NY Post Story on Hunter Biden quickly unraveling.

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All of Joe Bidenā€™s tax records are public. None of Donald Trumpā€™s are. Mic drop.

"Hunter Biden's ex-business partner implicates Joe Biden in secret China deals"

"Former Hunter Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski speaks out ahead of debate: 'Everything Iā€™m saying is corroborated'"

"Former Hunter Biden Partner Tony Bobulinski Meeting with Senate Investigators to Turn Over Information"
Repeat posting of the same post is a violation of TOS and an example of your lack of intellect. Joeā€™s finances are ALL ONLINE. Every tax return for 22 years. The reason you and your filthy right wing nuts are trading in innuendo and not facts is that itā€™s bullshit. If Joe got money show it to me on his return. You are full of crap.

The evidence suggests that H(unter) is holding it for Joe.
Don't know where or when Joe is to receive it - but that is what the evidence shows.
You can speculate all that you need to - but that is what the evidence shows.

They deny.....but I don't believe low-lives such as the one you are posting to, don't know the truth about their candidate.

As I told another one of them yesterday, they'd vote for Beelzebub if he had a D next to his name.
Ad hominem. Thatā€™s some intellectually diminutive debating. Way. To. Go. Now go.


Debate what????

Here are the facts: the Biden business partner gave a press conference, validating everything in the laptop, and the proof that Joe Biden signed up to be a Ukraine, Russia, China ā€œassetā€ for bucks and equity in fake companies.
You are supporting a candidate who is actually guilty of everything you claimed about Trump since 2016.

Evidence: ā€œthe available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.ā€ Google
Finances of the Biden Crime Family that you can't explain.
The Laptop emails, photos, texts.
The partner who verifies all of the above.

There's no debate, nor is there any doubt about you being a low-life lying sack of offal.

I believe the presidential debate was being referenced.
Russia Russia Russia ..... maybe you can ask why Trump has not said a single words against Putin despite all the activities that are committed by the Russians. WHY?
For you as Trump supporters to ignore that is just not acceptable.
For foreign interference in my country like regularly getting caught off Alaskan coast, per Ratcliffe and Wray they are interfering in 2020 election, bounty head of US soldiers is just NOT fucking acceptable. No words from that TRAITOR

For decades countries have been attempting to interfere with the elections and governments of other nations. In 2016, interference with the election was rampant with even the FBI spying on the Donald Trump campaign.

That was during the Obama administration, why did that administration do nothing?

The laptop was supplied by Giuliani who works very closely with the Russians agents Derkach and Telizhenko.. WHY should we (Trump supporters not included) just fold roll and die? Why is that acceptable?

As you know, the shopkeeper first turned the hard drive over to the FBI who made a forensic copy of the hard drives. When he did not hear back, he contacted his congressmen, when they did not respond, he contacted Rudy Giuliani who had his attorney contact the shopkeeper.

As you know too, the FBI has confirmed that the hard drives are authentic and that Russia had nothing, whatsoever, to do with them What part is not clear to you?

Media... thereā€™s no mafia. Hunter is a private citizen not a public figure. It is the right of Twitter, Facebook, media etc etc etc from professional journalism stand point not to exposed these kinds of information especially from a private citizen. Especially supplied by a traitor a well know Russian assets Giuliani.

Hunter Biden is the son of a former congressman, former vice-president, and candidate for President of the United States AND they are business partners. Would you say the information being disclosed from those drives were irrelevant if it swirled about Eric Trump? Of course not, you'd (figuratively) be taking out full-page ads in every major newspaper in the country demanding Trump's resignation, impeachment, or worse.

Facebook and Twitter want the best of both worlds. They want to operate as a simple platform for the exchange of ideas, like your cell phone, and not be liable for anything posted, yet they also want to be able to censor what the public posts.

Grow up son.
Last edited:
All of Joe Bidenā€™s tax records are public. None of Donald Trumpā€™s are. Mic drop.

"Hunter Biden's ex-business partner implicates Joe Biden in secret China deals"

"Former Hunter Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski speaks out ahead of debate: 'Everything Iā€™m saying is corroborated'"

"Former Hunter Biden Partner Tony Bobulinski Meeting with Senate Investigators to Turn Over Information"
Repeat posting of the same post is a violation of TOS and an example of your lack of intellect. Joeā€™s finances are ALL ONLINE. Every tax return for 22 years. The reason you and your filthy right wing nuts are trading in innuendo and not facts is that itā€™s bullshit. If Joe got money show it to me on his return. You are full of crap.
How stupid are you?

