New ISIS leader explains his reasons for joining Islamic State


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
While the MSM keeps beating around the Bush about ISIS with Abu Al Baghdadi as their leader who only gave one speech at a mosque in Mosul back in July, a new leader for the terrorist group has emerged, who happens to speak English:

"Can we make all the baboons cover up their ugly butts? No! Can we or do we need to eradicate baboons or force human ways on to them? NO! but we are obligated..."
This guy actually sounds very Republican. Listen to the entire thing. Without the accent, you would think it's Ted Cruz or Rick Santorum.
This guy actually sounds very Republican. Listen to the entire thing. Without the accent, you would think it's Ted Cruz or Rick Santorum.
I never understood the difference between republicans and democrats
This guy actually sounds very Republican. Listen to the entire thing. Without the accent, you would think it's Ted Cruz or Rick Santorum.
I never understood the difference between republicans and democrats

Well, the good thing about dealing with partisans from either end is you can depend on them to blame "the other guy".

That other guy, over there. Not me. Him.

Can't bomb a mosque. It's a place of religious worship, and on Friday nights the boys gather there to rape a few goats, engage in circle jerk games, and pluck the facial hair from their wives.
While the MSM keeps beating around the Bush about ISIS with Abu Al Baghdadi as their leader who only gave one speech at a mosque in Mosul back in July, a new leader for the terrorist group has emerged, who happens to speak English:

"Can we make all the baboons cover up their ugly butts? No! Can we or do we need to eradicate baboons or force human ways on to them? NO! but we are obligated..."

How do we know this is actually who it is claimed to be?
The YouTube video references a web site: New World Government - an Alternative to the New World Order

This guy sounds like a hoaxster.

In America, the idea of racism was new to me - For example as I was walking to the music store through North Philadelphia in 1989 (we were living in Upper Darby at the time) I got jumped by a group of black kids 3 times within about 8 blocks
Maybe you can elaborate who is a hoaxster and who is not? Let me begin by presenting evidence that Obama and the so called independent media is a hoaxster:
He calls himself "Prophet Abrutis". Abruti is French for moron.

Prophet Moron.

He's a prankster.

Listen to his rant. He's playing a joke.
This guy actually sounds very Republican. Listen to the entire thing. Without the accent, you would think it's Ted Cruz or Rick Santorum.
I never understood the difference between republicans and democrats
Republicans are 90% white. They believe science is a faith, evolution a lie and climate change a conspiracy. They believe in "trickle down" as an economic policy. They ran on "let him die" when it came to health care. They terrorized Americans with "Ebola, Isis and refugee children fleeing danger during the last election. Red States mostly grow things using undocumented workers or they drill from out of the ground. Their governors go to Blue States hoping to lure skilled workers because they don't invest in their own people thinking they are not capable of learning.

Democrats are everyone else including whites the GOP does not want like intellectuals, scientists and college professors, atheists, liberals, feminists and so on. Blue State schools are considered the best in the world with people from other countries sending their children to learn here.

Let me know if you have any other questions.
Republicans are 90% white. *snip*
Let me know if you have any other questions.
If non whites all had properties and not be hassled by tax men, would they still vote democrat?

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