Normalizing 'Democratic Socialism'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Bernie Sanders is a card-carrying member of the Socialist Party. He ran against Hillary in 2016, and the only reason he did not win his party's nomination was because Hillary and the DNC rigged primaries cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, violated election laws, and broke campaign finance laws...even then the DNC (which Hillary had 'BOUGHT') ended up GIVING Hillary the nomination, screwing Bernie and his army of supporters.

The fact that Hillary Clinton could not beat an old Socialist Party member was a HUGE Red Flag that the Democratic party was sliding farther and faster to the Left that went un-noticed.

2 years later, this ain't your father's Democratic Party. In fact, they should just embrace their true identity and change their name to the Democratic Socialist Party. The problem is even liberal constituents are not ready to embrace what their party has turned into and are not ready to call themselves 'Socialists'. The term still has too negative of a connotation...

...but the New Socialist Liberal Left is working to 'normalize' the term and get people to be ok with it.

Thinks frog in a pot of water - the water is turned up slowly so the frog won't hop out and realize until its too late that it is slowly being boiled / cooked to death. Same concept.

The Left has been doing that for years in just about every aspect in our lives. Case in point, if you had told people 10 years ago that it was going to be 'acceptable' to allow guys into women's bathrooms you would be made fun of. On TV, couples used to only be allowed in separate twin beds...then in the same bed as long as they were on opposite sides with one foot on the floor - now we see nudity and sex. Cursing that would have NEVER been allowed on TV is 'common place' now.

The American 'Frog in the pot' has had the temperature of the water it is in slowly raised, not realizing how they have been conditioned.

SOCIALISM is the next evolution of the Democratic Party. The 'normalization process' has already begon - the water temperature has already been elevated again:

'The View' stars Joy Behar, Meghan McCain clash over normalizing Democratic Socialism

The panel of ABC News’ “The View” erupted into chaos once again on Tuesday when the hosts clashed on whether or not the rise of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the normalization of Democratic Socialism will benefit America.

"Co-host Whoopi Goldberg said Ocasio-Cortez’s political popularity concerns her.“If you’re a socialist, tell me that,” Goldberg said. “Don’t say that you’re a Democrat… we don’t have the same ideas of what should be happening.”

"Joy Behar chimed in, saying that Democratic Socialism is “very close to liberalism,” pointing to things like garbage collection and libraries to prove her point."

"Behar approved, but the show’s lone conservative Meghan McCain said it was making her “head explode.”

McCain said she hopes Democrats do run on Democratic Socialism because they will “lose spectacularly” and she would look forward to election night if the left runs a “radical” candidate. McCain went on to slam socialism, quoting Margaret Thatcher in the process.

“At a certain point you run out of spending other people’s money,” McCain said.

McCain challenged Ocasio-Cortez to “name one country that socialism has ever worked” in and for her wealthy supporters to start paying “90 percent” in taxes. Meanwhile, Behar was busy trying to interrupt – naming various nations that normalized socialism."

So Behar was busy trying to 'normalize' Socialism, and McCain opened up a can of 'reality' on her, causing Behar to become 'triggered' and start a shouting match.

The defense of this evolutionary shift of the 'Democratic Party' to the 'Democratic Socialist Party', marked by further intolerance and attempts to should anyone down who stands in their way or normalizing it will continue and grow

The proverbial train has left the station......all aboard the 'Democratic Socialist Party' express!

'The View' stars Joy Behar, Meghan McCain clash over normalizing Democratic Socialism
The View is myopic.

Socialism is the collective providing what the individual can and should provide for himself.

It is not roads, post offices, etc .....all the things individuals cannot provide for themselves under a social construct.
The Right is partially to blame for this, screaming SOCIALISM at everything that moved over the last several years.

Just as the Left screamed RACISM at everything that moved. Over time, the word becomes diluted and meaningless.

Since the word became so diluted, the Left is now happy to use it, and it appears to be working.

That's what you get when you sling hyperbole. Wingers still haven't figured that one out, somehow.
The Right is partially to blame for this, screaming SOCIALISM at everything that moved over the last several years.

Just as the Left screamed RACISM at everything that moved. Over time, the word becomes diluted and meaningless.

Since the word became so diluted, the Left is now happy to use it, and it appears to be working.

That's what you get when you sling hyperbole. Wingers still haven't figured that one out, somehow.

Actually, I believe the radical Left means it . . . socialism . . . and has for many years.
There will be a civil war but it won't involve republican's or Trump supporters it will be in the democrat party.....especially if there is no blue wave in November....the finger pointing will begin....and the sides will be drawn...and the turkey feathers will fly....and the snowflakes will cry.....and the DNC will be dark for generations to come......:113:
The Right is partially to blame for this, screaming SOCIALISM at everything that moved over the last several years.

Just as the Left screamed RACISM at everything that moved. Over time, the word becomes diluted and meaningless.

Since the word became so diluted, the Left is now happy to use it, and it appears to be working.

That's what you get when you sling hyperbole. Wingers still haven't figured that one out, somehow.

