No "assault" rifle used in latest attack

Wow, I guess the idea probably own more guns than you means I don't know shit about guns.

First of all, if that shotgun was a pump action, it takes time to reload. It is not that closed quarters when you are in a relatively large room. Even a double barrel takes time as you would fumble in your pockets to get the shells to reload. I seriously doubt he had a tactical shotgun.

This compared to 30 or more shots at the pull of the trigger?

You people know shit about guns. All you know is to kiss the NRA's ass as children die in our schools.
First, I apologize for the unnecessarily offensive tone of my response. I mistakenly perceived you to be among the gun-phobes whose tiresome criticisms are rooted in ignorance. That was a mistake.

I won't engage in debate about which is a more effective weapon to use against a crowd of unarmed human-size targets in an enclosed environment, mainly because I've never handled an AR-15 or its equivalent. But I am thoroughly familiar with an 18", seven round capacity, wide open choke, 12-gauge shotgun loaded with 3" magnum #00 buckshot rounds -- and I have a very good idea what one of those could do within the above described circumstances.

Reloading would present some level of delay, depending mainly on the shooter's experience, but with a seven round holster fixed to the receiver side of the gun, along with a 32 round "Pancho" bandolier, the kind of firepower this weapon is capable of delivering should not be casually underestimated.

You spec a particular shotgun with special accessories.

Were the used here?

If I were going to perform this type of killing, I might use the shotgun for the 3-5 sjots & then discartd it for the handgun or other weapon.

I have been shot with a 12 gauge. Enough to knock me down but only 2 bbs penetrated my winter clothes & skin.

Texas in May? I doubt the kids had heavy clothing on.
I have been shot with a 12 gauge. Enough to knock me down but only 2 bbs penetrated my winter clothes & skin.

Shotgun effectiveness is totally depended on the type of shells used. I would NOT want to get shot with a 12 gauge and 00 buck.
I believe it was 5 shot.

Why, if you had specific targets in mind, which he obviously did, would you need any more? And why would you use a weapon that you would need to aim far more than a shotgun? That makes zero sense. An AR would likely be the worst option.
I have been shot with a 12 gauge. Enough to knock me down but only 2 bbs penetrated my winter clothes & skin.

Shotgun effectiveness is totally depended on the type of shells used. I would NOT want to get shot with a 12 gauge and 00 buck.
I believe it was 5 shot.

Why, if you had specific targets in mind, which he obviously did, would you need any more? And why would you use a weapon that you would need to aim far more than a shotgun? That makes zero sense. An AR would likely be the worst option.

So, how many students were on his list? Why would he enter a smaller part of the building where there would be fewer students?

He did not shot people he knew & liked. That does not mean everyone he shot was targeted.

If the AR-15 is so useless, why do you want them?
I have been shot with a 12 gauge. Enough to knock me down but only 2 bbs penetrated my winter clothes & skin.

Shotgun effectiveness is totally depended on the type of shells used. I would NOT want to get shot with a 12 gauge and 00 buck.
I believe it was 5 shot.

Why, if you had specific targets in mind, which he obviously did, would you need any more? And why would you use a weapon that you would need to aim far more than a shotgun? That makes zero sense. An AR would likely be the worst option.

So, how many students were on his list? Why would he enter a smaller part of the building where there would be fewer students?

He did not shot people he knew & liked. That does not mean everyone he shot was targeted.

If the AR-15 is so useless, why do you want them?

All we know of so far is that it appears to be 1.

And where did I say the AR was useless? Please NEVER misquote me. It just gives me a greater chance to rip your arguments to shreds (which ain't that hard in the first place)
John Locke disagreed with you. John Locke on the rights to life, liberty, and property of ourselves and others (1689) - Online Library of Liberty Society LIMITS your natural rights. I suggest you go pound salt.
I've read it, the man is a lunatic.

Or, more likely, you're just a stupid propagandist who hates the idea of people being free to exercise their rights.
Lol, you don't handle dissenting opinions very well do you.

I don't tolerate stupidity very long.
How do you stand yourself?

Unlike you, I am not suffering from that condition.
That's NOT what the SCOTUS said. Scalia in his opinion that limitations CAN be put on people's second amendment rights due to their actions (Felons cannot own firearms for example) but he never said everyone could be limited.
So, why can't I go down to gander mountain and buy an nice 30mm Bushmaster cannon then?

If you weren't stupid, you'd know that the Second Amendment protects arms, not ordinance.
Arms are ordnance, but not all ordnance is arms. BTW, there's no "I" in ordnance.