You think criminals report their illegal gains on their taxes? Man, what an idiot
Then where is it dope? Oh, I know. Itā€™s in your imagination.
So you do think he would put it on hit taxes. What a buffoon. :iyfyus.jpg:
Oh. So itā€™s a double secret probation? Got it. You have nothing. Heā€™s only guilty of not being a right wing nut.
All of Joe Bidenā€™s tax records are public. None of Donald Trumpā€™s are. Mic drop.

"Hunter Biden's ex-business partner implicates Joe Biden in secret China deals"

"Former Hunter Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski speaks out ahead of debate: 'Everything Iā€™m saying is corroborated'"

"Former Hunter Biden Partner Tony Bobulinski Meeting with Senate Investigators to Turn Over Information"
Repeat posting of the same post is a violation of TOS and an example of your lack of intellect. Joeā€™s finances are ALL ONLINE. Every tax return for 22 years. The reason you and your filthy right wing nuts are trading in innuendo and not facts is that itā€™s bullshit. If Joe got money show it to me on his return. You are full of crap.

The evidence suggests that H(unter) is holding it for Joe.
Don't know where or when Joe is to receive it - but that is what the evidence shows.
You can speculate all that you need to - but that is what the evidence shows.

They deny.....but I don't believe low-lives such as the one you are posting to, don't know the truth about their candidate.

As I told another one of them yesterday, they'd vote for Beelzebub if he had a D next to his name.
Ad hominem. Thatā€™s some intellectually diminutive debating. Way. To. Go. Now go.


Debate what????

Here are the facts: the Biden business partner gave a press conference, validating everything in the laptop, and the proof that Joe Biden signed up to be a Ukraine, Russia, China ā€œassetā€ for bucks and equity in fake companies.
You are supporting a candidate who is actually guilty of everything you claimed about Trump since 2016.

Evidence: ā€œthe available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.ā€ Google
Finances of the Biden Crime Family that you can't explain.
The Laptop emails, photos, texts.
The partner who verifies all of the above.

There's no debate, nor is there any doubt about you being a low-life lying sack of offal.
Yea right. Pizzagate all over again. Hillary murders people all over again. Seth Rich all over again. Donā€™t you nuts ever get tired of suckering yourselves? I mean itā€™s not like you are even trying to be genuine. Itā€™s over the top embracing of nuttiness. The lack of shame is a joke. Yea. This Biden thing is a fake. Heā€™s never received any money. Zero. Nada. None. Show me the money and Iā€™ll change my mind. Get on it.
The Hunter Biden thing is just not sticking other than with the demented members of the Trump cult.

You are running out of time.

They have till 11:59 AM Jan 20th to slap the cuffs on quid pro joe. That's quite a bit of time, assuming he wins, which I doubt.


When you wake up from that dream don't forget to roll off the right side of the bed and turn off the alarm clock.

I'm retired, I don't do alarms. The DNI, FBI and DOJ say this is NOT Russian misinformation. On top of that, there are TWO people on the email chains that say they are authentic. Then no one in the Biden camp have denied the emails authenticity. Now, what have you got?


Biden did deny it in this very debate, he stated it was Russian misinformation.

Trump's own National Security Advisor warned him the source, Rudy (playing with his little tootie fruity in a hotel room) Giuliani is being played by Russian intelligence.

You have two weeks for it to become something other than rumours and smear.

Two weeks.

Don't hold your breath.
Biden lied, Stupid.

You guys are playing with fools gold here thinking this can turn the election, the FBI has had the emails long enough to mae a determination, there is nothing there against Biden. It is clear they are investigating the source of the emails, Russian interference and possible Giuliani collusion.

Best focus on economic issues, that is Trump's last hope.
Answer the question
I donā€™t. Do you? Donald does and is under a 2,000 year audit started originally by Jesus Christ. We would know where trumps money comes from if we had his taxes. Thatā€™s why they are hidden. Joeā€™s arenā€™t hidden since he has nothing to hide. Heā€™s already well off. Why, at 77, would he give a shit about cash that heā€™d sell out himself? He doesnā€™t. Itā€™s bull shit.

