New payday lending rules could leave 12 million Americans ‘exposed to unaffordable payments,’ thanks to Trump.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017

*The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on Tuesday issued a final rule on payday lending, rescinding Obama-era provisions that would have required lenders to ensure borrowers could repay their loans before issuing cash advances.

“Last October we learned that, in exchange for contributions to the Trump campaign, payday lenders were bragging about being able to ‘pick up the phone and...get the president’s attention’ to fend off regulation,” Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) said in a statement Tuesday. “Today, the CFPB gave payday lenders exactly what they paid for by gutting a rule that would have protected American families from predatory loans that trap them in cycles of debt.”*

Payday lenders discussed raising money for Trump’s campaign to fend off regulation, audio reveals
To ensure Democrats don’t block weaker industry rules, payday lenders said they needed access to Trump.

Billing himself as one of President Trump’s top fundraisers, Michael Hodges told fellow payday lenders recently that industry contributions to the president’s reelection campaign could be leveraged to gain access to the Trump administration.

“Every dollar amount, no matter how small or large it is” is important, Hodges, founder of Advance Financial, one of the country’s largest payday lenders, said during a 48-minute webcast, obtained by The Washington Post.

“For example, I’ve gone to Ronna McDaniel and said, ‘Ronna, I need help on something,’ ” Hodges said, referring to the chair of the Republican National Committee. “She’s been able to call over to the White House and say, ‘Hey, we have one of our large givers. They need an audience. … They need to be heard and you need to listen to them.’ So that’s why it’s important.”

How Payday Lenders Spent $1 Million at a Trump Resort — and Cashed In

"The industry had felt under siege during the Obama administration, as the federal government moved to clamp down. A government study found that a majority of payday loans are made to people who pay more in interest and fees than they initially borrow. Google and Facebook refuse to take the industry’s ads."
Predatory lenders and Trump. What a perfect match. Don is naturally attracted to grifters, being one himself. No wonder he wanted to be able to remove the leadership at the CFPB.

Making this change to the rule at a time of severe economic stress for millions of Americans is unconscionable...........and completely consistent with Trump's nature.

*The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on Tuesday issued a final rule on payday lending, rescinding Obama-era provisions that would have required lenders to ensure borrowers could repay their loans before issuing cash advances.

“Last October we learned that, in exchange for contributions to the Trump campaign, payday lenders were bragging about being able to ‘pick up the phone and...get the president’s attention’ to fend off regulation,” Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) said in a statement Tuesday. “Today, the CFPB gave payday lenders exactly what they paid for by gutting a rule that would have protected American families from predatory loans that trap them in cycles of debt.”*

Payday lenders discussed raising money for Trump’s campaign to fend off regulation, audio reveals
To ensure Democrats don’t block weaker industry rules, payday lenders said they needed access to Trump.

Billing himself as one of President Trump’s top fundraisers, Michael Hodges told fellow payday lenders recently that industry contributions to the president’s reelection campaign could be leveraged to gain access to the Trump administration.

“Every dollar amount, no matter how small or large it is” is important, Hodges, founder of Advance Financial, one of the country’s largest payday lenders, said during a 48-minute webcast, obtained by The Washington Post.

“For example, I’ve gone to Ronna McDaniel and said, ‘Ronna, I need help on something,’ ” Hodges said, referring to the chair of the Republican National Committee. “She’s been able to call over to the White House and say, ‘Hey, we have one of our large givers. They need an audience. … They need to be heard and you need to listen to them.’ So that’s why it’s important.”

How Payday Lenders Spent $1 Million at a Trump Resort — and Cashed In

"The industry had felt under siege during the Obama administration, as the federal government moved to clamp down. A government study found that a majority of payday loans are made to people who pay more in interest and fees than they initially borrow. Google and Facebook refuse to take the industry’s ads."
Predatory lenders and Trump. What a perfect match. Don is naturally attracted to grifters, being one himself. No wonder he wanted to be able to remove the leadership at the CFPB.

