No question, Trump's final speech is the best of his life.

Same as always. Touting accomplishments that aren't accomplishments. Taking credit for things he didn't do. Ducking responsibility for things that were directly his fault. Bitching and grievance. Just cements the fact that he never had any interest in doing the job. And you all love him like the tin pot dictator he is. Adorable.
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On one hand, yes, the speech is somewhat moving. But on the other, well, I am not the only American deeply disappointed in Donald Trump's surrender to the Deep State, China, the UN and the WEF, as well as his willingness to accept mass systemic election fraud. Only Donald Trump himself, acting as our President was possessed of the power to make things right.

Frankly, his wishing the Biden administration well nauseates me. Trump, better than any other human being on this Earth, knows beyond a doubt the evil rising and aligning against America and the rest of the world; the evil poised to take total power of our government, our nuclear arsenal and the rest of our military.

End of the day one can only conclude Trump was a good POTUS, perhaps the greatest in modern times. But what he wasn't was THE MAN millions of Americans had hoped he'd be. Instead he will forever be remembered, in the minds of many, many Americans as THE MAN who could have saved our civilization but instead bent the knee to pure evil at the nth hour.

Biden will be unlike any other President in America's history. The beginning of his administration marks the END of America as we have always known it—Trump knows this as well. All I can imagine is that very powerful and terrible people have in no uncertain terms levied all manner of personal threats against Donald Trump and his family. His movement to liberate America from globalist and leftist radical madness has ended. After tomorrow he will no longer have the power to face these threats and the rising evil will blanket our world.

Trump the narcissist? Seems like it. Even as he walks the plank to the end of his presidency, he continues to fluff his own personal narrative and praise himself to no end. And by the way, Mr. President, neither your legacy nor anyone else's will save us. Everything you have done Mr. President? Joe Biden and his handlers will undo in short order.

But hey, Mr. President . . . you think you're great . . . so what could be more important than that?
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  • Funny
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On one hand, yes, the speech is somewhat moving. But on the other, well, I am not the only American deeply disappointed in Donald Trump's surrender to the Deep State, China, the UN and the WEF, as well as his willingness to accept mass systemic election fraud. Only Donald Trump himself, acting as our President was possessed of the power to make things right.

Frankly, his wishing the Biden administration well nauseates me. Trump, better than any other human being on this Earth, knows beyond a doubt the evil rising and aligning against America and the rest of the world; the evil poised to take total power of our government, our nuclear arsenal and the rest of our military.

End of the day one can only conclude Trump was a good POTUS, perhaps the greatest in modern times. But what he wasn't was THE MAN millions of Americans had hoped he'd be. Instead he will forever be remembered, in the minds of many, many Americans as THE MAN who could have saved our civilization but instead bent the knee to pure evil at the nth hour.

Biden will be unlike any other President in America's history. The beginning of his administration marks the END of America as we have always known it—Trump knows this as well. All I can imagine is that very powerful and terrible people have in no uncertain terms levied all manner of personal threats against Donald Trump and his family. His movement to liberate America from globalist and leftist radical madness has ended. After tomorrow he will no longer have the power to face these threats and the rising evil will blanket our world.

Trump the narcissist? Seems like it. Even as he walks the plank to the end of his presidency, he continues to fluff his own personal narrative and praise himself to no end. And by the way, Mr. President, neither your legacy nor anyone else's will save us. Everything you have done Mr. President? Joe Biden and his handlers will undo in short order.

But hey, Mr. President . . . you think you're great . . . so what could be more important than that?

You poor thing. You only recognize that he is a selfish, self serving, spoiled child on his last day in office. Sad that you didn't notice that before now.
  • Thanks
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On one hand, yes, the speech is somewhat moving. But on the other, well, I am not the only American deeply disappointed in Donald Trump's surrender to the Deep State, China, the UN and the WEF, as well as his willingness to accept mass systemic election fraud. Only Donald Trump himself, acting as our President was possessed of the power to make things right.

Frankly, his wishing the Biden administration well nauseates me. Trump, better than any other human being on this Earth, knows beyond a doubt the evil rising and aligning against America and the rest of the world; the evil poised to take total power of our government, our nuclear arsenal and the rest of our military.

End of the day one can only conclude Trump was a good POTUS, perhaps the greatest in modern times. But what he wasn't was THE MAN millions of Americans had hoped he'd be. Instead he will forever be remembered, in the minds of many, many Americans as THE MAN who could have saved our civilization but instead bent the knee to pure evil at the nth hour.

Biden will be unlike any other President in America's history. The beginning of his administration marks the END of America as we have always known it—Trump knows this as well. All I can imagine is that very powerful and terrible people have in no uncertain terms levied all manner of personal threats against Donald Trump and his family. His movement to liberate America from globalist and leftist radical madness has ended. After tomorrow he will no longer have the power to face these threats and the rising evil will blanket our world.

Trump the narcissist? Seems like it. Even as he walks the plank to the end of his presidency, he continues to fluff his own personal narrative and praise himself to no end. And by the way, Mr. President, neither your legacy nor anyone else's will save us. Everything you have done Mr. President? Joe Biden and his handlers will undo in short order.

But hey, Mr. President . . . you think you're great . . . so what could be more important than that?

He was never going to be any of these things. I sincerely don't get it. Why you and others looked upon him as someone who was going to do great things. When nothing of the sort ever happened in his adult life up until he won in 2016. He's been a gaslighting fraud his entire life. The race baiting, the failed businesses, the bankruptcies, the shoddy business practices, the corruption, the theft, the graft, cheating on his wives and then dumping two of them when they weren't young enough for him anymore. What do you expect from a man who games the bankruptcy laws and then turns around and stiffs the contractors, employees, and consultants that did work for him? Given that, did you really expect him to stand up for people like you? Of course not. You were a means to an end for him. He had no interest in the job. He just liked the benefits and attention that came from holding the office. Gawd, it's been a slow moving train wreck. Thankfully, in 18 hours, it's all over.

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