How is it you brainiac detectives are so sleuthy that you can pick out the Biden corruption with no evidence at all BUT you arenā€™t at all suspicious of Trump and his business dealings, hidden taxes, hidden bank accounts, and unreported loans? Hold my beer while I laugh full throated at the transparent con job youā€™ve all done to yourselves. Circle jerk away boys! Goes for you too PoliticalChic and EdwardBaiamonte and Nostra just to name a few fakers.
I just asked in general not for specifics. Didnā€™t read your post as itā€™s useless. People cheat. FBI has the text messages from Hunters partner there. Letā€™s see what they uncover. Where there is smoke there is fire. A lot more here than with the Russia Conspiracy theories.
The Hunter Biden thing is just not sticking other than with the demented members of the Trump cult.

You are running out of time.

They have till 11:59 AM Jan 20th to slap the cuffs on quid pro joe. That's quite a bit of time, assuming he wins, which I doubt.


When you wake up from that dream don't forget to roll off the right side of the bed and turn off the alarm clock.

I'm retired, I don't do alarms. The DNI, FBI and DOJ say this is NOT Russian misinformation. On top of that, there are TWO people on the email chains that say they are authentic. Then no one in the Biden camp have denied the emails authenticity. Now, what have you got?


Biden did deny it in this very debate, he stated it was Russian misinformation.

Trump's own National Security Advisor warned him the source, Rudy (playing with his little tootie fruity in a hotel room) Giuliani is being played by Russian intelligence.

You have two weeks for it to become something other than rumours and smear.

Two weeks.

Don't hold your breath.
Biden lied, Stupid.

You guys are playing with fools gold here thinking this can turn the election, the FBI has had the emails long enough to mae a determination, there is nothing there against Biden. It is clear they are investigating the source of the emails, Russian interference and possible Giuliani collusion.

Best focus on economic issues, that is Trump's last hope.


Trumpslide 2020
The Hunter Biden thing is just not sticking other than with the demented members of the Trump cult.

You are running out of time.

They have till 11:59 AM Jan 20th to slap the cuffs on quid pro joe. That's quite a bit of time, assuming he wins, which I doubt.


When you wake up from that dream don't forget to roll off the right side of the bed and turn off the alarm clock.

I'm retired, I don't do alarms. The DNI, FBI and DOJ say this is NOT Russian misinformation. On top of that, there are TWO people on the email chains that say they are authentic. Then no one in the Biden camp have denied the emails authenticity. Now, what have you got?


Biden did deny it in this very debate, he stated it was Russian misinformation.

Trump's own National Security Advisor warned him the source, Rudy (playing with his little tootie fruity in a hotel room) Giuliani is being played by Russian intelligence.

You have two weeks for it to become something other than rumours and smear.

Two weeks.

Don't hold your breath.
Biden lied, Stupid.

You guys are playing with fools gold here thinking this can turn the election, the FBI has had the emails long enough to mae a determination, there is nothing there against Biden. It is clear they are investigating the source of the emails, Russian interference and possible Giuliani collusion.

Best focus on economic issues, that is Trump's last hope.


Trumpslide 2020

I think it possible Trump still can win it if he can pull back enough of the suburban white woman and elderly he has lost due to his disastrous pandemic response, but it will not be a landslide either way.
Answer the question
I donā€™t. Do you? Donald does and is under a 2,000 year audit started originally by Jesus Christ. We would know where trumps money comes from if we had his taxes. Thatā€™s why they are hidden. Joeā€™s arenā€™t hidden since he has nothing to hide. Heā€™s already well off. Why, at 77, would he give a shit about cash that heā€™d sell out himself? He doesnā€™t. Itā€™s bull shit.