Making this change to the rule at a time of severe economic stress for millions of Americans is unconscionable...........and completely consistent with Trump's nature.
Every criminal who owns a piece of a payday loan company should be imprisoned on loansharking charges.
This type of business should be banned.
Yeah, they can just get loans from the mob like the old days.

You can’t legislate stupid. And if you’re in the payday loan loop, you’re a fucking idiot.

It preys on the lowest common denominator.
Of course it does you moron. Who else would it be for?

Well like I said. The "lowest common denominator". People just like you.

*The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on Tuesday issued a final rule on payday lending, rescinding Obama-era provisions that would have required lenders to ensure borrowers could repay their loans before issuing cash advances.

“Last October we learned that, in exchange for contributions to the Trump campaign, payday lenders were bragging about being able to ‘pick up the phone and...get the president’s attention’ to fend off regulation,” Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) said in a statement Tuesday. “Today, the CFPB gave payday lenders exactly what they paid for by gutting a rule that would have protected American families from predatory loans that trap them in cycles of debt.”*

Payday lenders discussed raising money for Trump’s campaign to fend off regulation, audio reveals
To ensure Democrats don’t block weaker industry rules, payday lenders said they needed access to Trump.

Billing himself as one of President Trump’s top fundraisers, Michael Hodges told fellow payday lenders recently that industry contributions to the president’s reelection campaign could be leveraged to gain access to the Trump administration.

“Every dollar amount, no matter how small or large it is” is important, Hodges, founder of Advance Financial, one of the country’s largest payday lenders, said during a 48-minute webcast, obtained by The Washington Post.

“For example, I’ve gone to Ronna McDaniel and said, ‘Ronna, I need help on something,’ ” Hodges said, referring to the chair of the Republican National Committee. “She’s been able to call over to the White House and say, ‘Hey, we have one of our large givers. They need an audience. … They need to be heard and you need to listen to them.’ So that’s why it’s important.”

How Payday Lenders Spent $1 Million at a Trump Resort — and Cashed In

"The industry had felt under siege during the Obama administration, as the federal government moved to clamp down. A government study found that a majority of payday loans are made to people who pay more in interest and fees than they initially borrow. Google and Facebook refuse to take the industry’s ads."
Predatory lenders and Trump. What a perfect match. Don is naturally attracted to grifters, being one himself. No wonder he wanted to be able to remove the leadership at the CFPB.

Making this change to the rule at a time of severe economic stress for millions of Americans is unconscionable...........and completely consistent with Trump's nature.
Who will this benefit? Who will it protect?

You're reading into it the wrong way.
This type of business should be banned.
Yeah, they can just get loans from the mob like the old days.

You can’t legislate stupid. And if you’re in the payday loan loop, you’re a fucking idiot.

It preys on the lowest common denominator.
Of course it does you moron. Who else would it be for?

Well like I said. The "lowest common denominator". People just like you.

Right. Because I’m telling people to get payday loans. I’m like the anti Dave Ramsey.

This type of business should be banned.
It's the type of business that SHOULD be banned, but I am the type of person who doesn't like to control others.

But, I don't have a problem making it harder for them to get poor folks in the payday loop.
How do you do that? There will always be a market for these kinds of loans. If you eliminate an actual business from doing it the drug dealers and gangs will do it. At least with a payday loan company their recourse is by legal means and making you turn over your daughter to a pimp to pay it off.
This is a huge problem in this country and has been for years before Trump ever announced he was running for prez you stupid anal probe.

There have always been people, companies, etc. that prey on the poor, the ignorant, the foolish, the irresponsible and the truly desperate. Used car lots with their special brand of financing for those with shit credit, furniture rentals, you name it. There's a buzzard out there for everyone.

So quit being a stupid ass partisan twat crybaby.

*The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on Tuesday issued a final rule on payday lending, rescinding Obama-era provisions that would have required lenders to ensure borrowers could repay their loans before issuing cash advances.

“Last October we learned that, in exchange for contributions to the Trump campaign, payday lenders were bragging about being able to ‘pick up the phone and...get the president’s attention’ to fend off regulation,” Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) said in a statement Tuesday. “Today, the CFPB gave payday lenders exactly what they paid for by gutting a rule that would have protected American families from predatory loans that trap them in cycles of debt.”*

Payday lenders discussed raising money for Trump’s campaign to fend off regulation, audio reveals
To ensure Democrats don’t block weaker industry rules, payday lenders said they needed access to Trump.

