Nobody Does It Better


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Lie, that is. Democrats. Leftists. Totalitarians.

Those of us with proper upbringing, with integrity….with a conscience and a sense of shame…..we’re amazed at how easily they lie. And how extensive, metastasizing into all sizes and venues, their lies balloon.

1.There are lies aimed at overcoming a sense of self-worthlessness…“I went to law school on a full academic scholarship, the only one in my class to have a full academic scholarship. In the first year in law school I decided I didn’t want to be in law school and ended up in the bottom two-thirds in my class, then I decided I wanted to stay, went back to law school and, in fact, ended up in the top half of my class. I won the International Moot Court Competition, I was the ‘Outstanding Student’ in the Political Science department at the end of my year. I graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school and 165 credits, only needed 123 credits, and I’d be delighted to sit down and compare my IQ to yours, if you’d like, frankly.” That was Joe Biden….none of that is true.

2. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."
After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes. Considering the results, those are spectacular lies.

3. But the Democrats always keep their eyes on the prize, victory….and with this in mind they couldn’t care a whit about the damage they do to anyone else… in point, what they tried to claim about Justice Kavanaugh.

4. Lies about Trump has been myriad, but this week the Democrats in disguise, the Never-Trumpers of the Lincoln Project, actually tried to paint Trump as one of their predecessors, mass murder Fidel Castro. That’s right….the President who wants to limit government and control of individual’s live as a totalitarian dictator. It is aimed at the Cuban community in Florida.

Here, their “Trump is English for Castro”….one of the hugest lies of the Left.

5. My immediate response to the attempt was to compare the environment produced by the Democrat side, versus that of the Right: censorship by the Left’s facebook, google, and twitter to Trump’s transparency and constant and extensive press conferences. Which sounds more like Castro-ville???

Every day the behavior of the Democrats brings to mind two of the rules that explain these reprobates:
Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.
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Which looks a lot like a Castro type state media?????

Whats so funny is that nearly everything the fake news calls a LIE...IS NOT A LIE.

When Biden said he Marched in the Civil rights movement....that is a lie.

When Trump says some women are duct taped and smuggled across the border.....thats not a lie. They extend the argument and claim he said NO ONE IS EVER SMUGGLED THROUGH LEGAL PORTS OF ENTRY. THAT IS NOT A FUCKING LIE.


FAMILIES WILL SAVE $2500 a year on premiums.

Those are lies.
The lying media keep saying that Trump LIES about voter fraud.


Millions of Americans are waking up about our shameful media...we need a restructuring of media hiring practices....

The media keep talking about diversity.

Yet the media admit that they are behind in minority representation in their newsrooms.

Now that the BLM-friendly Biden administration is preparing to take over, we can expect a sharp increase in the hiring of minority journalists.

If MSNBC is any example, diversity will NOT necessarily mean more objective and impartial reporting though.

6. Two people are murdered in the ad, shot dead, brains spattered against a wall….and Trump is Castro??? Those people being shot were closer to the politics of Trump than those of Fidel Castro.

Democrat Bernie Sanders has followers who actually took a rifle to shoot Republicans, and an aid of Bernie demanded gulags for Republicans.
Soooo.....who's the Castroites????

The history of the Left is 100 million slaughtered , and Cackle-a Harris, who is noted as the most Leftwing member of the Senate? Trump???? Really?


7. In so very many ways, the Democrats and the rest of the Left reveals their comrade-ship with the Bolsheviks, and with this ad, their doppelganger status with Herr Goebbels.

Did you see the shaking hands with Putin????

Who was it who offered a quid pro quo to Putin?

Compared to this: Anti-Russia Actions by Trump…things that have directly and indirectly effected Russia

1.Bombed Russian ally, Syria, hitting Russian facilities killing a number of Russian military

2.Pulled out of the Iran deal…a Russian signee

3.Pulled out of Paris Accords….a Russian signee

4.Sanctions against Russia…460 sanctions against individuals and entities

5.Expelled Russian diplomats

6.Gave Ukraine Javelin anti-tank missiles to use against Russian proxies…Obama sent mittens

7. Obama….more flexible, Hillary ‘reset button,’ wouldn’t give Poland defensive missiles, Uranium one deal….

8. At the NATO meeting, he warned Germany not to make huge energy deals enriching Russia….

9. Trump created an energy juggernaut in the United States….a body-blow to the Russian economy. Anyone pro-fracking is anti-Russia.

