Non-Kosher Hot Dog Riot

there's no hell in judaism.

Now that's a pretty sweet deal. That's why Madoff ripped off everyone and lived the high-life. No Hell!

i'm a UU. no hell and we take the summers off.
plus, pork's no problem.

A UU, eh? I can't decide which I prefer:

Perky (*)(*)

Big Nip (@)(@)

A o o

D { O }{ O }

Wonder (oYo)

Cold ( ^ )( ^ )

Lopsided (o)(O)

Pierced (Q)(O)

Hanging Tassels (p)(p)

Grandma's \ o /\ o /

Against The Shower Door ( )( )

Android | o | | o |

Mammogram ___ ___
Now that's a pretty sweet deal. That's why Madoff ripped off everyone and lived the high-life. No Hell!

i'm a UU. no hell and we take the summers off.
plus, pork's no problem.

A UU, eh? I can't decide which I prefer:

Perky (*)(*)

Big Nip (@)(@)

A o o

D { O }{ O }

Wonder (oYo)

Cold ( ^ )( ^ )

Lopsided (o)(O)

Pierced (Q)(O)

Hanging Tassels (p)(p)

Grandma's \ o /\ o /

Against The Shower Door ( )( )

Android | o | | o |

Mammogram ___ ___

i do believe you're willfully misunderstanding me, you boob.
If this were a muslim rioting over eating pork we'd have seen no less than 4 threads about it while ghook, jillian, davidS and toomuch bounce muslim hating vitriol back and forth until their yarmulkes stand erect.

true story.
why don't you go ahead and insist that the newspaper that brought this story to the public is nothing less than jooo hating "jews floating in the sea" Scarlet A antisemites, jill.
Wait, the employee was brandishing an electric knife at customers and somehow this is being turned into a food riot??? You people are assholes.
Wait, the employee was brandishing an electric knife at customers and somehow this is being turned into a food riot??? You people are assholes.

in DEFENSE, ravi. You know.. kinda like how the drive thru likes to put up a steel cage at the window when they hear your voice at the menu?

but, again, clearly this is nothing more than jooo hating propaganda meant to cause antisemitism...


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