Newt Gingrich admits Trump probably can't get Mexico to pay for his wall.


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
'But it was a great campaign device.'

sure was, the rubes ate it up

Two days after Donald Trump was elected president, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, an ardent Trump supporter, admitted the president-elect's promise to get Mexico to fund his proposed border wall may have just been "a campaign device." "He may not spend much time trying to get Mexico to pay for it," Gingrich said of a hypothetical border structure. "But it was a great campaign device."

Newt Gingrich admits Trump probably can't get Mexico to pay for his wall. 'But it was a great campaign device.'
I knew Mexico would never pay for a wall, but I don't like that comment by Newt that is was a great xampaign device. It was a lie. And lying to stupid people to garner votes shouldn't be something that's applauded.
I was surprised by that statement, but it's honest on his part. That validates Newt's integrity. I still say there are ways to get Mexico contribute to the wall...if they want their foreign aid from the US to remain in tact.
Maybe we could send 50000 black drug users out of Chicago across the Texas border into Reynosa to terrorize the locals and see how the Mexicans feel about a wall.
Trump will make the left pay for it LMAO
Maybe a fine from the Clinton Foundation in regards to money laundering and Pay to Play? The courts could fine them a billion dollars. That would help infrastructure as well! Remind me to write Donald and Rudy.
That's true. Maybe there will be some negotiating with Mexico. I hope they find part of it somehow.

Maybe, but I wouldn't count on it.

Not that I want a wall to be built anyhow.
and what Guno posted in the opening post is not Newts full and honest quote on what Newt said . I will try to find Newts FULL quote !!

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