Nobel peace prize


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2020
Bibi has been nominated for it. He played important role in Abraham accords and in the Sudan negotiations. That is what he is nominated for but he is also negotiating with Saudi and Oman. I think he will win it if not now then at some point.
Bibi has been nominated for it. He played important role in Abraham accords and in the Sudan negotiations. That is what he is nominated for but he is also negotiating with Saudi and Oman. I think he will win it if not now then at some point.

There is no way that the European liberals would award a Nobel to any Israeli leader.
Bibi is a man of peace. He knows more about war than you ever will. He was wounded in battle in 1973. His brother died rescuing hostages in Entebbe. He doesn't want war. The Abraham accords and the reconcilation with Sudan and continued talks with Arab leaders are why he is nominated. Three Arab states recognizing Israel in sex months noone in the world would have thought it possible not long ago.

Also the UAE welcomes Israelis. I will be going soon.
Who better than Bibi for Israel making peace with most of the Arab world around Israel. Not to mention Israel's endless contributions for a better world during his reign.
UAE wanted access to the new F-35 jet fighter so the U.S. made them play nice to the terrorist state of Israel.
Hopefully, someday they will use them on Israel. ... :thup:
They’ll probably use them to bomb the crap out of that gas station posing as a real country, Iran.
UAE wanted access to the new F-35 jet fighter so the U.S. made them play nice to the terrorist state of Israel.
Hopefully, someday they will use them on Israel. ... :thup:
They’ll probably use them to bomb the crap out of that gas station posing as a real country, Iran.
You refer to Russia....Barry called it a gas station.
It'd be fun to watch IsNtReal have a run at them.
Sticks and stones may break your bones but Pooty has a button.
UAE wanted access to the new F-35 jet fighter so the U.S. made them play nice to the terrorist state of Israel.
Hopefully, someday they will use them on Israel. ... :thup:

The business community in the UAE wanted the investment opportunities in Israel. We have been doing business with them for years. Back door deals it is called. Now we use the front doors. And i do not think Bahrain asked for F35s.

It was Bibi who approached Sudan about making peace and he has approached other Arab leaders. That is what earns you a peace prize.
Three Arab states normalizing relations with in six months time. Who would have thought that possible two years ago? Bibi had a lot to do with it.
Sorry Biden is not one of your people. he wants peace as much as any civilized person.
Three Arab states normalizing relations with in six months time. Who would have thought that possible two years ago? Bibi had a lot to do with it.
Biden wil soon be in office.
Hopefully he will reverse this nonsense. ... :cool:
Biden won’t reverse anything. Btw, as a white guy, did you become a Muslim so that your hate of Jews would be tolerated by society. And do you wear Doc Martins?
Even for the Arab country leaders there is no way to discuss logic with Palestinian leadership. Therefore what is happening is wonderful with Israel & the Arab countries working together around the Palestinians for a Middle East peace.

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