Billing himself as one of President Trump’s top fundraisers, Michael Hodges told fellow payday lenders recently that industry contributions to the president’s reelection campaign could be leveraged to gain access to the Trump administration.

“Every dollar amount, no matter how small or large it is” is important, Hodges, founder of Advance Financial, one of the country’s largest payday lenders, said during a 48-minute webcast, obtained by The Washington Post.

“For example, I’ve gone to Ronna McDaniel and said, ‘Ronna, I need help on something,’ ” Hodges said, referring to the chair of the Republican National Committee. “She’s been able to call over to the White House and say, ‘Hey, we have one of our large givers. They need an audience. … They need to be heard and you need to listen to them.’ So that’s why it’s important.”

How Payday Lenders Spent $1 Million at a Trump Resort — and Cashed In

"The industry had felt under siege during the Obama administration, as the federal government moved to clamp down. A government study found that a majority of payday loans are made to people who pay more in interest and fees than they initially borrow. Google and Facebook refuse to take the industry’s ads."
Predatory lenders and Trump. What a perfect match. Don is naturally attracted to grifters, being one himself. No wonder he wanted to be able to remove the leadership at the CFPB.

Making this change to the rule at a time of severe economic stress for millions of Americans is unconscionable...........and completely consistent with Trump's nature.
Every criminal who owns a piece of a payday loan company should be imprisoned on loansharking charges.

They have to post their rates for all to see, unlike Jimmy kneeknocker who shylocks out of the local bar.
There's about 400 payday loan outlets in major liberal run west coast cities. Plug gobs of pawn shops. It's hard to make a living under tax and spend liberals.

*The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on Tuesday issued a final rule on payday lending, rescinding Obama-era provisions that would have required lenders to ensure borrowers could repay their loans before issuing cash advances.

“Last October we learned that, in exchange for contributions to the Trump campaign, payday lenders were bragging about being able to ‘pick up the phone and...get the president’s attention’ to fend off regulation,” Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) said in a statement Tuesday. “Today, the CFPB gave payday lenders exactly what they paid for by gutting a rule that would have protected American families from predatory loans that trap them in cycles of debt.”*

Payday lenders discussed raising money for Trump’s campaign to fend off regulation, audio reveals
To ensure Democrats don’t block weaker industry rules, payday lenders said they needed access to Trump.

Billing himself as one of President Trump’s top fundraisers, Michael Hodges told fellow payday lenders recently that industry contributions to the president’s reelection campaign could be leveraged to gain access to the Trump administration.

“Every dollar amount, no matter how small or large it is” is important, Hodges, founder of Advance Financial, one of the country’s largest payday lenders, said during a 48-minute webcast, obtained by The Washington Post.

“For example, I’ve gone to Ronna McDaniel and said, ‘Ronna, I need help on something,’ ” Hodges said, referring to the chair of the Republican National Committee. “She’s been able to call over to the White House and say, ‘Hey, we have one of our large givers. They need an audience. … They need to be heard and you need to listen to them.’ So that’s why it’s important.”

How Payday Lenders Spent $1 Million at a Trump Resort — and Cashed In

"The industry had felt under siege during the Obama administration, as the federal government moved to clamp down. A government study found that a majority of payday loans are made to people who pay more in interest and fees than they initially borrow. Google and Facebook refuse to take the industry’s ads."
Predatory lenders and Trump. What a perfect match. Don is naturally attracted to grifters, being one himself. No wonder he wanted to be able to remove the leadership at the CFPB.

Making this change to the rule at a time of severe economic stress for millions of Americans is unconscionable...........and completely consistent with Trump's nature.
Every criminal who owns a piece of a payday loan company should be imprisoned on loansharking charges.

I don't know how they get away with it. There are usury laws.

*The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on Tuesday issued a final rule on payday lending, rescinding Obama-era provisions that would have required lenders to ensure borrowers could repay their loans before issuing cash advances.

