"Nobody knew healthcare could be that complicated."

Bill Clinton knew it was shit......another Obama screw up Trump has to fix
Listen, anything thus far Trump does is a offset of what Obama has either done or proposed...Trump has no new anything, nada...the only thing he has mastered without an Obama cheat sheet is fuckin over minorities.....that he can claim all his own!!

Bill Clinton still on your mind? Baby lice ball, we gotta get you a hobby!!
Bill Clinton knew it was shit......another Obama screw up Trump has to fix
Listen, anything thus far Trump does is a offset of what Obama has either done or proposed...Trump has no new anything, nada...the only thing he has mastered without an Obama cheat sheet is fuckin over minorities.....that he can claim all his own!!

The minorities fucked themselves by listening to liberals.....you cant blame Trump for that
Bill Clinton knew it was shit......another Obama screw up Trump has to fix
Listen, anything thus far Trump does is a offset of what Obama has either done or proposed...Trump has no new anything, nada...the only thing he has mastered without an Obama cheat sheet is fuckin over minorities.....that he can claim all his own!!

The minorities fucked themselves by listening to liberals.....you cant blame Trump for that
sigh.....I'll take a liberal anything over Trump any damn day of the week.
Bill Clinton knew it was shit......another Obama screw up Trump has to fix
Listen, anything thus far Trump does is a offset of what Obama has either done or proposed...Trump has no new anything, nada...the only thing he has mastered without an Obama cheat sheet is fuckin over minorities.....that he can claim all his own!!

The minorities fucked themselves by listening to liberals.....you cant blame Trump for that
sigh.....I'll take a liberal anything over Trump any damn day of the week.

Well your hearts in the right place, but someday you will see the light.....heck at one time I was a die-hard democrat as well, but the party was hijacked by commies.
The Democrats screwed up health care in this country so bad with that stupid Obamacare bill that it will take awhile to figure out how to fix it.

Trump wants to do it right. Not like the filthy Democrats that passed a bill that nobody even bothered to read and then had to lie about it to get the stupid Americans to accept it.

Trump told us he had a replacement. TRUMP LIED AGAIN

Trump will announce his replacement soon and there will be more flooding in the commie states from the torrents of Liberals tears.

One thing thing about it. Unlike the Democrats he will get it right and he will have read it ahead of time and then he won't have to lie to the American people about what is in it.
Bill Clinton knew it was shit......another Obama screw up Trump has to fix
Bill Klingnon Clinton??? The Conservative in Democrat clothing???? The NAFTA pilot who bombed American labor/??
Bill Clinton's word doesn't mean shit. He was jealous of Obama's success and fearful that his wife might become president and make him the first "dude." Bill was an insider saboteur in cahoots with the GOP!
Bullshit, if it was just a mess of Democrat making then simply repealing ACA would be an option. But it isn't exactly because ACA did solve some problems that simple repeal will again bring back.

Healthcare IS complex and that is exactly why ACA was complex and why what we need is improving on it instead of throwing everything out the window in the name of Obama-sucks! and ending up in the same shitty square one.
A system that puts a cap on annual health insurance company profits while also forcing them to cover everything for everyone is simply not going to work. That's the very heart of the law, and we're seeing the predictable result: Insurance companies saying "no thanks", and you can't blame them.

That is not the system, not even close, it's not even a tenth of it.
Great, next time I do my annual training on health insurance administration and Medicare I'll tell my instructor you said that.

Appeal to authority noted, though it is not an actual argument.

You want higher profits caps for insurance companies? ummm ok, that is a paragraph long amendment to ACA.

But how the fuck is that going to bring down insurance costs for people?
As I pointed out in my original post, that's just one part. The cap on profits makes it untenable for the insurers to have two bad years in a row, and since it has been so difficult for them to project utilization with so many unhealthy people on their censuses, it's not worth it for them to take the chance.

They have to cover everything, including maternity. They have to cover everyone, knowing that healthier people would rather just risk a penalty than get coverage. On and on. They can't get premiums down in that environment. So, they're just doing what they're supposed to do: They're pulling out. The thing is collapsing as we speak, just as many of us were screaming when it was announced.

Again NOTHING of what you are talking about is some sort of complex problem to fix.

"untenable for the insurers to have two bad years in a row?" - simply let them them get a profit cap credit for the loss - it is literally a paragraph long amendment to ACA. If Republicans were serious about doing what is best for America, instead of their politico bs small stuff like this would already be fixed.

