Newt has a 60% unfavorability rate

You forgot one--LOL. "Yeah I did have some earned income last year for a couple of speeches it wasn't a lot of money though--ONLY about 300K"---:lol::lol:

Mitt Romney recently said he made money from speaking fees, but not very much. Over 300.000, not much? Really Mitt? | Answerbag

Mitt Romney is so out of touch with the average American it is very difficult seeing him beating Barack Obama.


I would have to wonder what kind of high grade masochist would pay good money to listen to Romeny talk.

You know I was wondering the same thing---:lol::lol: What? Maybe a speech on Swiss bank and Cayman Island bank accounts--now that would be something I might be interested in--:lol::lol: But I don't have 300K to pay for it anyway--:cuckoo:
You forgot one--LOL. "Yeah I did have some earned income last year for a couple of speeches it wasn't a lot of money though--ONLY about 300K"---:lol::lol:

Mitt Romney recently said he made money from speaking fees, but not very much. Over 300.000, not much? Really Mitt? | Answerbag

Mitt Romney is so out of touch with the average American it is very difficult seeing him beating Barack Obama.


I would have to wonder what kind of high grade masochist would pay good money to listen to Romeny talk.
The same price someone would pay to listen to newt talk. and the beat goes on.
At the end of the day, the GOP needs to remove Obamination from the White House, keep the HoR and possibly win the Senate.

The Newt does not get the GOP those goals, neither do Paul and Santorum.

The Newt is hated by the left for his actions and words in the 90s, so people on the fence will vote against him.

The Newt has also offended GOPers like me with his liberal ways since being booted from Congress.

He is a perfect candidate for Democrats.
At the end of the day, the GOP needs to remove Obamination from the White House, keep the HoR and possibly win the Senate.

The Newt does not get the GOP those goals, neither do Paul and Santorum.

The Newt is hated by the left for his actions and words in the 90s, so people on the fence will vote against him.

The Newt has also offended GOPers like me with his liberal ways since being booted from Congress.

He is a perfect candidate for Democrats.

so replace obama with RObama? I think not.
At the end of the day, the GOP needs to remove Obamination from the White House, keep the HoR and possibly win the Senate.

The Newt does not get the GOP those goals, neither do Paul and Santorum.
The Newt is hated by the left for his actions and words in the 90s, so people on the fence will vote against him.

The Newt has also offended GOPers like me with his liberal ways since being booted from Congress.

He is a perfect candidate for Democrats.

The problem is, neither does Romney. In fact, Romney is the perfect villian for the kind of campaign that Obama wants to run. Central casting perfect.

Obama can't run on his record. It's been abyssmal. But what he can do is say, "We did our best, we staunched the bleeding, but the reason things haven't gotten better is that the well to do, after having gotten their bailouts, didn't keep up their end of the bargain and put people back to work."

And then you got Romney. A guy who laid of thousands of working people and replaced their good paying jobs with McJobs, who has Swiss and Cayman bank accounts and four mansions, and pays an effective tax rate of 13%.
At the end of the day, the GOP needs to remove Obamination from the White House, keep the HoR and possibly win the Senate.

The Newt does not get the GOP those goals, neither do Paul and Santorum.

The Newt is hated by the left for his actions and words in the 90s, so people on the fence will vote against him.

The Newt has also offended GOPers like me with his liberal ways since being booted from Congress.

He is a perfect candidate for Democrats.

Mega ditto's
You're an idiot claiming Romney is the same as Obamination.

You need to tell Romney to quit talking about opening up drilling here, repealing Obamacare, etc to fit your agenda of lies.

At the end of the day, the GOP needs to remove Obamination from the White House, keep the HoR and possibly win the Senate.

The Newt does not get the GOP those goals, neither do Paul and Santorum.

The Newt is hated by the left for his actions and words in the 90s, so people on the fence will vote against him.

The Newt has also offended GOPers like me with his liberal ways since being booted from Congress.

He is a perfect candidate for Democrats.

so replace obama with RObama? I think not.
You're an idiot claiming Romney is the same as Obamination.

You need to tell Romney to quit talking about opening up drilling here, repealing Obamacare, etc to fit your agenda of lies.

At the end of the day, the GOP needs to remove Obamination from the White House, keep the HoR and possibly win the Senate.

The Newt does not get the GOP those goals, neither do Paul and Santorum.

The Newt is hated by the left for his actions and words in the 90s, so people on the fence will vote against him.

The Newt has also offended GOPers like me with his liberal ways since being booted from Congress.

He is a perfect candidate for Democrats.

so replace obama with RObama? I think not.

And you're an idiot for thinking he isn't
Uh, I'm far more educated on this subject and life in general than you, idiot.

Like I said you LIE about what Romney says he will do in office.

You're either a Paulestinian nut, an uneducated Newt follower or hopeless Santorum follower. Which is it?

You're an idiot claiming Romney is the same as Obamination.

You need to tell Romney to quit talking about opening up drilling here, repealing Obamacare, etc to fit your agenda of lies.

so replace obama with RObama? I think not.

And you're an idiot for thinking he isn't
ROMNEY SAYS HE WILL STOP OBAMACARE! Obamacare harms big business and Romney is the top candidate left that supports big it is stupid to claim he wants to keep harming big business.

His plan in MA is a "state" run program and he doesn't believe the Feds have the right to dictate a national plan. Also, Romney says he would change what he did in MA looking back now.

So you are lying when you say Romney will keep Obamacare.

Uh, I'm far more educated on this subject and life in general than you, idiot.

Like I said you LIE about what Romney says he will do in office.

You're either a Paulestinian nut, an uneducated Newt follower or hopeless Santorum follower. Which is it?