Actually, I believe the radical Left means it . . . socialism . . . and has for many years.
It's probably fair to say that some on the hardcore Left would be. Most though, are probably more after the Euro-democratic socialism of Norway, Sweden, France, Germany, England.

I suppose there could be some in the latter group who might secretly want to take it further.
The USA has been socialist for over a century. I’m using the common definition as people know it ( gov involvement in regulating biz and promoting the general welfare ).

Let me ask our righties . Was the creation of the Hoover dam, evil socialism?
Bernie Sanders is a card-carrying member of the Socialist Party. He ran against Hillary in 2016, and the only reason he did not win his party's nomination was because Hillary and the DNC rigged primaries cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, violated election laws, and broke campaign finance laws...even then the DNC (which Hillary had 'BOUGHT') ended up GIVING Hillary the nomination, screwing Bernie and his army of supporters.

The fact that Hillary Clinton could not beat an old Socialist Party member was a HUGE Red Flag that the Democratic party was sliding farther and faster to the Left that went un-noticed.

2 years later, this ain't your father's Democratic Party. In fact, they should just embrace their true identity and change their name to the Democratic Socialist Party. The problem is even liberal constituents are not ready to embrace what their party has turned into and are not ready to call themselves 'Socialists'. The term still has too negative of a connotation...

...but the New Socialist Liberal Left is working to 'normalize' the term and get people to be ok with it.

Thinks frog in a pot of water - the water is turned up slowly so the frog won't hop out and realize until its too late that it is slowly being boiled / cooked to death. Same concept.

The Left has been doing that for years in just about every aspect in our lives. Case in point, if you had told people 10 years ago that it was going to be 'acceptable' to allow guys into women's bathrooms you would be made fun of. On TV, couples used to only be allowed in separate twin beds...then in the same bed as long as they were on opposite sides with one foot on the floor - now we see nudity and sex. Cursing that would have NEVER been allowed on TV is 'common place' now.

The American 'Frog in the pot' has had the temperature of the water it is in slowly raised, not realizing how they have been conditioned.

SOCIALISM is the next evolution of the Democratic Party. The 'normalization process' has already begon - the water temperature has already been elevated again:

'The View' stars Joy Behar, Meghan McCain clash over normalizing Democratic Socialism

The panel of ABC News’ “The View” erupted into chaos once again on Tuesday when the hosts clashed on whether or not the rise of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the normalization of Democratic Socialism will benefit America.

"Co-host Whoopi Goldberg said Ocasio-Cortez’s political popularity concerns her.“If you’re a socialist, tell me that,” Goldberg said. “Don’t say that you’re a Democrat… we don’t have the same ideas of what should be happening.”

"Joy Behar chimed in, saying that Democratic Socialism is “very close to liberalism,” pointing to things like garbage collection and libraries to prove her point."

"Behar approved, but the show’s lone conservative Meghan McCain said it was making her “head explode.”

McCain said she hopes Democrats do run on Democratic Socialism because they will “lose spectacularly” and she would look forward to election night if the left runs a “radical” candidate. McCain went on to slam socialism, quoting Margaret Thatcher in the process.

“At a certain point you run out of spending other people’s money,” McCain said.

McCain challenged Ocasio-Cortez to “name one country that socialism has ever worked” in and for her wealthy supporters to start paying “90 percent” in taxes. Meanwhile, Behar was busy trying to interrupt – naming various nations that normalized socialism."

So Behar was busy trying to 'normalize' Socialism, and McCain opened up a can of 'reality' on her, causing Behar to become 'triggered' and start a shouting match.

The defense of this evolutionary shift of the 'Democratic Party' to the 'Democratic Socialist Party', marked by further intolerance and attempts to should anyone down who stands in their way or normalizing it will continue and grow

The proverbial train has left the station......all aboard the 'Democratic Socialist Party' express!

'The View' stars Joy Behar, Meghan McCain clash over normalizing Democratic Socialism

Why do you obsess over trash TV aimed at housewives/the unemployed?
The View is myopic.

Socialism is the collective providing what the individual can and should provide for himself.

It is not roads, post offices, etc .....all the things individuals cannot provide for themselves under a social construct.

How are people supposed to provide health care for themselves if they are having their healthcare systematically taken away from them by the Republicans in Congress? I understand more personal responsibility and less government but the government is way too big in their ability to take away peoples rights as human beings and socialists believe we have god given rights as human beings to healthcare, education. food, and shelter.
How are people supposed to provide health care for themselves if they are having their healthcare systematically taken away from them by the Republicans in Congress? I understand more personal responsibility and less government but the government is way too big in their ability to take away peoples rights as human beings and socialists believe we have god given rights as human beings to healthcare, education. food, and shelter.

Congress should not be providing healthcare. There are no god given rights.
The View is myopic.

Socialism is the collective providing what the individual can and should provide for himself.

It is not roads, post offices, etc .....all the things individuals cannot provide for themselves under a social construct.

