news outlets. We are now in the fully Stalinist era of America.

Everything is fake news which means no news is true which means what ever I say is true and what ever you say is true.

Let rip.
You're pretty much right that no news is true. Journalists are no nothing more than leftwing propagandists.
But your moron says we turned the corner And only morons believe that
This is what he actually said, douchebag:
“We’re starting to see light at the end of the tunnel,” Trump said. Pence added, “We are beginning to see glimmers of progress.”

calling that a lie is a lie.
YOU FN moron You and Cecillie 500,000 new virus cases LAST WEEK
BTW, what is "FN moron?"

It's that idiot you see staring at you in the mirror.
I know you meant me, moron. What I wanted to know is what the letters "FN" stand for."
And that of course would be the case through out the world, so we can still rationally compare outcomes and Germany's outcome is much better than America's.
NO. That is NOT the case throughout the world unless the CDC is now managing the health of the entire planet.
The subject is how the CDC inflated deaths in the US by attributing all deaths to the Chinese originated
covid virus if the virus was present at all. So much so that the CDC was pressured into changing that policy.

Nevertheless that policy was in place for months and the US death toll remains inflated and uncorrected
and you remain disingenuous.

All countries are using that methodology, they have an "excess death mythology" as defined as " A range of estimates for the number of excess deaths was calculated as the difference between the observed count and one of two thresholds (either the average expected count or the upper bound threshold), by week and jurisdiction. Negative values, where the observed count fell below the threshold, were set to zero."

And the method of if one did not have a prognosis of death within the year and contracted COVID it is counted across the globe as a Covid related death.

There is no world health body, or American for that matter, which believes the USA is doing well in this pandemic.

Just wishing Americans were not dropping like flies by playing semantics with the numbers is not going to save any American lives.
America is far from the worst record when it comes to covid deaths and far from the best.
I know it serves your agenda to state otherwise, however. Saying we are "dropping like flies" is disingenuous and misleading and it won't win Joe the election you so desperately want.
Nothing will including all the post election chaos and disorder the left has planned.

As things stand right now we will have a covid vaccine soon and society will begin to come out of
politicized lockdown box leftist swine has tried to keep us in.

Joe Biden and all the Karens can wear their little masks all day long, if it thrills them to do so.

Only Spain in Europe has a worse death per 100K rate right now.

As in the chart I have provided in this thread many times.

Just to be clear....

There are other countries...just not in Europe....that have worse rates.
Also, we pay our hospitals more for treating COVID, so anyone who dies, that has COVID is listed as a "COVID" death, whereas in most countries unless COVID is actually what caused your death, your cause of death is not listed as COVID. It's not an apples to apples comparison.

Medical stats from country to country are NEVER an apples-to-apples comparison, because they don't compile ANY medical stats the same way we do. How many times have we heard the canard that infant mortality in the US is so much worse than the rest of the world, only to find out that it's largely because other countries simply don't count children who die in the first week of life as ever having existed at all?
The Hunter Biden thing is just not sticking other than with the demented members of the Trump cult.

You are running out of time.

Don't need time.

Biden is already fucked.

The story just seals the deal.

Except it is not, it is just not getting any real traction in the polls.

The only people obsessed with it are already in the Trump cult.

That is the problem with cults, you do not understand how people not in the cult are thinking.
The polls are rake news. The fake news outlets don't publish the news. They publish Democrat propaganda. You would never know what the truth is by watching fake news outlets. We are now in the fully Stalinist era of America.

Everything is fake news which means no news is true which means what ever I say is true and what ever you say is true.

Let rip.
You're pretty much right that no news is true. Journalists are no nothing more than leftwing propagandists.
But your moron says we turned the corner And only morons believe that

Hey, if you prefer to believe we're living in the second coming of the Black Death and all hope is lost, knock yourself out.
I marvel at how TDS morons find joy in mass suffering and death.

Add a little bit of eyeliner and black hair dye, they'd be goth. They really, REALLY hate the idea that life could be anything but gloom, doom, and negativity.

No one is asking for an end of times, just face the true scientific reality of the pandemic and deal with it sanely instead of making shit totally up as Trump and his cult members do.

If you do you may get a handle on it as we have in Australia.

My ass, you're not asking for - nay, DEMANDING - the end of times. "True scientific reality of the pandemic", bullshit. You leftist Chicken Little robots are not only screeching about the sky falling because an acorn hit you on the head, you're positively dancing in the streets, THRILLED at the idea that the sky is falling, and pitching tantrums like 3-year-olds being denied a cookie at any suggestion that it was just an acorn.

