NOT Killing Minority Children Is Somehow White Supremacy, Being Able to Murder Anyone You Want Is Freedom


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Democrats Flaunted Their Insanity Recently....

Amid all the chaos and infighting by Democrats over the reconciliation, another, more important argument was happening on Capitol Hill. The House held a hearing on abortion, with figures like Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in attendance. What we saw was abject evil put on display for the entire world to see Truly, it was a disgusting, sickening spectacle illustrating just how far we’ve fallen as a society..


'NOT killing children of minority descent is somehow white supremacy.'
- D-Ayanna Pressley

'You know, Hitler's first official act was banning abortion'
- Gloria Steinem

“Abortion is a blessing; abortion is an act of love; abortion is freedom”

- Dr. Ghazaleh Moayedi


Democrats Flaunted Their Insanity Recently....

Amid all the chaos and infighting by Democrats over the reconciliation, another, more important argument was happening on Capitol Hill. The House held a hearing on abortion, with figures like Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in attendance. What we saw was abject evil put on display for the entire world to see Truly, it was a disgusting, sickening spectacle illustrating just how far we’ve fallen as a society..


'NOT killing children of minority descent is somehow white supremacy.'
- D-Ayanna Pressley

'You know, Hitler's first official act was banning abortion'
- Gloria Steinem

“Abortion is a blessing; abortion is an act of love; abortion is freedom”

- Dr. Ghazaleh Moayedi


It's funny to hear rightwingers suddenly feign concern for minority children.
And that invoking his name somehow invalidates something someone is doing.
Especially when we know that of all the mass murderers in recent history, hitler was a rookie compared to leftist heroes like stalin and mao. Shitler was also a vegan, possibly a queer, hated jews, capitalists and religion in general.

Especially when we know that of all the mass murderers in recent history, hitler was a rookie compared to leftist heroes like stalin and mao. Shitler was also a vegan, possibly a queer, hated jews, capitalists and religion in general.

Your rightist hero, Hitler was right up there with Stalin and Mao, he killed millions,, forced women to be breeders of the Aryan race...hated commies with a passion.

'NOT killing children of minority descent is somehow white supremacy.'
- D-Ayanna Pressley
Banning abortions is common to fascism. It was listed in the link I posted yesterday on the 14 points of fascism.
It's women's freedom being stripped away.

Did Hitler do it because he cared about the unborn fetus?
Banning abortions is common to fascism. It was listed in the link I posted yesterday on the 14 points of fascism.
It's women's freedom being stripped away.

Did Hitler do it because he cared about the unborn fetus?
Hitler was worried about "inferior races" out breeding Aryans.

Hitler was worried about "inferior races" out breeding Aryans.

I know about that. Here's the link that mentions abortion being common to fascism.

I posted it because it's so much in tune with Trump's efforts that it seems to be written expressly for Trump. It wasn't.

#5. Divorce, Abortion, and Homosexuality are suppressed.
Your rightist hero, Hitler was right up there with Stalin and Mao, he killed millions,, forced women to be breeders of the Aryan race...hated commies with a passion.
hitler was less right wing than you, but few people are as deliberately ignorant as you.
It's funny to hear rightwingers suddenly feign concern for minority children.
Don't you extremely biased snowflakes ever get tired of making false allegations against people, attempting to create false narratives to argue against while attempting to create a diversion?

You just FAILED to make the issue about 'rightwingers' (and me) instead of what the thread topic is actually about.

Isn't there a rule about attempting to hijack threads? If I could just fond a Mod to ask....

Your rightist hero, Hitler was right up there with Stalin and Mao, he killed millions,, forced women to be breeders of the Aryan race...hated commies with a passion.
You know, just because you falsely claim Hitler is the hero of 'rightists' does not make it so. It just makes your defense of these disgusting Democrats look desperate.
Your rightist hero, Hitler was right up there with Stalin and Mao, he killed millions,, forced women to be breeders of the Aryan race...hated commies with a passion.
No matter how bad Hitler was he is still better than any democrat.
does this mean most liberals are queer
It means what it says. The fascist extreme right isn't tolerant of gays. Freedom to divorce and freedom for a woman to abort a fetus are also mentioned.

There are many other like similarities in the other 13 points that are common to Trump's attempted initiatives.

This is pointing out how fascism is the enemy of socialism, in which the people's rights and freedoms are preserved in a modern capitalist system.
You know, just because you falsely claim Hitler is the hero of 'rightists' does not make it so. It just makes your defense of these disgusting Democrats look desperate.
Hitler isn't the hero of rightists but the similarities in Hitler's choices and the extreme[//b] right's choices have been pointed out. I bolded the word 'extreme' because it would be wrong to accuse the political right as a whole.

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