News in Flynn Case – Documents Released and Judge Sullivan Has Well Founded Suspicions…


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
News in Flynn Case – Documents Released and Judge Sullivan Has Well Founded Suspicions…

News in Flynn Case – Documents Released and Judge Sullivan Has Well Founded Suspicions… | The Last Refuge
May 16, 2019 ~~Things are going to get interesting in the Michael Flynn sentencing review; not because of the recently release documents [(Flynn - Govt Sentencing Aid Memo) – and (McCabe Flynn Jan 2017 Memo (37K views)) – and (]Strzok Exit Interview 8-22-2017 but rather because it appears Judge Sullivan suspects what we’ve previously outlined.... In addition to the documents, Judge Sullivan is asking the DOJ to provide the transcript of the 12/29/16 call between Mike Flynn and Ambassador Kislyak.
Why is this important? Because it appears Judge Sullivan suspects the transcript of the phone call will match statements from Flynn to the FBI. Ergo Flynn did not lie to the FBI.... Why is this important? Because it appears Judge Sullivan suspects the transcript of the phone call will match statements from Flynn to the FBI. Ergo Flynn did not lie to the FBI. Since reviewing the November 30th, 2017, pleading we’ve been pointing out how the FBI admits to intercepting the Flynn-Kislyak call, but the FBI never put a factual transcript in the court record. Why not?
It’s a long, but necessary, story.

I’m really concerned about the medias role in this whole matter. There has been a concerted conspiracy between Democrats, Gov't agencies, and the media to promote lies and propaganda. This is a violation of the media’s fiduciary relationship to the public, and likely FCC license violations. This needs vigorous inspections and adjudications immediately especially before 2020.
This criminal activity must be stopped. It has evolved into a massive civil rights volitions of far to many citizens. It has created a chilling effect among our citizenry, lowered citizens participation because they don’t to face a setup prosecution from weaponized agencies and/or angry mobs. We need honest elections and honest news and opinion shows that debate based on true facts.
Judge Sullivan has exposed the framing of LTG Michael Flynn. My guess is that Flynn is going to get all of his money back from the government or his own attorneys. Lawyers within the prosecution have obstructed justice by violating the Brady law and intimidating a victim, which includes his son.
Agree the News Broadcast Licensing is not a right, but a privilege and that privilege can be and should be revoked when blatantly abused. In the least they should be prevented from using the false advertisement label as "News" unless it has the word Tabloid in front of the word it should be considered a fraudulent act to miss label the broadcast.
MAYBE the FCC will have to have warning labels warning consumers that excess of syncronized one point of view intent on propaganda is dangerous for your mental health and leads to brainwashing and eventual mental slavery and subversion.
If Kislyak was such a threat and Russian Agent that needed surveillance then why is his name in the WH logs a whopping 22 times?
Why was his meeting with Obama not on surveillance or at least transcripted?
Why was he quickly sent out of the country (to hide him)without questioning, nor requested to answer questions later?
It's quite obvious Kislyak was acting in the administration's interest, almost like a double agent. It's obvious because
1)he was used to set up Sessions as it was Obama who set up that meeting as part of his job. This allowed Spying abuses=Obama and the DNC colluded with the Russian agent.
But also, this caused Sessions to recuse himself & be forced out of their way so Mole Rosenstein could take over.=Obstruction.
So ironically Obama was the one colluding and obstructing and displacing that charge and deflecting it as a smokescreen when they lost power to protect themselves from the election spying cheating scheme.
2)Kislyak was the one used to spy on Trump tower andcthen civilian Flynn.
3)Kislyak was used as the one who tried to set up Kusher with the Banker, but Kusher never took the bait, and yet they still harassed
(& threatened) Kusher about a non issue.

So Kislyak is the evidence Obama and the left not only colluded with Russia, but has interfered in foreign affairs putting us in grave danger with multiple countries we had worked peaceful deals with, but Russia now reversed thanks to the left's interferances. RUSSIA MEETS WITH KIM and wham back to playing with rockets, Russia talks with Iran, back to war games as they attack allied ships and threaten our forces, Russia talks to China and suddenly they break our deal.
The left undermined this administration and interfered with all those nations by P'Oing just one.
Hillary and her pride and Obama and his ego along with MSM greed and control might not just go down in History as dividing & ruining the U. S. and it's democratic process, but like a wrecking ball to all the globe.
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News in Flynn Case – Documents Released and Judge Sullivan Has Well Founded Suspicions…

News in Flynn Case – Documents Released and Judge Sullivan Has Well Founded Suspicions… | The Last Refuge
May 16, 2019 ~~Things are going to get interesting in the Michael Flynn sentencing review; not because of the recently release documents [(Flynn - Govt Sentencing Aid Memo) – and (McCabe Flynn Jan 2017 Memo (37K views)) – and (]Strzok Exit Interview 8-22-2017 but rather because it appears Judge Sullivan suspects what we’ve previously outlined.... In addition to the documents, Judge Sullivan is asking the DOJ to provide the transcript of the 12/29/16 call between Mike Flynn and Ambassador Kislyak.
Why is this important? Because it appears Judge Sullivan suspects the transcript of the phone call will match statements from Flynn to the FBI. Ergo Flynn did not lie to the FBI.... Why is this important? Because it appears Judge Sullivan suspects the transcript of the phone call will match statements from Flynn to the FBI. Ergo Flynn did not lie to the FBI. Since reviewing the November 30th, 2017, pleading we’ve been pointing out how the FBI admits to intercepting the Flynn-Kislyak call, but the FBI never put a factual transcript in the court record. Why not?
It’s a long, but necessary, story.

