New Gallup Poll- 1 out of 5 won't vote for a Mormon


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
Gallup has made similar findings in the past, but this is interesting.

Bias Against a Mormon Presidential Candidate Same as in 1967

Negativity toward a Mormon candidate increases from 10% among Republicans to 18% among independents to 24% among Democrats

But there is a silver lining for this for Mittens... A lot of people don't know he's a Mormon, yet.

It can be assumed that most Americans knew Kennedy was a Catholic, given the high level of visibility JFK's religion received in the campaign -- although Gallup did not assess that directly in 1960. In the current poll, however, 57% of Americans can correctly identify that Mitt Romney is a Mormon. The rest either misidentify him as a Christian or Catholic, or as having no religion, or simply say they don't know.

Of course, the usual crowd will whine about bigotry and prejudice and the usually invectives like "better a Mormon than a Keynan Muslim Marxist!!!" But I think it's telling that Romney has gone out of his way not to talk about his religion.

My own opinion is "82% unaware of how batshit crazy Mormons actually are" would have been a better headline.
Negativity toward a Mormon candidate increases from 10% among Republicans to 18% among independents to 24% among Democrats

Thanks for confirming that Democrats are bigots.

When Gallup took the same poll last year, the numbers were 18% of Republicans, 19% of Independents and 27% of Democrats. So the number has moved down 8% for Republicans (you all fall into line like whipped dogs. Well, most of you, I refused to.) and 3% for Democrats. It's the number for independents which has remained unchanged, and that's the one Romney needs to worry about. The Democrats weren't going to vote for him anyway.

In U.S., 22% Are Hesitant to Support a Mormon in 2012
New Gallup Poll- 1 out of 5 won't vote for a Mormon

That’s unfortunate.

Romney should be rejected because he’s wrong on the issues, not because of his religion. But for most Americans voting for president is ‘personal.’

Actually, Romney's Mormonism is the diffrence between my voting for the GOP while holding my nose (like I did with McCain and Dole) and voting for a Democrat for the first time in my life.

The GOP has a lot of problems beyond Romney's bizarre freakish cult. They've lost touch with working people, spend too much time pandering to all the other religious nutbags, and are subserveant to Wall Street against America's interests. And Romney does nothing to fix any of those problems. I used to think we could work to fix those things from the inside.

But for me, the LDS thing is the dealbreaker.
Didn't you just say the negativity numbers increased?

No, I didn't. But thanks for playing.


'Negativity toward a Mormon candidate increases'

So you are a bigot and a liar.

1) that was the wording of the Gallup Article, not my words.

2) You leave out half the sentence... which states it increase not from the last time this poll was taken but along party lines. Here, i'll help you you, here's the part of the sentence you left out...

Negativity toward a Mormon candidate increases from 10% among Republicans to 18% among independents to 24% among Democrats.

Oh, gee, the whole sentence actually takes on a completely different meaning, doesn't it?
New Gallup Poll- 1 out of 5 won't vote for a Mormon

That’s unfortunate.

Romney should be rejected because he’s wrong on the issues, not because of his religion. But for most Americans voting for president is ‘personal.’

Actually, Romney's Mormonism is the diffrence between my voting for the GOP


Didn't you tell us you turned commie when you lost our last job?

Lie much?
That’s unfortunate.

Romney should be rejected because he’s wrong on the issues, not because of his religion. But for most Americans voting for president is ‘personal.’

Actually, Romney's Mormonism is the diffrence between my voting for the GOP


Didn't you tell us you turned commie when you lost our last job?

Lie much?

Um. NO. I realized that unbridled corporatism and depriving workers of rights were bad ideas after I lost my last job.

But in November, 2008, despite that, I still voted for John McCain. Because I thought he was a man of honor and had the experience.

You see, the thing is, Republicans USED to get it that a strong middle class was the backbone of America. Then they fell asleep next to a bag full of Wall Street Money and some weird pod people replaced them.

'Negativity toward a Mormon candidate increases'

So you are a bigot and a liar.

1) that was the wording of the Gallup Article, not my words.

But that was your take, was it not?

No, my take is what it has always been. There are just enough people across the spectrum who think Mormonism is so weird that nominating one is a loser.

Hey, honestly, if the GOP had nominated T-Paw or Jeb Bush or Mitch Daniels, he'd be ahead of Obama by double digits and I'd be enthusastically supporting him.

But the Mormonism is just enough of a turn-off.

Incidently, I think these numbers are actually low. I think there are people who probably won't vote for a Mormon, but won't say that to a pollster because they wouldn't want the pollster to think he was prejudiced. IN the 2011 version of this poll, 5% said they wouldn't vote for a black, but a few hours here of listening to bubba rednecks barely hiding their racism indicates that number is probalby low.
New Gallup Poll- 1 out of 5 won't vote for a Mormon

That’s unfortunate.

