Now a total of 340 Sanctuary Cities

There's a great deal of ignorance and misinformation, found mostly on the right, as to what constitutes a so-called 'sanctuary city.'

The Federal government cannot compel state and local governments to enforce Federal laws, including immigration laws. (See e.g. Printz v. US)

“Cities and States aren’t obligated to use their own resources to help enforce Federal immigration laws. Sanctuary cities are just places that have standardized that decision to put those resources elsewhere.”

Sanctuary Cities and Immigration | LegalMatch Law Library

If a jurisdiction were to be asked by Federal authorities to detain someone suspected of having entered the country without authorization, such a jurisdiction would comply in accordance with Federal law.

But there is nothing compelling cities or other local jurisdictions to unilaterally seek out and detain those suspected of being undocumented, using their own limited resources, absent being requested to do so by Federal authorities, nor would a city making the decision to not unilaterally seek out and detain those suspected of being undocumented be in 'violation' of Federal immigration law.

The ridiculous notion that so-called 'sanctuary cities' are somehow 'aiding and abetting' those undocumented from being detained by Federal authorizes is an absolute lie.
McConnell's senate will be drafting legislation to pull grant money away from these cites and give more to those that cooperate
Think about that sentence for a while. Ruminate on it. Ponder how it fits, or doesn't fit, into Republican principles of small, decentralized government.

Federal power being used to coerce local governments.

Whatever happened to the principle that local governments know what their people want better than the federal government does?
The feds are responsible for immigration enforcement ya dumbfuck. They should pull ALL federal money.
The feds are responsible for federal gun laws ya dumbfuck. And yet the Right cheers when Sheriffs say they will refuse to enforce federal gun laws.

So if we are going to coerce "sanctuary cities", don't whine when those Sheriffs are coerced, too.
You're an idiot.
The Constitution GUARANTEES you the right to own a gun.
The Constitution does not guarantee ILLEGAL aliens residence in the United States
Hello? Is this thing on?

There are federal gun laws.

Those federal gun laws are constitutional.

Sheriffs have been cheered by the Right for saying they will not enforce those federal gun laws.

And yet local governments are being booed by the Right for saying they will not enforce federal immigration laws.

The stench of hypocrisy.

Look, G, I get your point about how we conservatives ARE for smaller government and shorter reach.
While it's one thing to refuse to enforce federal immigration laws, it's a huge 'nother to obstruct.
We know there are cases where a 'sanctuary' city has had an illegal alien, with an extensive rap sheet, in their custody and purposefully released them before the Feds could get there to pick them up.
Now we're up to 340 cities that refuse to follow the law.
I think we are more than just a little bit over-burdened with "undocumented residents" and these locales are just adding to the problem,
Call it coercion or this point I don't care.
Why should the federal government be obligated to fund this kind of behavior?

And, BTW...
I'm still not seeing examples of sheriffs refusing to enforce federal gun laws
There's a great deal of ignorance and misinformation, found mostly on the right, as to what constitutes a so-called 'sanctuary city.'

The Federal government cannot compel state and local governments to enforce Federal laws, including immigration laws. (See e.g. Printz v. US)

“Cities and States aren’t obligated to use their own resources to help enforce Federal immigration laws. Sanctuary cities are just places that have standardized that decision to put those resources elsewhere.”

Sanctuary Cities and Immigration | LegalMatch Law Library

If a jurisdiction were to be asked by Federal authorities to detain someone suspected of having entered the country without authorization, such a jurisdiction would comply in accordance with Federal law.

But there is nothing compelling cities or other local jurisdictions to unilaterally seek out and detain those suspected of being undocumented, using their own limited resources, absent being requested to do so by Federal authorities, nor would a city making the decision to not unilaterally seek out and detain those suspected of being undocumented be in 'violation' of Federal immigration law.

The ridiculous notion that so-called 'sanctuary cities' are somehow 'aiding and abetting' those undocumented from being detained by Federal authorizes is an absolute lie.


Call me ignorant or confused.
You have before.

But it seems contradictory, to me, that the federal government can't force state or local governments to enforce their laws but, somehow, it's an act of treason for a state to secede from the nation

Can you explain that one, please?
McConnell's senate will be drafting legislation to pull grant money away from these cites and give more to those that cooperate
Think about that sentence for a while. Ruminate on it. Ponder how it fits, or doesn't fit, into Republican principles of small, decentralized government.

