New York teacher under fire for handing out anti Trump assignment


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
New York Teacher Under Fire For Handing Out "Anti-Trump" Assignment
A veteran Staten Island teacher who slipped an anti-President Trump question into her homework assignment to her sixth-grade class has been disciplined by school authorities for using “poor judgment” in the matter. Adria Zawatsky, a sixth-grade English teacher at Paulo intermediate School (I.S. 75) in Huguenot since 2005, had a letter of reprimand


Maybe those who knew what obama was really about should have started doing just what these losers do. Then again that would have made us look as retarded as they are making themselves look today over Trump.

This is some of the reason we have a DUMBED DOWN public kids included :

"As long as the child breathes the poisoned air of nationalism, education in world-mindedness can only produce precarious results."Based on my personal experience working with America's broken child welfare system, several weeks ago I wrote an article on the current child welfare system's assault on the modern American family. That assault is but part of a wider, across-the-boards assault by the entire US government. The federalist fascists in Washington have been busily mounting an assault on the American family through the state run public education system as well. Like the separation of church and state, the Constitution explicitly calls for specific delineation between the federal government to stay out of the business of education, traditionally leaving it within the sovereignty of the states and local communities to govern. However, just as the US Constitution has been under assault, Washington is now unlawfully dictating mandates to the 1600 US school districts that they must comply with in order to avoid the cutoff of federal dollars. Thus, local school districts throughout this nation are presently under a subversive assault from the long arm of our authoritarian totalitarian government.
The dumbing down of America - By design --
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It's because they have substituted politics for education. Which will produce stupid students who vote democratic. There is absolutely NO reason for children in a classroom to even know what party their teacher belongs to. An individual's affiliation has nothing to do with education. Stop manipulating our children. Leave them the hell alone, and do your job.
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It's because they have substituted education for politics. Which will produce stupid students. There is absolutely NO reason for children in a classroom to even know what party their teacher belongs to. An individual's affiliation has nothing to do with education. Stop manipulating our children. Leave them the hell alone, and do your job.

The entire premise of education in america is indoctrination and socialization; always has been. That is where we infect them with the false american creation myth, the illusion that our style of capitalism benefits society at large, that we are a free people with a form of government that serves “the people”, and that our military empire promotes freedom and democracy around the globe. All lies.
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It's because they have substituted education for politics. Which will produce stupid students who vote democratic. There is absolutely NO reason for children in a classroom to even know what party their teacher belongs to. An individual's affiliation has nothing to do with education. Stop manipulating our children. Leave them the hell alone, and do your job.

It's also a huge part of social engineering via the education system. This is where it all begins, this is where they have already been targeted for the past fifty years. People just didn't realize it until well probably the past few years around the time Bush got in is roughly when the masses of our population started catching on.

Hence Bill Ayers and his cult followings now it runs rabid via our schools.
It's because they have substituted education for politics. Which will produce stupid students who vote democratic. There is absolutely NO reason for children in a classroom to even know what party their teacher belongs to. An individual's affiliation has nothing to do with education. Stop manipulating our children. Leave them the hell alone, and do your job.

It's also a huge part of social engineering via the education system. This is where it all begins, this is where they have already been targeted for the past fifty years. People just didn't realize it until well probably the past few years around the time Bush got in is roughly when the masses of our population started catching on.

Hence Bill Ayers and his cult followings now it runs rabid via our schools.

Go back and read the Powell Memo.
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It's because they have substituted education for politics. Which will produce stupid students. There is absolutely NO reason for children in a classroom to even know what party their teacher belongs to. An individual's affiliation has nothing to do with education. Stop manipulating our children. Leave them the hell alone, and do your job.

The entire premise of education in america is indoctrination and socialization; always has been. That is where we infect them with the false american creation myth, the illusion that our style of capitalism benefits society at large, that we are a free people with a form of government that serves “the people”, and that our military empire promotes freedom and democracy around the globe. All lies.

How funny you said that exactly at the time I hit post and I basically wrote the same explanation before seeing what you even wrote. LOL
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It's because they have substituted education for politics. Which will produce stupid students who vote democratic. There is absolutely NO reason for children in a classroom to even know what party their teacher belongs to. An individual's affiliation has nothing to do with education. Stop manipulating our children. Leave them the hell alone, and do your job.

It's also a huge part of social engineering via the education system. This is where it all begins, this is where they have already been targeted for the past fifty years. People just didn't realize it until well probably the past few years around the time Bush got in is roughly when the masses of our population started catching on.

Hence Bill Ayers and his cult followings now it runs rabid via our schools.

Go back and read the Powell Memo.