And do NOT fucking talk to me about the "superiority" of Australia, when anyone with half a brain knows the MAIN "handle" you got on it was by being located ON A FUCKING ISLAND. That's like Russia telling us about all their glorious war victories that were won by their lousy winters.

And by the way, it was one thing to listen to an ignorant, delusional evil-mongering piece of shit. It's another to listen to an ignorant, delusional, evil-mongering piece of shit who's MEDDLING IN THE AFFAIRS OF A FOREIGN COUNTRY. I will tell you what I tell the other foreign shitbird who presumes to try to dictate the politics of countries she doesn't belong to because she imagines she knows more about them from thousands of miles away than the people who are actually here do: We don't run our country to suit you. We don't care what you want from us, or whether you like how we live. You don't like it? GOOD. That probably means we're doing the right thing for us. Fuck off, and go worry about your own pissant, nothing country and it's meaningless politics.

You are dismissed as a foreign spy trying to interfere in the elections of other countries. Too bad you suck at it even worse than the Russians.
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The Hunter Biden thing is just not sticking other than with the demented members of the Trump cult.

You are running out of time.

Don't need time.

Biden is already fucked.

The story just seals the deal.

Except it is not, it is just not getting any real traction in the polls.

The only people obsessed with it are already in the Trump cult.

That is the problem with cults, you do not understand how people not in the cult are thinking.
The polls are rake news. The fake news outlets don't publish the news. They publish Democrat propaganda. You would never know what the truth is by watching fake news outlets. We are now in the fully Stalinist era of America.

Everything is fake news which means no news is true which means what ever I say is true and what ever you say is true.

Let rip.
You're pretty much right that no news is true. Journalists are no nothing more than leftwing propagandists.
But your moron says we turned the corner And only morons believe that

Hey, if you prefer to believe we're living in the second coming of the Black Death and all hope is lost, knock yourself out.
I marvel at how TDS morons find joy in mass suffering and death.

Add a little bit of eyeliner and black hair dye, they'd be goth. They really, REALLY hate the idea that life could be anything but gloom, doom, and negativity.
I haven’t been paying attention to this thread. What have the talking points morphed into? Are they still calling this Russian disinformation? Do they acknowledge the existence of Toni bobulinski?

Well, Jerk Wanker identified himself as the REAL foreign election interference around here, and is summarily ejected from my awareness. In other news, the leftists are still steadfastly trying to change the subject to anything else, and continuing to make really hilarious denials of Biden's corruption without having any idea what they're denying, since they've all been ordered to not-know any of the facts of the accusations.
Quickly consolidating and becoming more gruesome every second

The Unspeakable Corruption of Joe Biden.

The risks that Biden puts his own son through that reveal the true rot at the center of his character.

A few years ago, Biden would lose one of his surviving sons, Beau, to brain cancer.

You might think that after such loss, Biden would pay special attention to the welfare of the only surviving child of his first marriage.

You would be wrong.

This is the kind of addiction that destroys relationships through lies, through theft, through neglect, and worse.

When addiction reaches that stage, there are usually only two possible outcomes: The addict either hits bottom and cleans up their act, or they die.

Hunter is on that path.

Joe Biden, having stood over the graves of two of his children and deployed his remaining son to become his bagman.
Biden never called his daughter a piece of ass like trump did

And Trump hasn't used his son as a bagman for bribes. So there you go.
Yeah just sent him to the hotel to get info from trumps russian spie pals

I refuse to answer anyone who can't spell "spy" correctly as though they're a human being deserving of being taken seriously. As far as I'm concerned, you just typed, "Please laugh at me."
The Hunter Biden thing is just not sticking other than with the demented members of the Trump cult.

You are running out of time.

Don't need time.

Biden is already fucked.

The story just seals the deal.

Except it is not, it is just not getting any real traction in the polls.

The only people obsessed with it are already in the Trump cult.

That is the problem with cults, you do not understand how people not in the cult are thinking.
The polls are rake news. The fake news outlets don't publish the news. They publish Democrat propaganda. You would never know what the truth is by watching fake news outlets. We are now in the fully Stalinist era of America.

Everything is fake news which means no news is true which means what ever I say is true and what ever you say is true.