How is it you brainiac detectives are so sleuthy that you can pick out the Biden corruption with no evidence at all BUT you arenā€™t at all suspicious of Trump and his business dealings, hidden taxes, hidden bank accounts, and unreported loans? Hold my beer while I laugh full throated at the transparent con job youā€™ve all done to yourselves. Circle jerk away boys! Goes for you too PoliticalChic and EdwardBaiamonte and Nostra just to name a few fakers.
I just asked in general not for specifics. Didnā€™t read your post as itā€™s useless. People cheat. FBI has the text messages from Hunters partner there. Letā€™s see what they uncover. Where there is smoke there is fire. A lot more here than with the Russia Conspiracy theories.
There is zippo on Joe. Nothing. Sure. Wait for them to uncover nothing but guess what? Even when they uncover nothing you guys claim itā€™s some giant conspiracy even when investigated by republicans under the order of republicans by appointees by republicans. Itā€™s honestly nuts. Nuts.
Answer the question
I donā€™t. Do you? Donald does and is under a 2,000 year audit started originally by Jesus Christ. We would know where trumps money comes from if we had his taxes. Thatā€™s why they are hidden. Joeā€™s arenā€™t hidden since he has nothing to hide. Heā€™s already well off. Why, at 77, would he give a shit about cash that heā€™d sell out himself? He doesnā€™t. Itā€™s bull shit.

How is it you brainiac detectives are so sleuthy that you can pick out the Biden corruption with no evidence at all BUT you arenā€™t at all suspicious of Trump and his business dealings, hidden taxes, hidden bank accounts, and unreported loans? Hold my beer while I laugh full throated at the transparent con job youā€™ve all done to yourselves. Circle jerk away boys! Goes for you too PoliticalChic and EdwardBaiamonte and Nostra just to name a few fakers.
I just asked in general not for specifics. Didnā€™t read your post as itā€™s useless. People cheat. FBI has the text messages from Hunters partner there. Letā€™s see what they uncover. Where there is smoke there is fire. A lot more here than with the Russia Conspiracy theories.
There is zippo on Joe. Nothing. Sure. Wait for them to uncover nothing but guess what? Even when they uncover nothing you guys claim itā€™s some giant conspiracy even when investigated by republicans under the order of republicans by appointees by republicans. Itā€™s honestly nuts. Nuts.
We ll see, wonā€™t we? Big guy.
Answer the question
I donā€™t. Do you? Donald does and is under a 2,000 year audit started originally by Jesus Christ. We would know where trumps money comes from if we had his taxes. Thatā€™s why they are hidden. Joeā€™s arenā€™t hidden since he has nothing to hide. Heā€™s already well off. Why, at 77, would he give a shit about cash that heā€™d sell out himself? He doesnā€™t. Itā€™s bull shit.

How is it you brainiac detectives are so sleuthy that you can pick out the Biden corruption with no evidence at all BUT you arenā€™t at all suspicious of Trump and his business dealings, hidden taxes, hidden bank accounts, and unreported loans? Hold my beer while I laugh full throated at the transparent con job youā€™ve all done to yourselves. Circle jerk away boys! Goes for you too PoliticalChic and EdwardBaiamonte and Nostra just to name a few fakers.
I just asked in general not for specifics. Didnā€™t read your post as itā€™s useless. People cheat. FBI has the text messages from Hunters partner there. Letā€™s see what they uncover. Where there is smoke there is fire. A lot more here than with the Russia Conspiracy theories.
There is zippo on Joe. Nothing. Sure. Wait for them to uncover nothing but guess what? Even when they uncover nothing you guys claim itā€™s some giant conspiracy even when investigated by republicans under the order of republicans by appointees by republicans. Itā€™s honestly nuts. Nuts.
We ll see, wonā€™t we? Big guy.
Yup. Just like always. Too bad Hillaryā€™s in jail or we could ask her?
Answer the question
I donā€™t. Do you? Donald does and is under a 2,000 year audit started originally by Jesus Christ. We would know where trumps money comes from if we had his taxes. Thatā€™s why they are hidden. Joeā€™s arenā€™t hidden since he has nothing to hide. Heā€™s already well off. Why, at 77, would he give a shit about cash that heā€™d sell out himself? He doesnā€™t. Itā€™s bull shit.