And you're an idiot for thinking he isn't

Really? repeal of obamacare? How in the hell can you argue for romney when he has supported the same things as governor that obama does? Sure he's going to say now that he is different than obama but his record says otherwise.
And you say you know more about the subject than me? I fucking think not.
Uh, I'm far more educated on this subject and life in general than you, idiot.

Like I said you LIE about what Romney says he will do in office.

You're either a Paulestinian nut, an uneducated Newt follower or hopeless Santorum follower. Which is it?

You're an idiot claiming Romney is the same as Obamination.

You need to tell Romney to quit talking about opening up drilling here, repealing Obamacare, etc to fit your agenda of lies.

And you're an idiot for thinking he isn't

Really? repeal of obamacare? How in the hell can you argue for romney when he has supported the same things as governor that obama does? Sure he's going to say now that he is different than obama but his record says otherwise.
And you say you know more about the subject than me? I fucking think not.

As for being a newt follower no I am not. You will notice I will defend both on certain things in this forum but blatant lies I will pick them a part.
ROMNEY SAYS HE WILL STOP OBAMACARE! Obamacare harms big business and Romney is the top candidate left that supports big it is stupid to claim he wants to keep harming big business.

His plan in MA is a "state" run program and he doesn't believe the Feds have the right to dictate a national plan. Also, Romney says he would change what he did in MA looking back now.

So you are lying when you say Romney will keep Obamacare.

Uh, I'm far more educated on this subject and life in general than you, idiot.

Like I said you LIE about what Romney says he will do in office.

You're either a Paulestinian nut, an uneducated Newt follower or hopeless Santorum follower. Which is it?

Really? repeal of obamacare? How in the hell can you argue for romney when he has supported the same things as governor that obama does? Sure he's going to say now that he is different than obama but his record says otherwise.
And you say you know more about the subject than me? I fucking think not.

Wake the fuck up he says he will now because he thinks that's what the republican base want to hear. Wake the fuck up .
Any so-called GOPer here claiming Romney will keep Obama's economic and foreign policy strategies in place is a fraud GOPer.

ROMNEY SAYS HE WILL STOP OBAMACARE! Obamacare harms big business and Romney is the top candidate left that supports big it is stupid to claim he wants to keep harming big business.

His plan in MA is a "state" run program and he doesn't believe the Feds have the right to dictate a national plan. Also, Romney says he would change what he did in MA looking back now.

So you are lying when you say Romney will keep Obamacare.

Really? repeal of obamacare? How in the hell can you argue for romney when he has supported the same things as governor that obama does? Sure he's going to say now that he is different than obama but his record says otherwise.
And you say you know more about the subject than me? I fucking think not.

Wake the fuck up he says he will now because he thinks that's what the republican base want to hear. Wake the fuck up .
ROMNEY SAYS HE WILL STOP OBAMACARE! Obamacare harms big business and Romney is the top candidate left that supports big it is stupid to claim he wants to keep harming big business.

His plan in MA is a "state" run program and he doesn't believe the Feds have the right to dictate a national plan. Also, Romney says he would change what he did in MA looking back now.

So you are lying when you say Romney will keep Obamacare.

Here's the thing, bugwit.

Big Business doesn't have nearly as much a problem with ObamneyCare as you think.

Big Insurance LIKES the fact that they will get more (unwilling) customers, especially the kind that don't usually make claims. (Young, generally healthy people.)

Big Pharma likes the fact they will have more customers.

Employers are a bit upset that they have to provide a higher level of coverage after cutting back all these years. But they also like the fact the insurance companies can't cheat their employees out of coverage they paid for.

Of course ObamneyCare only puts a bandage on the real sucking chest wound, which is the rising costs of health care and an aging population. It doesn't deal with THOSE problems at all. Only a single payer system can really do that.
Any so-called GOPer here claiming Romney will keep Obama's economic and foreign policy strategies in place is a fraud GOPer.

Will it matter when you are picked up and held without charge? No worries the government wont tell your family.

ROMNEY SAYS HE WILL STOP OBAMACARE! Obamacare harms big business and Romney is the top candidate left that supports big it is stupid to claim he wants to keep harming big business.

His plan in MA is a "state" run program and he doesn't believe the Feds have the right to dictate a national plan. Also, Romney says he would change what he did in MA looking back now.

So you are lying when you say Romney will keep Obamacare.

Wake the fuck up he says he will now because he thinks that's what the republican base want to hear. Wake the fuck up .

How can you believe a person who has support one thing and for political expedience says something totally different?
Yeah, Obamination won't bring up Newt's 90s past to rile up libs and moderates. :cuckoo:

He won't throw out Newt's left-wing words with Pelosi and gang to piss off the GOP base.

He won't use Ron Paul's kook conspiracy and foreign policy beliefs against the backwoods Texan.

He won't play up Santorm is a nobody that couldn't win his own Senate seat back in PA.

At the end of the day, the GOP needs to remove Obamination from the White House, keep the HoR and possibly win the Senate.

The Newt does not get the GOP those goals, neither do Paul and Santorum.
The Newt is hated by the left for his actions and words in the 90s, so people on the fence will vote against him.

The Newt has also offended GOPers like me with his liberal ways since being booted from Congress.

He is a perfect candidate for Democrats.

The problem is, neither does Romney. In fact, Romney is the perfect villian for the kind of campaign that Obama wants to run. Central casting perfect.

Obama can't run on his record. It's been abyssmal. But what he can do is say, "We did our best, we staunched the bleeding, but the reason things haven't gotten better is that the well to do, after having gotten their bailouts, didn't keep up their end of the bargain and put people back to work."

And then you got Romney. A guy who laid of thousands of working people and replaced their good paying jobs with McJobs, who has Swiss and Cayman bank accounts and four mansions, and pays an effective tax rate of 13%.

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