'No Biden FamilyMember Will Have Any Say in Policy-Making Or Will Benefit From It....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"....And if you like your policy and your doctor youcan keep them...."

The White House dismissed complaints of conflicting interest Tuesday regarding the president’s son-in-law’s investments related to the COVID-19 response. Ethics experts are raising concerns about President Biden’s surgeon son-in-law Howard Krein, who has ties to a health care company working with the federal government to streamline vaccine distribution.

ETHICS Problem? Criminal / Ethical Conflicts of Interest? the Bidens? Never.........

"There is not a single member of the family who is employed at the White House, who will have an office at White House, or who will benefit financially. Those are strict ethics requirements put in place, and the president has approved."

The Biden family - by the FBI, DHS, and Treasury Departments - have been proven to hafe engaged in criminal financial scandals to enrich themselves. From Influence Peddling to Russian Money laundering to taking over $1 BILLION from the CCP.....and only 1 of them held a position in the Fedewral Governemtna and in the White House....but they ALL sure-as-hell financially benefitted.

"Shortly after StartUp Health was started, its founders were invited to the White House to meet with then-President Obama to preview its plans.

Krein recounted the meeting in a 2015 interview. "
I happened to be talking to my father-in-law (Joe Biden) that day and I mentioned Steve and Unity were down there [in D.C.]," Krein said. "[Biden] knew about StartUp Health and was a big fan of it. He asked for Steve's number and said, 'I have to get them up here to talk with Barack.' The Secret Service came and got Steve and Unity and brought them to the Oval Office."

Krein helps oversee the company's investments in hundreds of companies, some looking to get through to federal agencies to assist with the coronavirus response. As StartUp Health has expanded its presence in the health care sphere, its executives have touted the White House meeting with Obama and their special ties to Biden."

And people thought HILLARY would turn the WH into her own personal money-making HQs. :p

I do not doubt that no Biden family member will have an office in the WH, but I seriously doubt that none of them will benefit financially or in any other way from Joe's presidency, directly or indirectly. They'll find ways, and the DOJ or the media will do nothing to uncover anything that even looks suspicious.
I do not doubt that no Biden family member will have an office in the WH, but I seriously doubt that none of them will benefit financially or in any other way from Joe's presidency, directly or indirectly. They'll find ways, and the DOJ or the media will do nothing to uncover anything that even looks suspicious.
Evidence exhibit number one...Hunter Biden's big book deal for all those dozens of people wondering about
Hunter's thoughts and takes on his life as a privileged protected douche bag.
I hope the book deals with where he got all the money to rent out a 5.4 million dollar Venice California
three story beach front home. Hunter Biden, family move into $5.4M Venice, Calif. home: report

The money he is still getting from China (claiming he is still "unwinding" his involvement with a Chinese firm)
will help. Cashing in on dad's name and connections is the real cash cow.
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"....And if you like your policy and your doctor youcan keep them...."

The White House dismissed complaints of conflicting interest Tuesday regarding the president’s son-in-law’s investments related to the COVID-19 response. Ethics experts are raising concerns about President Biden’s surgeon son-in-law Howard Krein, who has ties to a health care company working with the federal government to streamline vaccine distribution.

ETHICS Problem? Criminal / Ethical Conflicts of Interest? the Bidens? Never.........

"There is not a single member of the family who is employed at the White House, who will have an office at White House, or who will benefit financially. Those are strict ethics requirements put in place, and the president has approved."

The Biden family - by the FBI, DHS, and Treasury Departments - have been proven to hafe engaged in criminal financial scandals to enrich themselves. From Influence Peddling to Russian Money laundering to taking over $1 BILLION from the CCP.....and only 1 of them held a position in the Fedewral Governemtna and in the White House....but they ALL sure-as-hell financially benefitted.

"Shortly after StartUp Health was started, its founders were invited to the White House to meet with then-President Obama to preview its plans.

Krein recounted the meeting in a 2015 interview. "
I happened to be talking to my father-in-law (Joe Biden) that day and I mentioned Steve and Unity were down there [in D.C.]," Krein said. "[Biden] knew about StartUp Health and was a big fan of it. He asked for Steve's number and said, 'I have to get them up here to talk with Barack.' The Secret Service came and got Steve and Unity and brought them to the Oval Office."

Krein helps oversee the company's investments in hundreds of companies, some looking to get through to federal agencies to assist with the coronavirus response. As StartUp Health has expanded its presence in the health care sphere, its executives have touted the White House meeting with Obama and their special ties to Biden."

And people thought HILLARY would turn the WH into her own personal money-making HQs. :p

Man, this is calling pot calling the kettle black. What hypocrisy you have.
I do not doubt that no Biden family member will have an office in the WH, but I seriously doubt that none of them will benefit financially or in any other way from Joe's presidency, directly or indirectly. They'll find ways, and the DOJ or the media will do nothing to uncover anything that even looks suspicious.
Hunter already has--in addition to Ukraine and China, there is the book deal.
I do not doubt that no Biden family member will have an office in the WH, but I seriously doubt that none of them will benefit financially or in any other way from Joe's presidency, directly or indirectly. They'll find ways, and the DOJ or the media will do nothing to uncover anything that even looks suspicious.
Evidence exhibit number one...Hunter Biden's big book deal for all those dozens of people wondering about
Hunter's thoughts and takes on his life as a privileged protected douche bag.
I hope the book deals with where he got all the money to rent out a 5.4 million dollar Venice California
three story beach front home. Hunter Biden, family move into $5.4M Venice, Calif. home: report

The money he is still getting from China (claiming he is still "unwinding" his involvement with a Chinese firm)
will help. Cashing in on dad's name and connections is a real cash cow.
And you ain't black if you don't vote for Joe "WHITE PRIVILEGE" Biden.
Meanwhile, we know Jared and Ivanka grifted at least 172 million dollars. And that's just those two. Trump himself grifted much more.

That's why we're seeing this thread. Whenever Republican corruption is highlighted, Republicans always attempt to deflect from it by accusing Democrats of whatever corruption they've been supporting themselves. This thread is a stellar example of that.
I wouldn't give a damn if Biden filled his Administration w/family members and relatives.

Trump did it, that means it's good.

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