North Korea War Fever

You misunderstand me. It doesn't matter whose life is worth more as long as the enemy is dead. How many and under what circumstances is a matter of no concern. If the enemy wants to hide behind civilians, then the civilians are dead. Get it. This is war, not a soiree.

Of course someone who finds some sort of equality of enemy lives and the lives of one's own countrymen, that's a different circumstance. You are just on the wrong side, that's all. It's not like the Afghan enemies are concerned with American casualties. They want as many as possible. That I understand. That's why one side prevails and the other side loses.
What did the Afghan people do to the US to deserve the designation of "enemy" and the subsequent invasion/occupation? I suppose someone who finds mass murder an acceptable business expense might be confused about who's on the wrong side.

so you support the Taliban and how they ruled? You supported their treatment of women?
And I guess you supported their take over of Afghanistan, correct?
I didn't support the Taliban or the way women are currently treated in Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia, for that matter, where the 911 hijackers came from:

"Bruce Riedel, a former U.S. intelligence official and a current adviser on foreign policy to President Obama, isn’t holding out much hope for the future of the Saudi monarchy, and he believes its downfall could profoundly affect U.S. interests in the Middle East, according to report from Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

"Riedel, who is with the Washington think-tank Brookings Institution, had penned a memorandum to the president that warns the Saudi regime is vulnerable to overthrow. He argues the monarchy maintains 'complete authority' and the Saudi royal family 'has shown no interest in sharing power or in an elected legislature.'"

Analyst expects collapse of Saudi monarchy

Do you support killing the women and children of Afghanistan for purely humanitarian reasons?
What did the Afghan people do to the US to deserve the designation of "enemy" and the subsequent invasion/occupation? I suppose someone who finds mass murder an acceptable business expense might be confused about who's on the wrong side.

so you support the Taliban and how they ruled? You supported their treatment of women?
And I guess you supported their take over of Afghanistan, correct?
I didn't support the Taliban or the way women are currently treated in Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia, for that matter, where the 911 hijackers came from:

"Bruce Riedel, a former U.S. intelligence official and a current adviser on foreign policy to President Obama, isn’t holding out much hope for the future of the Saudi monarchy, and he believes its downfall could profoundly affect U.S. interests in the Middle East, according to report from Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

"Riedel, who is with the Washington think-tank Brookings Institution, had penned a memorandum to the president that warns the Saudi regime is vulnerable to overthrow. He argues the monarchy maintains 'complete authority' and the Saudi royal family 'has shown no interest in sharing power or in an elected legislature.'"

Analyst expects collapse of Saudi monarchy

Do you support killing the women and children of Afghanistan for purely humanitarian reasons?

Did the Taliban take over Afghanistan? Did you have a problem with that?
Where is the Afghan that says "I better not kill the American, they are nice people".

Afghanistan was a terrorist haven. The country protected them. That's what war is, we just don't know how to fight one anymore.
Where's the Afghan killing US civilians in your hometown for money or market share?

911 was a crime not an act of war, of course, we wouldn't really expect Bush or Cheney to know the difference, would we? Especially when there was all that money to make.

"WASHINGTON, July 25 ( -- Halliburton announced on Friday that its KBR division, responsible for carrying out Pentagon contracts, experienced a 284 percent increase in operating profits during the second quarter of this year.

"The increase in profits was primarily due to the Pentagon's payment of 'award fees' for what military officials call 'good' or 'very good' work done by KBR in the Middle East for America's taxpayers and the troops."
765. How to justify a nuclear attack? (4/1/2013)

There is a lively stage show in Korea Peninsula in recent days. North Korea had its third nuclear test in February. US and South Korea had a military drill in March. US sent B-52 in the drill then showed off with B-2 bombers there. N. Korea upgrades the threat almost everyday. US media is full of the topics such like: “North Korea said it would attack U.S. military bases on Japan and the Pacific island of Guam if provoked.”, “North Korea threatens to 'settle accounts with the US'”, “North Korea says enters "state of war" against South”…… But that war only exists in the mouth not in reality. It is actually a sale’s advertisement. The commodity is the nuclear weapon.

Renewed nuke sale fear after recent NKorea test
By FOSTER KLUG | Associated Press – 3/19/2013

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — North Korea's nuclear test last month wasn't just a show of defiance and national pride; it also serves as advertising. The target audience, analysts say, is anyone in the world looking to buy nuclear material.

