No Wonder Americans Are So Dummmmmmmb.


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. At every level schooling is slanted to the Left. Of course elementary school, but waaayyyyyy more so at the university level.
And it takes a strong person, a careful reader, and an inquisitive one, to see through the propaganda miasma.
Today's birthday boy is a prime example of what happens when we believe 'experts' and 'scholars' and 'professors' are objective.

Paul Samuelson, in full Paul Anthony Samuelson, (born May 15, 1915, Gary, Indiana, U.S.—died December 13, 2009, Belmont, Massachusetts), American economist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 1970 for his fundamental contributions to nearly all branches of economic theory.
Samuelson was educated at the University of Chicago (B.A., 1935) and at Harvard University (Ph.D., 1941). He became a professor of economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1940. He also served as an economic adviser to the United States government.
Samuelson contributed to many areas of economic theory ..."

You were fed his Leftist lies in every economics class.

2. Another 'brilliant' Liberal economist out to support communism, i.e., command and control by big government.

c. In 1970 the winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, and the author of the best-selling and most popular economics text was Paul Samuelson.

"As non-economist Tim Bethell pointed out in a 1988 article in National Review, successive editions of Samuelson's Economics showed a graph of relative growth rates for the US and Soviet economies with the Soviet growth rate rising more steeply than the American one. ....the Soviets were projected to overtake the US in about twenty-five years."
John O’Sullivan, The President, the Pope, And the Prime Minister: Three Who Changed the World, p. 255

The 'data' was, of course, fed to this scholar by the same folks who built Potemkin Villages.

3. "With each new edition of the book, the date of intersection with the US economy was shifted out into the future. Samuelson's seventh edition (1967) ....put the Soviet economy at 50% of the US in 1960...with intersection about 1990.

By the tenth edition (1976)....Soviet GDP had moved ahead to 57% of US........intersection point around the year 2000.

The graph has been dropped from Samuelson's ...(twelth) edition.

4. BTW....
"It is a vulgar mistake to think that most people in Eastern Europe are miserable," wrote Samuelson in the tenth edition of his textbook "Economics." This, mind you, in the aftermath of the 1953 East German uprising, the 1956 Hungarian uprising and the Poznan protests in Poland, the 1968 revolution in Czechoslovakia--all suppressed with bloodshed by Soviet tanks."

5. Reagan, on the other had it 100% correct.

But....who gets taught in the university???
Your perspective suggests that you don't understand the difference between ignorance and stupidity.

So you are afraid to address the OP, the fact that universities propagandize....and in your case, infantilize.....their audience?'ve inadvertently supported the thesis.
Your perspective suggests that you don't understand the difference between ignorance and stupidity.

So you are afraid to address the OP, the fact that universities propagandize....and in your case, infantilize.....their audience?'ve inadvertently supported the thesis.

I usually only read the first sentence of your posts. Sometimes I don't even make it that far. You'll need to make better posts if you want to keep my attention and get better responses from me.
Your perspective suggests that you don't understand the difference between ignorance and stupidity.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :yes_text12: The UNDERSTATEMENT of the CENTURY.:up: Stupidity indeed ignoring how her hero mass murderer bush hates trump yet she loves both,what a dumbass.:up: Stupidity as well in the fact she calls Reagan the greatest president of the 20th century when that honor ot only belongs to kennedy but the fact the Gipper ran the most corrupt administration ever at the time and got the ball rolling for the destruction on America,:abgg2q.jpg:
Your perspective suggests that you don't understand the difference between ignorance and stupidity.

So you are afraid to address the OP, the fact that universities propagandize....and in your case, infantilize.....their audience?'ve inadvertently supported the thesis.

I usually only read the first sentence of your posts. Sometimes I don't even make it that far. You'll need to make better posts if you want to keep my attention and get better responses from me.
:thankusmile::yes_text12:You to huh?:up: I think it’s safe to say the majority of the board never reads past her first sentence in her threads the fact the majority laughs at her babble everyday.what’s REALLY comedy gold though is her fantasy she is not an American that is not dumb.priceless. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :auiqs.jpg:
1. At every level schooling is slanted to the Left. Of course elementary school, but waaayyyyyy more so at the university level.
And it takes a strong person, a careful reader, and an inquisitive one, to see through the propaganda miasma.
Today's birthday boy is a prime example of what happens when we believe 'experts' and 'scholars' and 'professors' are objective.
View attachment 489815
Paul Samuelson, in full Paul Anthony Samuelson, (born May 15, 1915, Gary, Indiana, U.S.—died December 13, 2009, Belmont, Massachusetts), American economist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 1970 for his fundamental contributions to nearly all branches of economic theory.
Samuelson was educated at the University of Chicago (B.A., 1935) and at Harvard University (Ph.D., 1941). He became a professor of economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1940. He also served as an economic adviser to the United States government.
Samuelson contributed to many areas of economic theory ..."