10. And, of course, the Democrat FDR saved Soviet Communism, and brought it here.
Were the Clintons bought by the Russians?

Were the Bidens bought by the Communist Chinese”

You betcha’……but that doesn't say who's the best liar.

8. I don’t believe that Democrat supporters actually believe the lies their side tells, something else is uppermost….perhaps the need to win, perhaps fear of what will happen to them if they don’t toe the line, ….OK…maybe some of them are just that stupid.
But I won’t believe that any of them still don’t know that Joe Biden is the foreign asset….bought and paid for by America’s enemies…that they claimed that Trump was. If they saw former Biden CEO, Tony Bobulinski in the hour long interview where he, one of the participants in the emails and texts on Hunter Biden’s laptop, stated that all of is accurate and truly Hunter Biden’s.

“…a credible and utterly compelling witness — a witness to the bald-faced lies of Joe Biden and the money-grubbing brazenness of his family.

During the interview, Bobulinski went into great detail about the events surrounding his two meetings in 2017 with Joe Biden — meetings the Biden campaign and its protectors in both Congress and the mainstream media have reflexively dismissed as “a Russian smear campaign.”

…Democrats have no evidence to back up their Russian disinformation claims. ‘Let me be clear,’ Ratcliffe said. ‘The intelligence community doesn’t believe that, because there is no intelligence that supports that, and we have shared no intelligence with Chairman Schiff or any other member of Congress that Hunter Biden’s laptop is part of some Russian disinformation campaign. … Biden’s laptop is not part of some Russian disinformation campaign.’” The Bobulinski Interview and Joe Biden's BIG Lie

Don't forget......nobody does it better than Democrats.
Lie, that is. Democrats. Leftists. Totalitarians.

Those of us with proper upbringing, with integrity….with a conscience and a sense of shame…..we’re amazed at how easily they lie. And how extensive, metastasizing into all sizes and venues, their lies balloon.

1.There are lies aimed at overcoming a sense of self-worthlessness…“I went to law school on a full academic scholarship, the only one in my class to have a full academic scholarship. In the first year in law school I decided I didn’t want to be in law school and ended up in the bottom two-thirds in my class, then I decided I wanted to stay, went back to law school and, in fact, ended up in the top half of my class. I won the International Moot Court Competition, I was the ‘Outstanding Student’ in the Political Science department at the end of my year. I graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school and 165 credits, only needed 123 credits, and I’d be delighted to sit down and compare my IQ to yours, if you’d like, frankly.” That was Joe Biden….none of that is true.

2. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."
After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes. Considering the results, those are spectacular lies.

3. But the Democrats always keep their eyes on the prize, victory….and with this in mind they couldn’t care a whit about the damage they do to anyone else… in point, what they tried to claim about Justice Kavanaugh.

4. Lies about Trump has been myriad, but this week the Democrats in disguise, the Never-Trumpers of the Lincoln Project, actually tried to paint Trump as one of their predecessors, mass murder Fidel Castro. That’s right….the President who wants to limit government and control of individual’s live as a totalitarian dictator. It is aimed at the Cuban community in Florida.

Here, their “Trump is English for Castro”….one of the hugest lies of the Left.

5. My immediate response to the attempt was to compare the environment produced by the Democrat side, versus that of the Right: censorship by the Left’s facebook, google, and twitter to Trump’s transparency and constant and extensive press conferences. Which sounds more like Castro-ville???

Every day the behavior of the Democrats brings to mind two of the rules that explain these reprobates:
Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

I don't know about that being so true. They lie a lot sure enough but to be truly successful you have to gain or win something in the end and they rarely gain any long-lasting true success. In fact to date every experiment with collective forms of government have failed miserably without exception. Only the time it takes to collapse completely have been the only variable.
Lie, that is. Democrats. Leftists. Totalitarians.

Those of us with proper upbringing, with integrity….with a conscience and a sense of shame…..we’re amazed at how easily they lie. And how extensive, metastasizing into all sizes and venues, their lies balloon.

1.There are lies aimed at overcoming a sense of self-worthlessness…“I went to law school on a full academic scholarship, the only one in my class to have a full academic scholarship. In the first year in law school I decided I didn’t want to be in law school and ended up in the bottom two-thirds in my class, then I decided I wanted to stay, went back to law school and, in fact, ended up in the top half of my class. I won the International Moot Court Competition, I was the ‘Outstanding Student’ in the Political Science department at the end of my year. I graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school and 165 credits, only needed 123 credits, and I’d be delighted to sit down and compare my IQ to yours, if you’d like, frankly.” That was Joe Biden….none of that is true.

2. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."
After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes. Considering the results, those are spectacular lies.

3. But the Democrats always keep their eyes on the prize, victory….and with this in mind they couldn’t care a whit about the damage they do to anyone else… in point, what they tried to claim about Justice Kavanaugh.

4. Lies about Trump has been myriad, but this week the Democrats in disguise, the Never-Trumpers of the Lincoln Project, actually tried to paint Trump as one of their predecessors, mass murder Fidel Castro. That’s right….the President who wants to limit government and control of individual’s live as a totalitarian dictator. It is aimed at the Cuban community in Florida.

Here, their “Trump is English for Castro”….one of the hugest lies of the Left.

5. My immediate response to the attempt was to compare the environment produced by the Democrat side, versus that of the Right: censorship by the Left’s facebook, google, and twitter to Trump’s transparency and constant and extensive press conferences. Which sounds more like Castro-ville???

Every day the behavior of the Democrats brings to mind two of the rules that explain these reprobates:
Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

I don't know about that being so true. They lie a lot sure enough but to be truly successful you have to gain or win something in the end and they rarely gain any long-lasting true success. In fact to date every experiment with collective forms of government have failed miserably without exception. Only the time it takes to collapse completely have been the only variable.

I really like the long term view of history in your post.
But whether the Fascists, Nazis, Bolsheviks-Soviets or any of their proxies, the deaths and damage that they were responsible for may tell a different story.

And here in our nation......take a look at what they have done to schools and universities. I don't believe that this damage is reparable - you optimist, you.
Biden, true to Democrat history and luxury, lie without a moment’s hesitation. Why worry when the state media are behind you, will never question, much less investigate, any tall tales you tell. Investigation and vetting is reserved for Republicans.

9. “Bobulinski was frustrated by Joe Biden’s repeated claims that he never discussed Hunter’s business dealings with his son or anyone else. Bobulinski knew that wasn’t true because he had met with Joe Biden at the urging of Hunter and Jim Biden, the former vice president’s brother.

Bobulinski was biding his time and stewing about the media’s lack of interest in the Biden family’s corruption. But he was compelled to go public when Rep. Adam Schiff accused him of being a part of a Russian disinformation campaign.
Bobulinksi is a patriot. He served in the Navy. His brother is a 28-year career Naval officer. His father served 20 years in the Navy. And his grandfather served 37 years as an Army Intelligence officer. Bobulinski isn’t going to be smeared by the likes of Adam Schiff.

He was at the last presidential debate and had to resist the urge to call Joe Biden a liar when he again denied any knowledge of Hunter’s corrupt foreign dealings. And his views on Joe Biden are clear. Bobulinski told Tucker Carlson:
I think Joe Biden and the Biden family are compromised [by communist China]. … I just don’t see, given the history here and the facts, how Joe can’t be influenced in some manner based on the history that they have here…

So as a citizen and an American taxpayer, I’m very, very concerned… I think the American people should be demanding that this is investigated.”
Lie, that is. Democrats. Leftists. Totalitarians.

Those of us with proper upbringing, with integrity….with a conscience and a sense of shame…..we’re amazed at how easily they lie. And how extensive, metastasizing into all sizes and venues, their lies balloon.

1.There are lies aimed at overcoming a sense of self-worthlessness…“I went to law school on a full academic scholarship, the only one in my class to have a full academic scholarship. In the first year in law school I decided I didn’t want to be in law school and ended up in the bottom two-thirds in my class, then I decided I wanted to stay, went back to law school and, in fact, ended up in the top half of my class. I won the International Moot Court Competition, I was the ‘Outstanding Student’ in the Political Science department at the end of my year. I graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school and 165 credits, only needed 123 credits, and I’d be delighted to sit down and compare my IQ to yours, if you’d like, frankly.” That was Joe Biden….none of that is true.

2. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."
After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes. Considering the results, those are spectacular lies.

3. But the Democrats always keep their eyes on the prize, victory….and with this in mind they couldn’t care a whit about the damage they do to anyone else… in point, what they tried to claim about Justice Kavanaugh.

