Number Of Potential Democrat Candidates Dwindles


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Remember the hand-wringing by the party when Soleimani was 'forced to retire,' by Trump?

When it rains, it pours:

Two Hamas Gaza Terrorists Blow Themselves Up Dismantling Unexploded Israeli Ordnance

Palestinian media: “The Brigades mourned its fighters, Ahmed Abu Hasira and Osamah Janina, and said they died after a blessed life full of struggle and sacrifices, asking Allah Almighty to accept them as martyrs, bestow His mercy upon them and make His Paradise their eternal dwelling.”

Don’t ya just *hate* when this happens?

According to the ‘Palestine Information Center‘ two Hamas ‘resistance fighters’ were killed when dismantling unexploded Israeli ordnance from the recent fighting:

Interior ministry spokesman Iyad al-Buzom said that two Palestinian resistance fighters were killed on Wednesday when an explosion occurred inside a military site in the central Gaza Strip.

In a press release, Buzom explained that blast happened during the dismantling of Israeli unexploded ordnance.
For its part, al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, said that two of its fighters died as they were working on dismantling a bomb remnant from the last Israeli aggression against Gaza.
The Brigades mourned its fighters, Ahmed Abu Hasira and Osamah Janina, and said they died after a blessed life full of struggle and sacrifices, asking Allah Almighty to accept them as martyrs, bestow His mercy upon them and make His Paradise their eternal dwelling."

And probably honor students.
And worse, they would have represented a Democrat stronghold.....

  1. Nearly $25k was contributed by Monir Edwan, listed on FEC documents as contributing from Rafah, Gaza. A refuge camp.
    1. “The Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) prohibits any foreign national from contributing, donating or spending funds in connection with any federal, state, or local election in the United States, either directly or indirectly. It is also unlawful to help foreign nationals violate that ban or to solicit, receive or accept contributions or donations from them. Persons who knowingly and willfully engage in these activities may be subject to fines and/or imprisonment.”
When a federal political committee (a committee active in federal elections) receives a contribution it believes may be from a foreign national, it must: Return the contribution to the donor without depositing it; or Deposit the contribution and take steps to determine its legality, as described below. Either action must be taken within 10 days of the treasurer's receipt. 11 CFR 103.3(b)(1). Foreign nationals -

According to the FEC, contributions to the Obama campaign from three brothers, Osama, Monir and Hosam Edwan, all from Rafah, totaled $33,000.[ii] And they weren’t alone. Al-Jazeera reported on March 31, 2008 that Gazans were manning phone banks for the Obama campaign.[iii] The brothers were vocal in their “love” for Obama – which in itself spoke volumes to Obama’s campaign. The media showed no interest, but Obama pricked up his ears. He smelled trouble; even though no reporters asked him about these contributions, he answered anyway. The Obama campaign contended in the summer of 2008 that they had returned $33,500 in illegal contributions from Palestinians in Hamas-controlled Gaza – despite the fact that records do not show that it was returned, and the brothers said they did not receive any money. And indeed, Obama’s refunds and redesignations on file with the FEC show no refund to Osama, Hossam, or Monir Edwan in the Rafah refugee camp. Photocopies of said documents at this site:

On, a site that monitors campaign contributions, Monir Edwan is listed as Barack Obama’s Top Contributor, giving $24,313 between October 27, 2007 and November 11, 2007. However, although it gives zip codes and other details for the other four of Obama’s top five individual contributors, it provides no additional information at all for Monir Edwan — and Edwan’s link is the only dead one on the Watchdog page. Israel Matzav: Obama's illegal Gaza fundraiser

“When I confronted Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) about the Gaza phone banks issue in South Florida in early November 2008, he said that if there “really were phone banks in Gaza, that would be a major campaign issue.” But he laughed at the idea that Obama was receiving campaign contributions from Gaza. The mainstream media laughed with him, continuing its refusal to cover this explosive story.” Tractors Wiki - The most complete guide in the heavy machines world at TractorPundits Marketplace
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