You were fed his Leftist lies in every economics class.

2. Another 'brilliant' Liberal economist out to support communism, i.e., command and control by big government.

c. In 1970 the winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, and the author of the best-selling and most popular economics text was Paul Samuelson.

"As non-economist Tim Bethell pointed out in a 1988 article in National Review, successive editions of Samuelson's Economics showed a graph of relative growth rates for the US and Soviet economies with the Soviet growth rate rising more steeply than the American one. ....the Soviets were projected to overtake the US in about twenty-five years."
John O’Sullivan, The President, the Pope, And the Prime Minister: Three Who Changed the World, p. 255

The 'data' was, of course, fed to this scholar by the same folks who built Potemkin Villages.

3. "With each new edition of the book, the date of intersection with the US economy was shifted out into the future. Samuelson's seventh edition (1967) ....put the Soviet economy at 50% of the US in 1960...with intersection about 1990.

By the tenth edition (1976)....Soviet GDP had moved ahead to 57% of US........intersection point around the year 2000.

The graph has been dropped from Samuelson's ...(twelth) edition.

4. BTW....
"It is a vulgar mistake to think that most people in Eastern Europe are miserable," wrote Samuelson in the tenth edition of his textbook "Economics." This, mind you, in the aftermath of the 1953 East German uprising, the 1956 Hungarian uprising and the Poznan protests in Poland, the 1968 revolution in Czechoslovakia--all suppressed with bloodshed by Soviet tanks."

5. Reagan, on the other had it 100% correct.

But....who gets taught in the university???

I took several Economics courses in the 1970s and used Samuelson's text book.

The book was fine on giving basic Economic fundamentals of supply and demand and elasticity and things like that.

However, the thing that I remember was most screwed up was the premise that the government could somehow stimulate the economy by taking money from the people that earned it and giving it to somebody else. Samuelson put far too much faith in government to get it right.

He really ignored how FDR screwed up the Depression recovery with government interference.
Your perspective suggests that you don't understand the difference between ignorance and stupidity.

So you are afraid to address the OP, the fact that universities propagandize....and in your case, infantilize.....their audience?'ve inadvertently supported the thesis.

I usually only read the first sentence of your posts. Sometimes I don't even make it that far. You'll need to make better posts if you want to keep my attention and get better responses from me.

"I usually only read the first sentence of your posts."

If I had a dollar for every liar who claimed not to have read what obviously brought them crawling in.....I might be even richer than I am.
1. At every level schooling is slanted to the Left. Of course elementary school, but waaayyyyyy more so at the university level.
And it takes a strong person, a careful reader, and an inquisitive one, to see through the propaganda miasma.
Today's birthday boy is a prime example of what happens when we believe 'experts' and 'scholars' and 'professors' are objective.
View attachment 489815
Paul Samuelson, in full Paul Anthony Samuelson, (born May 15, 1915, Gary, Indiana, U.S.—died December 13, 2009, Belmont, Massachusetts), American economist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 1970 for his fundamental contributions to nearly all branches of economic theory.
Samuelson was educated at the University of Chicago (B.A., 1935) and at Harvard University (Ph.D., 1941). He became a professor of economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1940. He also served as an economic adviser to the United States government.
Samuelson contributed to many areas of economic theory ..."

You were fed his Leftist lies in every economics class.

2. Another 'brilliant' Liberal economist out to support communism, i.e., command and control by big government.

c. In 1970 the winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, and the author of the best-selling and most popular economics text was Paul Samuelson.

"As non-economist Tim Bethell pointed out in a 1988 article in National Review, successive editions of Samuelson's Economics showed a graph of relative growth rates for the US and Soviet economies with the Soviet growth rate rising more steeply than the American one. ....the Soviets were projected to overtake the US in about twenty-five years."
John O’Sullivan, The President, the Pope, And the Prime Minister: Three Who Changed the World, p. 255

The 'data' was, of course, fed to this scholar by the same folks who built Potemkin Villages.

