Now our School Teachers need a safe space

Many of my co-workers voted Hillary, quite a few others voted Trump, a few voted 3rd party. It's really a stereotype that all teachers are liberals. I have yet to see one of my co-workers wear a safety pin for this. I have not heard of a teacher telling their students that they're upset Trump won. We did all get an email a day or so after the election (the entire district) that we are not to discus our personal political views whatsoever to students (and rightfully so).

What astounds me is the image that many conservatives have of teachers...and much of it it based upon misinformation from the media/society.

PS: I'm a teacher at a public (high) school, who did not vote for Hillary.
You guys want to ban teachers from putting on a safety pin? :cuckoo:

Teachers have no business making a statement like this....none
What statement is that?

I don't know who you are, but there is one thing I know about you. You do not have a reliable news source. It could be that you just don't want to be informed. The story of the safety pins has been all over the news. The fact that this knowledge has eluded you is the equivalent of walking in a rainstorm without an umbrella and not getting a drop on you

At any rate, I am providing you a link to The Drudge Report, the best news source available. If you click on the link you will immediately know why.

Here is the problem with public education...they are rewarding failure, in turn the students are rewarded for mediocrity or failure. If the test scores fell like this at our children's schools the superintendents would be looking elsewhere for employment.

Indianapolis: Superintendent gets $27k bonus as student performance declines

INDIANAPOLIS – Indianapolis school board members awarded Superintendent Lewis Ferebee a massive $26,999 bonus on Thursday, the same day the public learned student test scores fell by 3.7 percent last year.

Indianapolis: Superintendent gets $27k bonus as student performance declines
Fatcats Love Mice

Children naturally form into teams and compete for a reward. So each class should be divided into teams and quizzed frequently. The winning team should get Friday off and the worst team should have to come in on Saturday. The present unnatural system is designed to make students accept lower wages when they finally do get rewarded for their work after years of deprivation. Unlike sports, which appeal to stronger but less economically useful instincts, winning can't be its own reward. High-scoring individual students will get paid to teach the Saturday classes.
I have not heard of a teacher telling their students that they're upset Trump won.

PS: I'm a teacher at a public (high) school, who did not vote for Hillary.
Unstructured Language Leads to Unstructured Thought

Why do teachers refuse to construct that sentence "not heard of any teachers telling their students" instead of enforcing the New Age fad of using a plural pronoun with a singular antecedent? Unnecessarily illogical grammar is the hidden dumbing-down that goes on.

It's an amazing source of information for the uninformed.

PS. How are you arguing in this thread when you CLEARLY don't even understand the topic?
Obviously I know what it means old timer. Just checking if any of you have enough shame to admit what upsets you all so much about it.
This type of shit does not belong in the workplace much less at a school full of children.
This can easily cause strife among the teachers who wear them vs those who don't and make the workplace a stressful environment. It essentially will divide the left from the right & put targets on those who don't participate in the pouting ceremony.
And the CHILDREN are sitting by watching all of this nonsense and as we all know children are easily confused & influenced.
I would have a similar problem with a teacher wearing a Jesus is Lord t-shirt in class.
There is a time & place for politics & religion diacussions and that time is not during math or geography class.

What type of shit? What statement do safety pins make that pisses you off so much?
I'm done with you. Pedal your stupidity to someone else
A second poster too ashamed to admit why they're so angry about this.
Hatred of He

"Why he is so angry," especially since he has a masculine user name. This mind-numbing unisex change in grammar is more important than the safety pin. In fact, it is what led up to such conformist silliness among those who taught the latest decadent generations. Whoever is behind this does it on purpose.
A bag for liberals to carry their butt hurt,because God knows they cant possibly carry it all in their pants.

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