Now the colors of your mask may be banned so not to offend


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 22, 2016
New York
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Can you now see how absurd the leftard are?
San Francisco cops have been told not to wear "Thin Blue Line" flag coronavirus masks when they are on the job.

I like them. Not only should they be allowed to wear them, but should make them issue and required uniform in all situation where police have to wear one, except undercover work. Great uniformity.
Avoid red or blue in the inner cities as you might get shot by a red or blue gangbanger.
I've hired a night guard against such possibilities SUPER deadly
Its readily apparent that California has mutated into the 6th dimension. So they don't need federal funding anymore. They get power from diversity and rainbows, let's wean them off federal funding, all those illegal aliens will stop California's land slide into mass poverty! Democrats don't fix things, they are great ENABLERS though.
Can you now see how absurd the leftards are?
San Francisco cops have been told not to wear "Thin Blue Line" flag coronavirus masks when they are on the job.

Good grief... Well we are living in the age of "everyone deserves a trophy", and everyone wins, and please don't offend nobody as such to try and help them before they walk into a snake den, because yo know it will be turned into you trying to push them even though they were catwalking the railing.. Oh the horrors of helping someone, even if you only have a camo mask to give them when they didn't have a mask at all. :)
My take on the whole farce we're going through.

Define feeling safe.....
For the people crying for the country to remain shut down, answer these questions:
1) How many children should starve in order to make you feel safe?
2) How many families must go bankrupt in order to make you feel safe?
3) How many wives and children must be stuck at home with an abusive husband/father in order to make you feel safe?
4) How many business owners should lose everything they've worked for in order to make you feel safe?
5) How many people are you comfortable with committing suicide from hopelessness and financial ruin in order to make you feel safe?
Come up with an actual number, don't just dismiss the questions. Come up with the number of people that you think should surrender their lives for YOUR feelings and YOUR safety.
Does it make you feel safer knowing that your unwarranted fear and panic are costing others their livelihoods and even their very lives?
Each time you whine and complain about keeping the country shut down, remember what it's costing OTHER people for you to sit in your house sucking at the teat of CNN, swallowing the panic narrative, and hoarding toilet paper.
Also, remember this - if the TV news had never told you to be afraid of this virus, you wouldn't have. You'd have never given it a thought, you'd have gone about your life as usual along with everyone else. You'd likely have never known there was a virus at all, that this was just another typical flu season. So, remember that all your fear and panic exists because you were TOLD to live in fear and panic.
Feel free to copy and paste like I did.
My take on the whole farce we're going through.

Define feeling safe.....
For the people crying for the country to remain shut down, answer these questions:
1) How many children should starve in order to make you feel safe?
2) How many families must go bankrupt in order to make you feel safe?
3) How many wives and children must be stuck at home with an abusive husband/father in order to make you feel safe?
4) How many business owners should lose everything they've worked for in order to make you feel safe?
5) How many people are you comfortable with committing suicide from hopelessness and financial ruin in order to make you feel safe?
Come up with an actual number, don't just dismiss the questions. Come up with the number of people that you think should surrender their lives for YOUR feelings and YOUR safety.
Does it make you feel safer knowing that your unwarranted fear and panic are costing others their livelihoods and even their very lives?
Each time you whine and complain about keeping the country shut down, remember what it's costing OTHER people for you to sit in your house sucking at the teat of CNN, swallowing the panic narrative, and hoarding toilet paper.
Also, remember this - if the TV news had never told you to be afraid of this virus, you wouldn't have. You'd have never given it a thought, you'd have gone about your life as usual along with everyone else. You'd likely have never known there was a virus at all, that this was just another typical flu season. So, remember that all your fear and panic exists because you were TOLD to live in fear and panic.
Feel free to copy and paste like I did.
Outstanding and True... Many of us are LIVING proof of it today. Never missed a beat here, and can't figure out that if this thing is so prevalent, then how is it that no one knows anyone who has gotten the thing ? It seems that everyone that we know is still here and are still healthy. Not boasting at all, but just curious about the numbers verses the reality. Yes the hot spots are real, and I do imagine so, but hopefully most states are doing ok, and most people are making it out of the weeds if had somehow gotten it.. Hopefully they will be with us for many more years to come now that they are getting on top of it.

My condolences and sorrows go out to all those who have lost loved ones to the thing. God speed to them, and God be with us all whom still remain.
The blue line flag is an ongoing controversy. First, it is viewed by many as US Flag desecration. Second, it is viewed as an attempt to give police the same status as active-duty military without having to follow military-like rules and regulations and a military-style judicial system.
Can you now see how absurd the leftards are?
San Francisco cops have been told not to wear "Thin Blue Line" flag coronavirus masks when they are on the job.

Clearly there’s no limit to the ridiculous non-issues conservatives are going to whine about.
Can you now see how absurd the leftards are?
San Francisco cops have been told not to wear "Thin Blue Line" flag coronavirus masks when they are on the job.

Clearly there’s no limit to the ridiculous non-issues conservatives are going to whine about.
/———/ You clowns are offended by mask colors. You made it an issue. You can’t leave things alone. Micro aggressions send you libtards into a tizzy.
Can you now see how absurd the leftards are?
San Francisco cops have been told not to wear "Thin Blue Line" flag coronavirus masks when they are on the job.

Clearly there’s no limit to the ridiculous non-issues conservatives are going to whine about.
/———/ You clowns are offended by mask colors. You made it an issue. You can’t leave things alone. Micro aggressions send you libtards into a tizzy.
You are distorting. The issue is not about face mask colors or political correctness. It is about US Flag desecration and militarizing police.
Can you now see how absurd the leftards are?
San Francisco cops have been told not to wear "Thin Blue Line" flag coronavirus masks when they are on the job.

Clearly there’s no limit to the ridiculous non-issues conservatives are going to whine about.
/———/ You clowns are offended by mask colors. You made it an issue. You can’t leave things alone. Micro aggressions send you libtards into a tizzy.
You are distorting. The issue is not about face mask colors or political correctness. It is about US Flag desecration and militarizing police.
/——/ Wearing blue and white stripes isn’t desecration of the flag, nor does it militarize the police. You’re just grasping at straws defending the indefensible.
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the progressive left abandoned common sense a long time ago, San Francisco is a true shithole, at least the parts where the poor & indigent live & even public streets

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