“Last October we learned that, in exchange for contributions to the Trump campaign, payday lenders were bragging about being able to ‘pick up the phone and...get the president’s attention’ to fend off regulation,” Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) said in a statement Tuesday. “Today, the CFPB gave payday lenders exactly what they paid for by gutting a rule that would have protected American families from predatory loans that trap them in cycles of debt.”*

Payday lenders discussed raising money for Trump’s campaign to fend off regulation, audio reveals
To ensure Democrats don’t block weaker industry rules, payday lenders said they needed access to Trump.

Billing himself as one of President Trump’s top fundraisers, Michael Hodges told fellow payday lenders recently that industry contributions to the president’s reelection campaign could be leveraged to gain access to the Trump administration.

“Every dollar amount, no matter how small or large it is” is important, Hodges, founder of Advance Financial, one of the country’s largest payday lenders, said during a 48-minute webcast, obtained by The Washington Post.

“For example, I’ve gone to Ronna McDaniel and said, ‘Ronna, I need help on something,’ ” Hodges said, referring to the chair of the Republican National Committee. “She’s been able to call over to the White House and say, ‘Hey, we have one of our large givers. They need an audience. … They need to be heard and you need to listen to them.’ So that’s why it’s important.”

How Payday Lenders Spent $1 Million at a Trump Resort — and Cashed In

"The industry had felt under siege during the Obama administration, as the federal government moved to clamp down. A government study found that a majority of payday loans are made to people who pay more in interest and fees than they initially borrow. Google and Facebook refuse to take the industry’s ads."
Predatory lenders and Trump. What a perfect match. Don is naturally attracted to grifters, being one himself. No wonder he wanted to be able to remove the leadership at the CFPB.

Making this change to the rule at a time of severe economic stress for millions of Americans is unconscionable...........and completely consistent with Trump's nature.
Why can't they just be responsible and not get those loans? Oh wait, you couldn't blame Trump then.

*The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on Tuesday issued a final rule on payday lending, rescinding Obama-era provisions that would have required lenders to ensure borrowers could repay their loans before issuing cash advances.

“Last October we learned that, in exchange for contributions to the Trump campaign, payday lenders were bragging about being able to ‘pick up the phone and...get the president’s attention’ to fend off regulation,” Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) said in a statement Tuesday. “Today, the CFPB gave payday lenders exactly what they paid for by gutting a rule that would have protected American families from predatory loans that trap them in cycles of debt.”*

Payday lenders discussed raising money for Trump’s campaign to fend off regulation, audio reveals
To ensure Democrats don’t block weaker industry rules, payday lenders said they needed access to Trump.

Billing himself as one of President Trump’s top fundraisers, Michael Hodges told fellow payday lenders recently that industry contributions to the president’s reelection campaign could be leveraged to gain access to the Trump administration.

“Every dollar amount, no matter how small or large it is” is important, Hodges, founder of Advance Financial, one of the country’s largest payday lenders, said during a 48-minute webcast, obtained by The Washington Post.

“For example, I’ve gone to Ronna McDaniel and said, ‘Ronna, I need help on something,’ ” Hodges said, referring to the chair of the Republican National Committee. “She’s been able to call over to the White House and say, ‘Hey, we have one of our large givers. They need an audience. … They need to be heard and you need to listen to them.’ So that’s why it’s important.”

How Payday Lenders Spent $1 Million at a Trump Resort — and Cashed In

"The industry had felt under siege during the Obama administration, as the federal government moved to clamp down. A government study found that a majority of payday loans are made to people who pay more in interest and fees than they initially borrow. Google and Facebook refuse to take the industry’s ads."
Predatory lenders and Trump. What a perfect match. Don is naturally attracted to grifters, being one himself. No wonder he wanted to be able to remove the leadership at the CFPB.

Making this change to the rule at a time of severe economic stress for millions of Americans is unconscionable...........and completely consistent with Trump's nature.
Every criminal who owns a piece of a payday loan company should be imprisoned on loansharking charges.

I don't know how they get away with it. There are usury laws.
Democrats don't obey laws, they don't have too, it's even in the constitution.

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