Federal power being used to coerce local governments. Whatever happened to the principle that local governments know what their people want better than the federal government does?

It's federal government enforcing federal law

Well, then, have them start by throwing Clive Bundy into the slammer!
McConnell's senate will be drafting legislation to pull grant money away from these cites and give more to those that cooperate
Think about that sentence for a while. Ruminate on it. Ponder how it fits, or doesn't fit, into Republican principles of small, decentralized government.

Federal power being used to coerce local governments. Whatever happened to the principle that local governments know what their people want better than the federal government does?

It's federal government enforcing federal law

Well, then, have them start by throwing Clive Bundy into the slammer!
The government knows that would be PR nightmare
McConnell's senate will be drafting legislation to pull grant money away from these cites and give more to those that cooperate
Think about that sentence for a while. Ruminate on it. Ponder how it fits, or doesn't fit, into Republican principles of small, decentralized government.

Federal power being used to coerce local governments.

Whatever happened to the principle that local governments know what their people want better than the federal government does?

Yes so if local government wants to hire out hit men, they should

Are you really, truly THAT much of an Obama Fluffer?
Number of sanctuary cities grows to 340; thousands of illegals released to commit new crimes

And, as a result????

All told, 9,295 immigrants whom ICE wanted to pick up from January through September last year were released instead.

Of those, 5,947 had significant criminal records

McConnell's senate will be drafting legislation to pull grant money away from these cites and give more to those that cooperate
If 340 cities are sanctuary cities, that seem to support the claim that most people do not go along with deporting all illegal immigrants.

Depending on your definition, "sanctuary cities" like anchor babies they do exist. However with few exception, almost any city in US can be classified as a sanctuary city because there is no commonly accepted definition of the term.

The biggest problem that cities face in detaining suspected illegal immigrants, is they're on very shaky legal grounds despite the changes in federal immigration law and there is little local support in the community.
I'm still not seeing examples of sheriffs refusing to enforce federal gun laws

The Sheriff in Roseburg, Oregon is one.

Hanlin also sent a letter to Vice President Biden in 2013, after the shooting at a Newtown, Connecticut, elementary school, saying he and his deputies would refuse to enforce new gun-control restrictions "offending the constitutional rights of my citizens."
One sheriff and you said is refusing not would refuse........ Liar.
(In context with existing law).
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Sanctuary cities usually turn over to the feds any undocumented alien who is also a wanted. However, they have no authority to bring someone to court and find him guilty of being an illegal alien. Therefor, as far as the city is concerned, nobody is an illegal alien.
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There's a great deal of ignorance and misinformation, found mostly on the right, as to what constitutes a so-called 'sanctuary city.'

The Federal government cannot compel state and local governments to enforce Federal laws, including immigration laws. (See e.g. Printz v. US)

“Cities and States aren’t obligated to use their own resources to help enforce Federal immigration laws. Sanctuary cities are just places that have standardized that decision to put those resources elsewhere.”

Sanctuary Cities and Immigration | LegalMatch Law Library

If a jurisdiction were to be asked by Federal authorities to detain someone suspected of having entered the country without authorization, such a jurisdiction would comply in accordance with Federal law.

But there is nothing compelling cities or other local jurisdictions to unilaterally seek out and detain those suspected of being undocumented, using their own limited resources, absent being requested to do so by Federal authorities, nor would a city making the decision to not unilaterally seek out and detain those suspected of being undocumented be in 'violation' of Federal immigration law.

The ridiculous notion that so-called 'sanctuary cities' are somehow 'aiding and abetting' those undocumented from being detained by Federal authorizes is an absolute lie.
Like as has already been said cities generally don't go out and look for illegals and that's not really the issue. The issue is those illegals with criminal records who are on the ICE detainer list the cities do have a legal obligation to hold if those illegals have been arrested for anything else for ICE to pick up. Some cities will not hold those illegals unless ICE sends them a specific "request". The problem with that (and the cities know it) is at least half the time the illegals are released before the ICE paperwork can be processed.
That's why something like Kate's Law is needed which requires by federal law that all illegals who have a felony and has returned to the US (and has been arrested on anything else in whichever city they're in) will automatically be handed over to the feds and will serve an automatic 5 year sentence before being deported.
Most likely the law will not pass as some idiot wingnuts in congress have attached an anti-sanctuary city bill to it which no Democrat will vote for. Both sides are more concerned with politics, as usual.
McConnell's senate will be drafting legislation to pull grant money away from these cites and give more to those that cooperate
Think about that sentence for a while. Ruminate on it. Ponder how it fits, or doesn't fit, into Republican principles of small, decentralized government.