The only thing seriously collapsing the market is current state of total POLITICAL uncertainty and lack of basic will to put America ahead of politics. There is a reactionary movement that was built on little beyond Obama-sucks! and nonononono that was so divorced from constructive thought that now that they got in power, Obama is gone and issues need real solutions they have no clue what to do.
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Meh. He shouldn't have acted like he knew.. that's just the politician coming out.
We cant expect people to know everything. That's not possible. That's also why they have like a 4K person staff :D

He said he knew. He said he had already studied the problem, and he knew how to fix it. That's not being a politician, that's being a liar, but we already knew that.
So, basically a politician.
What an idiot. Trump thought healthcare was easy. If all the other stupid things he has said and done would have never happened, this one thing alone would be enough to show he is too stupid to be president.
Health care is easy. You go to the doctor, and they help you stay healthy.

Damn, that's almost as smart as that stupid orange president's remarks.
A system that puts a cap on annual health insurance company profits while also forcing them to cover everything for everyone is simply not going to work. That's the very heart of the law, and we're seeing the predictable result: Insurance companies saying "no thanks", and you can't blame them.

That is not the system, not even close, it's not even a tenth of it.
Great, next time I do my annual training on health insurance administration and Medicare I'll tell my instructor you said that.

Appeal to authority noted, though it is not an actual argument.

You want higher profits caps for insurance companies? ummm ok, that is a paragraph long amendment to ACA.

But how the fuck is that going to bring down insurance costs for people?
As I pointed out in my original post, that's just one part. The cap on profits makes it untenable for the insurers to have two bad years in a row, and since it has been so difficult for them to project utilization with so many unhealthy people on their censuses, it's not worth it for them to take the chance.

They have to cover everything, including maternity. They have to cover everyone, knowing that healthier people would rather just risk a penalty than get coverage. On and on. They can't get premiums down in that environment. So, they're just doing what they're supposed to do: They're pulling out. The thing is collapsing as we speak, just as many of us were screaming when it was announced.

Again NOTHING of what you are talking about is some sort of complex problem to fix.

"untenable for the insurers to have two bad years in a row?" - simply let them them get a profit cap credit for the loss - it is literally a paragraph long amendment to ACA. If Republicans were serious about doing what is best for America, instead of their politico bs small stuff like this would already be fixed.

The only thing seriously collapsing the market is current state of total POLITICAL uncertainty and lack of basic will to put America ahead of politics. There is a reactionary movement that was built on little beyond Obama-sucks! and nonononono that was so divorced from constructive thought that now that they got in power they have no clue what to do.
Believe what you will.

The insurance companies have to act in their best interests, and they're getting the hell out before they lose any more money.
That is not the system, not even close, it's not even a tenth of it.
Great, next time I do my annual training on health insurance administration and Medicare I'll tell my instructor you said that.

Appeal to authority noted, though it is not an actual argument.

You want higher profits caps for insurance companies? ummm ok, that is a paragraph long amendment to ACA.

But how the fuck is that going to bring down insurance costs for people?
As I pointed out in my original post, that's just one part. The cap on profits makes it untenable for the insurers to have two bad years in a row, and since it has been so difficult for them to project utilization with so many unhealthy people on their censuses, it's not worth it for them to take the chance.

They have to cover everything, including maternity. They have to cover everyone, knowing that healthier people would rather just risk a penalty than get coverage. On and on. They can't get premiums down in that environment. So, they're just doing what they're supposed to do: They're pulling out. The thing is collapsing as we speak, just as many of us were screaming when it was announced.

Again NOTHING of what you are talking about is some sort of complex problem to fix.

"untenable for the insurers to have two bad years in a row?" - simply let them them get a profit cap credit for the loss - it is literally a paragraph long amendment to ACA. If Republicans were serious about doing what is best for America, instead of their politico bs small stuff like this would already be fixed.

The only thing seriously collapsing the market is current state of total POLITICAL uncertainty and lack of basic will to put America ahead of politics. There is a reactionary movement that was built on little beyond Obama-sucks! and nonononono that was so divorced from constructive thought that now that they got in power they have no clue what to do.
Believe what you will.

The insurance companies have to act in their best interests, and they're getting the hell out before they lose any more money.

And your solution is?

I've given you mine and your response is "whatever man". Ok, well what is your solution?

There are companies that made money in exchanges and you know what their exchange plans are for next year? They have no plans because it's impossible to plan anything when clueless Republicans keep talking about wrecking the entire market any day now.
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President Trump on Monday said Republicans are working out a “very good” plan to repeal and replace Obamacare before the party tackles tax reform, though he appeared to be caught off-guard by the magnitude of the fight.

“It’s an unbelievably complex subject. Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated,” he told governors assembled at the White House.

Donald Trump: ‘Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated’
Bill Clinton knew it was shit......another Obama screw up Trump has to fix
Listen, anything thus far Trump does is a offset of what Obama has either done or proposed...Trump has no new anything, nada...the only thing he has mastered without an Obama cheat sheet is fuckin over minorities.....that he can claim all his own!!

The minorities fucked themselves by listening to liberals.....you cant blame Trump for that
sigh.....I'll take a liberal anything over Trump any damn day of the week.