3. "With each new edition of the book, the date of intersection with the US economy was shifted out into the future. Samuelson's seventh edition (1967) ....put the Soviet economy at 50% of the US in 1960...with intersection about 1990.

By the tenth edition (1976)....Soviet GDP had moved ahead to 57% of US........intersection point around the year 2000.

The graph has been dropped from Samuelson's ...(twelth) edition.

4. BTW....
"It is a vulgar mistake to think that most people in Eastern Europe are miserable," wrote Samuelson in the tenth edition of his textbook "Economics." This, mind you, in the aftermath of the 1953 East German uprising, the 1956 Hungarian uprising and the Poznan protests in Poland, the 1968 revolution in Czechoslovakia--all suppressed with bloodshed by Soviet tanks."

5. Reagan, on the other had it 100% correct.

But....who gets taught in the university???

I took several Economics courses in the 1970s and used Samuelson's text book.

The book was fine on giving basic Economic fundamentals of supply and demand and elasticity and things like that.

However, the thing that I remember was most screwed up was the premise that the government could somehow stimulate the economy by taking money from the people that earned it and giving it to somebody else. Samuelson put far too much faith in government to get it right.

He really ignored how FDR screwed up the Depression recovery with government interference.

If only more students were able to see through the propaganda at the time they were exposed to it, no Democrat would ever be elected.
Your perspective suggests that you don't understand the difference between ignorance and stupidity.

So you are afraid to address the OP, the fact that universities propagandize....and in your case, infantilize.....their audience?'ve inadvertently supported the thesis.

I usually only read the first sentence of your posts. Sometimes I don't even make it that far. You'll need to make better posts if you want to keep my attention and get better responses from me.

"I usually only read the first sentence of your posts."

If I had a dollar for every liar who claimed not to have read what obviously brought them crawling in.....I might be even richer than I am.
I'm not a Democrat or a partisan of any kind. I have no political loyalty at all, to anybody; that's just my way. If you were ever actually onto something I'd be the first person rooting for you. That's not the case though. You echo the same empty propaganda day after day. Do you really think so much of your own posts? haha That's sad because your content really does suck. Your threads can sometimes be fun to mess around in at least, but that's it.
Again....this is the 'economics' that is taught in

" I was so amazed by the Fortune quotations from [Paul] Samuleson text that I started looking through the book to see what else he had written about communism. It seemed to me utterly incredible that an otherwise great economist could parrot idiotic Marxist propaganda. At a time when it was apparent even to the most willfully blind Marxist in Central Europe and the USSR, when even Gorbachev was beginning to hint at the magnitude of the Soviet economic disaster, the 1985 Samuelson text offered these paragraphs:

<< "But it would be misleading to dwell on the shortcomings. Every economy has its contradictions and difficulties with incentives--witness the paradoxes raised by the separation of ownership and control in America...

<< "What counts is results, and there can be no doubt that the Soviet planning system has been a powerful engine for economic growth."

<< And again, writes Samuelson:

<< "The Soviet model has surely demonstrated that a command economy is capable of mobilizing resources for rapid growth and awesome military power."

Any care to argue that it is not communist [Democrat] indoctrination.

And....the guy who was actually correct...Ronald Reagan, is considered anathema.
Your perspective suggests that you don't understand the difference between ignorance and stupidity.

So you are afraid to address the OP, the fact that universities propagandize....and in your case, infantilize.....their audience?'ve inadvertently supported the thesis.

I usually only read the first sentence of your posts. Sometimes I don't even make it that far. You'll need to make better posts if you want to keep my attention and get better responses from me.

"I usually only read the first sentence of your posts."

If I had a dollar for every liar who claimed not to have read what obviously brought them crawling in.....I might be even richer than I am.
I'm not a Democrat or a partisan of any kind. I have no political loyalty at all, to anybody; that's just my way. If you were onto something I'd be the first person rooting for you. Do you actually think so much of your own posts? haha That's sad because your content really does suck. Your threads can sometimes be fun to mess around in at least, but that's it.

"I'm not a Democrat...."

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

Say 'quack'.

What you are 'not' is smart.
Your perspective suggests that you don't understand the difference between ignorance and stupidity.

So you are afraid to address the OP, the fact that universities propagandize....and in your case, infantilize.....their audience?'ve inadvertently supported the thesis.