Let rip.
You're pretty much right that no news is true. Journalists are no nothing more than leftwing propagandists.
But your moron says we turned the corner And only morons believe that

Hey, if you prefer to believe we're living in the second coming of the Black Death and all hope is lost, knock yourself out.
I marvel at how TDS morons find joy in mass suffering and death.

Add a little bit of eyeliner and black hair dye, they'd be goth. They really, REALLY hate the idea that life could be anything but gloom, doom, and negativity.
I haven’t been paying attention to this thread. What have the talking points morphed into? Are they still calling this Russian disinformation? Do they acknowledge the existence of Toni bobulinski?

Well, Jerk Wanker identified himself as the REAL foreign election interference around here, and is summarily ejected from my awareness. In other news, the leftists are still steadfastly trying to change the subject to anything else, and continuing to make really hilarious denials of Biden's corruption without having any idea what they're denying, since they've all been ordered to not-know any of the facts of the accusations.

I am a duel citizen and have a legal right to vote.

I do not however because I do not have to live with the consequences, so I stay out of the actual vote.

But this does raise a larger issue, when did Americans become such pussies that they think all foriegn discussion about their elections is "interference."

That is a weak and prissy look for a world power, especially a world power with a CIA and military who have often directly interfered with other nations elections.
And that of course would be the case through out the world, so we can still rationally compare outcomes and Germany's outcome is much better than America's.
NO. That is NOT the case throughout the world unless the CDC is now managing the health of the entire planet.
The subject is how the CDC inflated deaths in the US by attributing all deaths to the Chinese originated
covid virus if the virus was present at all. So much so that the CDC was pressured into changing that policy.

Nevertheless that policy was in place for months and the US death toll remains inflated and uncorrected
and you remain disingenuous.

All countries are using that methodology, they have an "excess death mythology" as defined as " A range of estimates for the number of excess deaths was calculated as the difference between the observed count and one of two thresholds (either the average expected count or the upper bound threshold), by week and jurisdiction. Negative values, where the observed count fell below the threshold, were set to zero."

And the method of if one did not have a prognosis of death within the year and contracted COVID it is counted across the globe as a Covid related death.

There is no world health body, or American for that matter, which believes the USA is doing well in this pandemic.

Just wishing Americans were not dropping like flies by playing semantics with the numbers is not going to save any American lives.
America is far from the worst record when it comes to covid deaths and far from the best.
I know it serves your agenda to state otherwise, however. Saying we are "dropping like flies" is disingenuous and misleading and it won't win Joe the election you so desperately want.
Nothing will including all the post election chaos and disorder the left has planned.

As things stand right now we will have a covid vaccine soon and society will begin to come out of
politicized lockdown box leftist swine has tried to keep us in.

Joe Biden and all the Karens can wear their little masks all day long, if it thrills them to do so.

Only Spain in Europe has a worse death per 100K rate right now.

As in the chart I have provided in this thread many times.

Just to be clear....

There are other countries...just not in Europe....that have worse rates.
Also, we pay our hospitals more for treating COVID, so anyone who dies, that has COVID is listed as a "COVID" death, whereas in most countries unless COVID is actually what caused your death, your cause of death is not listed as COVID. It's not an apples to apples comparison.

Medical stats from country to country are NEVER an apples-to-apples comparison, because they don't compile ANY medical stats the same way we do. How many times have we heard the canard that infant mortality in the US is so much worse than the rest of the world, only to find out that it's largely because other countries simply don't count children who die in the first week of life as ever having existed at all?

On COVID the death rates per 100k most developed nations are using the same method, indeed it is the USA that most world health bodies are concerned are vastly under reporting due to your fragment health care system run by 50 different states. Some estimates are that the USA is under reporting by 33%.
As for infant mortality, you are right nations count in various ways which should be considered when viewing such stats but
what is clear is after one month of life American states on infant mortality start to get worse and worse to other developed Western countries.

"It is only after they reach one month of age that differences between the United States and other developed countries start to widen."

"This work leads to other questions about how we might be able to bring American infant mortality rates more in line with other developed counties.

"We need to close the infant mortality gap in the United States," Sicilio said. "I believe we are equipped to do just that."
And that of course would be the case through out the world, so we can still rationally compare outcomes and Germany's outcome is much better than America's.
NO. That is NOT the case throughout the world unless the CDC is now managing the health of the entire planet.
The subject is how the CDC inflated deaths in the US by attributing all deaths to the Chinese originated
covid virus if the virus was present at all. So much so that the CDC was pressured into changing that policy.

