No Partisan Rhetoric?


Diamond Member
May 19, 2007
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Well I can see why the threads here so far are vanilla. How can there be continual discussion in this forum without partisan rhetoric???

EDIT: I'm sorry, this thread in and of itself is divisive.

How bout those FLYERS????
Well I can see why the threads here so far are vanilla. How can there be continual discussion in this forum without partisan rhetoric???

EDIT: I'm sorry, this thread in and of itself is divisive.

How bout those FLYERS????

Let's discuss partisan rhetoric then.:cool:

Do you think facts/actual events are partisan to politicla beliefs held by citizens of the US?

I don't. Facts either are, or are not. Do you find yourself incapable of discussing an issue without putting your political party's spin on it?

Note, it does not say you are not entitled to express a belief/opinion. It says no partisan rhetoric. No "Bush lied ...." No Obama's a Muslim cuz his middle name's Hussein." None of that blind bullshit from either side.

IMO, the more handbook, hackneyed cliche's one uses, the less informed on the topic that person is.
almost like a "solutions" thread.

almost like a "solutions" thread.


It's not meant to be fun for the Shogun. It's meant for the people who want to discuss issues without what you would call "fun" in them.

To each his own. Who let you out of your cage, anyway?:eusa_eh:
Let's discuss partisan rhetoric then.:cool:

Do you think facts/actual events are partisan to politicla beliefs held by citizens of the US?

I don't. Facts either are, or are not. Do you find yourself incapable of discussing an issue without putting your political party's spin on it?

Note, it does not say you are not entitled to express a belief/opinion. It says no partisan rhetoric. No "Bush lied ...." No Obama's a Muslim cuz his middle name's Hussein." None of that blind bullshit from either side.

IMO, the more handbook, hackneyed cliche's one uses, the less informed on the topic that person is.

As far as I'm concerned, partisan rhetoric is anything said which is only meant to degrade another party for merely BEING that other party, or to support someone's own party for merely NOT being the other party being degraded.

There are plenty of things to criticize Bush for, for example, that need not be considered partisan rhetoric.

Basically, it's like you comes down to facts.
As far as I'm concerned, partisan rhetoric is anything said which is only meant to degrade another party for merely BEING that other party, or to support someone's own party for merely NOT being the other party being degraded.

There are plenty of things to criticize Bush for, for example, that need not be considered partisan rhetoric.

Basically, it's like you comes down to facts.

You know...When someone says crap like "bush lied people died" I put them on the ignore button and IF they have anything important to say I miss out on it because I refuse to listen to them.
Same when people say Hillary is an ugly lesbian. I really dont think she is ugly and even if she was, what the hell does that have to do with her ability to run the country?
I used to think Hillary was hideous, when I was young and she was young.

Now I'm older and she's older, and I look at pictures of her as a young woman, and I think, "gosh, she isn't ugly! What was I thinking?"

I was thinking she was ugly compared to ME at the time. Now anybody who is young looks good.
It's not meant to be fun for the Shogun. It's meant for the people who want to discuss issues without what you would call "fun" in them.

To each his own. Who let you out of your cage, anyway?:eusa_eh:

While my pimp-style delivery speaks for itself, I'd be hard pressed to find any other singe person on this forum who has posted more efforts in compromises and solutions.

And, to answer your question, I believe his name is Poseidon.

I think that it is difficult to debate politics. I have even been called on erroneous assumptions that I made. It is hard to back down when you say something that is not true. Your ego stands a chance of getting bruised and so you try everything you can to stand by an incorrect comment that you made. I try to avoid making gross generalizations based on a few examples. I try to avoid making personal attacks – but yes, I have even been guilty of that. What can I say?
I think that it is difficult to debate politics. I have even been called on erroneous assumptions that I made. It is hard to back down when you say something that is not true. Your ego stands a chance of getting bruised and so you try everything you can to stand by an incorrect comment that you made. I try to avoid making gross generalizations based on a few examples. I try to avoid making personal attacks – but yes, I have even been guilty of that. What can I say?

Being incorrect is allowed.:cool:
I think that it is difficult to debate politics. I have even been called on erroneous assumptions that I made. It is hard to back down when you say something that is not true. Your ego stands a chance of getting bruised and so you try everything you can to stand by an incorrect comment that you made. I try to avoid making gross generalizations based on a few examples. I try to avoid making personal attacks – but yes, I have even been guilty of that. What can I say?

And this is just on a message board. Imagine being wrong in PERSON, at your local party meetings.

I introduced a resolution for a vote of no confidence in John McCain as a conservative at my local GOP meeting, and I was one of a total of 3 in agreement, out of 50+ total members in attendence. Being wrong means nothing, because many times you are not "wrong", per se, you are only part of the fray.

So WHAT if no one else agrees with you all the time. Not everyone is smart. :cool:

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