How is it you brainiac detectives are so sleuthy that you can pick out the Biden corruption with no evidence at all BUT you arenā€™t at all suspicious of Trump and his business dealings, hidden taxes, hidden bank accounts, and unreported loans? Hold my beer while I laugh full throated at the transparent con job youā€™ve all done to yourselves. Circle jerk away boys! Goes for you too PoliticalChic and EdwardBaiamonte and Nostra just to name a few fakers.
I just asked in general not for specifics. Didnā€™t read your post as itā€™s useless. People cheat. FBI has the text messages from Hunters partner there. Letā€™s see what they uncover. Where there is smoke there is fire. A lot more here than with the Russia Conspiracy theories.
There is zippo on Joe. Nothing. Sure. Wait for them to uncover nothing but guess what? Even when they uncover nothing you guys claim itā€™s some giant conspiracy even when investigated by republicans under the order of republicans by appointees by republicans. Itā€™s honestly nuts. Nuts.
We ll see, wonā€™t we? Big guy.
Yup. Just like always. Too bad Hillaryā€™s in jail or we could ask her?
She may as well be. She is irrelevant and the laughing stock of both parties. You voted for her. Ha ha ha ha ha. Loser.
All of Joe Bidenā€™s tax records are public. None of Donald Trumpā€™s are. Mic drop.

"Hunter Biden's ex-business partner implicates Joe Biden in secret China deals"

"Former Hunter Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski speaks out ahead of debate: 'Everything Iā€™m saying is corroborated'"

"Former Hunter Biden Partner Tony Bobulinski Meeting with Senate Investigators to Turn Over Information"
Repeat posting of the same post is a violation of TOS and an example of your lack of intellect. Joeā€™s finances are ALL ONLINE. Every tax return for 22 years. The reason you and your filthy right wing nuts are trading in innuendo and not facts is that itā€™s bullshit. If Joe got money show it to me on his return. You are full of crap.
How stupid are you?

You think criminals report their illegal gains on their taxes? Man, what an idiot
What makes it illegal? If the deal from the letter of a 10% cut dated in 2017 was illegal, why isn't BOBULINSKI in jail, who was part of this alleged illegal deal, silly one?
All of Joe Bidenā€™s tax records are public. None of Donald Trumpā€™s are. Mic drop.

"Hunter Biden's ex-business partner implicates Joe Biden in secret China deals"

"Former Hunter Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski speaks out ahead of debate: 'Everything Iā€™m saying is corroborated'"

"Former Hunter Biden Partner Tony Bobulinski Meeting with Senate Investigators to Turn Over Information"
Repeat posting of the same post is a violation of TOS and an example of your lack of intellect. Joeā€™s finances are ALL ONLINE. Every tax return for 22 years. The reason you and your filthy right wing nuts are trading in innuendo and not facts is that itā€™s bullshit. If Joe got money show it to me on his return. You are full of crap.
How stupid are you?

You think criminals report their illegal gains on their taxes? Man, what an idiot
What makes it illegal? If the deal from the letter of a 10% cut dated in 2017 was illegal, why isn't BOBULINSKI in jail, who was part of this alleged illegal deal, silly one?

Ah....pretty sure Bobulinski went public to stay out of jail. He's trying to cut a deal. Which means very bad news for the Biden's.
FBI had info for a long time Not because thereā€™s nothing there but rather because itā€™s grotesque and devastating and they donā€™t want to release it
FBI had info for a long time Not because thereā€™s nothing there but rather because itā€™s grotesque and devastating and they donā€™t want to release it
Again. More made up crap. Arenā€™t you tired of being wrong? Go get some pizza and just know there is no pedo ring in the basement.
Thank you for your fact absent sputtering surrender
All of Joe Bidenā€™s tax records are public. None of Donald Trumpā€™s are. Mic drop.

"Hunter Biden's ex-business partner implicates Joe Biden in secret China deals"

"Former Hunter Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski speaks out ahead of debate: 'Everything Iā€™m saying is corroborated'"

"Former Hunter Biden Partner Tony Bobulinski Meeting with Senate Investigators to Turn Over Information"
Repeat posting of the same post is a violation of TOS and an example of your lack of intellect. Joeā€™s finances are ALL ONLINE. Every tax return for 22 years. The reason you and your filthy right wing nuts are trading in innuendo and not facts is that itā€™s bullshit. If Joe got money show it to me on his return. You are full of crap.
How stupid are you?

You think criminals report their illegal gains on their taxes? Man, what an idiot
Then where is it dope? Oh, I know. Itā€™s in your imagination.
So you do think he would put it on hit taxes. What a buffoon. :iyfyus.jpg:
Oh. So itā€™s a double secret probation? Got it. You have nothing. Heā€™s only guilty of not being a right wing nut.
I have no idea WTF you are babbling about.....and neither do you.

Criminals don't report their criminal gains on their tax return you blithering idiot.
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