Not fake news

It's not exactly unprecedented.

Ruling on U.S. flag raises questions about students' free-speech rights

When schools prefer to prevent students from displaying the US flag for concerns of violence, they need to police up the violent leftist parasites.

Not oppress the patriots.

The OP story is weird.

A yahoo story that appears to be a Fox story, that horribly fucked up the local story....

Did someone change the story AFTER Fox published it's version? It sounded like damage control to me.

Regardless, we have a pattern of behavior by liberal authoritarian pukes to suppress patriotic expression in order to prevent butthurt in libturd victim groups.

The story was updated and changed. This article from the original paper mentions post-election fears-

LPS says Career Academy wrong to tell students not to fly flags

LPS students have been very respectful of each others’ views following the divisive presidential election, except for a couple of situations that were resolved peacefully, Joel said. But after the Friday incident, Career Academy administrators felt there was potential for disruption and asked the welding students not to fly the flags in their holders in the parking lot of Southeast Community College, where the career academy is located.
Heard this on the radio this AM. Omaha Public Schools cautioned their students to not show the American flag because it could be upsetting to some. After much flack they offered an apology the following day.
Heard this on the radio this AM. Omaha Public Schools cautioned their students to not show the American flag because it could be upsetting to some. After much flack they offered an apology the following day.
Silent, this link is the original news article. It was picked up by other news outlets and enhanced according to the politics of the bloggers. I saw it first by a Fox contributor who who tweaked it to something like the State of Nebraska forbidding our flag to fly over schools. Now you are hearing a radio blurb about not offending anyone by flying the flag. Do you actually believe Nebraska would do such a thing? See the original, then decide for yourself who is making national hay out of this single misunderstood incident.

LPS says Career Academy wrong to tell students not to fly flags
Schools can kiss my fish-belly white ass. Anyone offended by the American flag can get the fuck out.
I was thinking the same thing. They demand you spend the first six years of your life saying a pledge to this symbol and than this?!

Really, wtF kynd of mind KontrL? :ack-1:
Well I was raised in a military community, in a military state, with schools that respect and revere the flag. Thankfully all of my children too were raised Patriots in an ABC school that actually focused on teaching kids the things they need to know to be successful in life, and I'm happy to say, thus far four out of five (the youngest turns 18 in January) are doing very well for themselves with little more than a car from mom and dad (the little twerps refuse to accept any help; won't let us pay for their rent, new cars, etc. - in some ways I'm upset, in others I'm so damn proud.)

We'd met up with our two eldest boys (who remained in Alaska) to go vote as a family, I let a little whoop slip out in the Olive Garden waiting area when they both arrived in red shirts with flags on them (They'd met up and bought flag shirts before meeting up with us :D)
I guess it's my age. I'm getting forgetful apparently. Why is now that we should think of access to the news media not only as our "right", but also our "duty"? I forgot.
Well I was raised in a military community, in a military state, with schools that
respect and revere the flag.
This thread isn't about 'respecting the flag'. This is about respecting the truth ..... and reporting THAT. If we are only being fed lies, the flag doesn't mean shit. The flag represents the nation. If the nation is full of shit then the flag represents it. Truth first. Flag second.
I agree with that as well, my comment was RE the article that schools are forwarding the idea that the national flag "triggered" some Americans. (I can't use the quote function on this site in FireFox for whatever reason)

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