North Korea is Not Stalinist.

  • Thread starter Thread starter awigo500
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Plain and simple, the diffrence between the two countries is staggering. Stalin turned the USSR from a poor backwards country in to a superpower. The Kims of Korea have not done anything of the type. Unlike stalinisum, which createsa uniformly organized state that is efficent economically, North Korea has maintained a economy of small disorganized groups. State authourity is clear, but not used in a positive way. Collectivisation and the Heavy Industry that Stalin used to push the USSR ahead are nonexistent. While Stalin's Gulags were significant economic successes by the construction of hydroelectric facilities, canals, railways and mining, the north korean camps do nothing.
If North Korea wants to turn it's self around now, it must develop the bomb, and therefore bring their million man army back into the economy, using it to upgrade heavy industry. They must build tractors and fetilizer, two thing NK farms despreatly need. Furthermore, the north koreans must relize that Junce or a closed country dosen't work. They must make use of their mineral resources in industry and in trade so they do not rely on their poor to non-existent farmland.
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Good points, but I have yet to see an example of a communist country making it in the long run.

You just can't have millions of oppressed people that are willing to stay that way indefinitely. Sooner or later, the unrest grows - whether naturally or induced by another country.

If DPRK wants to make the big time, it needs to shed it's government for a new-n-improved democratic one - and I don't see the Dear Leader leaning in that direction yet. I think ole Kim is pretty happy with his personal situation & that's not likely to change anytime soon.
I've had a few will bow out tonight on a good reply..........Both good posts from NT,and awigo500...I aggree NT...A communistic country lacks the population to exceed in their jobs..and as a equal chance to improve their a family..or on an individual level....

One thing is for sure...even the lower income here as a whole..are proud of their pushing a broom,or digging a ditch...

Communism as a whole does surpress the chance for any free man to exceed...It's to much government..and the old Soviet Union is corupt with organized crime...way MORE than here...even their government... like a dictatorship to me...I see crime..drugs,prostitution in Kims eyes...I'm a pretty good judge of charactor....

Communism on the other hand,,makes people equal..and no one person gets spoiled.....It hasn't lasted...

Governments don't live together...people do...Simple statement..but so true...

Good posting guys!!
Originally posted by awigo500
Plain and simple, the diffrence between the two countries is staggering. Stalin turned the USSR from a poor backwards country in to a superpower. The Kims of Korea have not done anything of the type. Unlike stalinisum, which createsa uniformly organized state that is efficent economically, North Korea has maintained a economy of small disorganized groups. State authourity is clear, but not used in a positive way. Collectivisation and the Heavy Industry that Stalin used to push the USSR ahead are nonexistent. While Stalin's Gulags were significant economic successes by the construction of hydroelectric facilities, canals, railways and mining, the north korean camps do nothing.
If North Korea wants to turn it's self around now, it must develop the bomb, and therefore bring their million man army back into the economy, using it to upgrade heavy industry. They must build tractors and fetilizer, two thing NK farms despreatly need. Furthermore, the north koreans must relize that Junce or a closed country dosen't work. They must make use of their mineral resources in industry and in trade so they do not rely on their poor to non-existent farmland.

Where to start, where to start...

The stranglehold on individual liberties and economic governmental policies in the two regimes (Stalin's USSR and Kim's NK) are so similar, I don't see how you can call them 'staggering' differences.
Stalin did indeed bring the USSR up to superpower status during his regime. However, his was a country fresh off a victorious war with exponentially more natural resources and manpower than NK. I don't think that you can look at the economic results of the two countries and conclude that their governmental philosophies were totally different.
I also disagree that Stalinism creates an efficient economy. While that is certainly the goal of communism, capitalism does a much better job of creating an efficient economy.
As far as your recommendations for NK... you are correct that they need to drastically decrease their armed forces. However, with the despotic regime that is in place, a large and intimidating standing army is necessary to keep the people from revolting. Furthermore, since Kim-Jong Il (is that the current Beloved Leader?) seems to believe that outside contact will bring knowledge of the outside world to NK, which would in turn spread dissent for the regime, he will not allow any more open markets or trade than absolutely necessary.
I agree that the main difference between Kim's regime and Stalin's regime is resources, size of country, and things like that. Other than that, it's really very similar (cult of personality, oppression, no religion allowed, starvation, people sent to labor camps, emphasis on military strength, etc). I really don't see how it's much different than what Stalin did.
Frankly, NK is just one f'd up place.

To understand NK, you have to understand Koreans in general and their history. The only difference between NK today and NK before the war, is that today ONE MAN owns all the lands. Prior to the Korean war there were only a few wealthy land owners that owned all the land thereby making virtual slaves out of the rest of the population that survived as tenant farmers. I point this out because for the average NK, that is all they have known, before and after the war.

NK is just like Stalin's Russia, just on a much smaller scale. Up until about the mid to late 70's, NK's GDP was higher than that of SK. The plain simple fact is that no counry can earn enough on internal trade and you must export. All NK has to export is their missile technolgy and hence their being added to the "Axis of Evil".

I posted a link to a very good article under the thread "North Korea says it is making a Nuclear Bomb".

The same website that hosts that link also has many other very good articles for reading if one would like to learn more about the two Koreas and their ongoing difficulties.

I lived in Seoul for three (3) years and I own a business there now that requires me to visit about 6 x a year. I speak the language fairly well and, although I am not Korean or even Asian, I consider Korea a second home.

Take care.
The n korean regime is quite similar to the Stalinist Soviet Union.. Both use coercian and forced starvation to eliminate their enemies... Actually a great many similaritities which is not surprizing as the NK's were long time allies of the USSR..
And Stalin DID NOT create the superpower status that the former USSR had, the Red Army did the job...
I say at the upcoming meeting in China ( I think) with the NK's we just take 'em aside and say "Fellas We aren't the weak-kneed Clintonians and you get off the nuke road and on the reform road or we will nuke you till you glow...
Of course doesn't give a rat's ass about his people but does love and care for his own fat ass..

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