An ordinance is a piece of legislation.

Thanks. I appreciate the fact that you can handle the mechanics of spelling better than I, while you seem to not be able to understand complex concepts.
Spelling? The fact is you don't know what you are talking about. You don't even know what the word means.

LOL! The fact is that you throw out all these seemingly clever talking points from someone else as if they are to be taken seriously, but they are truly just a waste of time. Go away, time-suck troll.
Wow, I guess the idea probably own more guns than you means I don't know shit about guns.

First of all, if that shotgun was a pump action, it takes time to reload. It is not that closed quarters when you are in a relatively large room. Even a double barrel takes time as you would fumble in your pockets to get the shells to reload. I seriously doubt he had a tactical shotgun.

This compared to 30 or more shots at the pull of the trigger?

You people know shit about guns. All you know is to kiss the NRA's ass as children die in our schools.
First, I apologize for the unnecessarily offensive tone of my response. I mistakenly perceived you to be among the gun-phobes whose tiresome criticisms are rooted in ignorance. That was a mistake.

I won't engage in debate about which is a more effective weapon to use against a crowd of unarmed human-size targets in an enclosed environment, mainly because I've never handled an AR-15 or its equivalent. But I am thoroughly familiar with an 18", seven round capacity, wide open choke, 12-gauge shotgun loaded with 3" magnum #00 buckshot rounds -- and I have a very good idea what one of those could do within the above described circumstances.

Reloading would present some level of delay, depending mainly on the shooter's experience, but with a seven round holster fixed to the receiver side of the gun, along with a 32 round "Pancho" bandolier, the kind of firepower this weapon is capable of delivering should not be casually underestimated.

Best post of the thread.

Most progressives in here grew up watching Linda Hamilton firing 12G rounds into Arnold Schwartzenegger with a handed!:113:. Indoors and with zero ear protection!!:2up:

What can you do? The level of naive is prolific and based largely on pure emotion. Understood by our lawmakers....obviously!:coffee:

Actually, asswipe, I have used pump action shotguns & speak from expertience. You obviously speak from your ass.

Hey what can I say s0n.....there are guys who own guns and there are gun guys. That's nothing new.:2up:
I have been shot with a 12 gauge. Enough to knock me down but only 2 bbs penetrated my winter clothes & skin.

Shotgun effectiveness is totally depended on the type of shells used. I would NOT want to get shot with a 12 gauge and 00 buck.
I believe it was 5 shot.

Why, if you had specific targets in mind, which he obviously did, would you need any more? And why would you use a weapon that you would need to aim far more than a shotgun? That makes zero sense. An AR would likely be the worst option.

So, how many students were on his list? Why would he enter a smaller part of the building where there would be fewer students?

He did not shot people he knew & liked. That does not mean everyone he shot was targeted.

If the AR-15 is so useless, why do you want them?


Because when the shit hits the fan s0n we want to be able to at our leisure come and take your stuff. You will happily hand any stuff we want over by the way. When the reckoning for the limp wristers finally happens, much will come into focus for them :coffee:
I have been shot with a 12 gauge. Enough to knock me down but only 2 bbs penetrated my winter clothes & skin.

Shotgun effectiveness is totally depended on the type of shells used. I would NOT want to get shot with a 12 gauge and 00 buck.
I believe it was 5 shot.

Why, if you had specific targets in mind, which he obviously did, would you need any more? And why would you use a weapon that you would need to aim far more than a shotgun? That makes zero sense. An AR would likely be the worst option.

Hey man.... you realize you're talking to a real gun expert there in Real Dave!:up:
I have been shot with a 12 gauge. Enough to knock me down but only 2 bbs penetrated my winter clothes & skin.

Shotgun effectiveness is totally depended on the type of shells used. I would NOT want to get shot with a 12 gauge and 00 buck.

Why the worry?

Dave here got knocked down by a shell and barely suffered a flesh wound!!:rock::rock::backpedal:
I have been shot with a 12 gauge. Enough to knock me down but only 2 bbs penetrated my winter clothes & skin.

Shotgun effectiveness is totally depended on the type of shells used. I would NOT want to get shot with a 12 gauge and 00 buck.
I believe it was 5 shot.

Why, if you had specific targets in mind, which he obviously did, would you need any more? And why would you use a weapon that you would need to aim far more than a shotgun? That makes zero sense. An AR would likely be the worst option.