I’m really concerned about the medias role in this whole matter. There has been a concerted conspiracy between Democrats, Gov't agencies, and the media to promote lies and propaganda. This is a violation of the media’s fiduciary relationship to the public, and likely FCC license violations. This needs vigorous inspections and adjudications immediately especially before 2020.
This criminal activity must be stopped. It has evolved into a massive civil rights volitions of far to many citizens. It has created a chilling effect among our citizenry, lowered citizens participation because they don’t to face a setup prosecution from weaponized agencies and/or angry mobs. We need honest elections and honest news and opinion shows that debate based on true facts.
Judge Sullivan has exposed the framing of LTG Michael Flynn. My guess is that Flynn is going to get all of his money back from the government or his own attorneys. Lawyers within the prosecution have obstructed justice by violating the Brady law and intimidating a victim, which includes his son.
This is kind of what some of us suspected was going on. Sullivan is looking at prosecutorial misconduct and fruit of the poisonous tree. The Mueller team is about to get a colonoscopy..
News in Flynn Case – Documents Released and Judge Sullivan Has Well Founded Suspicions…

News in Flynn Case – Documents Released and Judge Sullivan Has Well Founded Suspicions… | The Last Refuge
May 16, 2019 ~~Things are going to get interesting in the Michael Flynn sentencing review; not because of the recently release documents [(Flynn - Govt Sentencing Aid Memo) – and (McCabe Flynn Jan 2017 Memo (37K views)) – and (]Strzok Exit Interview 8-22-2017 but rather because it appears Judge Sullivan suspects what we’ve previously outlined.... In addition to the documents, Judge Sullivan is asking the DOJ to provide the transcript of the 12/29/16 call between Mike Flynn and Ambassador Kislyak.
Why is this important? Because it appears Judge Sullivan suspects the transcript of the phone call will match statements from Flynn to the FBI. Ergo Flynn did not lie to the FBI.... Why is this important? Because it appears Judge Sullivan suspects the transcript of the phone call will match statements from Flynn to the FBI. Ergo Flynn did not lie to the FBI. Since reviewing the November 30th, 2017, pleading we’ve been pointing out how the FBI admits to intercepting the Flynn-Kislyak call, but the FBI never put a factual transcript in the court record. Why not?
It’s a long, but necessary, story.

I’m really concerned about the medias role in this whole matter. There has been a concerted conspiracy between Democrats, Gov't agencies, and the media to promote lies and propaganda. This is a violation of the media’s fiduciary relationship to the public, and likely FCC license violations. This needs vigorous inspections and adjudications immediately especially before 2020.
This criminal activity must be stopped. It has evolved into a massive civil rights volitions of far to many citizens. It has created a chilling effect among our citizenry, lowered citizens participation because they don’t to face a setup prosecution from weaponized agencies and/or angry mobs. We need honest elections and honest news and opinion shows that debate based on true facts.
Judge Sullivan has exposed the framing of LTG Michael Flynn. My guess is that Flynn is going to get all of his money back from the government or his own attorneys. Lawyers within the prosecution have obstructed justice by violating the Brady law and intimidating a victim, which includes his son.

be concerned with your own beloved fake media, fake news, like the op you just posted... and be concerned with how little you know about the Flynn case for you to believe what you have posted is even in the realm of reality... ;)

Judge in Michael Flynn and asylum cases has a tough reputation
Judge Emmet Sullivan, who berated Michael Flynn and tossed a Trump policy cracking down on asylum-seekers, has a reputation for being tough on prosecutors
Dec. 20, 2018, 1:32 PM EST
By Dareh Gregorian

He's ripped Michael Flynn for lying to the FBI and issued an order halting the Justice Department harsh policies on asylum-seekers — and that was just this week.

Emmet Sullivan, the federal judge whose dressing down of Flynn added an extra layer of drama to the proceedings in Washington and whose asylum ruling may affect thousands of immigrants trying to come into the U.S., has a reputation for being tough, fair and unpredictable.

Sullivan "is a fiercely independent judge," Glenn Kirschner, a former longtime federal prosecutor in Washington, told NBC News.

"He's very polite, civil and cordial, and extremely demanding and exacting, particularly of the prosecution," he said. "He's somebody that loathes any hint of governmental misconduct. If we're doing something not to his liking, he'll let us know about it."

On her Fox News show Saturday night, TV personality Jeanine Pirro praised Sullivan as "a jurist unafraid of the swamp, a judge who has a track record of calling out prosecutorial misconduct, a man who does not tolerate injustice, or abuse of power."

She predicted he would throw out Flynn's guilty plea if he found the FBI had duped him into lying — but that's not what Sullivan found. After he got Flynn to acknowledge that he'd lied to investigators knowing full well it was a crime, he told Flynn, "This is a very serious offense" that could result in him seeing jail time.

"A high-ranking senior official of the government making false statements to the Federal Bureau of Investigation while in the White House," Sullivan said during the Tuesday hearing.

"Can't minimize that," he added. "I'm not hiding my disgust, my disdain."

Sullivan backtracked from some of his own comments during the hearing, including when he mistakenly accused Flynn of actively doing work for the Turkish government after becoming Trump's national security adviser. But the tough talk rattled Flynn, who agreed to put off his sentencing until he could show the judge further cooperation with federal investigators.

"General Flynn was governmental misconduct personified, and I think that's why Judge Sullivan was so vigorous in his condemnation of Flynn's crimes. He didn't want him to wiggle out of his responsibility for his actions," said Kirschner, now a legal analyst for NBC.

Judge in Michael Flynn and asylum cases has a tough reputation


It's more likely that he is having the conversation between Flynn and Kislyak released so everyone can see what the lies by Flynn were all about...

If Sullivan believed Flynn had not lied about the Kislyak conversations to the FBI, he would have DISMISSED the case.

Instead, he darn near called him a traitor...
Flynn didnt lie to the feds - soooooooo thats why he plead guilty.


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