Numbers are out: DeSantis crushed Disney

BS, I dropped my subscription because of both. The child grooming thing was a huge factor in it. There BS woke shows was another. What they were doing to Star Wars was another.
Cancelled mine when they fired Gina Carano and kept Pedro pascal showing the double standard.

Sadly, still a stock holder though.
Cancelled mine when they fired Gina Carano and kept Pedro pascal showing the double standard.

Sadly, still a stock holder though.

Letting Gina go was a retarded move. That role was made for her bad ass self.
Is it though? I mean, yeah, if you call it woke, people say they are against that. but if you ask them if gays should be treated with dignity, most people would agree with that. If you ask them if minorities should have equal rights, most people would say they should.

Disney is having problems for the same reason HBO/Warner, Paramount, Amazon and everyone else is. The model of how entertainment is distributed has changed. People don't go to the theater anymore, they wait for stuff to get to streaming.

I'm willing to bet that you've encountered transgender people many times and had no idea they were trans.

Without looking it up, tell me which one used to be a man?


No, I realize that not everyone is the same as me.
For instance, I am currently dating an Asian woman. 55 years ago, our relationship would have been against the law in many states in this union that had miscegenation laws.
Then we realized we shouldn't limit anyone's happiness because other people are bigots. What a crazy idea.

It's not hard 99% of the time.



We all know faggots infiltrate organizations that are tolerant of their mental illness and fetishes, and that you freak lovers like to deny they're just faggots and not real priests or Scout Leaders or Teachers, just predators who go after kids, which of course you Democrarts are just fine with, so why keep up the fake claims? It's clear you deviants know you're sick, which is why you use euphemisms like 'gay' and 'non-binary' as covers.

Straights are just as likely to be pedophiles as gays, and they are just as likely to be priests, teachers or scout leaders. They go where they can get access.

No he wasn't, he was just refusing to pander to your fetishes, is all. Find where the the Bill Of Rights forces people to cater to faggot wierdness.
Public accommodation laws. Deal with it.

Sorry little Joey, I have have gay family members. I was in my gay sisters wedding. I don’t care if someone is gay or trans. Neither do the majority of Americans.
The Cry of the Bigot "Some of my best friends are _____________."

Here's how you show me you aren't a bigot. Accept they should have all the rights and privileges you have.
Actually it is not. It has been fluctuating up and down from 88.00 - 110.00 for a long time. But Is down from a high of 175.00 and has been for at least 2 years now.
Go ahead.....argue that it has anything to do with DooDooRon's gimmick.

A convincing fake is still a fake, no matter how realistic.

And whichever one “used to be a man”, as a matter of hard, immutable, undeniable scientific fact, still is a man, albeit a ruined and mutilated form thereof. It is biologically impossible for a man to become a woman.

So essentially, you could potentially be fooled, that's the point. After you said you would "know the difference".

Show me a few diamonds, and a moissanite, I wouldn't be able to identify which one is the moissanite. That doesn't make the moissanite as valuable as a diamond.

We are talking about people, not minerals.

If you were young, and single, and looking for a wife, would you consider a “trans woman” to be an acceptable substitute in that position for an actual woman? I sure as Hell would not.
No, I wouldn't want to sign half my property over to a trans person any more than a cis-person.
Now, yes, if I were interested in having kids, um, yeah, I'd want a cis woman with working plumbing.
But 99% of the Cis-gendered female population I have no interest in.
I'm willing to bet that you've encountered transgender people many times and had no idea they were trans.

Without looking it up, tell me which one used to be a man?

Why is a facade meaningful when they still aren't what they think they are? Transgenderism goes much further than just how one looks .. and until recent decades was considered a mental disorder. It goes against common sense and biology.
BS, I dropped my subscription because of both. The child grooming thing was a huge factor in it. There BS woke shows was another. What they were doing to Star Wars was another.

Silly boy. You think "Grooming" is real.

They could've wrote in a better script. But Obi Wan was written by what looked like woke high school kids who've never even seen a Star Wars movie. And the producer & Director wasn't paying attention to simple things like the little girl chase scene in the first episode. Surrounded by like 6 guys and still managed to get away? Yeah na.
Or when Obi Wan was chasing her on the roof. One scene shows him like 3ft away, and the next moment she's like 20ft a way.

Um, you are expecting realistic action in a Star Wars movie? It makes me wonder if you've ever seen a Star Wars movie.

I've written over 40 SF stories... and the problem with the setup is that since we already know what happens to these characters, who care?

The climax of Obiwan is that Vader and Obi-wan have yet another light saber fight, where Obiwan bests Vader but let's him live. That makes not a lick of sense. That means he's responsible for everyone Vader kills after this.

It was because she just wasn't a good pick for that role. In fact, that was a dumb role all together.

Oh, I don't know. the Inquisitors had been previously established and it's fine.

Disney's and Hollywood have this retarded affirmative action crap that says so many roles have to go to women, so many have to go to gays and blah blah blah blah.
Lot's of us folks are sick of all these female hero's. The believability of these roles is sub par.

Well, first, Reva isn't a hero.

They did the same thing with the walking dead. One episode, had a new mom practicing her fighting skills when her baby was only a month or so old. And two men taking care of it. In about that same episode, they wrote Daryl in making a friendship bracelet for Carol.
Trying to feminize the men, and emasculate the women. This series went down hill when that Asian woman took over the production.

WHich is why I don't watch the walking dead... that show was played out years ago.

I'm glad this woke crap is on it's last leg. Maybe we can get back to some decent movies, without all the woke crap being shoved in our faces.
Nope, they will keep putting women and minorities in films because- wait for it - only 30% of their audience is white males.
Just pull down the pants and it's pretty easy to tell ..

What if she's post-op?

Why is a facade meaningful when they still aren't what they think they are? Transgenderism goes much further than just how one looks .. and until recent decades was considered a mental disorder. It goes against common sense and biology.

50 years ago, they were calling homosexuality a mental illness.
100 years ago, women having opinions was considered a mental illness called "Hysteria".
I think my favorite part about this whole story is after all the bluster, after being told for a year how unfair it was for Disney to have this special arrangement, they are not taking it away.

Money talks, bullshit walks.
No, dude, that is bullshit. I suggest you do some research on your little hero, fau chi, and how his directives led to the needless deaths of at least 100,000 AIDS patients. NO doctor here on the west coast, and especially in the SF Bay Area, would piss on the little shit if he were on fire.

They ALL despise him.
So you are saying, between the two, the one who is responsible for the least amount of deaths, was the one who thought covid was a hoax?
So you are saying, between the two, the one who is responsible for the least amount of deaths, was the one who thought covid was a hoax?

Stop lying. Trump said the RESPONSE was a hoax, not the disease.

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