Not going to work, an interesting dichotomy.

Mine is not opinion, mine is experience which you have zero of in my country.
I've negotiated collective agreements in Canada on behalf of International unions as well as Canadian unions Ray.
I know without a doubt that there is no collective agreement existing that doesn't include the employers' right to terminate employment for cause.

And now Ray, you're going to be reminded that you thought otherwise every time you try to impress others with what you know about unions and collective agreements. Did you not understand that 'termination for cause' is the same as being fired.

Go load your fkn truck Ray

And if you don't care enough to go to school,
You may grow up to be a mule!
We all know that businesses that cannot find workers are being avoided for a reason. The reason is they are bad employers. Nobody wants to do those jobs for that employer. So that's not a bad thing
The latest data seems to indicate that we may be able to fully reopen once we are all vaccinated.

Bullshit. Where is this "latest data"? Can you provide links to this "latest data" along with links providing alternative or opposite views?

You people will not create hostages out of everyone, their freedoms and liberties being contingent upon them being injected with an unproven substance which I might add, has caused an abnormal amount of death and disablement.

There are many people among you who neither want, nor need the Trump virus. I myself have already had the Chinese Wuhan Flu, so I have antibodies and the natural immunity that you will never achieve.

If you really want to know the truth, you will never "reopen." You will never return to "normalcy." I see idiots every day who even after having three jabs of the vaccine, continue to wear masks. Is that fucking "normal"? Is that "re-opened"? "Normalcy" is what we had before those Chines bastards tried to poison you and your family with their viral weapon. "Normalcy" was when President Donald J. Trump was returning your country to its rightful status, as the greatest, strongest, and freest country in the world.

So fuck that. You hold no sway over those who chose to exercise their God-given rights of self-governance, autonomy, independence, freedom, and liberty. You can be obedient to your overlords all you want to, but don't expect everyone to fall in formation, lock-step behind you. That is not what made this country what it is.
Corporate greed according to the capitalist system that promotes the very thing! But you've never heard me make it out as stupidity!

No, quite wrong on two counts. The practice has been going on for over 20 years and the Chinese still have no intention of taking over US companies.

And the Chinese haven't stolen the US technology, they were gladly offered that technology by the US companies in exchange for the privilege of operating in China and being granted open access to the US marketplace.

Walmarts were created in every corner of America for the very purpose of that access being granted to China.

The latest word we can add to that story is that China took that technology and bettered it. They're working on 6G technology now while their competitors are still trying to catch up to Huawei's 5G!

Isn't unrestrained capitalism a wonderful thing!
Google "Fifty Cent Party".
That is not what made this country what it is.

Your country has been perverted with the notion that the individual's freedom is more important than freedom for all. That can't be but extremists like you will continue to insist it can be, until you end up like Ashli Babbitt!
The military and the police won't be separating the body bags according to political affiliation.
Are u stupid? No vaccine is 100% effective. Fearing catching covid from people too irrational or brainwashed or stupid to get vaccinated is not irrational.

But that's their choice as in being afraid of them. Why are you against people exercising free will? If people choose to not work .... it's their right.
Are u stupid? No vaccine is 100% effective. Fearing catching covid from people too irrational or brainwashed or stupid to get vaccinated is not irrational.

But that's their choice as in being afraid of them. Why are you against people exercising free will? If people choose to not work .... it's their right.

What are the offs of you being the one on a million failed vaxer?
What about better fitting, heavier duty masks that do stop the pathogen?

And what about lunch breaks and coffee breaks?

Still going to be problematic at the volume of production they need to accomplish.

They need to completely change to multiple smaller facilities instead of one central facility...where people do multiple jobs instead of a single position.
Bullshit. Where is this "latest data"? Can you provide links to this "latest data" along with links providing alternative or opposite views?

You people will not create hostages out of everyone, their freedoms and liberties being contingent upon them being injected with an unproven substance which I might add, has caused an abnormal amount of death and disablement.

There are many people among you who neither want, nor need the Trump virus. I myself have already had the Chinese Wuhan Flu, so I have antibodies and the natural immunity that you will never achieve.

If you really want to know the truth, you will never "reopen." You will never return to "normalcy." I see idiots every day who even after having three jabs of the vaccine, continue to wear masks. Is that fucking "normal"? Is that "re-opened"? "Normalcy" is what we had before those Chines bastards tried to poison you and your family with their viral weapon. "Normalcy" was when President Donald J. Trump was returning your country to its rightful status, as the greatest, strongest, and freest country in the world.

So fuck that. You hold no sway over those who chose to exercise their God-given rights of self-governance, autonomy, independence, freedom, and liberty. You can be obedient to your overlords all you want to, but don't expect everyone to fall in formation, lock-step behind you. That is not what made this country what it is.
Is that why the unvaccinated are getting it the worst?
Your country has been perverted with the notion that the individual's freedom is more important than freedom for all. That can't be but extremists like you will continue to insist it can be, until you end up like Ashli Babbitt!
The military and the police won't be separating the body bags according to political affiliation.