Well your hearts in the right place, but someday you will see the light.....heck at one time I was a die-hard democrat as well, but the party was hijacked by commies.
First off Tom, I'm no longer a democrat, I change my party affiliations after Hillary got the nod....hated every second of this bitch and her husband....listen, Tom, stop thinking that everybody that hates Trump and I do....are liberal die hards...I am simply someone who believes in government, who believes in fairness for all americans, not just us negro's and I believe in stronger immigration policies, bringing our troops home, focusing on american workers and our people and our economy. I believe in better wages, I believe in unions and labor. In short, I am no different from Mr and Mrs white america......I just happen to believe the Democrats are better at getting things done than conservatives....you guys have had the house and senate for the last 5 years and you got nothing to show for it...even if Obama was to veto your shit, you still got nuttin.....
President Trump on Monday said Republicans are working out a “very good” plan to repeal and replace Obamacare before the party tackles tax reform, though he appeared to be caught off-guard by the magnitude of the fight.

“It’s an unbelievably complex subject. Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated,” he told governors assembled at the White House.

Donald Trump: ‘Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated’

Controlling people's lives is tricky business.
Bill Clinton knew it was shit......another Obama screw up Trump has to fix
Bill Klingnon Clinton??? The Conservative in Democrat clothing???? The NAFTA pilot who bombed American labor/??
Bill Clinton's word doesn't mean shit. He was jealous of Obama's success and fearful that his wife might become president and make him the first "dude." Bill was an insider saboteur in cahoots with the GOP!
Preach my friend preach.....he did everything to undermine his wife, thank God, because she like he was nothing but a money hungry DINO. I wish the intire Clinton clan would just go away, and that include Chelsea!!
Great, next time I do my annual training on health insurance administration and Medicare I'll tell my instructor you said that.

Appeal to authority noted, though it is not an actual argument.

You want higher profits caps for insurance companies? ummm ok, that is a paragraph long amendment to ACA.

But how the fuck is that going to bring down insurance costs for people?
As I pointed out in my original post, that's just one part. The cap on profits makes it untenable for the insurers to have two bad years in a row, and since it has been so difficult for them to project utilization with so many unhealthy people on their censuses, it's not worth it for them to take the chance.

They have to cover everything, including maternity. They have to cover everyone, knowing that healthier people would rather just risk a penalty than get coverage. On and on. They can't get premiums down in that environment. So, they're just doing what they're supposed to do: They're pulling out. The thing is collapsing as we speak, just as many of us were screaming when it was announced.

Again NOTHING of what you are talking about is some sort of complex problem to fix.

"untenable for the insurers to have two bad years in a row?" - simply let them them get a profit cap credit for the loss - it is literally a paragraph long amendment to ACA. If Republicans were serious about doing what is best for America, instead of their politico bs small stuff like this would already be fixed.

The only thing seriously collapsing the market is current state of total POLITICAL uncertainty and lack of basic will to put America ahead of politics. There is a reactionary movement that was built on little beyond Obama-sucks! and nonononono that was so divorced from constructive thought that now that they got in power they have no clue what to do.
Believe what you will.

The insurance companies have to act in their best interests, and they're getting the hell out before they lose any more money.

And your solution is?

I've given you mine and your response is "whatever man". Ok, well what is your solution?
Expand the already-operational Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage system to all, creating a strong foundation that includes diagnostic and preventive care, and allowing for a massive market for private companies to engage in competition and innovation. It would also take a huge cost responsibility off of insurers by relieving them of all the low-end costs and administration of regular health insurance plans. Get rid of the insane 7-headed beast of a delivery/payment system that we have now, and take a massive cost monkey off the back of American employers.

The system is already in place.
It's real simple some get it free the others pay very high premiums and very high deductibles. It is dying on the vine. If Trump was smart he would just sit back and watch.
Yeah, because enrollment from all facits is now at a all time high, including them youngins that we needed...yeah, just leave it alone!!

Lemme list some of the people who did?
  • Every member of Congress who held office when the ACA was passed. Every last one of them got a copy of the document.
    • Did any of them state Trump didn't know what he was talking about? You bet they did. Nobody needed to like them saying it, but if one is to be a responsible person/voter of integrity, one was obliged at least to listen and see if they were right.
  • Hillary Clinton for she'd tried to deal with it once and couldn't. Did she indicate Trump didn't know what he was talking about re: healthcare/health insurance? Damn right she did....over, and over, and over...

Trump needs to change that statement so it reads, "I didn't know healthcare is complicated." Even now that man won't own the fact that he doesn't know half as much as he claims to know.

I have only had time to read the headline to this story. I suspect when I read the details I'm going to see that all the stuff Trump thought he'd do about healthcare/O-care isn't so doable or sagacious. Yes, Donald, accountability and governance isn't so easy as issuing a corporate fiat, now is it? Hmmm.....

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