Even roads, post offices, and the Hoover Dam are products of capitalism. They were all paid for by individuals who earned that money thanks to a capitalist system.

So basically socialism is just a forced re-distribution of someone else's fruits of capitalism.
Do you know the difference between Capitalism and Socialism??

Capitalism is when man exploits man.

With Socialism it's the other way around.

FYI - I believe a sensible blending of the two works best, for example, we should have socialized health care in America when we had the chance, now it may be too late. We'll have to have another depression before people wake up.

Public Universities should have free tuition, but students pay for books and materials.
The USA has been socialist for over a century. I’m using the common definition as people know it ( gov involvement in regulating biz and promoting the general welfare ).

Let me ask our righties . Was the creation of the Hoover dam, evil socialism?

This is a common mistake^^

All nations, regardless of the political theory on which they operate, provide mass infrastructure for the people, regardless of pundit rhetoric such as parroted by Sarah Silverman.

At present, the American Left has attempted socialist revolution in the U.S. by a two pronged method. The first being through the doctrine of Reformism, and the second, through intellectually driven cultural revolution. The third step toward actual, operating socialism-- as a replacement for our current government--could take one of two forms: revolutionary socialism, or the transition from intellectual cultural revolution to actual cultural uprising resulting in widespread calls for violence from intellectual leaders of the movement.
The View is myopic.

Socialism is the collective providing what the individual can and should provide for himself.

It is not roads, post offices, etc .....all the things individuals cannot provide for themselves under a social construct.

Even roads, post offices, and the Hoover Dam are products of capitalism. They were all paid for by individuals who earned that money thanks to a capitalist system.

So basically socialism is just a forced re-distribution of someone else's fruits of capitalism.

Of course. Some of which is needed in a well ordered society
The USA has been socialist for over a century. I’m using the common definition as people know it ( gov involvement in regulating biz and promoting the general welfare ).

Let me ask our righties . Was the creation of the Hoover dam, evil socialism?

This is a common mistake^^

All nations, regardless of the political theory on which they operate, provide mass infrastructure for the people, regardless of pundit rhetoric such as parroted by Sarah Silverman.

At present, the American Left has attempted socialist revolution in the U.S. by a two pronged method. The first being through the doctrine of Reformism, and the second, through intellectually driven cultural revolution. The third step toward actual, operating socialism-- as a replacement for our current government--could take one of two forms: revolutionary socialism, or the transition from intellectual cultural revolution to actual cultural uprising resulting in widespread calls for violence from intellectual leaders of the movement.

Then you tell me . What socialist projects are the left promoting ?
Do you know the difference between Capitalism and Socialism??

Capitalism is when man exploits man.

With Socialism it's the other way around.

FYI - I believe a sensible blending of the two works best, for example, we should have socialized health care in America when we had the chance, now it may be too late. We'll have to have another depression before people wake up.

Public Universities should have free tuition, but students pay for books and materials.

You are mistaking socialized infrastructure and limited economic interventionism with Socialism. Socialism is the state ownership of industry--and often real estate--as well as a promise of the People owning means of production and government operation, when in reality a small group of Party members or a single authoritarian dictator runs government and industry for the People.

Hopefully, an unintended misrepresentation.
The USA has been socialist for over a century. I’m using the common definition as people know it ( gov involvement in regulating biz and promoting the general welfare ).

Let me ask our righties . Was the creation of the Hoover dam, evil socialism?

This is a common mistake^^

All nations, regardless of the political theory on which they operate, provide mass infrastructure for the people, regardless of pundit rhetoric such as parroted by Sarah Silverman.

At present, the American Left has attempted socialist revolution in the U.S. by a two pronged method. The first being through the doctrine of Reformism, and the second, through intellectually driven cultural revolution. The third step toward actual, operating socialism-- as a replacement for our current government--could take one of two forms: revolutionary socialism, or the transition from intellectual cultural revolution to actual cultural uprising resulting in widespread calls for violence from intellectual leaders of the movement.

Then you tell me . What socialist projects are the left promoting ?

Class warfare. Identity politics. Equality of outcome. Revolutionary socialism.
The USA has been socialist for over a century. I’m using the common definition as people know it ( gov involvement in regulating biz and promoting the general welfare ).

Let me ask our righties . Was the creation of the Hoover dam, evil socialism?

This is a common mistake^^

All nations, regardless of the political theory on which they operate, provide mass infrastructure for the people, regardless of pundit rhetoric such as parroted by Sarah Silverman.

At present, the American Left has attempted socialist revolution in the U.S. by a two pronged method. The first being through the doctrine of Reformism, and the second, through intellectually driven cultural revolution. The third step toward actual, operating socialism-- as a replacement for our current government--could take one of two forms: revolutionary socialism, or the transition from intellectual cultural revolution to actual cultural uprising resulting in widespread calls for violence from intellectual leaders of the movement.

Then you tell me . What socialist projects are the left promoting ?

Class warfare. Identity politics. Equality of outcome. Revolutionary socialism.

Are you just shaking the magic 8 ball of righty responses ??

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