I usually only read the first sentence of your posts. Sometimes I don't even make it that far. You'll need to make better posts if you want to keep my attention and get better responses from me.

"I usually only read the first sentence of your posts."

If I had a dollar for every liar who claimed not to have read what obviously brought them crawling in.....I might be even richer than I am.
It's true, most folks only read the first line or two of your posts. That's all we need to know which rant you're reposting. The rest is easily predicted.
Your perspective suggests that you don't understand the difference between ignorance and stupidity.

So you are afraid to address the OP, the fact that universities propagandize....and in your case, infantilize.....their audience?'ve inadvertently supported the thesis.

I usually only read the first sentence of your posts. Sometimes I don't even make it that far. You'll need to make better posts if you want to keep my attention and get better responses from me.

"I usually only read the first sentence of your posts."

If I had a dollar for every liar who claimed not to have read what obviously brought them crawling in.....I might be even richer than I am.
I'm not a Democrat or a partisan of any kind. I have no political loyalty at all, to anybody; that's just my way. If you were onto something I'd be the first person rooting for you. Do you actually think so much of your own posts? haha That's sad because your content really does suck. Your threads can sometimes be fun to mess around in at least, but that's it.

"I'm not a Democrat...."

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

Say 'quack'.

What you are 'not' is smart.
You don't actually have any idea what my positions are. You've just made a bunch of assumptions based on me being unimpressed by your content. I get called a Trump Nazi regularly on this forum.
1. At every level schooling is slanted to the Left. Of course elementary school, but waaayyyyyy more so at the university level.
And it takes a strong person, a careful reader, and an inquisitive one, to see through the propaganda miasma.
Today's birthday boy is a prime example of what happens when we believe 'experts' and 'scholars' and 'professors' are objective.
View attachment 489815
Paul Samuelson, in full Paul Anthony Samuelson, (born May 15, 1915, Gary, Indiana, U.S.—died December 13, 2009, Belmont, Massachusetts), American economist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 1970 for his fundamental contributions to nearly all branches of economic theory.
Samuelson was educated at the University of Chicago (B.A., 1935) and at Harvard University (Ph.D., 1941). He became a professor of economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1940. He also served as an economic adviser to the United States government.
Samuelson contributed to many areas of economic theory ..."

You were fed his Leftist lies in every economics class.

2. Another 'brilliant' Liberal economist out to support communism, i.e., command and control by big government.

c. In 1970 the winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, and the author of the best-selling and most popular economics text was Paul Samuelson.

"As non-economist Tim Bethell pointed out in a 1988 article in National Review, successive editions of Samuelson's Economics showed a graph of relative growth rates for the US and Soviet economies with the Soviet growth rate rising more steeply than the American one. ....the Soviets were projected to overtake the US in about twenty-five years."
John O’Sullivan, The President, the Pope, And the Prime Minister: Three Who Changed the World, p. 255

The 'data' was, of course, fed to this scholar by the same folks who built Potemkin Villages.

3. "With each new edition of the book, the date of intersection with the US economy was shifted out into the future. Samuelson's seventh edition (1967) ....put the Soviet economy at 50% of the US in 1960...with intersection about 1990.

By the tenth edition (1976)....Soviet GDP had moved ahead to 57% of US........intersection point around the year 2000.

The graph has been dropped from Samuelson's ...(twelth) edition.

4. BTW....
"It is a vulgar mistake to think that most people in Eastern Europe are miserable," wrote Samuelson in the tenth edition of his textbook "Economics." This, mind you, in the aftermath of the 1953 East German uprising, the 1956 Hungarian uprising and the Poznan protests in Poland, the 1968 revolution in Czechoslovakia--all suppressed with bloodshed by Soviet tanks."

5. Reagan, on the other had it 100% correct.

But....who gets taught in the university???

I took several Economics courses in the 1970s and used Samuelson's text book.

The book was fine on giving basic Economic fundamentals of supply and demand and elasticity and things like that.

However, the thing that I remember was most screwed up was the premise that the government could somehow stimulate the economy by taking money from the people that earned it and giving it to somebody else. Samuelson put far too much faith in government to get it right.

He really ignored how FDR screwed up the Depression recovery with government interference.

If only more students were able to see through the propaganda at the time they were exposed to it, no Democrat would ever be elected.

