Nigerians Make Entrepreneurship Pay Instead! (Federal Moni Plan)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
"Cashless" is an English word, famously also Nigerian--of the Commonwealth. Nigerian policy has created Federal Entrepreneurship programs--never before available, probably anywhere. Senator George McGovern had proposed $1000.00 for everyone. No repayment was required. The Republicans created the equal amount child Income Tax Credit--partially to off-set the regressive payroll tax. Clinton would expand that. Obama would create a "Make Work Pay," Refundable Income Tax Credit. That could have set up the first-basis national COLA, able to be Indexed: Anywhere in history. The Republicans took the credit away.

Now there is an available no-collateral loan program available for the local entrepreneurs in Nigeria. Never before have they had access to credit, loans, even bank accounts. The initiative tends to work with the new digital technologies. For 200 mil. people, Nigeria has fewer than two dozen banks, about 6000 branches nationwide--not 60-80,000. Banks have become more digital. Loans from the Government can be repaid through the bank branches, and likely easily through Nigerian Digital banking technologies.

Lagos is FinTech friendly.

US Political partisans are so far not.

Trader Moni

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Clearly: Teaching is not possible at any grade level--unless it is believed that some kids are better than other kids, and that all the other kids are not worth the extra effort. There would be said a contrast between Matt 25: 14-30, and Matthew 20: 1-16, generally not presented or taught--parochial, private, or state supported included!)

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