Celebrating BLM Seems A Bit Ridiculous


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
This week celebrated BLM.
I'm sorry.....but I cannot agree with celebrating domestic-terrorism.....even if it's the NFL. and have become so political that it's like they aren't involved in sports anymore. They're mostly pushing Democrat causes. And the NBA's support of the puppy eating Chinese really gets my goat.

I wish they would just focus on sports and leave the politics out of it.....because it totally ruins it for me.

So Tuesday I went to to catch the latest trades and see what's happening with Julio Jones and I was greeted with a BLM advert talking about BLM like they aren't going around Blue Cities terrorizing whites in restaurants and stores. BLM is systemic racism and is a communist group designed to harass and attack people who are just trying to go about their lives in America. (I believe the NFL has been blackmailed into supporting these folks)

In order to be an authentically black you must look, talk, and act black. That is what BLM is for. They're teaching blacks how to act towards white people, Asians, or Jews....i.e.....jump on them and beat the crap out of them every chance you get. I'm not interested in the NFL's support of this kind of criminal activity. This is what they labeled "Inspire Change". (Change for the worse) Let's all get behind it....if you want to be really black.

I guess the NFL didn't learn a damn thing from the NBA and MLB fiascos. Virtue signaling can be tough on business cuz you're probably pissing off at least half of your customer base. Probably more than half cuz I'd bet the pussies on the Left don't watch much football anyway. should appeal to your base. The NFL's base is red-blooded Americans. Not blacks. Not Chinese. Red-blooded Americans.
The NBA is pretty much a black league.....I haven't caught a full game for the last 10 years. I was shocked to see that Le Bron James was awarded an NBA championship ( probably because he loves China). I thought Golden State was the best team. Not the Communist Chinese loving Lakers. But I never liked Golden State....because they seemed to be Trump haters.....and I hate it when a coach starts spouting political talking-points they don't even understand.

I'm not sad that in the NFL Philly went to shit after their SuperBowl because they pulled a fast one on Trump when he was gracious enough to invite them to the White House. Screw them. They got what they deserved. Don't make political statements. Just play the damned game.
I don't miss the NFL. Players have become a bunch of whiny drama queens.

I'm sick of watching inarticulate, uneducated imbeciles preach to the rest of the country. Blm is a fucking joke, but it's supporters are too fucking stupid to see it.

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