I can't take credit for being smarter than the guy that wrote the textbook. However, fortunately I attended a Conservative university that had professors who steered us in the right direction and questioned some of the premises. They taught us how to think back then. Nowadays students are only taught to toe the party line.
1. At every level schooling is slanted to the Left. Of course elementary school, but waaayyyyyy more so at the university level.
And it takes a strong person, a careful reader, and an inquisitive one, to see through the propaganda miasma.
Today's birthday boy is a prime example of what happens when we believe 'experts' and 'scholars' and 'professors' are objective.
View attachment 489815
Paul Samuelson, in full Paul Anthony Samuelson, (born May 15, 1915, Gary, Indiana, U.S.—died December 13, 2009, Belmont, Massachusetts), American economist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 1970 for his fundamental contributions to nearly all branches of economic theory.
Samuelson was educated at the University of Chicago (B.A., 1935) and at Harvard University (Ph.D., 1941). He became a professor of economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1940. He also served as an economic adviser to the United States government.
Samuelson contributed to many areas of economic theory ..."

You were fed his Leftist lies in every economics class.

2. Another 'brilliant' Liberal economist out to support communism, i.e., command and control by big government.

c. In 1970 the winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, and the author of the best-selling and most popular economics text was Paul Samuelson.

"As non-economist Tim Bethell pointed out in a 1988 article in National Review, successive editions of Samuelson's Economics showed a graph of relative growth rates for the US and Soviet economies with the Soviet growth rate rising more steeply than the American one. ....the Soviets were projected to overtake the US in about twenty-five years."
John O’Sullivan, The President, the Pope, And the Prime Minister: Three Who Changed the World, p. 255

The 'data' was, of course, fed to this scholar by the same folks who built Potemkin Villages.

3. "With each new edition of the book, the date of intersection with the US economy was shifted out into the future. Samuelson's seventh edition (1967) ....put the Soviet economy at 50% of the US in 1960...with intersection about 1990.

By the tenth edition (1976)....Soviet GDP had moved ahead to 57% of US........intersection point around the year 2000.

The graph has been dropped from Samuelson's ...(twelth) edition.

4. BTW....
"It is a vulgar mistake to think that most people in Eastern Europe are miserable," wrote Samuelson in the tenth edition of his textbook "Economics." This, mind you, in the aftermath of the 1953 East German uprising, the 1956 Hungarian uprising and the Poznan protests in Poland, the 1968 revolution in Czechoslovakia--all suppressed with bloodshed by Soviet tanks."

5. Reagan, on the other had it 100% correct.

But....who gets taught in the university???

I took several Economics courses in the 1970s and used Samuelson's text book.

The book was fine on giving basic Economic fundamentals of supply and demand and elasticity and things like that.

However, the thing that I remember was most screwed up was the premise that the government could somehow stimulate the economy by taking money from the people that earned it and giving it to somebody else. Samuelson put far too much faith in government to get it right.

He really ignored how FDR screwed up the Depression recovery with government interference.
Samuelson is the leading proponent of the broken window fallacy....The primary stupidity behind Keynesian voodoo economics.

As far as the college "educated" are concerned, they're being trained to be stupid, by eliminating the Socratic method from the curricula,,,,They are taught that you regurgitate what you are told, or fail...Questioning is out of the question.

Ignorance is not knowing and the willingness to question, stupidity is unwavering allegiance in the face of contrary information.

1. At every level schooling is slanted to the Left. Of course elementary school, but waaayyyyyy more so at the university level.
And it takes a strong person, a careful reader, and an inquisitive one, to see through the propaganda miasma.
Today's birthday boy is a prime example of what happens when we believe 'experts' and 'scholars' and 'professors' are objective.
View attachment 489815
Paul Samuelson, in full Paul Anthony Samuelson, (born May 15, 1915, Gary, Indiana, U.S.—died December 13, 2009, Belmont, Massachusetts), American economist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 1970 for his fundamental contributions to nearly all branches of economic theory.
Samuelson was educated at the University of Chicago (B.A., 1935) and at Harvard University (Ph.D., 1941). He became a professor of economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1940. He also served as an economic adviser to the United States government.
Samuelson contributed to many areas of economic theory ..."

You were fed his Leftist lies in every economics class.

2. Another 'brilliant' Liberal economist out to support communism, i.e., command and control by big government.

c. In 1970 the winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, and the author of the best-selling and most popular economics text was Paul Samuelson.

