Nice Place - I'll Take It


Jul 20, 2009
Got a heads-up via mycowardice's late blog about this place. Lots of familiar handles here and lots of lebensraum, so here I am.

The Readers Digest version of all things asgardshill:

- I write stuff for a living.

- I came within a case of the sniffles of getting a ride on the Space Shuttle Columbia back in the 80s.

- I once woke a US President out of a sound sleep to tell him about an attack on US forces in the Middle East.

- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX , and it is my firm belief that XXXXXXXXXXXXXX as a prerequisite.

- I drop out of sight from time to time because I have almost no attention span.

That about covers it. So, here we go.


Good to see you again!
They really have a great format and freedom (which brings oh so much more than you'd think, yikes) but I've really liked it.

Just pretend you don't know me ;) you'll do great!

(actually he really doesn't) :cool:
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Got a heads-up via mycowardice's late blog about this place. Lots of familiar handles here and lots of lebensraum, so here I am.

The Readers Digest version of all things asgardshill:

- I write stuff for a living.

- I came within a case of the sniffles of getting a ride on the Space Shuttle Columbia back in the 80s.

- I once woke a US President out of a sound sleep to tell him about an attack on US forces in the Middle East.

- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX , and it is my firm belief that XXXXXXXXXXXXXX as a prerequisite.

- I drop out of sight from time to time because I have almost no attention span.

That about covers it. So, here we go.

You're already off to a good start. If you have an issue with another board's moderators, take it there. How someone else chooses to run his/her board is not USMB's business, nor is this a sounding board for disgruntled members of other boards.
  • Thread starter
  • Banned
  • #9
If you have an issue with another board's moderators, take it there. How someone else chooses to run his/her board is not USMB's business, nor is this a sounding board for disgruntled members of other boards.

Please understand that the following question is not intended to challenge your authority or to be difficult in any way. I will make every effort to comply with all board rules to the best of my ability, but I need clarification on exactly which rule I have apparently violated here. Is your instruction intended to enforce a general comportment guideline on these boards (i.e. an unwritten rule and/or one that falls under the "catchall" clause of the Rules and Guidelines), or does it represent a written rule that I possibly missed? If it is the latter, then could you please point out the specific rule or rules that I have violated? I really did read the Rules and Guidelines section carefully before I enabled my account, but found no rule specifically covering the content that you edited.

Again, it is not my desire to challenge anybody's authority or cause trouble in any way. It is however my desire to be absolutely clear about the "rules of the road" here. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
If you have an issue with another board's moderators, take it there. How someone else chooses to run his/her board is not USMB's business, nor is this a sounding board for disgruntled members of other boards.

Please understand that the following question is not intended to challenge your authority or to be difficult in any way. I will make every effort to comply with all board rules to the best of my ability, but I need clarification on exactly which rule I have apparently violated here. Is your instruction intended to enforce a general comportment guideline on these boards (i.e. an unwritten rule and/or one that falls under the "catchall" clause of the Rules and Guidelines), or does it represent a written rule that I possibly missed? If it is the latter, then could you please point out the specific rule or rules that I have violated? I really did read the Rules and Guidelines section carefully before I enabled my account, but found no rule specifically covering the content that you edited.

Again, it is not my desire to challenge anybody's authority or cause trouble in any way. It is however my desire to be absolutely clear about the "rules of the road" here. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
there has been some shit stired here recently
your coming in on the tail end of it and folks are a bit jumpy
there has been some shit stired here recently
your coming in on the tail end of it and folks are a bit jumpy

That makes sense. Thanks for the info - I'll tuck in my shirt tail and make sure my tooth is brushed before being too much of a jerk around here :redface:
If you have an issue with another board's moderators, take it there. How someone else chooses to run his/her board is not USMB's business, nor is this a sounding board for disgruntled members of other boards.