"My country"? What do you know of my country? We were founded on the basis of individual liberty, not socialism. And brother believe me that unlike the hero and patriot Ashli Babbit, if I'm going into a fray, the other side is going to be outgunned. Not that I'm out looking for a fight.

You apparently don;'t know much about the American police and military. Most military personal in this country are Trump-supporters, with the exception of some high-ranking officers. Joe Fucking Biden is trying to purge the military but should the shit ever hit the fan, those officers will most likely be fragged.

As for law-enforcement, I'm on a first name basis with more than several of those in my county sheriff's department. They even give me a phone call when they're going to qualify at the gun range, so I can have all the brass cartridge cases they leave behind.

It's pretty obvious you don't really know my country very well, do you?
The paper shortage was very inconvenient, but not the end of the world. If it would happen now, it would be the end of the world. I'm recovering from colon surgery. I'm on that toilet 12 to 15 times a day (and all night).

I only have to make it 3 years with no shortage as the doctors gave me about 2.5 years to live if I go through chemo. After that you're all on your own.
Oh, Ray!!! I hope it gets better. I don't want to do without you here. You are a favorite poster.
I've negotiated collective agreements in Canada on behalf of International unions as well as Canadian unions Ray.
I know without a doubt that there is no collective agreement existing that doesn't include the employers' right to terminate employment for cause.

And now Ray, you're going to be reminded that you thought otherwise every time you try to impress others with what you know about unions and collective agreements. Did you not understand that 'termination for cause' is the same as being fired.

Go load your fkn truck Ray

And if you don't care enough to go to school,
You may grow up to be a mule!

I have no idea what goes on in Communist countries like yours, nor do I care. I'm telling you what went on in this country that chased all the jobs overseas. If you choose to remain ignorant, that's up to you. I'm telling you that a company cannot fire a worker unless they get the okay from the criminal unions. It's been that way for decades in this country.
It's cute to see people as deranged as you to think the government will collect 100% of peoples' income.


"All" your money was meant as hyperbole. How about just enough left after taxes so you can make as much as unemployed floor mopper that is paid to stay home? Yes, that is where Democratic policies ultimately lead, with the exception of the ultra wealthy. Get your head out of the sand.
"All" your money was meant as hyperbole. How about just enough left after taxes so you can make as much as unemployed floor mopper that is paid to stay home? Yes, that is where Democratic policies ultimately lead, with the exception of the ultra wealthy. Get your head out of the sand.
I have no idea what goes on in Communist countries like yours, nor do I care. I'm telling you what went on in this country that chased all the jobs overseas.
Follow the threads in which I've explained exactly how America's corporations went to China and also declined China's offer of allowing Americans to fill the jobs those corporations created.
If you choose to remain ignorant, that's up to you. I'm telling you that a company cannot fire a worker unless they get the okay from the criminal unions. It's been that way for decades in this country.
And you're just as wrong with that attempt to get it partially right. But at least you're half way there on understanding the employer's right to terminate an employee for cause. Get it completely right the next time and then we can move on.
"My country"? What do you know of my country? We were founded on the basis of individual liberty, not socialism. And brother believe me that unlike the hero and patriot Ashli Babbit, if I'm going into a fray, the other side is going to be outgunned. Not that I'm out looking for a fight.
Your threat of violence with your guns is an indication of your troubled character.
You apparently don;'t know much about the American police and military. Most military personal in this country are Trump-supporters, with the exception of some high-ranking officers.
I think there's a possibility of very large support of Trump in your military. And I wonder just how many would (will) support a coup attempt by Trump against their country. I doubt very many would go that far but it's an idea worth exploring. I've attempted to introduce the topic in the past.
Follow the threads in which I've explained exactly how America's corporations went to China and also declined China's offer of allowing Americans to fill the jobs those corporations created.

I'm not going to spend the time to read anything that has nothing to do with what I say.
And you're just as wrong with that attempt to get it partially right. But at least you're half way there on understanding the employer's right to terminate an employee for cause. Get it completely right the next time and then we can move on.

I was there, you were not. I lived it, you didn't. I have close personal friends that were in the American unions, you don't. I know business American business owners that had to deal with that nonsense, you didn't.
I'm not going to spend the time to read anything that has nothing to do with what I say.

I'm telling you that a company cannot fire a worker unless they get the okay from the criminal unions.
'Unless' is closer to the facts than 'can't' but you're still wrong and the 'unless' proves to me that now you know you're wrong now.

I'll leave you with it for now.
'Unless' is closer to the facts than 'can't' but you're still wrong and the 'unless' proves to me that now you know you're wrong now.

I'll leave you with it for now.

I've seen it first hand. What an employee can be fired for is in the union contract with the company. If they don't agree with a reason a company wants to fire a worker, they hold out until the company concedes. A company cannot fire a worker for low production. A company cannot fire a worker for fucking up all the time. A company cannot pick and choose who gets the next available promotion. A company can fire a worker for being late too many times. A company can fire a worker for hiding out in the cafeteria when he or she is supposed to be working.

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