"As non-economist Tim Bethell pointed out in a 1988 article in National Review, successive editions of Samuelson's Economics showed a graph of relative growth rates for the US and Soviet economies with the Soviet growth rate rising more steeply than the American one. ....the Soviets were projected to overtake the US in about twenty-five years."
John O’Sullivan, The President, the Pope, And the Prime Minister: Three Who Changed the World, p. 255

The 'data' was, of course, fed to this scholar by the same folks who built Potemkin Villages.

3. "With each new edition of the book, the date of intersection with the US economy was shifted out into the future. Samuelson's seventh edition (1967) ....put the Soviet economy at 50% of the US in 1960...with intersection about 1990.

By the tenth edition (1976)....Soviet GDP had moved ahead to 57% of US........intersection point around the year 2000.

The graph has been dropped from Samuelson's ...(twelth) edition.

4. BTW....
"It is a vulgar mistake to think that most people in Eastern Europe are miserable," wrote Samuelson in the tenth edition of his textbook "Economics." This, mind you, in the aftermath of the 1953 East German uprising, the 1956 Hungarian uprising and the Poznan protests in Poland, the 1968 revolution in Czechoslovakia--all suppressed with bloodshed by Soviet tanks."

5. Reagan, on the other had it 100% correct.

But....who gets taught in the university???

I took several Economics courses in the 1970s and used Samuelson's text book.

The book was fine on giving basic Economic fundamentals of supply and demand and elasticity and things like that.

However, the thing that I remember was most screwed up was the premise that the government could somehow stimulate the economy by taking money from the people that earned it and giving it to somebody else. Samuelson put far too much faith in government to get it right.

He really ignored how FDR screwed up the Depression recovery with government interference.

If only more students were able to see through the propaganda at the time they were exposed to it, no Democrat would ever be elected.

I can't take credit for being smarter than the guy that wrote the textbook. However, fortunately I attended a Conservative university that had professors who steered us in the right direction and questioned some of the premises. They taught us how to think back then. Nowadays students are only taught to toe the party line.

Well......the best I can say about my alma mater is that it has the best fight song in the nation!

1. At every level schooling is slanted to the Left. Of course elementary school, but waaayyyyyy more so at the university level.
And it takes a strong person, a careful reader, and an inquisitive one, to see through the propaganda miasma.
Today's birthday boy is a prime example of what happens when we believe 'experts' and 'scholars' and 'professors' are objective.
View attachment 489815
Paul Samuelson, in full Paul Anthony Samuelson, (born May 15, 1915, Gary, Indiana, U.S.—died December 13, 2009, Belmont, Massachusetts), American economist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 1970 for his fundamental contributions to nearly all branches of economic theory.
Samuelson was educated at the University of Chicago (B.A., 1935) and at Harvard University (Ph.D., 1941). He became a professor of economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1940. He also served as an economic adviser to the United States government.
Samuelson contributed to many areas of economic theory ..."

You were fed his Leftist lies in every economics class.

2. Another 'brilliant' Liberal economist out to support communism, i.e., command and control by big government.

c. In 1970 the winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, and the author of the best-selling and most popular economics text was Paul Samuelson.

"As non-economist Tim Bethell pointed out in a 1988 article in National Review, successive editions of Samuelson's Economics showed a graph of relative growth rates for the US and Soviet economies with the Soviet growth rate rising more steeply than the American one. ....the Soviets were projected to overtake the US in about twenty-five years."
John O’Sullivan, The President, the Pope, And the Prime Minister: Three Who Changed the World, p. 255

The 'data' was, of course, fed to this scholar by the same folks who built Potemkin Villages.

3. "With each new edition of the book, the date of intersection with the US economy was shifted out into the future. Samuelson's seventh edition (1967) ....put the Soviet economy at 50% of the US in 1960...with intersection about 1990.

By the tenth edition (1976)....Soviet GDP had moved ahead to 57% of US........intersection point around the year 2000.

The graph has been dropped from Samuelson's ...(twelth) edition.

4. BTW....
"It is a vulgar mistake to think that most people in Eastern Europe are miserable," wrote Samuelson in the tenth edition of his textbook "Economics." This, mind you, in the aftermath of the 1953 East German uprising, the 1956 Hungarian uprising and the Poznan protests in Poland, the 1968 revolution in Czechoslovakia--all suppressed with bloodshed by Soviet tanks."

5. Reagan, on the other had it 100% correct.

But....who gets taught in the university???

I took several Economics courses in the 1970s and used Samuelson's text book.

The book was fine on giving basic Economic fundamentals of supply and demand and elasticity and things like that.