Ever watch or read Dumbing down America ? by Charlotte Isyerbt not sure if that is how she spells her last name. But close enough.
It's because they have substituted education for politics. Which will produce stupid students who vote democratic. There is absolutely NO reason for children in a classroom to even know what party their teacher belongs to. An individual's affiliation has nothing to do with education. Stop manipulating our children. Leave them the hell alone, and do your job.

It's also a huge part of social engineering via the education system. This is where it all begins, this is where they have already been targeted for the past fifty years. People just didn't realize it until well probably the past few years around the time Bush got in is roughly when the masses of our population started catching on.

Hence Bill Ayers and his cult followings now it runs rabid via our schools.

Go back and read the Powell Memo.

Ever watch or read Dumbing down America ? by Charlotte Isyerbt not sure if that is how she spells her last name. But close enough.

Haven't read that particular analysis, others have tackled the question. We should all realize that as human beings none of us are anything more than commodities to this power structure.
It's because they have substituted education for politics. Which will produce stupid students who vote democratic. There is absolutely NO reason for children in a classroom to even know what party their teacher belongs to. An individual's affiliation has nothing to do with education. Stop manipulating our children. Leave them the hell alone, and do your job.

It's also a huge part of social engineering via the education system. This is where it all begins, this is where they have already been targeted for the past fifty years. People just didn't realize it until well probably the past few years around the time Bush got in is roughly when the masses of our population started catching on.

Hence Bill Ayers and his cult followings now it runs rabid via our schools.

Go back and read the Powell Memo.

Ever watch or read Dumbing down America ? by Charlotte Isyerbt not sure if that is how she spells her last name. But close enough.

Haven't read that particular analysis, others have tackled the question. We should all realize that as human beings none of us are anything more than commodities to this power structure.

a little quote ----
The NWO global conspirators manifest their agenda through the skillful manipulation of human emotions, especially fear. In the past centuries, they have repeatedly utilized a contrivance that NWO researcher and author David Icke has characterized in his latest book, The Biggest Secret, as Problem, Reaction, and Solution.
It's because they have substituted education for politics. Which will produce stupid students. There is absolutely NO reason for children in a classroom to even know what party their teacher belongs to. An individual's affiliation has nothing to do with education. Stop manipulating our children. Leave them the hell alone, and do your job.

The entire premise of education in america is indoctrination and socialization; always has been. That is where we infect them with the false american creation myth, the illusion that our style of capitalism benefits society at large, that we are a free people with a form of government that serves “the people”, and that our military empire promotes freedom and democracy around the globe. All lies.

Lum, ^ that's three whole sentences. Are you having a stroke??

I could not tell you the party affiliation of any of my teachers. It wasn't germane to science, reading, math... This reversal is politically motivated and needs to be removed from our education system. Do you think Chinese students are out in the street protesting their government?
It's because they have substituted education for politics. Which will produce stupid students. There is absolutely NO reason for children in a classroom to even know what party their teacher belongs to. An individual's affiliation has nothing to do with education. Stop manipulating our children. Leave them the hell alone, and do your job.

The entire premise of education in america is indoctrination and socialization; always has been. That is where we infect them with the false american creation myth, the illusion that our style of capitalism benefits society at large, that we are a free people with a form of government that serves “the people”, and that our military empire promotes freedom and democracy around the globe. All lies.

Lum, ^ that's three whole sentences. Are you having a stroke??

I could not tell you the party affiliation of any of my teachers. It wasn't germane to science, reading, math... This reversal is politically motivated and needs to be removed from our education system. Do you think Chinese students are out in the street protesting their government?

chinese students protest against government - Bing images
I got "talked to" but not formally reprimanded for asking an English class to compare and contrast some creation myths, including Adam & Eve/Garden of Eden in the list.

Shit happens. I wasn't trying to turn anyone into an atheist, but my point of view made me think of it as an innocent exercise.

I never discussed politics, but if a student asked, I would tell him/her. Then we would discuss the opposing points of view.
The dumbing down of America - By design --

As with all of America's most powerful institutions, privatization has reared its ugly head in public education as well. Second only to the Department of Defense in its annual budget, more US taxpayer dollars are funneled into the Department of Education than any other public sector. The discretionary budget for Education as of 2015 is $68.6 billion. And these days most of those dollars are being squandered to bankroll the privatization of an already failed educational system. Through privately run charter schools and federally mandated programs like Common Core, control has been snatched away from parents, teachers and elected local school boards.
I got "talked to" but not formally reprimanded for asking an English class to compare and contrast some creation myths, including Adam & Eve/Garden of Eden in the list.

Shit happens. I wasn't trying to turn anyone into an atheist, but my point of view made me think of it as an innocent exercise.

