Not that it matters now

i just thought this was interesting. i found it on a blog


here's a print version

The Campaign Spot on National Review Online

i wonder what he'll change his mind on next

Is McCain not just as much a flip-flopper? He was for the bailout before he was against it,opposed bush tax cuts now wants to make it permanent against earmarks before he voted for it, pro capitalism yet supports socialist programs medicare,social security,we are better off then we were 8 years ago,then were not,campaign finanace,immigration?? what does he stand for,, Neil Cavuto said it best when it comes to the economy he has no convictions. Is he for or against torture? Tells his sheep Obama wants to redistribute their wealth, yet fails to tell them taxes are always a redistribution of wealth. You guys fail to realize he is debating everything he stands for,, Accuses Obama of increasing size of government and spending, when his spending plan will add more to the defecit.
Is McCain not just as much a flip-flopper? He was for the bailout before he was against it,opposed bush tax cuts now wants to make it permanent against earmarks before he voted for it, pro capitalism yet supports socialist programs medicare,social security,we are better off then we were 8 years ago,then were not,campaign finanace,immigration?? what does he stand for,, Neil Cavuto said it best when it comes to the economy he has no convictions. Is he for or against torture? Tells his sheep Obama wants to redistribute their wealth, yet fails to tell them taxes are always a redistribution of wealth. You guys fail to realize he is debating everything he stands for,, Accuses Obama of increasing size of government and spending, when his spending plan will add more to the defecit.

put up a list with a source of McCains flip flops.

BTW i am not voting for McCain so insinuation I am hypocrite is meaningless
put up a list with a source of McCains flip flops.

BTW i am not voting for McCain so insinuation I am hypocrite is meaningless

[ame=]YouTube - McCain's YouTube Problem Just Became a Nightmare[/ame]
pro capitalism yet supports socialist programs medicare,social security,we are better off then we were 8 years ago.

yup, the GOP now has to STFU about capitalism because all they've given us is more spending increases than we had with Clinton, a massive expansion of socialized medicine through medicare part D, and virtually no private sector job growth since 2001

GOP is just a Socialist party that's hijacked Capitalist rhetoric.
yup, the GOP now has to STFU about capitalism because all they've given us is more spending increases than we had with Clinton, a massive expansion of socialized medicine through medicare part D, and virtually no private sector job growth since 2001

GOP is just a Socialist party that's hijacked Capitalist rhetoric.

And BHO and the Dimmies will make the GW administration spending look frugal.
yup, the GOP now has to STFU about capitalism because all they've given us is more spending increases than we had with Clinton, a massive expansion of socialized medicine through medicare part D, and virtually no private sector job growth since 2001

GOP is just a Socialist party that's hijacked Capitalist rhetoric.

exactly, I am dumbfounded how republicans constantly support socialist policies yet treat it like the down fall of our country. In the last 20 years the biggest spenders have been republicans,what happened to conservative? Why are you guys not calling McCain a socialist? He benefits from socialist programs like medicare. He proposed a socialist program to bailout homeowners by redistributing tax payers money and buying bad mortgages. How is that country first? How is cutting earmarks going to balance the budget?
exactly, I am dumbfounded how republicans constantly support socialist policies

the GOP is not about facts, or being held to standards, but promoting one ideology and practicing another

compassionate conservatism was about raiding the Treasury to advance a leftist social agenda, and financing it through Chinese central bankers instead of American taxpayers
the GOP is not about facts, or being held to standards, but promoting one ideology and practicing another

compassionate conservatism was about raiding the Treasury to advance a leftist social agenda, and financing it through Chinese central bankers instead of American taxpayers

which is why i am voting libertarian
which is why i am voting libertarian

ok but how come all the anti socialist pro capitalism guys are not on here constantly calling McCain a socialist? He says Obama wants to tax your money and have the government spend it. Which is ironic because I thought all taxes was taken from you for government spending, but I guess McCain will enact a magical tax that is different from the system our country has used. he will balance the budget in 4 years by cutting earmarks. he knows how to catch bin laden. who is the canidate selling false hope again?
I understand that. But to me the most practical way to bring about gov't gridlock (which is a wonderful thing) and smaller gov't is a Dem pres and GOP congress, and the worst way is a GOP pres and GOP congress.

I'll reserve judgment on that until i see what BHO and his Dimocratic congress actually do
because that would assume McCain understands enough about economics to actually fit into any ideology

hard to stick with one, when it switches from week to week.

Monday: Speaking at a rally in Jacksonville, McCain declares that "the fundamentals of our economy are strong." Coming as the Dow plunges more than 500 points and Lehman Bros. goes belly up, this makes McCain sound somewhat out of touch.

Tuesday: McCain explains that he meant to say American workers are fundamentally sound, and the economy itself is in "crisis." But, he adds, this crisis does not warrant bailing out insurance giant American International Group, which should be allowed to fail. McCain adviser Carly Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO, unhelpfully opines that no one on either presidential ticket would be capable of running a company such as H-P.

Wednesday: After the government takes over AIG, McCain says the rescue was regrettable, but unavoidable.

Thursday: McCain, who over the years has described himself as a deregulator, recasts himself as a pro-regulation, anti-Wall Street populist. If he were president, he says, he'd fire Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox, a former Republican congressman confirmed by unanimous consent of the Senate in 2005
From McCain, an erratic response to crisis - Opinion -

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