Not all Hillary supporters are looting, but if you are looting, you are probably a Hillary supporter

The looters, wow shocker.

These asshole Progs didn't not want people to be able to defend their property.

Citizens are supposed to wait for the government to come save them.
Not only will government not come save you, odds are good they won't even investigate the crime and even when they catch the perps red handed they are often back out on the street in short order.
God was mad at America, so she is making us endure Jennifer Lawrence and looters.

Progs don't see looting as a crime. It's wealth redistribution. The poor should just be able to take shit from others.

It's fair.
"probably"? You consider looters to even be voters?
the vote was fixed except when he won and even then the orange anus complained and the media is all fake new s Trump and his family who avoided serving are nothing but trash
"probably"? You consider looters to even be voters?
They don't work. 47% of America doesn't pay taxes, and 95% of them are Liberals. They have nothing to do all day but vote, and some of them 3 or 4 times.
pity you don't seem to know the def of liberal.
No Latin In high school?
And which company are you the CEO of again?
Guess you didn't see the video of the toothless white Mississippi boy
The Democrat Politicians are even worse crooks and looters than the Democrat Voters
Typical trumpie who doesn't have the balls to call the Kenyan chimp what he really thinks, an uppity nixxer
Also doesn't know the difference between an adjective and a noun.
Typical ignorant trump voter
I'll have to agree for the most part. Those who are looting, are likely Democrat-supporters. Just like most violent 'protests' are carried out by Left/Democrats.

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