New Red State Polls Now Likely Deeper Red--No Trump National Advantage


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
One poll getting lots of attention is ABC Washington Post with Trump having picked up 13 points in one week to now lead Clinton by one. Other non-surprise is that Trump's lead has expanded in Missouri, Texas, and Kentucky polling, in reports just yesterday. Famous LA Times USC panel shows two days of Trump leading Clinton by four points, having been tied last week. That panel admits that it inadvertently has too many Trump supporters, after all.

Clinton camp on new survey showing Trump ahead: It’s ‘bad polling’

When ABC Washington Post says that Trump people were found to suddenly be more enthusiastic, that likely only means that in Trump leaning states already, Trump is doing better. Newt Gingrich opined that Trump was never down 13 points in the first place. He doesn't know of any Blue States, most likely(?)! It also means that the New York Times and Huffington national five-point advantage averages for Clinton are more likely close to the lead so far last weekend.

The laptop emails and ObamaCare data of last week are now being replaced by the dubious and doubtful Trump tax planning, Trump stiffing vendors, and Trump-Pence opposed to the Allied ground successes in Mosul are this week.

Trump-Pence are on record regarding too many matters, 3 a.m. tweets among them.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Getting past the outer defenses of Mosul so quickly shows maybe a JV defense after all!)
It's more than deep red states. FL and OH are moving out of HRC's column, for instance, but the firewall of VA PA MI WI MN CO remain solidly blue.

If FL NC or OH go blue, the election is over by 9 EST.
Yup, you hate that the polls overwhelmingly give Clinton a structural advantage, sassy.

If NC goes blue, the election is over by 8PM EST. If not, look at CO and NM and UT.
Hillary will be indicted while serving. This will be fun and just super for America.

Let's put a confirmed corrupt person in charge of America.
Both Trump and Hillary will be in the prison dock before 2020.
It's looking better and better for Trump by the day. Seeing Dems going into blue states tell you what the internal are saying.

If there was high confidence in the polling, no way would Clinton be in them. Michigan?

Folks, NC, Florida and Ohio will go red as will Arizona.
LA Times USC now has Trump up four, but the same all still expect Clinton to win(?)! One thing the panel notices is that Clinton's people now measure less likely to even vote, possibly an initial disappointment with the Friday News Impropriety.

What the Democrats are facing is the basis for the "Ground Game" emphasis, and all the nearly dozens of surrogates visiting all the states. The Republicans are not doing that. Only RNC is pretending to have a "Ground Game."

So possibly the ABC Washington Post Tracking poll is catching up to current events. The Friday Impropriety has been more or less lambasted by both major parties, and probably the Libertarians. Stein's may have gone into hiding, it being FBI and all(?)! The Trump one point lead has disappeared overnight.

CBS YouGov tends to support that, below. Clinton leads nationally at least 3% in polling after the Friday Impropriety:
Among all registered voters, 45% now say they will vote for the Democrat, 42% for the Republican in the four-way contest. Looking only at likely voters, Clinton’s share is 46%, Trump’s 43%. The Libertarian and Green Party candidates receive 4% and 2% respectively. 4% expressed no preference. Clinton’s biggest lead in the Economist/YouGov polls since the two party conventions has been only six points.

This poll was conducted after James Comey, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, sent his letter to selected members of Congress, stating that emails from the private server Clinton used while Secretary of State had been found in a separate investigation. Nearly every likely voter (95%) had heard about the letter. Half viewed as a very serious problem. 61% say Clinton hasn’t been completely honest about her role in this. Two in three (including 31% of Clinton’s own supporters) believe Clinton did something wrong by using personal email for government business.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Loudest Tom-Tom not always victor, calling all peoples, "Losers, Losers, Hey How Are Ya(?)! Losers, Losers, Hey How Are Ya?!")

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