No Charges for Clinton

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GOP to investigate FBI decision on Clinton emails

WASHINGTON (AP) — Angry House Republicans are announcing plans to investigate FBI Director James Comey's decision against pressing criminal charges for Hillary Clinton over her handling of classified emails.
their Tempest in a Teapot should bite them in the ass ... for reasons of greed and stupidity if nothing else.

I never thought they would, seldom are people indicted for being incompetent and downright stupid. Thankfully.
Well, the emails were not about being incompetent. Far more than that.

But whatever.

It will be funny watching the dumb morons celebrate.

Well if she was guilty then try her, if not then her only defense is that she is incompetent and stupid.

Any day now.
Bullfrog must think conservative's on this board are running the the FBI investigation,they keep postings like bullfrogs asking when are the indictments coming!! Over snd over.

You would have to ask the FBI,they might let you know. Someone tossed some magic dust on her!!

Bottom line the FBI saw enough evidenced of a crime/ crimes to conduct a long investigation,involving some 150 agents.Have the Democrats lost their mind?, There once,not long ago a principal neather side would have put such a flawed candidate.this is not the only vise that has a mass bite into continental size ass.

Right wingers have been posting "ANY DAY NOW" for a long time.

Some of us (not me) had the audacity to assume equal treatment under the law.
Some of us (not me) assumed since others have been prosecuted for similar activity, that Hillary would receive equal punishment.
Did he state they were classified?
Hey stupid. Reread that , the IG report said that Powell RECEIVED classified material on his personal email account. THAT IS NOT ILLEGAL. If it were, Obama could simply email classified material to whomever he wanted via their private email then have them prosecuted for receiving it. SENDING it via private email is illegal. As is storing it on a private email server, which we don't know if Powell did that, or if he reported it as soon as he realized it. The report doesn't clarify that point.

BUT Powell did NOT do what Hillary did.
He used a personal email account. Those are not secure. He exposed State Department communications to foreign ministers and out ambassadors to hackers.

No he did not.

You hacks didn't scream for his head when he openly admitted it IN A BOOK!!!

In 2012.

This is how we know you are partisan hacks who don't actually give a flying fuck about national security or the truth.

You idiot. He admitted he had a private computer with a private email. He didn't admit he used private email to conduct government business, and the IG report proved he did not do that. What the fuck is the matter with you?
Are you retarded?

He didn't admit he used private email to conduct government business?!?!

"My personal email account on the laptop allowed me direct access to anyone online. I started shooting emails to my principal assistants, to individual ambassadors, and increasingly to my foreign-minister colleagues"
Except that Obama didn't use the IRS to go after his opponents. The IRS questioned conservative non-profits about their activities, which they are supposed to do when registering a non- profit Corporation.

There was no evidence that anyone other than a lower level IRS supervisor, and a Republican at that, was responsible. So said the Republican Congressional Committee which investigated.

IOW, another made up Faux News phoney scandal.
She didn't break the rules. She operated under the same rules as Colin Powell, who also set up a personal computer for his State Department emails. He openly wrote about it in his 2012 book. I didn't hear you rubes screaming for his head back then
. You lie.
State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email -

"Colin Powell and top staffers for Condoleezza Rice received classified information through personal email accounts, according to a new report from State Department investigators."

Just as I said, Colin Powell openly wrote about this practice in 2012:
To complement the official State Department computer in my office, I installed a laptop computer on a private line. My personal email account on the laptop allowed me direct access to anyone online. I started shooting emails to my principal assistants, to individual ambassadors, and increasingly to my foreign-minister colleagues who like me were trying to bring their ministries into the 186,000-miles-per-second world.

- Colin Powell, Worked For Me: In Life And Leadership, published 2012.

If he had "direct access to anyone online", that means any hacker online had access to his laptop.

I didn't hear you rubes screaming for his head back then.
He didn't conduct all of his State Department business on an unsecured private server in his home. Who knows what information was destroyed on that server. The only problem with this case is a lack of proof needed to show Hillary was damaging the US,........because that proof had been destroyed of course.
Oh. So you gave him a pass because he only received classified email SOMETIMES on personal email account, and not ALL the time.

I seeeee... :rolleyes:
Nope. You liars accusing him of using a public email account on his pc is the same thing.......he didn't send any classified emails on it. Hillary did. Hillary only used a private server for all of her business. If she didn't send any classified emails then she wouldn't be doing her job. She expects us to believe that cock and bull story of not passing classified shit on her server. Bull fucking shit!!!

They have servers in secure locations that are set up all over the country. I was working on the AC of one such place this morning. I had to sign in and be escorted everywhere. Hillary bypassed the system and risked national security in the process. Even sent emails from hot zones overseas. She's a fucking idiot.
Except that Obama didn't use the IRS to go after his opponents. The IRS questioned conservative non-profits about their activities, which they are supposed to do when registering a non- profit Corporation.

There was no evidence that anyone other than a lower level IRS supervisor, and a Republican at that, was responsible. So said the Republican Congressional Committee which investigated.

IOW, another made up Faux News phoney scandal.
Holy shit
Where in the book does it say that Powell set up a private unsecured server and deleted work related emails instead of turning them over to the Feds? And how many were top secret?

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This was an open and shut case. Nobody who pays attention will ever trust govt. again.
Can the Senate impeach Comey? He needs to get his ass out of the FBI. That fucking Obama and Holder perverted the DOJ. I will never trust them again.