Federal power being used to coerce local governments.

Whatever happened to the principle that local governments know what their people want better than the federal government does?

as long as you agree that local govts can ignore any federal law im all in. for instance, if localities in many states want to eliminate estate taxes and and exempt business from federal income taxes you would agree?
There's a great deal of ignorance and misinformation, found mostly on the right, as to what constitutes a so-called 'sanctuary city.'

The Federal government cannot compel state and local governments to enforce Federal laws, including immigration laws. (See e.g. Printz v. US)

“Cities and States aren’t obligated to use their own resources to help enforce Federal immigration laws. Sanctuary cities are just places that have standardized that decision to put those resources elsewhere.”

Sanctuary Cities and Immigration | LegalMatch Law Library

If a jurisdiction were to be asked by Federal authorities to detain someone suspected of having entered the country without authorization, such a jurisdiction would comply in accordance with Federal law.

But there is nothing compelling cities or other local jurisdictions to unilaterally seek out and detain those suspected of being undocumented, using their own limited resources, absent being requested to do so by Federal authorities, nor would a city making the decision to not unilaterally seek out and detain those suspected of being undocumented be in 'violation' of Federal immigration law.

The ridiculous notion that so-called 'sanctuary cities' are somehow 'aiding and abetting' those undocumented from being detained by Federal authorizes is an absolute lie.
Like as has already been said cities generally don't go out and look for illegals and that's not really the issue. The issue is those illegals with criminal records who are on the ICE detainer list the cities do have a legal obligation to hold if those illegals have been arrested for anything else for ICE to pick up. Some cities will not hold those illegals unless ICE sends them a specific "request". The problem with that (and the cities know it) is at least half the time the illegals are released before the ICE paperwork can be processed.
That's why something like Kate's Law is needed which requires by federal law that all illegals who have a felony and has returned to the US (and has been arrested on anything else in whichever city they're in) will automatically be handed over to the feds and will serve an automatic 5 year sentence before being deported.
Most likely the law will not pass as some idiot wingnuts in congress have attached an anti-sanctuary city bill to it which no Democrat will vote for. Both sides are more concerned with politics, as usual.

Cities are under no such legal obligation.

Another example of the same thing is that the State of Colorado has legalized pot, although it is still illegal under federal law. The state does not have to turn over to the feds anyone they have in their custody who also grows pot.
Sanctuary cities usually turn over to the feds any undocumented alien who is also a wanted. However, they have no authority to bring someone to court and find him guilty of being an illegal alien. Therefor, as far as the city is concerned, nobody is an illegal alien.

the left-wing idiot capacity to defend the indefensible with mindless stupidity is simply astounding!!

McConnell's senate will be drafting legislation to pull grant money away from these cites and give more to those that cooperate
Think about that sentence for a while. Ruminate on it. Ponder how it fits, or doesn't fit, into Republican principles of small, decentralized government.

Federal power being used to coerce local governments.

Whatever happened to the principle that local governments know what their people want better than the federal government does?

as long as you agree that local govts can ignore any federal law im all in. for instance, if localities in many states want to eliminate estate taxes and and exempt business from federal income taxes you would agree?

no you idiot. they cant exempt themselves from federal income taxes.........................or federal immigration law
Sanctuary cities usually turn over to the feds any undocumented alien who is also a wanted. However, they have no authority to bring someone to court and find him guilty of being an illegal alien. Therefor, as far as the city is concerned, nobody is an illegal alien.

the left-wing idiot capacity to defend the indefensible with mindless stupidity is simply astounding!!


Don't give up your day job to practice law, Bed.
Sanctuary cities usually turn over to the feds any undocumented alien who is also a wanted. However, they have no authority to bring someone to court and find him guilty of being an illegal alien. Therefor, as far as the city is concerned, nobody is an illegal alien.

the left-wing idiot capacity to defend the indefensible with mindless stupidity is simply astounding!!


Don't give up your day job to practice law, Bed.

wow really??? what are you going to have to say when the next Republican President witholds federal funds from sanctuary cities/??

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