New Reporting Shows WH Role in Directing Mob to the Capitol


Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2021

The March For Trump rally will not be an organized march from the Ellipse, according to the permit approved by the Department of Interior. The organization stated in the permit that some participants may leave their rally to attend other rallies at the United States Capitol to hear the results of Congressional certification of the Electoral College count.

*Note: In accordance with the event permit approved and released by the Department of Interior, this event is not a march from the location of the rally.

Also related:

The rally had taken on new branding, the March to Save America, and other groups were joining in, among them the Republican Attorneys General Association. Its policy wing, the Rule of Law Defense Fund, promoted the event in a robocall that said, “We will march to the Capitol building and call on Congress to stop the steal,” according to a recording obtained by the progressive investigative group Documented.

Mr. Stockton said he was surprised to learn on the day of the rally that it would now include a march from the Ellipse to the Capitol. Before the White House became involved, he said, the plan had been to stay at the Ellipse until the counting of state electoral slates was completed.

this is what you call irrefutable evidence . Trump decided that there would be a march on the capitol. That is not what the organizers of his speaking event had planned.

The March For Trump rally will not be an organized march from the Ellipse, according to the permit approved by the Department of Interior. The organization stated in the permit that some participants may leave their rally to attend other rallies at the United States Capitol to hear the results of Congressional certification of the Electoral College count.

*Note: In accordance with the event permit approved and released by the Department of Interior, this event is not a march from the location of the rally.

Also related:

The rally had taken on new branding, the March to Save America, and other groups were joining in, among them the Republican Attorneys General Association. Its policy wing, the Rule of Law Defense Fund, promoted the event in a robocall that said, “We will march to the Capitol building and call on Congress to stop the steal,” according to a recording obtained by the progressive investigative group Documented.

Mr. Stockton said he was surprised to learn on the day of the rally that it would now include a march from the Ellipse to the Capitol. Before the White House became involved, he said, the plan had been to stay at the Ellipse until the counting of state electoral slates was completed.

this is what you call irrefutable evidence . Trump decided that there would be a march on the capitol. That is not what the organizers of his speaking event had planned.

Fake news.

MSNBC is a radical leftist propaganda echo chamber. Precisely because you fools believe without question everything cable news talking heads tell you, nothing but lies, is the reason America finds itself in this sorry modern state. MSNBC is guilty of treason, yes, but all you idiots who swallow their lies hook, line and sinker are the bigger problem and threat to our civilization.

What's worse is you fools seek validation of political narratives so improbable a fifth grade history student would question them. You want to believe the absolute worst about everyone and everything; no more so than wanting to demonize your fellow Americans and seek approval to despise them and pursue some sort of revenge against them.

When a child wins a sporting event, a debate, or some other competitive event he or she knows, almost all of the time, that post victory gloating is wrong but also that seeking to harm or humiliate those who lost the competition against them is never the right or responsible thing to do.

Countless times since Donald Trump's 2016 election you and the rest of your never-Trump voting base have proven yourselves genuinely terrible people. Your collective behavior would not only embarrass you future generations but would also cause them to never want to be like you.

You all want some revenge even post your political party's total victory? Go right ahead and try to get some. History will always be on the side of the patriot.

The March For Trump rally will not be an organized march from the Ellipse, according to the permit approved by the Department of Interior. The organization stated in the permit that some participants may leave their rally to attend other rallies at the United States Capitol to hear the results of Congressional certification of the Electoral College count.

*Note: In accordance with the event permit approved and released by the Department of Interior, this event is not a march from the location of the rally.

Also related:

The rally had taken on new branding, the March to Save America, and other groups were joining in, among them the Republican Attorneys General Association. Its policy wing, the Rule of Law Defense Fund, promoted the event in a robocall that said, “We will march to the Capitol building and call on Congress to stop the steal,” according to a recording obtained by the progressive investigative group Documented.

Mr. Stockton said he was surprised to learn on the day of the rally that it would now include a march from the Ellipse to the Capitol. Before the White House became involved, he said, the plan had been to stay at the Ellipse until the counting of state electoral slates was completed.

this is what you call irrefutable evidence . Trump decided that there would be a march on the capitol. That is not what the organizers of his speaking event had planned.

This is what you call steaming bullshit.

The Baghdad Bob brigade at the Fascist Times are in a panic. The unconstitutional "impeachment" is dead on arrival. The hypocrisy of 10 months of violence promoted and cheered by the Reich and them has undercut the hysterical demagoguery of the 1/6 Reichstag Fire.

So the Times doubles down with more hysteria and more defamation.

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