None Of These Companies Sent A Message Of Solidarity To The Christian Community After The Nashville Shooting. Not One!

Oh I'm not saying security and armed staff isn't needed or a bad idea.

But it really needs to be a temporary solution. The real solution is course correct our society to where it was like it was 30 years when this wasn't needed. That means bringing back morals, standards, values, pride in your country, treating criminals like criminals, instilling some level of Christian beliefs, personal responsibility and having meaning and goals in your life. Sadly that's an uphill battle.

I drive by my old school and see a sheriff's car always parked out front. Just sad to see it is all. I wish kids didn't have to go to school and worry about their safety. Jesus we all constantly flirting with danger but it was stuff like 8 kids in the back of a pickup truck, no concept of helmets, going off on our own to God knows where with friends and no one knew, hell some of us used to take guns to school in our cars to go target shoot after school together. We all turned out fine and better adults for it.

I'm in full agreement... but meanwhile as parents we took a stand with our children at school. It's not cheap but necessary

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