Renewed nuke sale fear after recent NKorea test

North Korea’s Lesson: Nukes for Sale

By GRAHAM T. ALLISON Jr. Published: February 12

Who could be interested in buying a weapon for several hundred millions of dollars? Iran is currently investing billions of dollars annually in its nuclear quest. While Al Qaeda’s core is greatly diminished and its resources depleted, the man who succeeded Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri, has been seeking nuclear weapons for more than a decade. And then there are Israel’s enemies, including wealthy individuals in some Arab countries, who might buy a bomb for the militant groups Hezbollah or Hamas.

Bush started Iraq War with a un- existed “WMD”. US won’t make similar mistake again in Iran war. So they directed a puppet show. In this show, N. Korea bangs the drum: “I have nuclear bomb. I’m enemy of the US. My nuke bomb is on sale if you are hostile to US. Come to pick up a bargain.”

So don’t be surprise that US and its Western allies would be attacked by “nuclear terror bombing” next time. Even none “potential customers” attend this “nuke sale booth”, the seller will create one. At that time, the “suicide bomber” could never tell truth. Just like those 911 hijackers, London 7/7/2005 bombers, Madrid bombing perpetrators and Adam Lanza and his mother in Sandy Hook shooting, they were all arranged to be dead. Of course, the Feds could gave you evidence from “damaged hard disc” (in Sandy Hook shooting) and “self claimed Mastermind” confession from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (911 case).

You can view the two news information I referred as a psychological opinion direction from the Feds- a justification for the coming terror attack.

766. China is a member of fraud gang (4/6/2013)

In this soap opera, N. Korea and US are the main actors playing war game show to the world audience. Another important actor is China. China is the major supporter of North Korea, without its aid, N. Korea couldn’t survive. So when China approved the resolution of U.N. to sanction on N. Korea, it causes big surprise. China used to veto any resolution in U.N. if it is anti the “friendship of China and N. Korea”.

China voted for new North Korea sanctions. Will it enforce them?

By Peter Ford, Staff Writer / March 8, 2013

Beijing-When the UN Security Council imposed new and harsher sanctions on North Korea yesterday to punish it for its most recent nuclear test, one big part of the story was the fact that China had gone along with the resolution.

China voted for new North Korea sanctions. Will it enforce them? (+video) -

Don’t be blinded by this action of China. It’s only a stage performance – a gimmick to lure Iran to the hook. To show that N. Korea is really helpless. Even its long time ally has abandoned him. So North Korea is eagerly to sell his treasure – the atomic bomb, at a bargain price.

One purpose of sanction is to inspect the cargo shipment by force. If Iran falls into the trap, it will be easy for US to intercept the “evidence”. The inspector could be China if necessary. He joins U.N. sanction. Bush’s “WMD” lie scandal won’t repeat in Obama's regime.

China is a secret collaborator of US. The regime is famous for its corruption. It will do anything – if the bribe is big enough. The Feds is to create big events to distract a framed case. One big event is “terrorist nuke attack”, you have seen my revelation. The other one is a “natural disaster” – a pandemic of bird flu.
When discussing China, keep in mind that there are really two China's. The capitalist China that operates with little government control and is responsible for most of the new wealth in China and the government which oversees all other aspects of Chinese life. There's an unwritten agreement between government and business. Government stays out of business and business stays out of government. If you ask a Chinese businessman about government, you are likely to hear that he has no opinion or that he's not political.

The government is still controlled by the communist party, but the Chinese communist party bears little resemblance to the party in Mao's time. 50 years ago, membership or at least allegiance to the party was universal. Today, only 1 in every 20 Chinese is a members of the party. Where once active participation and dedication was expected; today, only membership dues of $16 and an occasional attendance at meetings is required. Just as dedication to the ideals of communism in the party has weaken so has the dedication in the government.

That's not to say that the politburo, the most senior decision making body in government doesn't have a number of hardliners. However, there are also members that take a more pragmatic view of China. Keep in mind that the great wealth that free markets have brought to China have lined the pockets of government officials and top communists in the country.

North Korean relations are a remnant of China's past that don't fit into the new China. China wants the North Korean buffer between itself and South Korea, yet they also want to maintain good relations with South Korea and the west. The conflicting goals within the Chinese government are going to be reflected in their policies. The US can't count on China for a lot of support, but it's not likely that they would back North Korea's military in a war.
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Where is the Afghan that says "I better not kill the American, they are nice people".

Afghanistan was a terrorist haven. The country protected them. That's what war is, we just don't know how to fight one anymore.
Where's the Afghan killing US civilians in your hometown for money or market share?

911 was a crime not an act of war, of course, we wouldn't really expect Bush or Cheney to know the difference, would we? Especially when there was all that money to make.

