Nixon Territory: Bush now more unpopular than Jimmy Carter


Senior Member
May 29, 2007
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New Bush polls:

Newsweek: 26% approval rating

ARG: 27% approval rating.

The new numbers—a 2 point drop from the last NEWSWEEK Poll at the beginning of May—are statistically unchanged, given the poll’s 4 point margin of error. But the 26 percent rating puts Bush lower than Jimmy Carter, who sunk to his nadir of 28 percent in a Gallup poll in June 1979. In fact, the only president in the last 35 years to score lower than Bush is Richard Nixon. Nixon’s approval rating tumbled to 23 percent in January 1974, seven months before his resignation over the botched Watergate break-in.
It kinda figures. There are a lot of the Nixionites in the Bush Administration.
LOL - I guess this puts Congress down in Vanilla Ice territory...
and congress is nearly 50-50 between D's and R' your point would be????

and if you would like to weigh in on the poll differences between D's and R's inj congress, please do:

Your constant refrain that abysmal numbers are unimportant because the dems have a slightly less abysmal number is getting old. If everyone loves the dems why is the overall number so low? Ohh wait, I remember, cause the dems are not very well liked either.
Your constant refrain that abysmal numbers are unimportant because the dems have a slightly less abysmal number is getting old. If everyone loves the dems why is the overall number so low? Ohh wait, I remember, cause the dems are not very well liked either.

If everyone loves the dems why is the overall number so low? Ohh wait, I remember, cause the dems are not very well liked either.

-The latest polls show that in a general election, Clinton/Obama beat or tied every republican first-tier candiadate: Guilliani/Romney/McCain/Thompson.

There was no polling case where a republican nominee beat a democrat

-Polling data show that Democrats in Congress consistently poll with better approval ratings than Republicans in congresss:
You guys kill me with your polls. I'm going to poll the crickets in the back yard ... see which ones think my dog is evil and which ones don't.:badgrin:
I am of the opinion that putting any stock in poll numbers, especially when the election is 17 months out, is pointless. At this stage of the game, polls mean absolutely nothing.
You guys kill me with your polls. I'm going to poll the crickets in the back yard ... see which ones think my dog is evil and which ones don't.:badgrin:

Polls are the only quantifiable measure of public opinion.

When someone yells: "Democrats are just as unpopular as Republicans!", they better have some metrics, and quantifiable facts to back that statement up.

You didn't.

Do you just expect people to take your word, that Democrats are as unpopular as republicans? Or, do you think we should be relying on scientific poll data, to test your assertion?
While this is not scientific, I will say that Democrats and Republicans are equally unpopular with me.
Your constant refrain that abysmal numbers are unimportant because the dems have a slightly less abysmal number is getting old. If everyone loves the dems why is the overall number so low? Ohh wait, I remember, cause the dems are not very well liked either.

NObody is very well liked! You have a barely democratic congress at loggerheads with a lame duck stubborn president. There is no veto proof majority. The biggest single issue for the voters was the war, yet, unfortunately, they did not elect ENOUGH democrats to stop the chimp from continuing it. What do you say where nearly 60% of Americans supported the democrat's Iraq funding bill that included troop withdrawal deadlines? What do you say when that same percentage was FURIOUS with Bush for vetoing it? THe same percentage is FURIOUS with congress for not overriding the veto..... low approval ratings for congress are to be expected in such circumstances.

but you guys go ahead and ignore the fact that the people think your party sucks...ignore the fact that democrats lead republicans in every generic congressional ballot poll. Keep thinking that the public hates the democrats, but somehow gives YOU assholes a free pass on the war in Iraq. I am fine with such arrogance on your part.
All of you Democrats believe what you must. The first candidate to declare that he'll enforce the existing laws of this land in regard to immigration will walk into the presidency.
NObody is very well liked! You have a barely democratic congress at loggerheads with a lame duck stubborn president. There is no veto proof majority. The biggest single issue for the voters was the war, yet, unfortunately, they did not elect ENOUGH democrats to stop the chimp from continuing it. What do you say where nearly 60% of Americans supported the democrat's Iraq funding bill that included troop withdrawal deadlines? What do you say when that same percentage was FURIOUS with Bush for vetoing it? THe same percentage is FURIOUS with congress for not overriding the veto..... low approval ratings for congress are to be expected in such circumstances.

but you guys go ahead and ignore the fact that the people think your party sucks...ignore the fact that democrats lead republicans in every generic congressional ballot poll. Keep thinking that the public hates the democrats, but somehow gives YOU assholes a free pass on the war in Iraq. I am fine with such arrogance on your part.

Can't win with logic or truth. Why then resort to name calling of course.

Ohh and read your own words in my signature, it applies here if it applies anywhere.
New Bush polls:

Newsweek: 26% approval rating

ARG: 27% approval rating.

The new numbers—a 2 point drop from the last NEWSWEEK Poll at the beginning of May—are statistically unchanged, given the poll’s 4 point margin of error. But the 26 percent rating puts Bush lower than Jimmy Carter, who sunk to his nadir of 28 percent in a Gallup poll in June 1979. In fact, the only president in the last 35 years to score lower than Bush is Richard Nixon. Nixon’s approval rating tumbled to 23 percent in January 1974, seven months before his resignation over the botched Watergate break-in.

Sorry to break it to you - when you average ALL the polls Pres Bush has an approval of 31.3% and the Dem Congress is 25.2%

Meanwhile, the only poll I have seen on Harry Reid has him at 19%
Nixon was a better president than bush and Obama combined.
I don't like George Bush either but he's not even close to the SLUG Jimmuh Cartuh is and was..

Obama will beat them all, HANDS DOWN the worst President in the history of our nation and the numbers bear that out!
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