NEW POLL...Trump Keeps Gaining in NC!

the public was not willing to send a female to the White House.
not THAT female. She is a stupid trashy skank.

Trump MAY have regretted having her on stage. She made an ass of herself as usual...and made him more of a laughing stock.

Big mistake, that. Big. YUGE.
I like the Donald. Most of it. I am in despair over his support for Ethanol. I hope he becomes educated. He does not need Iowa that badly.
Wharton School of finance where Trump graduated from is impossible to get in and is equivalent to Harvard. I find it funny that people accuse Trump of being uneducated or a "brute".

If so - he is an uneducated billionaire.

What's wrong with that ?

Shadow 355

Ha ha. Wharton is harder to get in than Harvard, and most likely the main contributing factor to his success.

In the end of the day being a good politician is not much different than being a good businessman. That's why Trump is such a natural.

Experience dealing with foreign policy .

Experience with Congress and the Senate .

Experience in the political arena.

Experience with the judicial and legislative levels of Government .

The Presidency is one where experience counts, a nation is at stake. I have my doubts.

And the list goes on.

Shadow 355
He lost Pennsylvania Avenue because......of his running mate.
Nah, McCain lost Pennsylvania Ave. because of himself. He defended Obama throughout the campaign. One woman at a McCain rally voiced her concern about Obama's radical policies and McCain cut her off and said "Look, you have nothing to fear from an Obama presidency". WTF??? McCain is an idiot.


I think it was a game to him to prove to everyone he could do in polls, win being POTUS, but had no intention of carrying it through. Which is why he snagged up Bimbo. He knew she was the death knell to mccain and would be to him as well.
Looks like I am not the only one that thinks that, either. Read above link.
What is REALLY scarey is...a lot of people like her. Love her. Want her in the WH in some form. THAT is what scares me. We are fucked as a nation. Fucked.
I listened to that radio interview and nothing was mentioned about putting Palin in his cabinet. When did he actually say it?
Does it matter? He pulled Bimbo from the depths of Alaska (which the alaskans are thankful for) and that was enough.
Actually, I just heard it mentioned on tv. He was asked if there was a place for her in his administration and he said "yeah, why not?". Not the same as saying he would give her a cabinet position. He could mean he would have her supervising Easter egg hunts on the WH lawn. :lol: At any rate, I don't see how this will hurt his chances. It's not like he's gonna make her Secretary of Defense.
Doesn't matter to me anymore. Soon as he drug her out of her trailer, I was done with him. And I meant it.
I believe you. Just wondering if you're gonna vote for Hillary or Bernie if he gets the nomination.
Gracie, Sarah Palin's not going to damage Trump's chances of winning.
Yep. She sure did. And I think it was deliberate on his part.
Not at all. He secured here ENDORSEMENT and nothing else. The only viable reason for this si to kick Cruz in the balls - those that like Palin are highly likely to be Cruz supporters. This was likely a deal made to garner some of those primary votes.

After that is accomplished then she will disappear again.

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