Please understand that the following question is not intended to challenge your authority or to be difficult in any way. I will make every effort to comply with all board rules to the best of my ability, but I need clarification on exactly which rule I have apparently violated here. Is your instruction intended to enforce a general comportment guideline on these boards (i.e. an unwritten rule and/or one that falls under the "catchall" clause of the Rules and Guidelines), or does it represent a written rule that I possibly missed? If it is the latter, then could you please point out the specific rule or rules that I have violated? I really did read the Rules and Guidelines section carefully before I enabled my account, but found no rule specifically covering the content that you edited.

Again, it is not my desire to challenge anybody's authority or cause trouble in any way. It is however my desire to be absolutely clear about the "rules of the road" here. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

It is in fact, not a written rule. This board has a spin-off board and for quite awhile there was quite a bit of animosity and bashing back and forth, to point of causing a board war. The only winners in board wars are the instigators. Neither board gains a thing.

As such, the policy here is that USMB is not a sounding board for disgruntled (former) members of other boards, and the goings on there will not be re-hashed here. As I said, if you have a problem with another board, take it there. I have no problem with that board, nor do I have any input into how it is run.

This is here. Enjoy.

Reading the rules is a good thing. There are however, several unwritten rules. They are rather obvious if you read much of the board. Since newbies are usually given benefit of the doubt in such cases, you don't need to feel paranoid that you'll get banned for something you don't know. Most ANY infraction begins with a warning to ensure you DO know the rule. It gets worse only if you persist.
fuck a bit jumpy...we are sick of the hannity board members coming here to cause trouble...simple as one is jumpy..we are just bored with their bullshit....since you have received a warm welcome from have marked yourself as one of them..excuse me if i dont welcome more trouble and trash to the board.
fuck a bit jumpy...we are sick of the hannity board members coming here to cause trouble...simple as one is jumpy..we are just bored with their bullshit....since you have received a warm welcome from have marked yourself as one of them..excuse me if i dont welcome more trouble and trash to the board.

I'll have you know I have been welcoming people I know, people I don't know, and even the ones I know I hardly know because I was always in the RF

so immediately disliking someone just because I "know" them is wrongly prejudicial
fuck a bit jumpy...we are sick of the ******* board members coming here to cause trouble...simple as one is jumpy..we are just bored with their bullshit....since you have received a warm welcome from have marked yourself as one of them..excuse me if i dont welcome more trouble and trash to the board.
I'm the cat that's bringing most of them here Bonez.... But I can make no warranties on how they'll be perceived or how they will act, or who THEY might invite. Most of them I have known online for many years and they are good people.

If you want to blame someone, blame me or blame Divecon. He invited me here. This all started with Kat, who invited Divecon.

The board is growing. That's been one of my little missions, to help it grow, since I came here.

You'll like asgardshill. Trust me.
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fuck a bit jumpy...we are sick of the hannity board members coming here to cause trouble...simple as one is jumpy..we are just bored with their bullshit....since you have received a warm welcome from have marked yourself as one of them..excuse me if i dont welcome more trouble and trash to the board.

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to post free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming boards.
Send these, the boardless, temper-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside this US MESSAGE BOARD
fuck a bit jumpy...we are sick of the ******* board members coming here to cause trouble...simple as one is jumpy..we are just bored with their bullshit....since you have received a warm welcome from have marked yourself as one of them..excuse me if i dont welcome more trouble and trash to the board.
I'm the cat that's bringing most of them here Bonez.... But I can make no warranties on how they'll be perceived or how they will act, or who THEY might invite. Most of them I have known online for many years and they are good people.

If you want to blame someone, blame me or blame Divecon. He invited me here. This all started with Kat, who invited Divecon.

The board is growing. That's been one of my little missions, to help it grow, since I came here.

You'll like asgardshill. Trust me.[/QUOTE]

in truth i knew you had done that...not hard to figure out....i did not know that about dive con..that certainly makes a wee bit of sense and if i were talking to would matter...

you however did not come in with the attitude....i have no problem with the board growing...that is what it exists for....i welcom people who have views they wish to know i am for anyones freedom of speech...but that does not mean they dont have to accept the consequences of their does it?

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