Newest PPP Poll for Iowa....Only 3 candidates in double digits!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Public Policy Polling ^ | 01/29/2016 | Tom Jensen

PPP's new Iowa poll, conducted in partnership with Progress Iowa, continues to find Donald Trump leading in the state. He's at 31% to 23% for Ted Cruz, 14% for Marco Rubio, 9% for Ben Carson, 4% each for Jeb Bush, Mike Huckabee, and Rand Paul, 3% for Carly Fiorina, 2% each for Chris Christie and John Kasich, and 1% each for Jim Gilmore and Rick Santorum.

Since we last polled Iowa two and a half weeks ago Trump and Cruz are the only candidates to see their support move by more than a couple points- Trump's seen a 3 point gain in his support from 28% to 31%, while Cruz has seen a corresponding 3 point decline in his support from 26% to 23%.

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  • Gravis OANN Iowa (Trump 31, Cruz 27, Rubio 13)
    Gravis/OANN ^ | 1/29/2016 | Gravis/OANN
    Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, conducted a random survey of 1,827 registered, likely primary voters in Iowa. The poll was conducted on January 26th and 27th and includes 724 Republicans, 810 Democrats, and the remainder as independents or another party. The poll has a margin of error of ± 2% [4% for Republicans and 3% Democrats] at the 95% confidence level. The total may not round to 100% because of rounding. The polls were conducted using automated telephone calls (IVR technology). The results are weighted by voting demographics. The poll was conducted for One America News.
Trump (like him or not) is in the best position for the nomination and victory in the general.
So it seems. I really do wonder why he wears his hair that way though.
Hey, that is as good a reason to for for or against someone as anything else now days.
I wonder how many Liberals are going to move out of the country if Trumps wins.
I wonder how many Liberals are going to move out of the country if Trumps wins.

Why would you wonder such a thing? You can expect libs to accept his presidency and support his efforts while issuing loyal dissent when necessary.

Besides, he's the most liberal of all the GOP candidates and wouldn't allow your fairy in the sky to have influence in the White House. He'd be a constant source of embarrassment due to his demeanor.....but more importantly.....he'd be a constant source of butthurt for all you dupes who think he's going to shut down progress.

Think more.
I think Trump will win IA but Cruz's resurgence demonstrates that real conservatives don't like Trump.

Welcome back, Vigilante.
I wonder how many Liberals are going to move out of the country if Trumps wins.

With the most powerful militaryin the world in the hands of a dangerous psychopath, where would be safe? Nowhere. Not even for you.
I wonder how many Liberals are going to move out of the country if Trumps wins.

With the most powerful militaryin the world in the hands of a dangerous psychopath, where would be safe? Nowhere. Not even for you.

Awesome. Although not true.
I wonder how many Liberals are going to move out of the country if Trumps wins.

Why would you wonder such a thing? You can expect libs to accept his presidency and support his efforts while issuing loyal dissent when necessary.

Besides, he's the most liberal of all the GOP candidates and wouldn't allow your fairy in the sky to have influence in the White House. He'd be a constant source of embarrassment due to his demeanor.....but more importantly.....he'd be a constant source of butthurt for all you dupes who think he's going to shut down progress.

Think more.

Progress to Trump supporters means more jobs, a healthy economy, strong defense and control over the border. If progress for you means men can marry men then have it. It doesn't affect me in the least. "Progress" LMAO But here's to hoping Rubio makes a run at it.
I wonder how many Liberals are going to move out of the country if Trumps wins.

With the most powerful militaryin the world in the hands of a dangerous psychopath, where would be safe? Nowhere. Not even for you.

Awesome. Although not true.
I wonder how many Liberals are going to move out of the country if Trumps wins.

Why would you wonder such a thing? You can expect libs to accept his presidency and support his efforts while issuing loyal dissent when necessary.

Besides, he's the most liberal of all the GOP candidates and wouldn't allow your fairy in the sky to have influence in the White House. He'd be a constant source of embarrassment due to his demeanor.....but more importantly.....he'd be a constant source of butthurt for all you dupes who think he's going to shut down progress.

Think more.

Progress to Trump supporters means more jobs, a healthy economy, strong defense and control over the border. If progress for you means men can marry men then have it. It doesn't affect me in the least. "Progress" LMAO But here's to hoping Rubio makes a run at it.
We have more jobs, a much better economy than eight years ago, and a good defense now. How much better can he make it?
I wonder how many Liberals are going to move out of the country if Trumps wins.

With the most powerful militaryin the world in the hands of a dangerous psychopath, where would be safe? Nowhere. Not even for you.

Awesome. Although not true.
I wonder how many Liberals are going to move out of the country if Trumps wins.

Why would you wonder such a thing? You can expect libs to accept his presidency and support his efforts while issuing loyal dissent when necessary.

Besides, he's the most liberal of all the GOP candidates and wouldn't allow your fairy in the sky to have influence in the White House. He'd be a constant source of embarrassment due to his demeanor.....but more importantly.....he'd be a constant source of butthurt for all you dupes who think he's going to shut down progress.

Think more.

Progress to Trump supporters means more jobs, a healthy economy, strong defense and control over the border. If progress for you means men can marry men then have it. It doesn't affect me in the least. "Progress" LMAO But here's to hoping Rubio makes a run at it.
We have more jobs, a much better economy than eight years ago, and a good defense now. How much better can he make it?

When "conservatives" say strong defense, they actually mean a strong offense (i.e. the Bush Doctrine).
Trump (like him or not) is in the best position for the nomination and victory in the general.

And should get the nomination, I will give him my vote. But, I don't know, something just doesn't smell "right" about this guy....
I wonder how many Liberals are going to move out of the country if Trumps wins.
For Trump to win a lot of those"liberals" will have to vote for him....that ain't happening!

Bullshit. There are probably 10 million republicans who decided to stay home last election. THAT ain't happening this time.

I see a slaughter this time by the republicans. Bank it.

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