"WASHINGTON, July 25 ( -- Halliburton announced on Friday that its KBR division, responsible for carrying out Pentagon contracts, experienced a 284 percent increase in operating profits during the second quarter of this year.

"The increase in profits was primarily due to the Pentagon's payment of 'award fees' for what military officials call 'good' or 'very good' work done by KBR in the Middle East for America's taxpayers and the troops."

so are you stating that in war there should not be any company that profits?
You have lost your ever loving mind. And I notice no mention of the contract with Heinz and how much they profit?
And you still have not provided the link in the other NK thread where I asked for your stats on the US kill rate.
Where is the Afghan that says "I better not kill the American, they are nice people".

Afghanistan was a terrorist haven. The country protected them. That's what war is, we just don't know how to fight one anymore.
Where's the Afghan killing US civilians in your hometown for money or market share?

911 was a crime not an act of war, of course, we wouldn't really expect Bush or Cheney to know the difference, would we? Especially when there was all that money to make.

"WASHINGTON, July 25 ( -- Halliburton announced on Friday that its KBR division, responsible for carrying out Pentagon contracts, experienced a 284 percent increase in operating profits during the second quarter of this year.

"The increase in profits was primarily due to the Pentagon's payment of 'award fees' for what military officials call 'good' or 'very good' work done by KBR in the Middle East for America's taxpayers and the troops."

so are you stating that in war there should not be any company that profits?
You have lost your ever loving mind. And I notice no mention of the contract with Heinz and how much they profit?
And you still have not provided the link in the other NK thread where I asked for your stats on the US kill rate.
I would think all war profits from kevlar to ketchup should be taxed in inverse proportion to the number of civilians killed in the war they generate profits in. FWIW, I would also subject all business executive to trials for war crimes, along with the politicians they buy and sell like condoms.
Where's the Afghan killing US civilians in your hometown for money or market share?

911 was a crime not an act of war, of course, we wouldn't really expect Bush or Cheney to know the difference, would we? Especially when there was all that money to make.

"WASHINGTON, July 25 ( -- Halliburton announced on Friday that its KBR division, responsible for carrying out Pentagon contracts, experienced a 284 percent increase in operating profits during the second quarter of this year.

"The increase in profits was primarily due to the Pentagon's payment of 'award fees' for what military officials call 'good' or 'very good' work done by KBR in the Middle East for America's taxpayers and the troops."

so are you stating that in war there should not be any company that profits?
You have lost your ever loving mind. And I notice no mention of the contract with Heinz and how much they profit?
And you still have not provided the link in the other NK thread where I asked for your stats on the US kill rate.
I would think all war profits from kevlar to ketchup should be taxed in inverse proportion to the number of civilians killed in the war they generate profits in. FWIW, I would also subject all business executive to trials for war crimes, along with the politicians they buy and sell like condoms.

you must be of the mistaken belief that there are no evils within this world and that all citizens of the world wish for nothing but to live in peace and harmony. I hope you are able to handle the realization you should have one day that that is not the case. The true study of history alone should be enough to tell you that.
Meanwhile, the South Koreans are merely bored with North Korea. The panicked ones here might want to take a lesson.

North Korea's Warnings More Boring Than Alarming To Those In South : The Two-Way : NPR
Yep. NK has been doing this for 60 years. Rattle the sabers to remind the rest of the world that they exist, make threats and get some concession, and declare a great victory. Tomorrow they celebrate the ruling Kim dynasty. They will surely once again declare a great victory. It will be interesting to see if they tone down the rhetoric.
Meanwhile, the South Koreans are merely bored with North Korea. The panicked ones here might want to take a lesson.

North Korea's Warnings More Boring Than Alarming To Those In South : The Two-Way : NPR
Yep. NK has been doing this for 60 years. Rattle the sabers to remind the rest of the world that they exist, make threats and get some concession, and declare a great victory. Tomorrow they celebrate the ruling Kim dynasty. They will surely once again declare a great victory. It will be interesting to see if they tone down the rhetoric.

Or there is no telling whether they will test-fire a missile, or another nuke. There is just no way to tell what is going on with NK anymore. They recently had the world convinced they were going to attack us and our allies. Yet that was obviously a ploy. I say, pull out of the Korean peninsula, and let the North and South duke it out. Whoever it is that wins, can unify Korea under their regime. The situation in Korea involves too much of our time and money, and we can be doing better things with both of them.
Meanwhile, the South Koreans are merely bored with North Korea. The panicked ones here might want to take a lesson.

North Korea's Warnings More Boring Than Alarming To Those In South : The Two-Way : NPR
Yep. NK has been doing this for 60 years. Rattle the sabers to remind the rest of the world that they exist, make threats and get some concession, and declare a great victory. Tomorrow they celebrate the ruling Kim dynasty. They will surely once again declare a great victory. It will be interesting to see if they tone down the rhetoric.

