Now Hillburty is blaming the maid for sending classified emails


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2015
1,095 It was the butler. The butler did it! No wait the maid did it.

People Hillberty did it, it's that simple.

As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton routinely asked her maid to print out sensitive government e-mails and documents — including ones containing classified information — from her house in Washington, DC, e-mails and FBI memos show. But the housekeeper lacked the security clearance to handle such material.

In fact, Marina Santos was called on so frequently to receive e-mails that she may hold the secrets to E-mailgate — if only the FBI and Congress would subpoena her and the equipment she used.

Clinton entrusted far more than the care of her DC residence, known as Whitehaven, to Santos. She expected the Filipino immigrant to handle state secrets, further opening the Democratic presidential nominee to criticism that she played fast and loose with national security.

Clinton would first receive highly sensitive e-mails from top aides at the State Department and then request that they, in turn, forward the messages and any attached documents to Santos to print out for her at the home.

Among other things, Clinton requested Santos print out drafts of her speeches, confidential memos and “call sheets” — background information and talking points prepared for the secretary of state in advance of a phone call with a foreign head of state.

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Marina SantosPhoto: Ron Sachs

“Pls ask Marina to print for me in am,” Clinton e-mailed top aide Huma Abedin regarding a redacted 2011 message marked sensitive but unclassified.
Hillary is the most dangerous person in the nation when it comes to National Secrets. Just how many people had access to her emails?
It's still Hillary's fault. She's not authorized to give a third party access to the emails. In fact... That's engaging in espionage.
It's still Hillary's fault. She's not authorized to give a third party access to the emails. In fact... That's engaging in espionage.

It's a disgrace this person isn't in jail...
It's still Hillary's fault. She's not authorized to give a third party access to the emails. In fact... That's engaging in espionage.
In fact... If Hillary personally made the claim; that's as good as a confession, and she should be arrested immediately. End of story. End of campaign.
I'm sure the maid makes so much money she would never dream of selling these documents to any of our foes.

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