New From CBO: Trillion-Dollar Deficits Will Return In Two Years

Fence repair my ass...the wall is being built the border is being shut down and catch and release is over....fence libs are losers...

Can you provide some pictures of the wall being built?

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RW's are "wall idiots --\\

Congress funded this ..

The money allotted for a barrier on the state’s southern border, more than $1 billion total, includes funding for construction of a barrier in Hidalgo and Starr counties, according to the McAllen Monitor.

The bill will also fund levee walls in the Rio Grande Valley to the tune of $445 million, according to Washington-based environmental group Earthjustice, and $196 million for bollard fencing in the same area. More than $400 million will go toward repairing or replacing the existing border fence that was constructed after the 2006 Secure Fence Act. Several miles of fence already exists along the Texas-Mexico border, including in Hidalgo, Cameron, Hudspeth and El Paso counties.

no wall - fence repair and a levee - A LEVEE???

The Great Obama used trillion dollar deficits to rescue us from a Depression......Republicans squealed like little bitches

What excuse is there for Crooked Donnie to run a trillion dollar deficit in a booming economy?
It’s going to take time for President Trump to fix all the problems democrats created over the years.
The Great Obama used trillion dollar deficits to rescue us from a Depression......Republicans squealed like little bitches

What excuse is there for Crooked Donnie to run a trillion dollar deficit in a booming economy?

tax cuts to corporations, what else ?

throw enough suckers a $1000 bonus so they wont feel it .. bada bing bada boom.
Every year for over a decade the CBO and accountabilities offices have given a report that our debt is unsustainable.

This is nothing new...............It will not be long before the interest payments on the debt will match our military spending.........

Government - Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding

241 Billion in interest payments this year already.........

The OP only brings this up to attack Trump.......Yet every year under Obama and Bush the reports say the same. Get a hold of spending as it is unsustainable.............

Our spending is now 24% of the the history of Gov't Revenues........the average is only 18.1% regardless of tax rates...........

In order to balance the budget.....which would not pay down the debt........a 6% cut in all spending is that is Historically all we receive in revenues...............
How to Balance the Budget................Next Budget battle.........shut down the gov't indefinitely............INSTANT BALANCED BUDGET........

Mandatory spending bills will get paid first...........then down the line until Revenues are not there.......

There you go............No longer spend more than you take in............

Simple..........Right Libs...........Your concern is a message of HOPE............

Can we all agree that Keynesian Economics is horse shit?

Both sides of the UniParty coin are addicted to that nonsense.

Both parties need to go.

Everybody. Vote Libertarian and force those in power to behave like responsible adults.
enjoy your coffee, and break out your calculator - you been punked, suckers!

New From CBO: Trillion-Dollar Deficits Will Return In Two Years

and Trump was going to seek reelection based on the economy and paying down the debt ..

Have a nice deficit.

Cool to see that you are interested now that it's not your guy racking the debt.

So what shall we do about the 150 trillion liabilities that your guys accumulated?

the national debt is a TOTAL of deficits from all of the Presidents ...

150 Trillion from Obama came out of your RW brain cell - aka Glutes.

Under President Obama, the national debt grew the most dollar-wise. He added $7.917 trillion, a 68 percent increase, in seven years. This was the fifth-largest increase percentage-wise. Obama's budgets included the economic stimulus package. It added $787 billion by cutting taxes, extending unemployment benefits, and funding public works projects. The Obama tax cuts added $858 billion to the debt in two years.
Can we all agree that Keynesian Economics is horse shit?

Both sides of the UniParty coin are addicted to that nonsense.

Both parties need to go.

Everybody. Vote Libertarian and force those in power to behave like responsible adults.
Wants for the common good was started, the politicians could give out money for whatever they please that would be under that clause...............unlimited spending ..........corruption...........handing it out to buddies............

Limited Federal Gov't was the Framers Ideas and their concern for keeping the Federal Gov't small were correct.

Enumerated Powers should have been we are in and economic debt death spiral that will eventually take us down, just like it has taken down every major power in history.
enjoy your coffee, and break out your calculator - you been punked, suckers!

New From CBO: Trillion-Dollar Deficits Will Return In Two Years

and Trump was going to seek reelection based on the economy and paying down the debt ..

Have a nice deficit.

Cool to see that you are interested now that it's not your guy racking the debt.

So what shall we do about the 150 trillion liabilities that your guys accumulated?

the national debt is a TOTAL of deficits from all of the Presidents ...

150 Trillion from Obama came out of your RW brain cell - aka Glutes.

Under President Obama, the national debt grew the most dollar-wise. He added $7.917 trillion, a 68 percent increase, in seven years. This was the fifth-largest increase percentage-wise. Obama's budgets included the economic stimulus package. It added $787 billion by cutting taxes, extending unemployment benefits, and funding public works projects. The Obama tax cuts added $858 billion to the debt in two years.
They are unfunded liabilities for social programs...........clearly above a liberals paygrade.
Your meat puppet faggot campaigned on cutting it in half during 2008.

He doubled it.

You are an imbecile.
Was it a trillion a year?

The Bush tax cuts were around three trillion. Two unpaid for wars.

The GOP got rid of sources of revenue and then turned the economy over to Obama keeping him from even trying to balance the budget.

In fact, they are such scum bags, they blackmailed him using the unemployed they created.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

The GOP leadership are swine. You have to be mental to follow them.
Your meat puppet faggot campaigned on cutting it in half during 2008.

He doubled it.

You are an imbecile.
Was it a trillion a year?

The Bush tax cuts were around three trillion. Two unpaid for wars.

The GOP got rid of sources of revenue and then turned the economy over to Obama keeping him from even trying to balance the budget.

In fact, they are such scum bags, they blackmailed him using the unemployed they created.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

The GOP leadership are swine. You have to be mental to follow them.

Why does the revenue not turn into a mountain range.....................History must be wrong..............flatlined revenues forever..................If we raise taxes the revenue would be on MOUNT EVEREST..............

Geesh.........something is wrong............Can't trust history.

You were saying something about tax cuts are killings us........

Please continue.

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