Nevertheless that policy was in place for months and the US death toll remains inflated and uncorrected
and you remain disingenuous.

All countries are using that methodology, they have an "excess death mythology" as defined as " A range of estimates for the number of excess deaths was calculated as the difference between the observed count and one of two thresholds (either the average expected count or the upper bound threshold), by week and jurisdiction. Negative values, where the observed count fell below the threshold, were set to zero."

And the method of if one did not have a prognosis of death within the year and contracted COVID it is counted across the globe as a Covid related death.

There is no world health body, or American for that matter, which believes the USA is doing well in this pandemic.

Just wishing Americans were not dropping like flies by playing semantics with the numbers is not going to save any American lives.
America is far from the worst record when it comes to covid deaths and far from the best.
I know it serves your agenda to state otherwise, however. Saying we are "dropping like flies" is disingenuous and misleading and it won't win Joe the election you so desperately want.
Nothing will including all the post election chaos and disorder the left has planned.

As things stand right now we will have a covid vaccine soon and society will begin to come out of
politicized lockdown box leftist swine has tried to keep us in.

Joe Biden and all the Karens can wear their little masks all day long, if it thrills them to do so.

Only Spain in Europe has a worse death per 100K rate right now.

As in the chart I have provided in this thread many times.

Just to be clear....

There are other countries...just not in Europe....that have worse rates.
Also, we pay our hospitals more for treating COVID, so anyone who dies, that has COVID is listed as a "COVID" death, whereas in most countries unless COVID is actually what caused your death, your cause of death is not listed as COVID. It's not an apples to apples comparison.

Medical stats from country to country are NEVER an apples-to-apples comparison, because they don't compile ANY medical stats the same way we do. How many times have we heard the canard that infant mortality in the US is so much worse than the rest of the world, only to find out that it's largely because other countries simply don't count children who die in the first week of life as ever having existed at all?

On COVID the death rates per 100k most developed nations are using the same method, indeed it is the USA that most world health bodies are concerned are vastly under reporting due to your fragment health care system run by 50 different states. Some estimates are that the USA is under reporting by 33%.
You mean our health care system that bodies the DHSC for legit life threatening diseases like cancer. Our health care system where you can actually get the surgery you need within a week. Our healthcare system that the rest of the world, except Switzerland, has been leaching off of our innovation and the tens of billions we drop into R+D every year. That healthcare system? Y’all treat the healthy for dumb shit like broken arms and infections, while taxing the fuck out of your citizens and pretend like you’re hero’s for doing so. Meanwhile Canada sends all their cancer patients TO ME, to get the very best treatment that WE develop, and then pay for it. Your nurses and doctors are garbage. When y’all can start actually saving your cancer patients and stop sending them to me, and actually preform surgeries on things like joint replacements that aren’t outdated 30 years, when your hospitals have as many top of the line critical care beds as ours do, when you actually do your part in the world and start developing drugs, procedures, and technologies...then you can lecture us on our healthcare.

Me and my wife both work in one of the largest hospitals right next to the covid epicenter. We’re over reporting. 100%. Notice how the flu has effectively disappeared? In this current “spike”, we have 6 covid patients who are actually suffering from covid, among other things.
Quickly consolidating and becoming more gruesome every second

The Unspeakable Corruption of Joe Biden.

The risks that Biden puts his own son through that reveal the true rot at the center of his character.

A few years ago, Biden would lose one of his surviving sons, Beau, to brain cancer.

You might think that after such loss, Biden would pay special attention to the welfare of the only surviving child of his first marriage.

You would be wrong.

This is the kind of addiction that destroys relationships through lies, through theft, through neglect, and worse.

When addiction reaches that stage, there are usually only two possible outcomes: The addict either hits bottom and cleans up their act, or they die.

Hunter is on that path.

Joe Biden, having stood over the graves of two of his children and deployed his remaining son to become his bagman.
Biden never called his daughter a piece of ass like trump did
is she really ugly???
She's dead But trump is still a pig He's all yours
My president! Yep, mine. Where’s yours?
Well the FBI is investigating is it connected to Russia... Which kind of tells you the whole thing is horse shit...
By the way is this the "October Surprise" from Rudy... That's pathetic...
Wow, you Democrats really are delusional.
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