Today, I am not proud to be an American.

Comey is a Republican. He had every opportunity to see through this GOP hatchet job, but he didn't. Instead, he chose to be honest. I'm sorry this news was so crushing for you.

Comey for Hillary's VP? That would gall the RNC, huh?

I'm sure you wouldn't have a problem with it. You've embraced the corruption.
Classified Info Found on Past Secretaries' Private Email

The State Department’s internal investigation arm issued a final memorandum today on the email practices of past and current secretaries of state, and it said definitively that past secretaries handled classified material on unclassified email systems.
So you're saying if somebody else broke the law......Hillary can too?

Think that would stand up in court?

I shot some fucker because somebody else shot someone before me. I should be exonerated because i wasn't the first person to do something wrong.
Except that Obama didn't use the IRS to go after his opponents. The IRS questioned conservative non-profits about their activities, which they are supposed to do when registering a non- profit Corporation.

There was no evidence that anyone other than a lower level IRS supervisor, and a Republican at that, was responsible. So said the Republican Congressional Committee which investigated.

IOW, another made up Faux News phoney scandal.
Yep. I guess the GOP has people on the payroll too.
She didn't break the rules. She operated under the same rules as Colin Powell, who also set up a personal computer for his State Department emails. He openly wrote about it in his 2012 book. I didn't hear you rubes screaming for his head back then
. You lie.
State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email -

"Colin Powell and top staffers for Condoleezza Rice received classified information through personal email accounts, according to a new report from State Department investigators."

Just as I said, Colin Powell openly wrote about this practice in 2012:
To complement the official State Department computer in my office, I installed a laptop computer on a private line. My personal email account on the laptop allowed me direct access to anyone online. I started shooting emails to my principal assistants, to individual ambassadors, and increasingly to my foreign-minister colleagues who like me were trying to bring their ministries into the 186,000-miles-per-second world.

- Colin Powell, Worked For Me: In Life And Leadership, published 2012.

If he had "direct access to anyone online", that means any hacker online had access to his laptop.

I didn't hear you rubes screaming for his head back then.
He didn't conduct all of his State Department business on an unsecured private server in his home. Who knows what information was destroyed on that server. The only problem with this case is a lack of proof needed to show Hillary was damaging the US,........because that proof had been destroyed of course.
Oh. So you gave him a pass because he only received classified email SOMETIMES on personal email account, and not ALL the time.

I seeeee... :rolleyes:
I didn't give him a pass.

Charge him or STFU.

His case would have zip/nada to do with Hillary's case anyway. They are totally unrelated. BTW, Powell is a back-stabbing Obama sycophant it turns out, so be my guest and fry his ass.
Faun, no one ares what you think. This was OBVIOUSLY a case that was handled politically. I GUARANTEE that if you did exactly what Hillary did your ass would be in prison right now.

I'm ashamed of the FBI.
That's ok. As an American, I'm constantly ashamed by conservatives.
Faun, no one ares what you think. This was OBVIOUSLY a case that was handled politically. I GUARANTEE that if you did exactly what Hillary did your ass would be in prison right now.

I'm ashamed of the FBI.
That's ok. As an American, I'm constantly ashamed by conservatives.

That's b/c you're a fucking idiot.

This isn't about conservatives or liberals. This is about a woman who got away with criminal activity.
She was exonerated of criminal wrong-doing.

And her election betting odds are near there all time high. Your point is?
1) That you either don't know the meaning of "exonerated" or you are bullshitting everyone.

2) That if her opponent wasn't Trump, she'd be toast.

Exonerate. ..
(especially of an official body) absolve (someone) from blame for a fault or wrongdoing, especially after due consideration of the case.

Precisely what the FBI did yesterday in terms of criminal wrong-doing.
Clearly, you need to find the definition of "absolve".

You are rather dim, eh?

set or declare (someone) free from blame, guilt, or responsibility.

Hillary was absolved of criminal wrong-doing. Dayam, I've never seen so many brain-dead conservatives in one gathering before. It's like you don't know the meanings of words.

No, in fact she was not ABSOLVED of anything, that would require she be charged and tried for criminal wrongdoing. Instead the FBI declared they simply would not advise an indictment. Those are two ENTIRELY different things.
Again, for the hard of learning...


set or declare (someone) free from blame, guilt, or responsibility.

... nothing in there requires a trial.
1) That you either don't know the meaning of "exonerated" or you are bullshitting everyone.

2) That if her opponent wasn't Trump, she'd be toast.

Exonerate. ..
(especially of an official body) absolve (someone) from blame for a fault or wrongdoing, especially after due consideration of the case.

Precisely what the FBI did yesterday in terms of criminal wrong-doing.
Clearly, you need to find the definition of "absolve".

You are rather dim, eh?

set or declare (someone) free from blame, guilt, or responsibility.

Hillary was absolved of criminal wrong-doing. Dayam, I've never seen so many brain-dead conservatives in one gathering before. It's like you don't know the meanings of words.

No, in fact she was not ABSOLVED of anything, that would require she be charged and tried for criminal wrongdoing. Instead the FBI declared they simply would not advise an indictment. Those are two ENTIRELY different things.
Again, for the hard of learning...


set or declare (someone) free from blame, guilt, or responsibility.

... nothing in there requires a trial.

She wasn't absolved you fucking idiot. The FBI merely declined to recommend criminal charges.

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