However, the thing that I remember was most screwed up was the premise that the government could somehow stimulate the economy by taking money from the people that earned it and giving it to somebody else. Samuelson put far too much faith in government to get it right.

He really ignored how FDR screwed up the Depression recovery with government interference.
Samuelson is the leading proponent of the broken window fallacy....The primary stupidity behind Keynesian voodoo economics.

As far as the college "educated" are concerned, they're being trained to be stupid, by eliminating the Socratic method from the curricula,,,,They are taught that you regurgitate what you are told, or fail...Questioning is out of the question.

Ignorance is not knowing and the willingness to question, stupidity is unwavering allegiance in the face of contrary information. cut those students a little slack......they know that if they question out loud, it will be penalized.

"College student kicked out of class for telling professor there are only two genders"

1. At every level schooling is slanted to the Left. Of course elementary school, but waaayyyyyy more so at the university level.
And it takes a strong person, a careful reader, and an inquisitive one, to see through the propaganda miasma.
Today's birthday boy is a prime example of what happens when we believe 'experts' and 'scholars' and 'professors' are objective.
View attachment 489815
Paul Samuelson, in full Paul Anthony Samuelson, (born May 15, 1915, Gary, Indiana, U.S.—died December 13, 2009, Belmont, Massachusetts), American economist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 1970 for his fundamental contributions to nearly all branches of economic theory.
Samuelson was educated at the University of Chicago (B.A., 1935) and at Harvard University (Ph.D., 1941). He became a professor of economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1940. He also served as an economic adviser to the United States government.
Samuelson contributed to many areas of economic theory ..."

You were fed his Leftist lies in every economics class.

2. Another 'brilliant' Liberal economist out to support communism, i.e., command and control by big government.

c. In 1970 the winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, and the author of the best-selling and most popular economics text was Paul Samuelson.

"As non-economist Tim Bethell pointed out in a 1988 article in National Review, successive editions of Samuelson's Economics showed a graph of relative growth rates for the US and Soviet economies with the Soviet growth rate rising more steeply than the American one. ....the Soviets were projected to overtake the US in about twenty-five years."
John O’Sullivan, The President, the Pope, And the Prime Minister: Three Who Changed the World, p. 255

The 'data' was, of course, fed to this scholar by the same folks who built Potemkin Villages.

3. "With each new edition of the book, the date of intersection with the US economy was shifted out into the future. Samuelson's seventh edition (1967) ....put the Soviet economy at 50% of the US in 1960...with intersection about 1990.

By the tenth edition (1976)....Soviet GDP had moved ahead to 57% of US........intersection point around the year 2000.

The graph has been dropped from Samuelson's ...(twelth) edition.

4. BTW....
"It is a vulgar mistake to think that most people in Eastern Europe are miserable," wrote Samuelson in the tenth edition of his textbook "Economics." This, mind you, in the aftermath of the 1953 East German uprising, the 1956 Hungarian uprising and the Poznan protests in Poland, the 1968 revolution in Czechoslovakia--all suppressed with bloodshed by Soviet tanks."

5. Reagan, on the other had it 100% correct.

But....who gets taught in the university???

I took several Economics courses in the 1970s and used Samuelson's text book.

The book was fine on giving basic Economic fundamentals of supply and demand and elasticity and things like that.

However, the thing that I remember was most screwed up was the premise that the government could somehow stimulate the economy by taking money from the people that earned it and giving it to somebody else. Samuelson put far too much faith in government to get it right.

He really ignored how FDR screwed up the Depression recovery with government interference.
Samuelson is the leading proponent of the broken window fallacy....The primary stupidity behind Keynesian voodoo economics.

As far as the college "educated" are concerned, they're being trained to be stupid, by eliminating the Socratic method from the curricula,,,,They are taught that you regurgitate what you are told, or fail...Questioning is out of the question.

Ignorance is not knowing and the willingness to question, stupidity is unwavering allegiance in the face of contrary information.

The Broken Window Fallacy is sound Economics. The filthy ass government doesn't created jackshit. Just takes from those that do and gives to those that don't. It has been 50 years but I remember the text harping on how beneficial the government is in stimulating the economy and we all know that is bullshit.

The government is a necessary evil for the few necessary things we need out of government and we should keep it as small as possible and the welfare state is a big burden on our economic that stifles economic growth.. Samuelson would not agree with me on that and I don't give a shit.

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