Not trying to be cheeky, but is Minnesota government going to demand accountability for the large public gathering last night?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I read that Minnesota has outlawed large religious gatherings. I accept peaceful protests, but it seems it turned violence last night with one person shot dead and another 5 shot in different incidents. Nobody should except that or the looting that followed.

So, has the government in Minnesota spoken out against the risk of spreading the Wuhan Virus with so many in close proximity?
I read that Minnesota has outlawed large religious gatherings. I accept peaceful protests, but it seems it turned violence last night with one person shot dead and another 5 shot in different incidents. Nobody should except that or the looting that followed.

So, has the government in Minnesota spoken out against the risk of spreading the Wuhan Virus with so many in close proximity?
Read where?
I read that Minnesota has outlawed large religious gatherings. I accept peaceful protests, but it seems it turned violence last night with one person shot dead and another 5 shot in different incidents. Nobody should except that or the looting that followed.

So, has the government in Minnesota spoken out against the risk of spreading the Wuhan Virus with so many in close proximity?

Ha, ha . . . (knee slapping happening) . . . "protests"? Really? What you meant to say, fare Canadian friend to the north, is "rioting savages". Didn't you know our neo-government is more atheistic than the French laïcité? They rotting despise Christians. They don't mind a bunch of misled jungle boogies and their white liberal bleeding heart pansies tearing down their own neighborhoods, but Christians gathering to worship? That's like sunlight caressing a vampire's flesh. You need a primer on modern American culture.
I read that Minnesota has outlawed large religious gatherings. I accept peaceful protests, but it seems it turned violence last night with one person shot dead and another 5 shot in different incidents. Nobody should except that or the looting that followed.

So, has the government in Minnesota spoken out against the risk of spreading the Wuhan Virus with so many in close proximity?
Read where?

George Floyd protests in Minneapolis turn deadly as city mayor urges calm
George Floyd protests in Minneapolis turn deadly as city mayor urges calm
A better question.
Is Minnesota government going to demand accountability for the murder of an unarmed man?

You should ask that question of the democrat party..... has been completely controlled by the democrat party since 1974....which means the chief of police, a black also a democrat....ask them...

Oh......that's right....they only have to care about Black Americans for a few months every two years.....luckily, this happened close to the next election, so they might actually pretend to care for a little while...
A better question.
Is Minnesota government going to demand accountability for the murder of an unarmed man?

Well they have already, 4 of the officers have been fired and the federal government is now involved in the process with FBI and DOJ. Protests should have remained that way and not became a riot.

In Canada, when such protests turn into fires, we generally assume it's agent provocateurs with the police department. The G20 in 2010 was widely criticized as people asked "why would you leave a police car isolated, and when it is lit on fire, how come nobody puts it out?"
A better question.
Is Minnesota government going to demand accountability for the murder of an unarmed man?

You should ask that question of the democrat party..... has been completely controlled by the democrat party since 1974....which means the chief of police, a black also a democrat....ask them...
Let's do that. Let's see what the mayor of Minneapolis has to say.
A better question.
Is Minnesota government going to demand accountability for the murder of an unarmed man?

You should ask that question of the democrat party..... has been completely controlled by the democrat party since 1974....which means the chief of police, a black also a democrat....ask them...
Let's do that. Let's see what the mayor of Minneapolis has to say.

Democrats have been in control of that police force since 1974..........why did they allow it to get so bad.........ohhhhh...that's right, they don't care about Black Americans.....except for that few months every two years before the election......and, it is about that they need to put on the show.
An answer to the thread question: Of course, NOT.

Does anyone in his/her right mind think that the city or state or federal government would dare sanction the ladies and gentlemen who "protested" by sacking businesses?
HOw come the cops don't stop the rioters and looters?
HOw come the cops don't stop the rioters and looters?

It is a city completely controlled by the democrat party....the riot and the looting actually works for them......the democrat members of the press will hide and ignore the fact that the mayor is a democrat, the police chief is a democrat, then they will simply say.............?


And the fact that this city is owned, controlled and exploited by democrats will go unnoticed by those who suffer.....
A better question.
Is Minnesota government going to demand accountability for the murder of an unarmed man?

You should ask that question of the democrat party..... has been completely controlled by the democrat party since 1974....which means the chief of police, a black also a democrat....ask them...
Let's do that. Let's see what the mayor of Minneapolis has to say.

Democrats have been in control of that police force since 1974..........why did they allow it to get so bad.........ohhhhh...that's right, they don't care about Black Americans.....except for that few months every two years before the election......and, it is about that they need to put on the show.

It seems to me democrats are doing something about it.

I think all police and every person who owns a gun should be forced to take a mental health exam every 6 months.

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