New News About the FTX Guy


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Gold Coast
He was a huge donor to Republicans and Democrats alike. This should burst some bubbles around here.

"The fall of crypto billionaire Sam Bankman-Fried has been painted as a big blow to the Democratic party, whose candidates were major beneficiaries of his largesse. But in a new interview, Bankman-Fried has claimed he gave equally large amounts of money to Republicans"

“I donated to both parties. I donated about the same amount to both parties,” Bankman-Fried told the crypto commentator and citizen journalist Tiffany Fong"

He was a huge donor to Republicans and Democrats alike. This should burst some bubbles around here.

"The fall of crypto billionaire Sam Bankman-Fried has been painted as a big blow to the Democratic party, whose candidates were major beneficiaries of his largesse. But in a new interview, Bankman-Fried has claimed he gave equally large amounts of money to Republicans"

“I donated to both parties. I donated about the same amount to both parties,” Bankman-Fried told the crypto commentator and citizen journalist Tiffany Fong"

the punk is one of the biggest donors to the dem party ... heck just look at him ! he's the universal carbon copy of the typical weak white leftist ... he's the physical mold for a young white dem .

you are a weakling ... you've always been a weakling ... tell us do you agree with apple restricting AirDrop in China ?

notice the dem will not condemn China or the brutality it is carrying out on its own citizens .... the Biden admin also will not condemn the CCP's recent brutality .
You guys are almost always a couple of weeks behind on ''new news.'' At least.

Anyway. He was filling the coffers of the usual establishment figures who function within both sides of the party-of-one.

Just another laundry day, really...
He claims---Have you got a link showing his contributions and the recipients?
Never mind that he was hanging out with Bill Clinton and other big shot Dems. Don’t believe your lying eyes, just believe his excuses and wonder why he hasn’t been arrested for a Ponzi scheme yet. Bernie Madoff had nothing on this guy.

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