Hey man.... you realize you're talking to a real gun expert there in Real Dave!:up:



Shotgun effectiveness is totally depended on the type of shells used. I would NOT want to get shot with a 12 gauge and 00 buck.
Especially 3" magnum. And distance from shooter is critical. What Real Dave described, is a relatively common hunting accident in which he could have been hundreds of yards from the shooter.

What he was hit with ("BBs") probably was #5 birdshot. If the impact was hard enough to knock him down but there was so little penetration the clothing he was wearing would need to be comparable to body armor.
Nobody is talking about taking the guns from law abiding citizens. They are talking about keeping the weapons of war out of the hands of crazies. And one way to do that is require a class 3 license for any semi-automatic weapon that can take a large magazine. Such a law would not affect any gun that I have, and they are all more than adequate for self defense. Not really expecting a zombie apocalypse.

You are wrong. Almost any Democratic challenger running in the midterm elections is including a platform plank to outright outlaw high capacity mags and semi-automatic weapons. Do your research. The gun grabbers have made great headway in the last year.

Justice Democrats | Candidates

I have been shot with a 12 gauge. Enough to knock me down but only 2 bbs penetrated my winter clothes & skin.
I think that based on your experience you should call attention to the relative inefficiency of the shotgun as a military weapon. I believe the Marine Corps would be grateful for the information.

What ever will the left do now? Those evil bastard AR-15's were not involved, just a shotgun and A REVOLVER.
Those on ‘the left’ seek in good faith solutions consistent with the Second Amendment and its case law; the problem is with most on the right who refuse to do anything at all.

The problem is with leftists who think anyone is still buying their lies about "in good faith".
its almost like the school shooting at Santa Fe was planned ---------------- And i suppose that now they'll go after 2 of the most friendly style guns owned in the USA . Shotguns , everyone owns at least Grandpa's or DAD's old shotgun . Kids and Grandmas own shotguns . 'joe biden' said , go out and get a shotgun and fire over their heads [or similar] . And an old fashioned .38 revolver is old fashioned but look at the damage that a shotgun and a revolver can do at Santa Fe High School . --------------------- widdle 15 year old crying girl from Santa Fe High School on telly will also want shotguns and revolvers also removed from private ownership because she should be able to go to school and not worry about gun massacres . After all , school is her life .

"widdle 15 year old crying girl"

I keep thinking you slime cannot possibly sink any lower but you prove me wrong every day. But, pismoe - this is really really sick. Even for you.

That 15 year old girl has more courage and fortitude than all you gun nutters put together. I have no doubt that YOU would not have the balls to go back to school after seeing your classmates gunned down in front of you.

Why don't you PRETEND you care about the children who are being murdered?

It won't hurt you to PRETEND.


I guess you would be the expert on whether or not it hurts to pretend to care.

I have been shot with a 12 gauge. Enough to knock me down but only 2 bbs penetrated my winter clothes & skin.
I think that based on your experience you should call attention to the relative inefficiency of the shotgun as a military weapon. I believe the Marine Corps would be grateful for the information.

Here I Here I thought they use M16s. Silly me.

The father lived in Texas & since Texans are known horrible hunters, that shot gun could have held a more that those legal to hunt with in other states.

Here in PA where we actually know how to hunt. you are limited to a total of 3 shells. My shotguns have a capacity of 5 but are plugged to hold just 3 total.
Nobody is talking about taking the guns from law abiding citizens. They are talking about keeping the weapons of war out of the hands of crazies. And one way to do that is require a class 3 license for any semi-automatic weapon that can take a large magazine. Such a law would not affect any gun that I have, and they are all more than adequate for self defense. Not really expecting a zombie apocalypse.

You are wrong. Almost any Democratic challenger running in the midterm elections is including a platform plank to outright outlaw high capacity mags and semi-automatic weapons. Do your research. The gun grabbers have made great headway in the last year.

Justice Democrats | Candidates
Look asswipe. You keep saying all guns & that is a fucking lie.
Shotgun effectiveness is totally depended on the type of shells used. I would NOT want to get shot with a 12 gauge and 00 buck.
Especially 3" magnum. And distance from shooter is critical. What Real Dave described, is a relatively common hunting accident in which he could have been hundreds of yards from the shooter.

What he was hit with ("BBs") probably was #5 birdshot. If the impact was hard enough to knock him down but there was so little penetration the clothing he was wearing would need to be comparable to body armor.

Hundreds of yards? And you claim to know shotguns? Bull Fucking Shit.

#5 is game load. You didn't even know that.

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