Romney should be rejected because he’s wrong on the issues, not because of his religion. But for most Americans voting for president is ‘personal.’

Actually, Romney's Mormonism is the diffrence between my voting for the GOP while holding my nose (like I did with McCain and Dole) and voting for a Democrat for the first time in my life.

The GOP has a lot of problems beyond Romney's bizarre freakish cult. They've lost touch with working people, spend too much time pandering to all the other religious nutbags, and are subserveant to Wall Street against America's interests. And Romney does nothing to fix any of those problems. I used to think we could work to fix those things from the inside.

But for me, the LDS thing is the dealbreaker.


And as an American you have every right base your decision on whatever criteria you choose.

But presidents aren’t dictators, they don’t rule by fiat; they are essentially figureheads, mostly powerless. The country is run by the un-elected administrators who pursue a partisan, ideological agenda. In the case of Romney, that would be a rightist agenda similar to that of GWB and his proven failed policies. Indeed, the party bosses in a Romney administration would be just as wary of the influences of ‘Mormonism’ as anyone else.
That’s unfortunate.

Romney should be rejected because he’s wrong on the issues, not because of his religion. But for most Americans voting for president is ‘personal.’

Actually, Romney's Mormonism is the diffrence between my voting for the GOP while holding my nose (like I did with McCain and Dole) and voting for a Democrat for the first time in my life.

The GOP has a lot of problems beyond Romney's bizarre freakish cult. They've lost touch with working people, spend too much time pandering to all the other religious nutbags, and are subserveant to Wall Street against America's interests. And Romney does nothing to fix any of those problems. I used to think we could work to fix those things from the inside.

But for me, the LDS thing is the dealbreaker.


And as an American you have every right base your decision on whatever criteria you choose.

But presidents aren’t dictators, they don’t rule by fiat; they are essentially figureheads, mostly powerless. The country is run by the un-elected administrators who pursue a partisan, ideological agenda. In the case of Romney, that would be a rightist agenda similar to that of GWB and his proven failed policies. Indeed, the party bosses in a Romney administration would be just as wary of the influences of ‘Mormonism’ as anyone else.

Some of them might be. Again, look at some of the people Bush-43 brought in with him. First term, he had some adult supervision. Brought in ex-Senators and Governors for all the important positions. Second term, he picked loyalists and stooges like Meyers and Gonzo.

I don't want to think about the people who are going to come in with Romney.

Simply put, the last time I made the mistake of trusting a Mormon, I paid a pretty steep price for it. Now I know better.

And there are no second chances with me.
No, I didn't. But thanks for playing.


'Negativity toward a Mormon candidate increases'

So you are a bigot and a liar.

1) that was the wording of the Gallup Article, not my words.

2) You leave out half the sentence... which states it increase not from the last time this poll was taken but along party lines. Here, i'll help you you, here's the part of the sentence you left out...

Negativity toward a Mormon candidate increases from 10% among Republicans to 18% among independents to 24% among Democrats.

Oh, gee, the whole sentence actually takes on a completely different meaning, doesn't it?

That's his MO. He chops things up to change context and meaning and/or cuts out large chunks of posts that smash his nonsense apart in order further whatever it is he's trying to lie about.

'Negativity toward a Mormon candidate increases'

So you are a bigot and a liar.

1) that was the wording of the Gallup Article, not my words.

2) You leave out half the sentence... which states it increase not from the last time this poll was taken but along party lines. Here, i'll help you you, here's the part of the sentence you left out...

Negativity toward a Mormon candidate increases from 10% among Republicans to 18% among independents to 24% among Democrats.

Oh, gee, the whole sentence actually takes on a completely different meaning, doesn't it?

That's his MO. He chops things up to change context and meaning and/or cuts out large chunks of posts that smash his nonsense apart in order further whatever it is he's trying to lie about.

Sounds about his speed, sadly.

'Negativity toward a Mormon candidate increases'

So you are a bigot and a liar.

1) that was the wording of the Gallup Article, not my words.

2) You leave out half the sentence... which states it increase not from the last time this poll was taken but along party lines. Here, i'll help you you, here's the part of the sentence you left out...

Negativity toward a Mormon candidate increases from 10% among Republicans to 18% among independents to 24% among Democrats.

Oh, gee, the whole sentence actually takes on a completely different meaning, doesn't it?

That's his MO.

Just keeping it real. Did negativity toward a Mormon candidate increase, as his quotes suggest, or did it in fact decrease?

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