New Year: Weather-Man [American Brain*]


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Sep 22, 2013
As the New Year [2019] has begun, we might think about what kinds of folklore/news will arise and if we'll see more traumatic incidents such as high-school shootings in the USA or terrorism abroad.

Will educators at prestigious Ivy League schools in America (e.g., Dartmouth, Harvard) consider why new age populism-rhetoric can be blended with pluralism-traffic (for our era of commerce and customs)? Will anti-American frustrations be soothed with assurances regarding America's commitment to globalization-politics optimism?

What kinds of justice/vigilantism-daydream themed comic book movies will Hollywood (USA) make this year that will break box-office records? I wonder if America is essentially a mall of 'negotiation.'




"Ajay was America's online 'weather-man,' a proselytizer and preacher who dressed up like a 'vigilante' and blogged about censorship/pornography in the modern age of media and networking. Ajay had a dream he was transformed into a mighty heavenly centurion, the god of war himself --- Ares(!). As Ares, Ajay roamed around TrumpUSA and watched the President design policies for 2019 designed to make commerce a feature-point in treaties involving the Koreas and the Middle East. Ares/Ajay wondered if all of this was leading America towards Shangri-La or the Ku Klux Klan."


"When Ajay awoke from his strange and insightful dream, he still felt like he was Ares. He decided to post a terrorism-themed comic book fan-fic involving Shiva (god of destruction) and Pinhead (underworld leader of the hellish cenobites who preyed on civilization paranoia). Ajay's tale was about Shiva/Pinead roaming around Earth and dissecting hubs of symbolic commerce/traffic such as Times Square and the Space Needle. Ajay/Ares got the eerie feeling that 2019 might mean more anti-social rage catalyzed high-shootings in the USA as well as foreign terrorist threats/attacks on major American colleges/universities such as Yale and Notre Dame. Ajay/Ares wrote, 'Shiva/Pinhead decided TrumpUSA was both a blessing and a curse!'."


"That year, movie star Leo DiCaprio decided to make a DC Comics film about the insidious and wicked and mischievous Gotham City fictional clown-faced urban terrorist/maniac known as the Joker. Leo/Joker would terrorize Gotham Bank and Gotham Library to gain the attention of the press which was obsessed with stories about fantastic violence or even terrorism. Leo/Joker would use mischief to create more mischief, exploiting humanity's vulnerabilities regarding a sadomasochistic fascination with turbulence and intrigue. Ajay/Ares thought this Leo/Joker film should be a hit and very symbolic of new age global problems such as anti-social rebelliousness."


"Ajay's girlfriend/fiancee Isabel, who was a movie-actress herself, was very excited about the Leo/Joker film, and Ajay began suspecting she was having an affair with Leo, since Isabel visited the set of Leo's Joker film one Friday evening and did not return home until Monday morning(!). However, Ajay did not want to accuse Isabel of anything without offering any evidence/proof. Ajay told Isabel instead that he was using the comic book fan-fic pseudonym 'Ares' while creating a new fan-fic series of stories about Shiva/Pinhead watching ISIS and Cobra terrorists stage new threats on Ivy League schools in America. Isabel was impressed."


"One day, Ajay/Ares came home from work and noticed Isabel was flirting with the Firedog home-entertainment system installation-man/consultant (from Circuit City) named Ralph. Ralph was very handsome and well-spoken, and Ajay/Ares now suspected Isabel was not only cheating on him with Leo but also with Ralph the Firedog employee! However, after Ralph finished his work and left, Isabel sat down with Ajay/Ares and explained she liked being naturally flirtatious with handsome men but it was in no way a sign of her intention to become unfaithful to Ajay. Ajay/Ares realized all his work with modern sociocultural networking/customs intrigue made him very paranoid about his own personal life and apologized to Isabel for his wild accusations. Ajay/Ares then began writing a story about Shiva/Pinhead dealing with a Firedog employee named Ralph who was possibly tied to the terrorist-group Cobra."


"Well, Ajay/Ares' Ralph-Cobra fan-fic got a lot of hits and became so popular that it was re-published in the New Yorker magazine and got the attention of movie super-star Tom Hanks who wanted to feature the terrorism/Shiva-Pinhead fan-fic in a new ad about Muslims working to rebuild their communities in the Middle East with progressive politics/commerce endorsed by the U.S. government and the American people who genuinely cared about new age terrorism-oriented pedestrian paranoia. The ad-series called Save the Nature, featured various tag-lines about energy, innovation, and the World Bank. Ajay/Ares became an overnight 'celebrity' thanks to Tom Hanks' Save the Nature ads which were broadcast on CNN and Al Jazeera."


TRUMP: Have you seen these new Save the Nature ads?
CARTER: Yes, I have, Mr. President!
TRUMP: Hanks is really ambitious...and Ajay/Ares is quite clever.
CARTER: It's a nice blending of patriotism and politics.
TRUMP: We should tweet about Charlie Rose or something.
CARTER: The people would appreciate it if you showed interest in civil affairs!
TRUMP: Did you hear about that high-school shooting last week?
CARTER: Yes, apparently two teenagers in Florida claimed Ajay/Ares was a Communist.
TRUMP: And they 'retaliated' by killing a dozen students and two teachers in their school.
CARTER: It's strange how media can be like 'weather.'
TRUMP: Here's to a more clarifying new year, Carter!
CARTER: Let's hope good journalism breeds better folklore.



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