4. Lies about Trump has been myriad, but this week the Democrats in disguise, the Never-Trumpers of the Lincoln Project, actually tried to paint Trump as one of their predecessors, mass murder Fidel Castro. That’s right….the President who wants to limit government and control of individual’s live as a totalitarian dictator. It is aimed at the Cuban community in Florida.

Here, their “Trump is English for Castro”….one of the hugest lies of the Left.

5. My immediate response to the attempt was to compare the environment produced by the Democrat side, versus that of the Right: censorship by the Left’s facebook, google, and twitter to Trump’s transparency and constant and extensive press conferences. Which sounds more like Castro-ville???

Every day the behavior of the Democrats brings to mind two of the rules that explain these reprobates:
Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

I don't know about that being so true. They lie a lot sure enough but to be truly successful you have to gain or win something in the end and they rarely gain any long-lasting true success. In fact to date every experiment with collective forms of government have failed miserably without exception. Only the time it takes to collapse completely have been the only variable.

I really like the long term view of history in your post.
But whether the Fascists, Nazis, Bolsheviks-Soviets or any of their proxies, the deaths and damage that they were responsible for may tell a different story.

And here in our nation......take a look at what they have done to schools and universities. I don't believe that this damage is reparable - you optimist, you.

While it's no doubt true that they do cause a lot of death and destruction I take a somewhat academic view of this as it's usually the people themselves who bringing this upon themselves as they are typically responsible for it happening in the first place. I rather look at it as nature sorting things out in a very natural way. In nature nothing comes for free and everything is eventually paid for in one way or another.
Lie, that is. Democrats. Leftists. Totalitarians.

Those of us with proper upbringing, with integrity….with a conscience and a sense of shame…..we’re amazed at how easily they lie. And how extensive, metastasizing into all sizes and venues, their lies balloon.

1.There are lies aimed at overcoming a sense of self-worthlessness…“I went to law school on a full academic scholarship, the only one in my class to have a full academic scholarship. In the first year in law school I decided I didn’t want to be in law school and ended up in the bottom two-thirds in my class, then I decided I wanted to stay, went back to law school and, in fact, ended up in the top half of my class. I won the International Moot Court Competition, I was the ‘Outstanding Student’ in the Political Science department at the end of my year. I graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school and 165 credits, only needed 123 credits, and I’d be delighted to sit down and compare my IQ to yours, if you’d like, frankly.” That was Joe Biden….none of that is true.

2. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."
After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes. Considering the results, those are spectacular lies.

3. But the Democrats always keep their eyes on the prize, victory….and with this in mind they couldn’t care a whit about the damage they do to anyone else… in point, what they tried to claim about Justice Kavanaugh.

4. Lies about Trump has been myriad, but this week the Democrats in disguise, the Never-Trumpers of the Lincoln Project, actually tried to paint Trump as one of their predecessors, mass murder Fidel Castro. That’s right….the President who wants to limit government and control of individual’s live as a totalitarian dictator. It is aimed at the Cuban community in Florida.

Here, their “Trump is English for Castro”….one of the hugest lies of the Left.

5. My immediate response to the attempt was to compare the environment produced by the Democrat side, versus that of the Right: censorship by the Left’s facebook, google, and twitter to Trump’s transparency and constant and extensive press conferences. Which sounds more like Castro-ville???

Every day the behavior of the Democrats brings to mind two of the rules that explain these reprobates:
Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

I don't know about that being so true. They lie a lot sure enough but to be truly successful you have to gain or win something in the end and they rarely gain any long-lasting true success. In fact to date every experiment with collective forms of government have failed miserably without exception. Only the time it takes to collapse completely have been the only variable.

I really like the long term view of history in your post.
But whether the Fascists, Nazis, Bolsheviks-Soviets or any of their proxies, the deaths and damage that they were responsible for may tell a different story.

And here in our nation......take a look at what they have done to schools and universities. I don't believe that this damage is reparable - you optimist, you.

While it's no doubt true that they do cause a lot of death and destruction I take a somewhat academic view of this as it's usually the people themselves who bringing this upon themselves as they are typically responsible for it happening in the first place. I rather look at it as nature sorting things out in a very natural way. In nature nothing comes for free and everything is eventually paid for in one way or another.

I'm gonna made a huge assumption based on your post.....that you are a religious person.
We who are believers, tend to expect some sort of 'sorting out,' while evil, Leftist, totalitarian types tend to be nihilists, with human life essentially meaningless.