I never discussed politics, but if a student asked, I would tell him/her. Then we would discuss the opposing points of view.
It probably was. I am sure some fanatics wouldn't agree.
Personally, I dont think all of that stuff should be in classrooms.
It should be about actual history, science, math and later in their teenage years, skill.
Opinion has NO place in education because all it does is indoctrinate a young mind.
If we all stuck to facts, that would probably eliminate 90% of our problems.
I got "talked to" but not formally reprimanded for asking an English class to compare and contrast some creation myths, including Adam & Eve/Garden of Eden in the list.

Shit happens. I wasn't trying to turn anyone into an atheist, but my point of view made me think of it as an innocent exercise.

I never discussed politics, but if a student asked, I would tell him/her. Then we would discuss the opposing points of view.
It probably was. I am sure some fanatics wouldn't agree.
Personally, I dont think all of that stuff should be in classrooms.
It should be about actual history, science, math and later in their teenage years, skill.
Opinion has NO place in education because all it does is indoctrinate a young mind.
If we all stuck to facts, that would probably eliminate 90% of our problems.
Pretty hard teaching English lit that way, Harley. For some damned reason, they still want kids to be able to read. And analyze what they read. And hear the words of dusty old men.
I got "talked to" but not formally reprimanded for asking an English class to compare and contrast some creation myths, including Adam & Eve/Garden of Eden in the list.

Shit happens. I wasn't trying to turn anyone into an atheist, but my point of view made me think of it as an innocent exercise.

I never discussed politics, but if a student asked, I would tell him/her. Then we would discuss the opposing points of view.
It probably was. I am sure some fanatics wouldn't agree.
Personally, I dont think all of that stuff should be in classrooms.
It should be about actual history, science, math and later in their teenage years, skill.
Opinion has NO place in education because all it does is indoctrinate a young mind.
If we all stuck to facts, that would probably eliminate 90% of our problems.
Pretty hard teaching English lit that way, Harley. For some damned reason, they still want kids to be able to read. And analyze what they read. And hear the words of dusty old men.
English isn't opinion, though.
Lol, true. Philosophy is awesome, i just question whether it is a necessity at that young age.
Isnt philosophy nothing more than opinion and individual outlook?
I got "talked to" but not formally reprimanded for asking an English class to compare and contrast some creation myths, including Adam & Eve/Garden of Eden in the list.

Shit happens. I wasn't trying to turn anyone into an atheist, but my point of view made me think of it as an innocent exercise.

I never discussed politics, but if a student asked, I would tell him/her. Then we would discuss the opposing points of view.
It probably was. I am sure some fanatics wouldn't agree.
Personally, I dont think all of that stuff should be in classrooms.
It should be about actual history, science, math and later in their teenage years, skill.
Opinion has NO place in education because all it does is indoctrinate a young mind.
If we all stuck to facts, that would probably eliminate 90% of our problems.
Pretty hard teaching English lit that way, Harley. For some damned reason, they still want kids to be able to read. And analyze what they read. And hear the words of dusty old men.
English isn't opinion, though.
Lol, true. Philosophy is awesome, i just question whether it is a necessity at that young age.
Isnt philosophy nothing more than opinion and individual outlook?
Isnt philosophy nothing more than opinion and individual outlook?
I think so, but a philosphy prof would spend many many hours banging you over the head and explaining why it's NOT. I've tried it.
I don't see where my initial post contained a description of teaching any "opinions," though.
I got "talked to" but not formally reprimanded for asking an English class to compare and contrast some creation myths, including Adam & Eve/Garden of Eden in the list.

Shit happens. I wasn't trying to turn anyone into an atheist, but my point of view made me think of it as an innocent exercise.

I never discussed politics, but if a student asked, I would tell him/her. Then we would discuss the opposing points of view.
It probably was. I am sure some fanatics wouldn't agree.
Personally, I dont think all of that stuff should be in classrooms.
It should be about actual history, science, math and later in their teenage years, skill.
Opinion has NO place in education because all it does is indoctrinate a young mind.
If we all stuck to facts, that would probably eliminate 90% of our problems.
Pretty hard teaching English lit that way, Harley. For some damned reason, they still want kids to be able to read. And analyze what they read. And hear the words of dusty old men.
English isn't opinion, though.
Lol, true. Philosophy is awesome, i just question whether it is a necessity at that young age.
Isnt philosophy nothing more than opinion and individual outlook?
Isnt philosophy nothing more than opinion and individual outlook?
I think so, but a philosphy prof would spend many many hours banging you over the head and explaining why it's NOT. I've tried it.
I don't see where my initial post contained a description of teaching any "opinions," though.
Lol, probably.
It didn't, i just started ranting... :p

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