Or there is no telling whether they will test-fire a missile, or another nuke. There is just no way to tell what is going on with NK anymore. They recently had the world convinced they were going to attack us and our allies. Yet that was obviously a ploy. I say, pull out of the Korean peninsula, and let the North and South duke it out. Whoever it is that wins, can unify Korea under their regime. The situation in Korea involves too much of our time and money, and we can be doing better things with both of them.

Sure, seeing as NK now has at least one nuke and the south has none...
Yep. NK has been doing this for 60 years. Rattle the sabers to remind the rest of the world that they exist, make threats and get some concession, and declare a great victory. Tomorrow they celebrate the ruling Kim dynasty. They will surely once again declare a great victory. It will be interesting to see if they tone down the rhetoric.

Or there is no telling whether they will test-fire a missile, or another nuke. There is just no way to tell what is going on with NK anymore. They recently had the world convinced they were going to attack us and our allies. Yet that was obviously a ploy. I say, pull out of the Korean peninsula, and let the North and South duke it out. Whoever it is that wins, can unify Korea under their regime. The situation in Korea involves too much of our time and money, and we can be doing better things with both of them.

Sure, seeing as NK now has at least one nuke and the south has none...

Hahaa yea, and the ONE nuke they have is not deliverable. They still do not posses the technology to shrink the nuke, so that it can be attached at the top of a missile. So they might as well not have one at all. Don't fall into the hysteria, as the South would be able to destroy the North in a couple of weeks, if that.
Meanwhile, the South Koreans are merely bored with North Korea. The panicked ones here might want to take a lesson.

North Korea's Warnings More Boring Than Alarming To Those In South : The Two-Way : NPR
Yep. NK has been doing this for 60 years. Rattle the sabers to remind the rest of the world that they exist, make threats and get some concession, and declare a great victory. Tomorrow they celebrate the ruling Kim dynasty. They will surely once again declare a great victory. It will be interesting to see if they tone down the rhetoric.

Or there is no telling whether they will test-fire a missile, or another nuke. There is just no way to tell what is going on with NK anymore. They recently had the world convinced they were going to attack us and our allies. Yet that was obviously a ploy. I say, pull out of the Korean peninsula, and let the North and South duke it out. Whoever it is that wins, can unify Korea under their regime. The situation in Korea involves too much of our time and money, and we can be doing better things with both of them.
I don't think pulling out is the answer. If we did the North would overrun the South. Yes, then there would be a united Korea, a communist state that would grow stronger and be bigger threat to the US and and our allies.
Yep. NK has been doing this for 60 years. Rattle the sabers to remind the rest of the world that they exist, make threats and get some concession, and declare a great victory. Tomorrow they celebrate the ruling Kim dynasty. They will surely once again declare a great victory. It will be interesting to see if they tone down the rhetoric.

Or there is no telling whether they will test-fire a missile, or another nuke. There is just no way to tell what is going on with NK anymore. They recently had the world convinced they were going to attack us and our allies. Yet that was obviously a ploy. I say, pull out of the Korean peninsula, and let the North and South duke it out. Whoever it is that wins, can unify Korea under their regime. The situation in Korea involves too much of our time and money, and we can be doing better things with both of them.
I don't think pulling out is the answer. If we did the North would overrun the South. Yes, then there would be a united Korea, a communist state that would grow stronger and be bigger threat to the US and and our allies.

the sad thing is alot of people don't understand that. They have this notion that NK attempt at acquisition would stop there. And that China wouldn't be in on it.
"In view of the fact that the U.S. military has quite unexpectedly announced North Korea has the capability of launching a nuclear weapon atop a missile, and in view of the fact that the young, untested, unstable, paranoid, and maybe even trigger-happy, North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un is as labile as he is, wouldn’t it be advisable for the craven American media to at least try to mention that the U.S. is, in fact, taunting North Korea by engaging in its ridiculously inflammatory military exercises?

"There is almost no mention of the military exercises we are engaged in right across the border from North Korea using thousands of troops massing near its border while deploying huge artillery ensembles, stealth bombers, and dozens of naval support vessels.

"How is the paranoid regime in the North to know we are simply engaged in harmless 'exercises' instead of using that term as a ruse to initiate an aggressive first strike?"

The Korean Crisis: Just Who is the Mental Case? » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Naturally the US would be indifferent to thousands of Korean troops massing in Mexico, particularly if the Koreans had slaughtered millions of American civilians between 1950-53?

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