Physicist Victor Stengler writes: “Astronomical observations continue to demonstrate that the earth is no more significant than a single grain of sand on a vast beach.” The more science teaches us about the natural world, the less important the role human beings play in the grand scheme of things. As science writer Tom Bethell notes, “an article of our secular faith that there is nothing exceptional about human life.” Thus, we can add this ‘atheism-article-of-faith’ to the others, materialism, and moral relativism, that form the Cliff-Notes of modern liberalism.

If one believes that article of faith of Militant Secularism, there is no reason not to lie.....hence, the Democrat way.
Lie, that is. Democrats. Leftists. Totalitarians.

Those of us with proper upbringing, with integrity….with a conscience and a sense of shame…..we’re amazed at how easily they lie. And how extensive, metastasizing into all sizes and venues, their lies balloon.

1.There are lies aimed at overcoming a sense of self-worthlessness…“I went to law school on a full academic scholarship, the only one in my class to have a full academic scholarship. In the first year in law school I decided I didn’t want to be in law school and ended up in the bottom two-thirds in my class, then I decided I wanted to stay, went back to law school and, in fact, ended up in the top half of my class. I won the International Moot Court Competition, I was the ‘Outstanding Student’ in the Political Science department at the end of my year. I graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school and 165 credits, only needed 123 credits, and I’d be delighted to sit down and compare my IQ to yours, if you’d like, frankly.” That was Joe Biden….none of that is true.

2. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."
After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes. Considering the results, those are spectacular lies.

3. But the Democrats always keep their eyes on the prize, victory….and with this in mind they couldn’t care a whit about the damage they do to anyone else… in point, what they tried to claim about Justice Kavanaugh.

4. Lies about Trump has been myriad, but this week the Democrats in disguise, the Never-Trumpers of the Lincoln Project, actually tried to paint Trump as one of their predecessors, mass murder Fidel Castro. That’s right….the President who wants to limit government and control of individual’s live as a totalitarian dictator. It is aimed at the Cuban community in Florida.

Here, their “Trump is English for Castro”….one of the hugest lies of the Left.

5. My immediate response to the attempt was to compare the environment produced by the Democrat side, versus that of the Right: censorship by the Left’s facebook, google, and twitter to Trump’s transparency and constant and extensive press conferences. Which sounds more like Castro-ville???

Every day the behavior of the Democrats brings to mind two of the rules that explain these reprobates:
Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

I don't know about that being so true. They lie a lot sure enough but to be truly successful you have to gain or win something in the end and they rarely gain any long-lasting true success. In fact to date every experiment with collective forms of government have failed miserably without exception. Only the time it takes to collapse completely have been the only variable.

I really like the long term view of history in your post.
But whether the Fascists, Nazis, Bolsheviks-Soviets or any of their proxies, the deaths and damage that they were responsible for may tell a different story.

And here in our nation......take a look at what they have done to schools and universities. I don't believe that this damage is reparable - you optimist, you.

While it's no doubt true that they do cause a lot of death and destruction I take a somewhat academic view of this as it's usually the people themselves who bringing this upon themselves as they are typically responsible for it happening in the first place. I rather look at it as nature sorting things out in a very natural way. In nature nothing comes for free and everything is eventually paid for in one way or another.

I'm gonna made a huge assumption based on your post.....that you are a religious person.
We who are believers, tend to expect some sort of 'sorting out,' while evil, Leftist, totalitarian types tend to be nihilists, with human life essentially meaningless.

Physicist Victor Stengler writes: “Astronomical observations continue to demonstrate that the earth is no more significant than a single grain of sand on a vast beach.” The more science teaches us about the natural world, the less important the role human beings play in the grand scheme of things. As science writer Tom Bethell notes, “an article of our secular faith that there is nothing exceptional about human life.” Thus, we can add this ‘atheism-article-of-faith’ to the others, materialism, and moral relativism, that form the Cliff-Notes of modern liberalism.

If one believes that article of faith of Militant Secularism, there is no reason not to lie.....hence, the Democrat way.

Actually, I'm no longer a religious person however once upon a time as a young impressionable man I was quite literally a psalm singing Southern Baptist. I sang in the church choir, taught a Sunday school class and the whole nine yards. I was in that church everytime the doors were open. However, through simple observation I finally figured out that the universal root of all organized religion of whatever faith Christian, Jewish, Muslim whatever was pure hypocrisy so I decided that all religion was nothing but pure bullshit.

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